
lotuspsychjegood morning03:25
ducassegood morning07:25
lotuspsychjeNeoFrontier: https://www.linuxlinks.com/speechtools/08:31
lotuspsychjea few of those are found in apt-cache speech08:31
NeoFrontieryou mean apt-cache search 'speech' ?08:32
lotuspsychjeyes sorry08:32
NeoFrontier*thumbs up*08:32
NeoFrontierYou know life on Earth is interesting but sometimes very annoying.08:39
lotuspsychjewhys that08:39
NeoFrontierJulius is the highest recommended text to speech engine, yet it is a speech recognition engine.08:41
NeoFrontierLooks like i'll just stick to Festival.08:43
NeoFrontierCOVID-19 is gonna kill the pope.08:45
lotuspsychjelets not discuss that here NeoFrontier08:46
NeoFrontierThanks for the input.08:46
NeoFrontierlet me go.08:46
Psi-JackHeh.. I'm kinda scared that gnome-shell takes so long to "start up", and then sometimes still fails to even start some things in startup.14:22
pragmaticenigmain the few times that I have run Gnome-Shell, can't say that I have experienced delay start up, without it being something related to something I did14:28
Psi-JackHeh. Well, this is just, startup. Even Extensions are showing "Extension initializing...". The whole gnome-shell load to finish is about 1~2 minutes itself.14:32
Psi-Jackon NVMe.14:32
Psi-JackAnd I'm talking /just/ gnome-shell. :)14:32
oerhekssystemd-analyze blame14:33
oerheksor this pearl: systemd-analyze plot > filename.svg14:33
Psi-JackBut.. This isn't bootup, this is gdm->gnome-shell14:34
oerheksjournalctl -b -0 # or previous boot journalctl -b -114:34
Psi-JackThat's the thing, it's not boot. that's roughly ~4 seconds, from POST to login ready.14:38
Psi-JackI'm talking login to actual ready desktop.14:38
Psi-JackAnd hmmmm... I'm not sure I'm going to like some of the... Minor, but noticable changes in Gnome in 20.04 coming up. :/ The top right corner part, specifically, removes the three circular buttons for poweroff/suspend, lock, and settings, and replaces the username/realname with just "Lock".14:56
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, Canonical has been showing more interest in IoT and Server ends right now. That was a reason for dropping the entire Mobile devices. I also see them more interested in enterprise levels of deployment, and less home user15:11
pragmaticenigmaEnterprise wants stability, Xserver meets that goal, even if it is monolithic piece of software15:12
Psi-JackThe main point I was bringing up. While it was /assumed/ the dropping of Unity and Mir, and Phone, that Canonical would start to contribute towards Wayland.... It's never actually been seen to happen.15:12
pragmaticenigmaI hear all sorts of wonderful things about Wayland, but the things I'm interested in are only promises. To make wayland work for me, I need to see remote desktop work, as well as the ability forward applications like I do with x-forwarding15:13
pragmaticenigmaabout the same time as dropping Unity and Wayland, was about the same time Specter, Meltdown, various other gapping security holes were discovered15:14
pragmaticenigmathe last few years have been a lot of triage15:14
Psi-JackHeh yeah. I don't generally need remote desktop, but I do find, If needed, if I want a remote X app, I use x2go, which has been a much more sanely viable solution than actual X11 remote desktop.15:14
Psi-JackAhhh, quite true indeed.15:15
pragmaticenigmanot familiar with x2go... it rings a bell, but makes me think of something from circa 200415:17
Psi-JackYou can get a full remote desktop, or a singular app, and it automatically sets up a ssh tunnel, and uses slightly better technologies than VNC for it all.15:18
Psi-JackWith session management too. :)15:18
Psi-JackThat, to me, is much more akin to business-class remote desktop/app.15:18
daftykinsopen source is full of empty promises, honestly i don't get the excitement over things like Wayland though15:18
Psi-JackI wouldn't, normally myself, but X11 is a beast that has been holding Linux back for years.15:19
pragmaticenigmaI don't see it holding back anything though... the fact that the largest graphics chip manufacturers have finally built decent drivers targeting X makes it all the more solidified going forward15:20
daftykinswell X is an abandoned project though eh15:21
pragmaticenigmaWhat I think would help is if Xserver forked into Xserver and Xserver-light ... where the light edition did away with a lot of the really old legacy mainframe stuff that is still supported but not commonly used in modern setups15:21
Psi-JackBut, however, hmmm... A Phoronix posting on Mir, in Dec 2019, shows that Mir is still actively developed....15:23
pragmaticenigmaSo is Unity15:24
pragmaticenigmaUnity became a community project though, I don't know where Mir's origins were or where they went15:24
pragmaticenigmaI know that Mir was around before Canonical took interest in it15:24
Psi-JackHeh, seems they added Wayland support, to Mir.15:24
* Psi-Jack facepalms.15:24
pragmaticenigmaThey added the wayland compositor... not the backend of wayland15:25
pragmaticenigmaMir looks like it might still be actively developed by Canonical15:27
Psi-Jackit is.15:27
Psi-JackMir 1.6 was released December 3rd, 2019....15:28
pragmaticenigmaAlready v1? wow.. .had no idea15:32
Psi-JackThat more shows, to me, not that they're contributing to Wayland.. But still not doing so, in spite.15:32
pragmaticenigmaNo... I think what it means is they're interested in giving Wayland a stable foundation to be built upon15:36
leftyfbPsi-Jack: you're new here. The ops are all but useless15:58
Psi-JackHeh.. Wow.... Harsh.15:59
leftyfbeven when they are around, which is hardly ever, they justify the trolls existence and reprimand the ones reporting them15:59
Psi-JackSo... Just like ##linux?16:00
daftykinswhy be so sparing, the whole of freenode16:00
leftyfbpotentially, except these guys hide behind a CoC16:00
Psi-Jackbecause many other channels, actually remove trolls, without giving them warm fuzzy blankets.16:00
leftyfbtrolls hardly ever get removed in #ubuntu. Spammers maybe, on the rare occasion an op is around. But hardly ever trolls.16:02
Psi-JackThat's.... Sad.16:02
leftyfbNot the smart trolls anyway ... the ones that do it just enough and slow down when an op is around16:02
leftyfbalso, an op will never do anything if they didn't see it themselves16:03
leftyfbThis is my experience anyway ... been going on for years16:03
Psi-Jackheh.. I brushed my feet of ##linux because of similar, except, instead of being inactive, they actively estranged and attacked the people tryingt o report/help remove the problems.16:04
leftyfbsee, not removed :)16:04
leftyfbPsi-Jack: yeah, prettymuch the same here16:04
leftyfbah, there we go, shocker16:04
Psi-Jackikonia's one of the usually better ones.16:05
leftyfbThey got REAL mad at me when I was telling the trolls that "trolling is offtopic here, please go to #ubuntu-ops"16:05
leftyfbthat's their secret hideout that nobody is supposed to be in longer than reporting spamming, getting yelled at and then told to /part16:06
leftyfbwelp, time to go outside and do outside work around the house ... nice weather is finally coming back. Got a ton of stuff planned for this spring/summer16:07
pragmaticenigmatootles leftyfb16:10
Psi-JackAnd yeah. hmmm. I've stepped back from the community a bit more than normal, after the whole ##linux things. I'd literally been gone a year from ##linux, joined for a matter of less than 10 minutes, and already the bad ops that make the place horrible, were ragging on me for absolutely nothing.16:12
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, Only going by your actions in #ubuntu... you have a tendency to ramble and beat around the bush about issues you've encountered16:13
pragmaticenigmawhich some may find off-putting and creating a lot of noise16:13
Psi-JackWhich is ironic. I'm not usually one to ask question. :)16:13
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, The other part is, you also have in the past, jumped into someone elses support discussion, asking about tangental things that are not related.16:14
* Psi-Jack tilts his head.16:14
Psi-JackI have?16:15
pragmaticenigmaRougeR and I were discussing the fact they were running Wayland and that it might have been the source of their issue. You jumped in with "<Psi-Jack> Did they actually go back to contributing to Wayland development?" which is completely offtopic for support and had nothing to do with what was the primary issue16:16
Psi-JackAhh. Yes, that, indeed.16:16
Psi-JackWell, I /am/ more used to a support/discussion blend, so that's partly why.16:16
pragmaticenigmait is really discouraged and why there is a separate -discuss channel16:17
* daftykins noticed16:17
Psi-JackYeah. I'm getting used to that. :)16:17
Psi-JackBut, thank you for pointing that out. I can adapt. heh16:18
pragmaticenigmaI'm not without having done many of the same things. and it is easy to get baited into someone's discussion in there16:20
Psi-JackBut, heck... It's a "miracle" that I'm even using Ubuntu once again. :)16:20
pragmaticenigmaI would really like to go back to CentOS... they just don't have the multimedia ease of use that I desire... plus I've never worked with the nvidia drivers over there, which might make things more interesting16:21
Psi-JackHehe. Yeah. I’ve been running Fedora since they got dnf. Which was a huge definite improvement16:23
pragmaticenigmaI left Fedora after they didn't seem to be making any progress towards making upgrades between versions a thing16:25
Psi-JackThat's what dnf actually fixed. :)16:25
pragmaticenigmaI never felt there was a reason it couldn't be done before then16:25
pragmaticenigmaRedHat and CentOS both had the ability16:26
Psi-JackUmmm.... Barely.16:26
Psi-JackAnd not recommended or even actually supported, in those two.16:26
pragmaticenigmaHaving to start from scratch with Fedora every single time was a pain. Back then I didn't know you could have /home in a partition and preserve that between versions16:26
Psi-JackOh... yeah... heh.16:27
Psi-JackI've used Linux for.... Longer than dirt. So, some things to me are just like common place. I've literally forgotten more things about linux than most people will ever know in their lifetimes. :)16:28
Psi-JackI rarely ask questions, because usually I can figure it out myself, already know it, or what-not, but, I do, on occassions, have a series of questions especially when it's something new, or more specifically, desktop related. Getting old. LOL16:29
oerheksi am full on linux since Vista SP116:29
oerheksstill have the DVD + serialnumber sticker :-D16:29
Psi-JackHeh. I've been on Linux since 1993. ;)16:30
pragmaticenigmaI have been running Ubuntu full time since 2012... before that it was always on a secondary system16:33
* Psi-Jack nods.16:33
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu got the choice because of it's Mythbuntu spin... making it trivial to install MythTV on a system16:34
Psi-JackLinux has been my literal primary system since........ Hmmmm... 1996?16:34
Psi-JackBack when fvwm was pretty freaking awesome stuff. :D16:35
pragmaticenigmaI cut my teeth around 1999ish ... School's Physics club managed two servers16:36
Psi-JackI still miss Yggdrasil linux though. That was a very impressive Linux distro.16:36
oerheksSuse, Fedora, Ubuntu ... never looked further16:36
pragmaticenigma2002ish is where I started to make continued attempts to run Linux as a primary system. Never really got there... started with RedHat 4 community, just as it forked off to Fedora Core16:36
Psi-JackIt just had two things wrong with it that didn't make the Linux community, as a whole, adopt into it.16:37
Psi-Jackoerheks: Yggdrasil was before all those. :)16:37
oerhekspragmaticenigma, me too, without internet i failed many times16:37
Psi-JackWell, except for SuSE, but at the time it was German only. :)16:37
oerheksach so16:38
pragmaticenigmaalways had internet... but didn't know of forums like IRC for getting help16:39
pragmaticenigmathough plenty of classmates in University offered and did help16:40
pragmaticenigmaI guess FVWM lives on in spirit with enlightenment and XFCE desktops16:40
Psi-JackHeh. Ahhh. I've been on IRC since. Way early. When Efnet was the only one, and still had channels numbered, instead of named. And online counts were in the hundreds or less. :)16:41
Psi-JackHmmm. Crikes... Seems my fstab entries for bind-mounting didn't apply this time which is why it's seeming things are not... configured.....16:44
Psi-JackOr, rather... It is.... but...16:45
Psi-JackIt was backwards. Woopsie. :)16:50
NyleAnyone play games here?18:05
NyleI seek to not be bored.18:06
NyleI first heard of Interent through America Online in 1992 when it was like 10$ per hour to dial in18:06
NyleThen I got a 25mhz compuadd machine, 25.33mhz cpu, 4mb ram, 80mb hdd18:06
Nyle256 color display nice and crisp18:07
Nyle300 baud modem!18:07
NyleIRC was nice back then. Mostly it was nerds/academics/teachers/researchers etc.18:08
NyleNow it's like every other ape in the jungle and his cousin is online with their silly little opinions and we have to pretend to respect everyone18:08
oerheksach so18:43
hggdhaber natuerilich, ja, ja, ja20:06
oerheksIntel will smile again .. "AMD processors from 2011 to 2019 vulnerable to two new attacks" https://twitter.com/campuscodi/status/123631598176239616221:44
oerhekshi TJ-21:45
jeremy31I wonder is Freval is using Ubuntu, the EFI folder doesn't need much space23:13
TJ-multiple OS installs23:14
jeremy31I wonder what size the NVME is that windows only made the EFI 93Mb23:15
Psi-Jackoerheks: Heh. Their smile will be brief though. :)23:30

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