
Bashing-om+1 | user39200:00
Bashing-om!ubuntu+_1 | user39200:01
Bashing-om!ubuntu+1 | user39200:02
ubottuuser392: Focal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+100:02
user392oh, I thought that was a trigger00:02
Bashing-omuser392: Took me long enough :( .. could have passed the channel directly faster :(00:03
user392No problem, I got the way now. Thank you again, Bashing-om.00:07
Sven_vBCan Chromebooks usually run Ubuntu?00:07
bpromptSven_vB:  https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-on-chromebook00:10
Sven_vBok better question: is their hardware usually supported easily?00:11
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, If you're looking for a new machine to run Ubuntu... buy a regular laptop. You can't actually run Ubuntu on Chromebooks without special middleware software and emulation running.00:14
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, thanks!00:14
Sven_vBI'm considering a Medion Akoya E2293 (MD61118), and I found this systemd user[1] having tested something, so would you think it's safe to assume Ubuntu runs on that? [1] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/1348000:22
Sven_vB(the big headline in OP has another model, the paragraph before says E2293.)00:22
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, This is a support channel. If you are experiencing issues running official flavors of Ubuntu or the software distributed through official Ubuntu repos, this is the place to ask questions and get help. For system recommendations or discussions, please use #ubuntu-offtopic00:30
Sven_vBoh ok00:30
briggseHello, I am having some issues getting my USB sound card working properly. I get audio in my headphones, but it doesn't detect any sort of microphone input00:32
briggseI've tried the basic stuff like playing around with pavucontrol00:32
briggseas well as trying a reboot and re-install00:33
briggsealso re-plugging00:33
briggseThe sound card is this: https://www.amazon.com/HyperX-Amp-Sound-Card-HX-USCCAMSS-BK/dp/B07GW1SHSN00:33
briggseany chance at some help?00:34
pragmaticenigma!patience | briggse00:35
ubottubriggse: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/00:35
briggsepragmaticenigma: I didn't mean to sound needy there, I just realized I hadn't said please.00:36
sarnoldbriggse: anything in dmesg?00:38
sarnoldif you run pavucontrol from the command line do you see any errors messages on the terminal?00:38
briggsesarnold: Thanks for attempting to give me a hand!00:38
briggseNo errors in pavucontrol00:38
briggseand i'm looking through dmesg now00:39
briggsei'm a bit noob :(00:39
sarnoldheh and there's LOTS of noise in there00:39
briggsesarnold https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JzBVrTFzQT/00:41
briggseIf you want to take a look00:41
briggseI'm not even sure what i'm looking for00:41
sarnoldhaha love it duckykeyboard :)00:43
briggseYeah, great keyboard00:43
briggseI just noticed it was in that list too lol00:43
briggseI was also going to just ask about the `[    5.195615] usb 3-12.3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)` lines above it00:43
briggsethink that could be related?00:43
briggseI've had nothing but frustration with audio on Ubuntu. Seriously constant headaches..00:47
briggse[ 1940.872323] usb 3-3: new full-speed USB device number 11 using xhci_hcd[ 1941.036616] usb 3-3: New USB device found, idVendor=0951, idProduct=16d8, bcdDevice=41.12[ 1941.036617] usb 3-3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3[ 1941.036618] usb 3-3: Product: HyperX Amp[ 1941.036619] usb 3-3: Manufacturer: Kingston[ 1941.036619]00:48
briggseusb 3-3: SerialNumber: 000000000001[ 1941.053238] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)[ 1941.058235] usb 3-3: 6:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 6)[ 1941.059722] input: Kingston HyperX Amp Consumer Control as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb3/3-3/3-3:1.5/0003:0951:16D8.000D/input/input33[ 1941.116440]00:48
briggsehid-generic 0003:0951:16D8.000D: input,hidraw6: USB HID v1.11 Device [Kingston HyperX Amp] on usb-0000:00:14.0-3/input5[ 1941.145530] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)[ 1941.155624] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)[ 1941.161992] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id00:48
briggse12)[ 1941.167007] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)[ 1941.172038] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)[ 1941.176981] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)[ 1941.182107] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)[ 1941.187100] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot00:48
briggseget min/max values for control 2 (id 12)[ 1941.192222] usb 3-3: 12:0: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 12)00:48
briggsesarnold I got muted or something on accident: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nHgJtPjK6T/ Here's the paste I meant to paste00:50
briggseThis happens when I unplug and re-plug the USB card00:50
pragmaticenigmabriggse, please mind the choice of words. Cussing is frowned upon here. Also, always use paste, as the bots will mute you if they think you're spamming the channel00:50
sarnoldbriggse: there's a LOT of volume control setup for specific channels after that error message is printed00:51
briggsepragmaticenigma Of course, my bad. I meant to use paste, but had the wrong one on my clipboard :(  I'm not trying to be bad00:51
sarnoldbriggse: funny thing, the function that prints that error message returns a success or failure return value but the callers *never* do anything with it.00:52
briggsesarnold Interesting.. I wish I 100% knew what this all meant, but I'm kinda following. My C isn't quite up to this level.00:54
briggseIs this something I can workaround? Or is the hardware just not compatible?00:54
sarnoldhttps://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.6-rc4/source/sound/usb/mixer.c#L1308 and https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.6-rc4/source/sound/usb/mixer.c#L1675 -- two direct calls with no error handling, and another call through a macro https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.6-rc4/source/sound/usb/mixer.c#L204500:55
sarnoldbriggse: I think your best bet might be to try a 'fresh' upstream linux kernel, and if it's still busted there, email the folks here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6VZg87rzPj/00:56
briggseSeems fragile to not be handling that properly.  sarnold: would you reccomend Ukuu to update the kernal?00:57
sarnoldbriggse: I've never tried ukuu before..00:59
sarnoldbriggse: I'd probably pick packages from https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.5.8/ or https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.6-rc4/01:00
jeremy31briggse: I won't recommend ukuu01:00
briggseAlright, guess I'm going to have to dive into a rabbit hole =L . Unless you guys have a good suggestion on directions or another tool01:01
sarnoldbriggse: nothing else from me :( good luck01:04
briggseI have a feeling this isn't going to work :(  I've had troubles with audio for a long time. Audio out works fine, but microphones never do. And it's hard to use Linux as a development platform if I can't communicate with team members. I really hate Mac's window management, but it feels like i'm doomed to it01:06
sarnoldyeah audio on linux has only ever worked tolerable for a handful of mainstream devices01:08
sarnoldanything slightly off the beaten path and things get hairy quick01:08
briggsesarnold: Do you have any idea why that is?01:10
pragmaticenigmain this case it's a USB device that is built to a price point. These devices often share busses inside to lower the cost to manufacture. Such sharing is hard to develop for because you have to know how to "switch" between the modes to get the components to all function01:11
sarnoldbriggse: writing drivers for audio devices doesn't sound like fun; the hardware seems touchy, vendors hate documenting things, and the handful of people who write drivers usually want to get sound from their computers..01:12
briggsepragmaticenigma: So I don't understand why it works fine in Mac OS and Windows. Do they just have people writing drivers for these devices all day?01:13
pragmaticenigmaThe manufacturer wrote the driver... they choose the platforms they wish to support01:15
sarnoldthe vendors pay people to write drivers01:15
briggseI see01:15
sarnoldand since OS X market share is like twice the size of the linux desktop market share, and preferred by many "content creators", I'm not surprised they'd pay money to support it01:15
briggseWelp, *sounds* like I'm up against a wall.01:15
sarnoldand windows is like ten or twenty times that size, so ...01:15
pragmaticenigmadrivers in linux are often reversed engineered by enthusiasts and hobbiest. most devices gain support when someone in the community purchases a device, finds there is no support for it, and begins to write their own and contributes it01:17
briggseYeah, I get that for sure. Just wasn't sure how that all worked. I'm kinda surprised it's not a common output interface that is universal.01:17
briggsepragmaticenigma: And this is why I"m studying up on C01:17
pragmaticenigmaSome manufacturers are nice and offer schematics and part numbers01:17
pragmaticenigmaothers aren't01:17
briggseSounds like a lot of reverse engineering01:18
pragmaticenigmaSometimes you have something that is well documented, but then is implemented in some strange way (AC-97 anyone?) which makes supporting the device very difficult01:18
sarnoldI thought usb ought to be better than the bad old days of ISA sound cards :)01:18
sarnoldbut maybe there's lots of ways to do USB audio poorly01:19
pragmaticenigmaUSB is worse in a lot of ways. ISA the issue was more with the implementation of the spec and the fact you needed to set IRQs to get everyone to play nice01:19
pragmaticenigmaWorth a read: https://hackaday.com/2017/11/25/fixing-linux-audio-one-chipset-at-a-time/01:20
briggseWell, thanks a lot guys. I do appreciate the input and output (heh). I wound up finding an adapter that allows me to split the mic and input and just plug it directly into the back of the computer. This seems to be working.01:22
briggseI'll contribute when I can, someday01:22
sarnoldbriggse: heh, yeah, the intel chipset on the mobo ought to be pretty well supported, there's millions of those things, everyone's got one..01:30
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JC_SoCalCan someone point me in the right direction as I'm not getting great results from google -- For 18.04 server, I'd like to find out how to replace the default tty1 shell with a custom shell script -- so when the system boots up, instead a of login to the shell, they're dropped into a shell script. I've tried making a custom@tty1.service file with my script in the etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants directory but this05:15
JC_SoCalisn't starting the script on boot -- instead it just hangs, I've also ran systemctl disable getty@tty1.service05:15
nt0"dropped into a shell script"?05:17
JC_SoCalnt0: yes -- it runs my custom.sh script instead of giving the user the option to login to a terminal05:17
JC_SoCalnt0: my idea being the user can interacted with a limited custom interface versus needing to login05:18
nt0which account runs the script?05:18
nt0more precise: which user runs the script?05:19
JC_SoCalnt0: thats a good question because i don't actually set a user in the tty1.service file, i assume its the root user05:20
JC_SoCalnt0: this is my current service file https://pastebin.com/6whDTwtu05:21
nt0and that's run by systemd?05:21
JC_SoCalnt0: my understanding is that it *should* be05:21
nt0(i know nothing about systemd, i love ubuntu but hate systemd and use distros with alternatives on my home systems)05:22
JC_SoCalnt0: that, you and I agree on =)05:22
nt0on that point--it05:22
nt0it's so painful to see such great leaps in usability (personal-wise) in ubuntu while at the same time canonical falls prey to embrace-extinguish05:23
nt0ubuntu is becoming better than windows in many, many ways now05:24
nt0so much progress!05:24
JC_SoCali'll agree with that too =)05:24
nt0at the same time: i'm worried that canonical has been bought out.  i have no evidence or argument.  just hunch05:25
JC_SoCalibm bought redhat recently no?05:25
nt0M$ is on the linux foundation05:25
nt0the board thereof*05:25
JC_SoCalmicrosoft bought github -- i wouldn't be suprised if they made a play to buy canonical05:25
nt0here's an ancient index of internal MS documents with commentary by ESR05:26
nt0it's amazing how accurate many of the predictions were considering that these leaks started in 199805:27
JC_SoCalooof back in 98 i think i was using slackware05:27
nt0anywho i don't mean to steer away from your script05:27
lotuspsychjelets keep it ontopic plz05:27
JC_SoCalthen i moved to debian to get away from compiling everything by source =)05:27
JC_SoCalyes sorry -- little departure05:28
nt0JC_SoCal: i'm not a systemP expert but i don't see anything in that script that has a bit to do with user auth05:28
JC_SoCalindeed -- my understand (this is being ported from debian) is that there is no need for auth05:29
nt0you've got custom1.sh but this is being executed by ???05:29
JC_SoCalso custom1.sh is being executed by custom@tty1.service05:30
nt0i don't know systemP but i can't believe that it's as easy as spoofing a file05:30
JC_SoCalwhich is what i put in pastebin -- that gets called by the system05:30
nt0err... that getting a shell might be as easy as spoofing a file05:30
JC_SoCalwell i can confirm its that easy on debian =)05:30
JC_SoCalnt0 i would have said the same thing about getting root via single user mode -- i don't chalk much security to devices that one has physical access to05:31
JC_SoCalno worries though -- i'll keep digging, just figured it might make sense to check in here before i continue banging my head05:32
JC_SoCal... funny enough i just hit this in google -- may have some better answers05:33
JC_SoCalooof -- i think this is what i was missing: mkdir /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/05:34
nt0JC_SoCal: maybe a typo by the author, but he prefixed with a "-"05:34
nt0in the ExecStart= field05:35
nt0doesn't make sense to me, but it's a discrepancy05:35
JC_SoCalgood catch !05:35
JC_SoCal2 steps forward, 1 step back =)05:35
nt0i have to ask: what's the use case?  feel free to decline answering05:37
JC_SoCalno problem -- and great question05:39
tmx1hey all.. new to Ubuntu. i tried installing on my laptop and works fine but where can I get the newest Intel HD520 drivers?05:39
JC_SoCalever see the old black t-shirt that said "Go Away or I will Replace you With a Very Small Shell Script"?05:39
JC_SoCalIts essentially that -- offering limited sys admin functionality via a simple shell script interface05:40
JC_SoCalchange an ip address for example -- simple front end interface, hope that makes sense05:41
JC_SoCalnt0: fyi, that works now (lol don't forget to +x the shell script) but it works -- thanks for talking it through with me =)05:44
nt0JC_SoCal: was it the permissions?05:48
nt0or the "-"?05:48
nt0guessing former05:48
JC_SoCalwell - really it was me trying to port the way debian used systemd to ubuntu -- i was doing it wrong, very wrong, then it also didn't help i forgot to +x on my shell file05:48
JC_SoCalif you don't mind, may i ask your opinion of my use case?05:49
nt0sure, no good answer guarantee05:49
nt0it's hard to imagine that somebody with even the basic skills required to remotely login to a nix system would be so ignorant that they need a script to do most of the job05:51
nt0but businesses are crazy and so is everything else05:51
JC_SoCalnt0: indeed, sorry let me clarify a little more -- this replaces the local console -- not the ssh console -- so really its more of a in case of emergency situation where we no longer have remote access -- we can have a non-tech person at a remote site touch it without being scared and much easier to walk through05:53
nt0JC_SoCal: start your own business with this idea05:54
nt0else i will05:55
nt0even if it doesn't work well enough in all edge cases right now05:55
nt0well, i guess do some market research, this might show that it's not a thing in demand05:55
JC_SoCalit is in our business =)05:56
JC_SoCallike i mentioned, we're moving from a debian shop to ubuntu -- so this is just part of the port05:56
nt0used for control systems or something?05:56
JC_SoCalbut thanks for the feed back -- i also have a business plan for a gourmet corn dog food truck if you're looking for investment oppritunities05:56
JC_SoCalor something05:57
nt0tech businesses have employees that don't need a walkthru startup for a restarted system05:58
nt0you're on to a new market methinks05:58
nt0i won't pry.  just will wish you good luck05:58
JC_SoCalexactly our use case05:58
JC_SoCalthanks nt005:58
nt0JC_SoCal: question: you're business minded?  no?05:59
JC_SoCalpresident of our company -- working on a friday at 11 pm05:59
nt0have you read ESR's halloween documents?05:59
JC_SoCalI actually have not, first I've seen of it06:00
JC_SoCalyeah i've got it bookmarked06:00
JC_SoCali was skimming it when you mentioned it06:00
nt0this isn't specific to your situation at all.  has a lot to do with how software companies find revenue06:00
nt0from proprietary to FOSS and everything between06:01
nt0lots of business-speak in context wrt channels and so on06:01
JC_SoCali appreciate that!06:01
nt0interesting as a historical artifact that is almost an oracle06:02
johnjbogle1Hello, I am trying to format my new external 2.5" ssd, but it is not being recognized in gparted or Disks. Looking for help on what to do from here. Thanks much!06:27
Ben64plug it in, run dmesg, look to see if it's detected06:41
NeoFrontierGreetings humans. I have festival text to speech running on Ubuntu, but i'm wondering if there is something better ?08:26
NeoFrontierOr is that it ?08:26
lotuspsychjeNeoFrontier: you can use apt-cache 'keyword' to find cool software on your ubuntu release08:27
NeoFrontierYeah but how do I know that apt-cache is smart enough to evaluate software ?08:28
NeoFrontierBut thanks :)08:28
lotuspsychjeNeoFrontier: you can always ask in #ubuntu-discuss for experiences from other users if you want08:28
NeoFrontierIn fact I think let me try that exact command08:29
lotuspsychjeNeoFrontier: found a link for you, come join to #ubuntu-discuss if you want08:30
riply Hey guys, I am trying to help a friend out.. they upgraded their 18.4LTS to 18.10 and now, the repos are not working. They need CURL installed but apt-get install curl isn't an option.... do you have any advice? This' a production box so I can't just upgrade it to 19.10 :/10:22
lotuspsychjeriply: 18.10 is end of life10:23
lotuspsychjeriply: we strongly advise to upgrade to ubuntu releases before they go EOL10:23
lotuspsychjeriply: production box and non-lts is also not very adviced10:24
riplylotuspsychje I know haha... this' not my box - I was called in to try and help.10:25
riplyfrom what I know, the only option is to try and downgrade it to 18.0410:26
lotuspsychjeriply: downgrading on ubuntu is not possible10:26
riplyany tips then?10:27
lotuspsychjeriply: backup and clean install a supported version from the topic10:27
riplyye, I was afraid you'd say that haha.. looks like I'm installing 18.04 on Monday and migrating the LAMP10:27
ducasse!eolupgrade | riply10:31
ubotturiply: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:31
johnjbogle1Hi. A little bit new to linux, still learning. What GUI tool do I use to create a multiboot usb stick? And what file system do I format it to? Looking to install various linux distros, and preferrably a win7 os too if that's technically possible. Any detailed support someone can give? Much appreciated...10:50
oerheksthere is a multiboot tool, https://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/ ,  never interested in using myself.10:51
oerheksand win7 .. really?10:51
oerheksnot going to give advise on EOL windows ..10:52
johnjbogle1What you think I'm lying or joking? Yes, really.10:52
johnjbogle1For testing purposes.10:53
oerhekswell, that is the only tool i know, good luck with windows!10:53
oerheks(not sure that is possible)10:53
johnjbogle1ok, so I should put windows on its own usb?10:54
oerheksreask in ##windows perhaps?10:55
johnjbogle1Well im just asking, is there any way to stick a winOS on a linux bootstick?10:57
oerheksi just answered.10:57
johnjbogle1still unclear.10:59
ducassethis is not the right place to ask, we don't do windows10:59
johnjbogle1No this is the right place to ask, just you are not the right person to answer. Linux is the base im using. Ubuntu is the OS im using.11:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:00
johnjbogle1Im creating the bootstick with ubuntu, so how is this not the right place to ask, How to create a multiboot usb with multiple linux distros, plus a windows os on there too?11:01
johnjbogle1Definately ubuntu related.11:01
oerheksanswered that, multiboot, and ##windows is your place to be11:01
ducasseit's not11:01
oerheksgood luck!11:01
johnjbogle1I'm not asking how do I create my bootstick within windows.11:01
johnjbogle1Ok, multiboot, thankyou.11:02
johnjbogle1But what filesystem do I format it to?11:02
johnjbogle1I already tried using the Multiboot tool before, but it didn't work. So I was wondering if there were other alternatives to Multiboot. But perhaps I formatted it incorrectly. >>What filetype do I format the multiboot stick to? Thanks.11:08
oerhekssee the url, no need to format, multiboot does that for you11:09
johnjbogle1ok thanks.11:10
johnjbogle1And just curious, if I wanted to create just a single boot usb stick... What's the best way to do that?11:11
ducassedd the image to the stick11:11
ducasse'man dd'11:12
ducasseor use a tool like etcher or rufus11:14
johnjbogle1Etcher or Rufus, ok thanks.11:14
johnjbogle1But just curious, what do you mean by "man dd"?11:15
traekiliman is a command to access manual pages that tell you about the program, in this case dd.11:16
johnjbogle1you mean like sudo man dd in terminal?11:18
ducasseno need for sudo11:19
oerheksinteresting, sudo man dd11:20
johnjbogle1ok. thx much11:20
ducassejohnjbogle1: you use sudo to run a command with superuser privileges, not needed to read a manual page11:23
vuurdraakhi all, q: how to enable virtual desktop switching/wall in the favorites quick launcher bar for ubuntu 18.04, like it was in 16.04, i do a lot with my mouse while i sit in a lazy chair and my keyboard is put aside ;)11:42
vuurdraakit's annoying that ubuntu desktop designers think it's more easy to use keyboard shortcuts, wich it isn't if you do not want to have ur keyboard on ur lap all the time11:44
oerheksleft top corner > activities11:45
oerheksthen right the bar will appear11:45
vuurdraakif i click the activities bar i can chose between active windows, not nnavigate to an empty virtual desktop11:46
vuurdraakbut thanks for that tip anyway as i didn't know that ;)11:47
vuurdraakin 16 there was a virtual wall icon in the launcher, so clicking it would make u able to chose one11:47
vuurdraaki cant find any setting in dconf for this11:48
vuurdraakcant find it in searches also :(11:48
oerheksmaybe there is a gnome-shell extention?11:49
vuurdraakmmm, lets see what gnome tweak tool can do11:51
vuurdraakow lol its standard installed :')11:52
vuurdraakno it just sets the behaivoir of the workspaces, i guess i need to search for "gnome shell extention workspaces"11:54
vuurdraakmmm most solutions i find are years old with stuff not in the repository :(12:02
vuurdraakoww found something with synaptic : gnome-shell-extention-works (additional options for gnome workspace switcher"12:05
vuurdraaknow i only need to figure out how to configure it :)12:06
vuurdraaki see lots of keybinding options in dconf, nothing to make it go to favorites12:10
vuurdraakI downloaded wsmatrixmartin.zurowietz.de.v17.shell-extension.zip from https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1485/workspace-matrix/ i have no clue what to do with it though12:14
vuurdraakdo i need to copy thiose files in to some directory ?12:15
drupolI'd like to use kernel 5.3.0-28 on my laptop. What is the procedure to install it ?12:20
drupolI'm currently using 5.3.0-24.12:20
oerheksdrupol, if you run 18.04 lts + hwe, you would have 5.3.0-40-generic #32~18.04.1-Ubuntu12:21
oerhekssudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade12:21
drupolOk, trying.12:22
drupol0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.12:22
drupoloerheks: How can I check is some packages are in a kind of list where they are not allowed to be updated ?12:24
drupolapt-mark showhold is empty12:27
vuurdraakoerheks ow lol i am blind there is a workspace swithcer hidden on the right side almost off screen when clicking activities , also i now know how to install extentions for gnome through the browser, im asorry it was there all the time , thanks again for the tip12:27
vuurdraakor maybe it was added with the extra install i did with synaptic i dont know :')12:28
vuurdraakdrupol if you instaled a kernel version manulay, it stops updating to newer version automaticly, i forgot the procedure, but you then need to reinstall the mainline kernel thing without mentioning version numbers to make stuff auto install again or any other updating kernel line12:32
drupolvuurdraak: aaah it's probably the case indeed. The laptop was provided by work.12:33
drupolI'll investigate that :) thanks !12:33
jeremy31drupol: in terminal check> apt policy linux-image-generic-hwe-18.0412:34
dostoyevskyI have a Dockerfile for a proof of concept based on ubuntu14.04 -- how long would it take until a `apt update -y && apt install -y vim' would return an error because the packages are no longer available?12:34
oerheksdostoyevsky, 14.04 is EOL12:36
oerheksunless you paid for ESM, you have to contact canonical directly12:36
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.12:36
dostoyevskyoerheks: Ah, so I will archive the docker images, just to be sure I still can look at the proof-of-concept agian later12:37
lotuspsychjevuurdraak: that workspaces extension is in the repos now12:43
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock | vuurdraak12:44
ubottuvuurdraak: gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock (source: gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock): additional options for GNOME workspace switcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 52-1 (eoan), package size 92 kB, installed size 906 kB12:44
vuurdraaklotuspsychje,  ah its under a different name, i have found what i needed though, i wanted to be able to use my mouse to switch to a workspace, it's there now i guess it was there all along but because it was 90% of creen i didnt notice it12:49
vuurdraakoff screen*12:50
BluesKajHowdy all12:50
NeoHamledI have an ubuntu 18.04 install (unclear if it was originally installed from a server or desktop iso) that had X11 installed, but didn't have an desktop/session manager, or window manager installed. I ran `apt install ubuntu-desktop` and it installed GDM and Gnome 3, but when I start the machine now (after an initial one-time configuration wizard to set timezone and create a user account) it just gives me an empty bg13:07
NeoHamledit's running in VMware workstation, the graphics stuff seems to work fine, and ps shows that it's running gdm, and gnome-session-binary, but it doesn't display any window to log into a session13:08
NeoHamledwhat should I be checking for to get it to let me log in via GUI?13:08
ioriaNeoHamled, what is the  'one-time configuration wizard to set timezone and create a user account'  ?13:10
NeoHamledI don't know. It just was there the first time when I restarted after doing the apt install command. It started with "Welcome!" and then asked me to pick a KB layout, timezone, create a user account and set the password for it13:11
NeoHamled(this machine previously was configured to only have root)13:11
mohnishSo, all the files that I come across when I install a package, like the files that start with "lib" are libraries, right?13:11
ioriaNeoHamled, honestly i don't know what you're talking  about , but a nuclear option is 'sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop^'   <-    note the  caret13:13
vuurdraakNeoHamled, i read here two dfferent guids that mention installing gdm3:  sudo apt update    sudo apt upgrade     sudo apt install gnome-session gdm3        https://idroot.us/install-gui-gnome-ubuntu-18-04-lts/    &  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1043048/reinstalling-gui-in-ubuntu-18-0413:14
ioriasounds like he already did that13:14
mohnishIs it okay if I just ask a question here out of curiosity?13:15
vuurdraakyou just did :)13:15
NeoHamledmohnish: usually the convention for linux shared object libraries is to be named lib<whatever>, yes13:15
mohnishvuurdraak: Yeah, I wanted know if it was okay13:15
mohnishNeoHamled: Thanks :)13:16
NeoHamledprobably true for libraries intended for static linking as well? I'm not sure. I know that if you're linking a binary dynamically you would do like -l<whatever> and it just assumes the 'lib' prefix13:16
vuurdraakmohe1, this is the official help channel for ubuntu, anything to do with ubuntu is okay, any thing offtopic there is #ubuntu-offtopic13:16
mohnishokay, agreed ^^13:17
NeoHamledthank you both ioria and vuurdraak. I think I'll probably revert to my VM snapshot from before doing `apt install ubuntu-desktop` (without the caret so maybe it was matching a ton of unnecessary stuff, I just assumed it was some meta-package for necessary desktop packages, but it did end up install like firefox and all that which I don't need really), then I'll try the guide you linked vuurdraak b/c it seems simpler13:18
NeoHamledoh apparently I just needed to do apt upgrade...13:21
kristian_I have the feeling my gpu is not running at 100% when running a benchmark like glmark, the scores seem low from what I've read what a nvidia 2080ti should deliver13:35
kristian_I'm running ubuntu 18.04 and have the nvidia drivers installed13:35
kristian_how can I debug this further or what should I do?13:35
lotuspsychjekristian_: wich driver are you using?13:35
kristian_lotuspsychje, I have tried 430 and 44013:38
lotuspsychjekristian_: think you should go latest driver possible on a big RTX13:38
vuurdraak440 is the latest in the extra graphic ppa13:38
kristian_yeah I think 440 is the latest lotuspsychje13:38
lotuspsychjekristian_: are you using stock driver, or the one from the graphics ppa?13:39
kristian_lotuspsychje, I don't know what that is, I just went into ubuntu -> additional drivers and selected nvidia-driver-44013:40
vuurdraak440 is only available if u added the extra ppa13:40
kristian_I had to install ubuntu with the flag "nomodeset" though otherwise I'd get an ACPI error and weird display glitches13:40
lotuspsychjeyeah thats normal to workaround13:40
kristian_vuurdraak, whats ppa? I think I didn't add that but maybe I did it while following a tutorial? sorry I'm new to this13:41
lotuspsychje!nvidia | kristian_13:41
ubottukristian_: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa13:41
lotuspsychjethe version frop ppa is 440.5913:41
vuurdraakkrisfris, you can also try the latest driver from nvidia https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ but first make sure you have all the cli commands saved somewhere that you know how to purge and reinstall the drivers inside ubuntu if everything goes wrong13:42
kristian_lotuspsychje, hmm can't remember doing that. and I don't know which one I have. It just says "Using NVIDIA driver metapackage from nvidia-driver-440 (open source)"13:42
lotuspsychjevuurdraak: thats not reccomended from the nvidia website13:43
kristian_Also in case it's relevant when I run nvidia-settings I get GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 14:43:33.440: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed13:43
kristian_but then the settings open13:43
vuurdraaklotuspsychje, true thats why i said make sure you know how to undo it13:44
lotuspsychjekristian_: wich kernel are you on?13:44
kristian_lotuspsychje, running uname -a gives me:13:45
kristian_Linux kristian-ubuntu 5.3.0-40-generic #32~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 3 14:05:59 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:45
lotuspsychjekristian_: ok, looking good13:45
RougeRsooo im up to 3 days now of trying to get hardwell acceleration working chromium13:48
RougeRive upgrade from ubuntu 18.04 to 19.10 due to the libva/vaapi13:49
RougeRreinstalled chromium with http://ppa.launchpad.net/saiarcot895/chromium-dev/ubuntu eoan/main13:50
RougeRenabled hw acell in settings13:51
RougeRenabled the flags i can13:51
RougeRHardware-accelerated video encode still shows Not available on your platform.13:52
vuurdraakRougeR, what does: sudo lshw -c display      say ?13:52
vuurdraakyou don't have a dedicated graphics card ?13:55
RougeRyou dont need one, intel integrated works13:55
vuurdraakare yu using the latest drivers ?13:55
vuurdraakdid you add the extra graphics ppa ?13:57
vuurdraaksudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers13:57
vuurdraaksudo apt-get update13:57
RougeRwill try13:57
vuurdraakmaybe it has a newer driver13:58
BluesKajwhy recommend a ppa when you don't know if a default driver is in use or available13:59
vuurdraakto try different drivers, if it soves stuff13:59
BluesKajit can also get you in trouble13:59
RougeRshows i have driver from lshw though>?13:59
oerheksintel driver.. not in that ppa14:00
vuurdraakah sorry i didnt know14:00
vuurdraakthen i will hand ur support case to the proffesionals :')14:00
oerheksRougeR, you did file a bugreport, right?14:01
RougeRoerheks, i have yeah, but ive since upgrade to ubuntu 19.1014:01
RougeRwhich should fix that bug14:01
RougeRvainfow now runs without errors14:02
oerheksand the 2nd ppa is useless, same drier is in all ubuntu https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel14:02
RougeRand is using later vaapi and libva14:02
AcheronRougeR, please review this information on this site.  scroll down to section 11.5 Optimize Chrome GPU14:04
Acheronnote how you have to start Chrome and pass those parameters14:05
RougeRlet me have a look14:05
Acheron11.5.3. Update desktop file14:05
oerhekschrome =!chromium14:06
Acheron11.5.4 Confirm results14:06
RougeRoerheks, considering there is no chrome HW acceleration at all on linux this must be chromium14:06
RougeRoh wait14:06
RougeRhe does say google-chrome :/14:06
RougeRill still try those flags14:07
Acheronits not an easy task as you can see14:07
Acheronbut that should help14:07
vuurdraakkris7ian, i wanted to say before youlogged off , if you install a nividia driver from nvidia it self and it goes south, make sure you got this saved some where to get the 440 driver back:  sudo apt-get autoremove nvidia*  //   sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*   //   sudo apt-get autoremove   //  sudo apt-get autoclean   //  sudo apt install nvidia-driver-44014:08
pragmaticenigmavuurdraak, Some of those are not in the best order14:09
vuurdraakwhat order should one take ?14:10
BluesKajinstalling the website driver will work until the next kernel upgrade comes along then your system will break14:10
pragmaticenigmavuurdraak, Actually... I would just get rid of the "audoremove nvidia*" ... The "third" entry there will do the same thing, but autoremove is only effective after you have removed the package to remove any remaining dependencies14:11
vuurdraakah okay i will do that in my help text file :) its just to make sure that all other previous driver stuff is purged , i also have seen many instructons saying: sudo apt install nvidia-440 while it should be nvidia-driver-<number>14:11
kris7ianvuurdraak: thank you!14:12
kris7ianI added from the ppa, changed to 440 now login screen is all purple and doesn’t react14:13
kris7ianI remember someone warning me that could happen but I don’t remember what the workaround was o.O14:14
kris7ianany clues?14:14
vuurdraakpurge and install the 430 driver ?14:14
vuurdraak390 is recomended though14:14
vuurdraakoh wait it says 43514:15
RougeRokay wait14:15
RougeRnoticed something weird14:15
RougeRunder available flags in chrome://flags14:16
kris7ian435 recommended ok, but there should be a way to get 440 working no?14:16
vuurdraaki got 415 , 435, , 390, 410 & 440 listed through th extra graphics ppa14:16
RougeR#disable-accelerated-video-decode is enabled14:16
vuurdraakit can happen that sometimes a newer driver works worst14:16
RougeRbut it is also listed under unavailable flags14:16
vuurdraaki have seen it happen with me at least14:16
vuurdraakor not work at all14:16
vuurdraak390 was the default driver in the standard drivers list i think and 435 seems to be the main driver in the extra ppa14:17
vuurdraakif you need fsync though u need at least 418+14:19
RougeRall shows its using hw acceleration in chrome://gpu14:22
RougeRyet its clearly not by the cpu and the ffmpeg decoder14:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:22
=== edmyr_ is now known as Edmyr
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, ffmpeg is running independent of Chromium?14:25
RougeRpragmaticenigma, its just the decoder that gets used if hw acceleration is not being used14:25
RougeRyou should be looking for mojo or similar14:26
RougeRi toiok that from chrome://media-internals when playing video on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Demos_of_open_web_technologies14:26
evilsi'm having a display/graphics issue on 20.04, in chromium and firefox, after closing a menu, that area doesn't redraw correctly (mixed remnants of the menu remain, even when moving the mouse over them, sometimes flickers), resizing the window fixes it, seems to happen on X and wayland; this is on a ryzen 3400g (integrated graphics)14:33
vuurdraakkris7ian, also in the nvidia driver "X Server Display Configuration" click on "Advanced (right down) and enable "Force Full Composition Pipeline" helpt with me to get better performance testing games benchmarks14:34
evilsdoes this ring a bell for anyone?14:37
oerheksevils, for 20.04 join #ubuntu+1 until release14:38
takov751@evils its really seems something not right with compositor14:39
evilsoerheks: ah, thanks14:39
RougeRdoes this mean anything to anyone14:41
RougeRchromium vaapi hardware decode log14:41
AcheronRougeR, looks like its not going to work unless you find someone who has already done it and published it somewhere14:45
Acheronhello DarkByD3sign14:45
DarkByD3signGood afternoon Acheron14:46
DarkByD3signHow are you?14:46
AcheronRougeR, your chances of finding someone in a chat room are .00001 % because only a tiny fraction of experienced users are on here14:46
oerheksRougeR, this intel 5500 gpu, how much memory did you reserve for that in the bios??14:47
RougeRAcheron, feels like it14:47
RougeRoerheks, i dont know, not touched it14:48
RougeRThis isnt some advanced functionality. its simple hardware acceleration im a browser14:48
Psi-JackHmm, why does virtualbox-guest-x11 only ever seem to just break, leaving an unusable VM until you recovery mode it and remove that?14:48
Acheronbut thats not supported in Linux14:48
oerheksyes, it is advanced, worth checking..14:48
RougeRoerheks, will check on reboot14:49
Acheronyou have to do major work arounds to make it happen14:49
RougeRAcheron, so whats the widely accepted solution for watching any form of video on linux14:49
Acheroni watch videos just fine14:50
RougeRwhat do you watch them on?14:50
Acheronmany different players and on the net in Firefox14:50
RougeRi see, seems odd considering firefox does not have HW acceleration either14:51
Acheronunless you are trying to watch 4K at 60 FPS14:52
RougeRno just 720-180p14:52
Acheronother videos play just fine in a current processor14:52
RougeRthis is an i7 5600u14:52
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, Acheron - Please keep this to support... not a debate channel14:53
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, Something that comes to mind. You are using Chromium Dev... which means that any tutorial published might be out of date the moment it is published. There is a lot of active development in Chromium, which means what works today, might not work tomorrow. Is there any particular reason that you are trying to use Chromium-Dev, instead of say Google Chrome?14:54
aradhi, can someone help me add a second monitor on ubuntu ? pls ( NVIDIA X Server Settings dont work for me )14:54
RougeRpragmaticenigma, because chrome and chromium stable were awful, and chromium dev is meant to have hw accelleration support14:55
vuurdraakarad, normaly as soon as u plug in a new monitor it should be detected and added automaticly14:55
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, The other thing to consider is that your system is 4-5 years old. The hardware at that age is going to be widely supported in stable software, not Dev software14:56
vuurdraakalso if u unplug and replug14:56
aradvuurdraak, that dont work eather14:56
RougeRhonestly, even just using a reasonable number of chrome tabs spikes the cpu14:56
vuurdraakarad maybe a driver issue ?14:56
RougeRwithout even using video14:56
aradvuurdraak, i rly dont know ....14:56
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, If they aren't working out of the box, then it's possible that your hardware simply doesn't support those advanced features14:57
RougeRpragmaticenigma, i do not think that is the reason14:57
vuurdraakarad have u tried other drivers , and what is ur current driver ? sudo lshw -c display14:57
RougeRits a thinkpad x250 with 8gb ram, i7 5600u, 512gb ssd14:57
RougeRi know u processors are not as strong as older ones, but still14:58
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, and what you just stated there, makes me believe that you have some other issues going on. I don't know what the experience on Ubuntu 19.10 is. I stay away from the normal releases as they often are buggy and not stable. If I was you, I'd be running 18.04 where you're not fighting with unknown elements that Canonical isn't trying to test out14:58
RougeRive just come from ubuntu 18.0414:59
RougeRbecause i had these issues there14:59
RougeRand hw acceleration has an issue with wayland in 18.0414:59
RougeRwhereas in 19.10 is patched14:59
RougeRsorry, i know you are trying to help14:59
aradvuurdraak, see pm15:00
pragmaticenigma!pm | arad15:01
ubottuarad: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:01
RougeRim sorry for coming across as difficult, but i went with the stable version of the most stable/easy out of the box linux distro and am having huge cpu spikes under normal usecase with web browsing and some editors15:01
pragmaticenigma!pm | vuurdraak15:01
ubottuvuurdraak: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:01
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, You are running wayland?15:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813131 in libva (Ubuntu Bionic) "i965_drv_video.so doesn't load any more if a Wayland server is present [failed to resolve wl_drm_interface(): /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libEGL_mesa.so.0: undefined symbol: wl_drm_interface]" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:01
pragmaticenigmaRather important detail... everyone here has been giving you advice based on the assumption that you were running Xserver.15:02
RougeRyeah ive tried x as well15:02
RougeRwayland is also default as of 17.10 is it not?15:02
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, No15:03
RougeRdid it lol?15:03
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, Xserver remains the default for the forseeable future. Wayland still has bugs to work out. Coincidentally, video playback is one of them15:03
RougeRhmm interesting15:03
RougeRill have a look at that, thanks15:03
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, to the best of my knowledge Wayland has never been issued as the default. It hasn't reach a stability level that Canonical is comfortable with. I think with Ubuntu 17.10, you thinking of how Canonical dropped Unity and Mir, and went back to contributing to Wayland development15:04
RougeRpragmaticenigma, yeah i think that is it. sorry, i got that wrong there15:05
Psi-JackDid they actually go back to contributing to Wayland development?15:05
RougeRI also think I may havbe had to switch at somepoint in the past15:05
Psi-Jackbecause, while I see/saw the end of Unity and Mir, which made me quite happy, I never saw Canonical yet lift a finger to actually contribute towards Wayland, or any news about it, or.. Anything. just the switch to Gnome.15:08
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, this is all better suited for #ubuntu-discuss15:09
kris7ianvuurdraak: thanks15:14
kris7iansorry was afk15:14
kris7ianso what makes me sceptic is that I run the benchmarks nvidia-smi show gpu util at 96% but I can barely hear my gpu15:14
kris7ianthat makes no sense, right? It should be quite loud - infact it is when I benchmark on windows15:15
kris7ianand my glmark2 score is 2719, I see other systems with way worse gpu getting aroung 900015:17
possumskull7it appears auxy is shrouding police mischief. will anybody ask why? posted here in #ubuntu for the popularity of the log15:18
possumskull7at this rate the likelyhood freenode is closely assosiated with police is increasing15:19
possumskull7maybe entirely police run15:20
SlidingHorn!ot | possumskull715:20
ubottupossumskull7: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:20
possumskull7ask me why15:20
possumskull7for the record15:20
leftyfb!op | possumskull715:21
ubottupossumskull7: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax15:21
RougeRsame issue on xorg and weyland15:31
RougeR80% cpu with a 1080p30fps video and a few chrome tabs15:32
Psi-JackSigh. Why doesn't gnome-terminal let me choose my ~/.local/share/fonts/ Hack Nerd Fonts? It seems like the font list gnome-terminal has is filtered. :/15:34
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, It's really hard to know with everything that was done with your machine, what is and isn't causing the behavior at this point. I run a box with a 2nd gen Intel Core i5 processor and have not experienced any of the issues you have descibed15:35
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, Have you restarted X after installing said font?15:35
RougeRpragmaticenigma, ive had this since the original ubuntu 18.04 install15:35
Psi-JackMany times over. Tilix shows them and has been using them a while. :)15:35
RougeRi have since tried many things15:35
RougeRi am tempted to roll back to 18.04 except for installed programs15:36
RougeRpragmaticenigma, is that a desktop or laptop cpu15:36
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, It is a slimline desktop. I use it for recording and playback of recorded television via MythTV. I have KODI as well on there to playback Podcasts that are recorded in both 720p and 1080p. I have not found any content that this system cannot playback15:37
Psi-Jackfc-list even lists the fonts.15:38
=== Edmyr is now known as edmyr
RougeRokay pragmaticenigma still more pwoerful cpu15:38
RougeRquad core desktop vs dual core ultrabook15:38
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, that doesn't answer my question if you have restarted your X session15:38
Psi-JackI did answer that. Many times over.15:38
pragmaticenigmaSorry... it got lost with the other conversation going on here15:39
Psi-JackMany times over. Tilix shows them and has been using them a while. Just gnome-terminal doesn't show them.15:39
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, does the file name actually have spaces in it?15:39
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, Possible that Gnome Terminal expects no spaces in the file name. Could also be the font type. Gnome-terminal might be looking for a specific flag15:41
pragmaticenigmaLike the font can or cannot be truetype15:41
pragmaticenigmasomething in that realm15:41
Psi-JackHeh, that would be.... Odd.15:41
Psi-JackApparently through Gnome Tweaks, though, I could... Change the system-wide Mono font to that, and Gnome-Terminal would use it just fine..15:42
Psi-JackSo.. It does seem to be that gnome-terminal, specifically, is indeed actively filtering.15:43
pragmaticenigmaRougeR, the core count has no baring on the GPU... the GPU is just included on the die with the CPU. Without knowing every detail of that system, I'm really not sure what more to suggest. I've never looked at i3 systems, for the fact that I always assumed they'd be too underpowered for my video editing and transcoding15:43
Psi-JackHeh. Makes me want to uninstall it, and somehow alias "Terminal" to tilix instead. :)15:43
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack, filtering implies it's actually on a list to be excluded. As if to say, someone tested it before and found it didn't work15:44
pragmaticenigmaI don't think that is the case here15:44
Psi-JackIt's literally, however, the only terminal that does. XFCE's Terminal, KDE's Konsole, Tilix, etc.. All work just fine. Older versions of gnome-terminal too.15:45
Psi-JackUgh... And there's that annoying gnome on-screen keyboard popping up again.. Sigh.15:48
possumskull7Do you suggest I archive the fresh gentoo kernel before zeroing all of my data and disks after police tampered with it? terrorist police tampered with it , maybe I need to go back to the department of defense hive and the anti-tamper programme with the wright-patterson air forse and maintain an enemy combatant list on twitter which inludes police.15:52
possumskull7I can link directly to such enemy combatant police twitter accounts they have been pushing wifi cameras. Is that better than "good" for Us? for the record, I do not take kindly to enemy combatants no matter how many jokes you make. My Milita My Liberty, American people starts here.15:52
possumskull7it looks to me like they installed different A.S.M. in the bios15:53
RougeRpragmaticenigma, holy ****15:54
RougeRit works15:54
RougeRim not quite sure what i did15:54
RougeRi think it was adding some extra flags to startup15:54
RougeRExec=chromium-browser --ignore-gpu-blacklist --enable-gpu-rasterization --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers --enable-zero-copy --disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds15:55
possumskull7the kernel can possibly lead to an enemy target if they did indeed copy it15:55
leftyfb!op | possumskull715:56
leftyfbpossumskull7: can you please leave? This is not the place for your antics15:56
possumskull7RougeR welcome make sure to stay black and white anarchist15:57
leftyfbpossumskull7: please stop15:58
possumskull7leftyfb someone needs to regulate the nations15:58
Psi-Jackleftyfb: Just ignore it. Ops will deal with him soon enough, but attention needs not be given to it.15:58
leftyfbpossumskull7: this isn't the place15:58
vuurdraaklol what was that a political speech16:13
Psi-JackJust noise.16:14
=== anonimip_ is now known as anonymip
hayhello... I have a source of coova-chilli that I unpacked from tar.gz and the manual recommends using debuild -b... it seems that this does not include some options like if I declared --with-json to configure script and went through configure with options && make && make install... can I somehow add this "with-json" to debuild? thanks :)16:41
pragmaticenigma!compile | hay16:41
ubottuhay: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall16:41
pragmaticenigmahay, also, compiling from source isn't something that is supported here. This channel focuses on supporting Official Ubuntu flavors and the software distributed through official Ubuntu software repositories. For assistance on compiling a specific program, it is recommended that you seek out a community that is focused on that program as they will be more capable of assisting you16:42
fd2hi all. i have installed ubuntu and toggle off "install proprietary soft&drivers". and now i have freezes in video in firefox (i have install shockwave flash). Could that toggle be the reason? What soft (list) is install by that toggle?16:44
fd2videocard gtx 1060, prop driver 43016:44
pragmaticenigmafd2, mostly the checkbox will trigger the install of the nvidia drivers, sometimes closed source networking drivers16:45
oerhekshay, lots of issues with that > "Hi, the problem is OpenSSL 1.1 - CoovaChilli needs OpenSSL 1.0" .... https://github.com/coova/coova-chilli/issues/44716:46
oerheksi would drop it16:46
pragmaticenigmafd2, Adobe has stopped development of flash, I wouldn't recommend installing it on any systems16:46
oerheksseriously, shockwave flash?16:46
hayoerheks, thanks :) I basically get it running both ways, but it seems debuild installs it more "tailored to my Ubuntu" :) so I would like to somehow pass this intention to get JSON installed through installation :)16:47
oerheksfd2, install restricted extras for codecs and such webplugins, and check the driver tool in update-settings  menu16:47
oerhekshay, i have no clue for that16:48
RougeRusing gpu hardware acceleration for chomium has droped 1080p cpu from 90%+ to 25%16:50
fd2oerheks, how can i install restricted extras for codecs and such webplugins ?16:51
fd2oerheks, i am noob)16:52
vuurdraakfd2, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:52
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:52
oerheksalso it has a link to the dvd thingy16:52
oerheksfor real noobs we made the wiki, great adventure16:53
compdocwhat about us fake noobs?16:54
oerhekscompdoc, lets get private :-D16:54
vuurdraakif u have used 4 versions of ubuntu can u still be called a noob, prety please :)16:55
fd2vuurdraak, thanks! it's helped!17:00
fd2pragmaticenigma, thx for info about flash17:00
vuurdraaknice, you can still do oerheks adventure though :D17:01
fd2oerheks, thx u too for information17:01
oerheksfd2, have fun!17:01
fd2ofc i will learn manuals, as i usual do. but now i wanted to solve problem before reading a lot of other newbie things =) and with your help i did it )17:02
fd2that link give 40417:03
fd2that link give 404 - https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html17:03
vuurdraakmaybe its part f the adventure finding the correct link :)17:03
pragmaticenigmafd2, https://help.ubuntu.com/18.04/ubuntu-help/media.html17:04
fd2pragmaticenigma, thanks17:19
fd2vuurdraak, u right, but some time i am super careless. my bad :(17:20
=== EriC^^ is now known as EriC^^Filthyrich
=== EriC^^Filthyrich is now known as EriC^^
otyughhey there ; I've got a problem with a computer working under ubuntu 18 but having graphical glitches in ubuntu 20 ; I thought I only had to use the 18's kernel. But when installing it, and pick it from grub, boot hangs at "loading initramfs"18:01
otyugh(no proprietary graphics were installed at all)18:01
pragmaticenigma!YY.MM | otyugh18:01
ubottuotyugh: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle18:01
pragmaticenigma!ubuntu+1 | otyugh18:01
ubottuotyugh: Focal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+118:01
otyughThe latest of the two pragmaticenigma18:02
otyughI don't play using outdated versions18:02
pragmaticenigmaotyugh, Currently supported is 16.04, 18.04, 19.10 ... those are the only three versions supported here. Hence why it is important to include the full version number. Also, my second post still applies. Support for 20.04 Focal Fossa is only available in #ubuntu+1 as it is still in Beta and not been officially released.18:04
otyughpragmaticenigma: well I'd be more interested into knowing how to use a later version of an Ubuntu kernel, wathever the version18:05
otyughi'm personnaly a user of Debian and never had this issue before18:05
otyughI got the problem trying to do what I do usually at an install party and nobody could tell me why this would happen on ubuntu18:06
pragmaticenigmaotyugh, If you are troubleshooting Ubuntu 20.04... you MUST go to #ubuntu+1 ... documentatioin has not been released for 20.04 yet, which is what volunteers in this channel rely on18:06
otyughgot it18:06
Battlehey all, is it normal that a package apt held package is still showing in apt update ?18:15
Battlesorry ill try again.... hey all , is it normal that an apt held package is still showing when you do 'apt update'? I'm concerned it will upgrade that apt if I do apt upgrade...18:16
Battleworth adding that it is was in the list before I held that particular package18:17
otyughwhat happens when you do "apt upgrade -s", does it show in the list ?18:17
pragmaticenigmaBattle, when you "hold" a package, you should rerun "apt update" to trigger a refresh of updatable packages... just like you would if you added a new repository18:18
pragmaticenigmayou might also need to run "apt clean all" and "apt autoclean" to clean up caches18:19
Battleotyugh: ill try that one moment18:19
Battlepragmaticenigma: yeah i did run apt update after , it still listed it, so i did "apt clean all" and "apt update", still listed it18:19
Battlei have not tried apt autoclean18:19
Battlei will try this too18:19
EriC^^Battle: why would it not list it18:20
pragmaticenigmaEriC^^, They're trying to prevent the package from updating18:20
EriC^^Battle: i think holding a package just means that if you run a generic 'sudo apt upgrade' it won't try to upgrade18:20
BattleEriC^^ because I held an older version and do not want the upgraded version18:20
EriC^^Battle: yes, but where do you mean it's being listed? i mean the cache itself will still have it18:21
Battleoh I see, so it is suppose to still list it in apt update, but it just wont actually update when I do apt upgrade? I assume the "-s" flag is simulate upgrade?18:21
EriC^^yes -s is simulate18:21
pragmaticenigmaBattle, I would also suggest using the "-s" option that otyugh mentioned... that runs apt in simulation mode18:21
Battleyeah ill give that a go, see what happens, just waiting for this current install to finish18:21
BattleEriC^^ I'm seeing the offending package listed in "apt update" when it shows X packages avialable for update18:21
EriC^^Battle: you ran sudo apt-mark hold <package> , yeah?18:22
Battleand no errors, it held it all18:22
pragmaticenigmaI think you should see someting during upgrade that says "package X has updates, but is marked" or something similar18:22
Battleyeah hope so, ill give that -s a go see what happens :D18:22
EriC^^Battle: which package did you hold?18:22
EriC^^it isnt some meta-package is it?18:23
BattleEriC^^ -s shows the package will be installed18:23
Battle+ otyugh ^18:23
BattleEriC^^ its the kernel package18:24
EriC^^which exactly18:24
EriC^^the package name you used with apt-mark18:24
Battleoh one moment i get what i typed18:25
Battleapt-mark hold 4.15.0-60-generic18:25
Battleoh i think i see why... there should be more to it than that, right?18:25
Battleoh, maybe not, yeah thats what I typed18:26
EriC^^Battle: yeah, see the kernel has a metapackage called linux-image-generic, and that is what pulls in the individual linux-image-4..blabla-generic ones18:26
BattleI see18:26
EriC^^why hold the kernel though, you could set your working one as the default in grub, and once in a while check in on the newer ones to see if they dont have the bug you're avoiding etc18:27
Battleso I would need more like: apt-mark hold linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic18:27
BattleEriC^^ just for testing purposes I want to completely avoid any updates just for now18:27
Casper26What is the best way to enable trim in ubuntu 16.0418:28
EriC^^Battle: ah i see, well yeah using linux-image-generic etc as the hold should get you there18:28
EriC^^maybe hold "linux-generic" too, as it's the 'mother metapackage' kinda18:29
BattleI had a really huge problematic system crash (power completely off kind of crash)  and after battling with providers who claimed they changed hardware.. and I reinstalled OS like 3 times, we still plagued by that issue.. eventually I moved to a new machine whilst having access to the old one to ensure they werent giving me the same hardware...and so far crash free... but I want to avoid any18:29
Battlekernel updates as towards the end of our crashing adventure, the system stopped completely turning off, and instead showed kernel panic18:29
Battlebut the problem is, I couldn't view the whole kernel panic due to the tiny ass KVM screen I'm given =\18:29
Battleat that point I gave up and got a new machine whilst this one was active, and so far...so good... *touch wood*18:30
Battleso i wanna avoid kernel updates as this all started after a kernel update18:30
EriC^^i see18:31
Battleokay so I did hold linux-generic, linux-image-generic, linux-headers-generic and then apt clean all, apt autoclean, and then apt update18:32
Battleand its still listing: linux-generic-hwe-16.04/xenial-updates,xenial-security,xenial-updates,xenial-security amd64 [upgradable from:]18:33
Battleand linux-headers-generic-hwe16, and linux-image-generic18:33
EriC^^Battle: oh, you're using hwe18:33
EriC^^yeah it has different metapackages18:33
Battlenot intentionally but yeah i thought tha twas odd too18:33
EriC^^you'll need to hold those18:33
Battleapt-mark hold linux-generic-hwe ?18:34
EriC^^yeah, i'd get a list using "dpkg -l | grep hwe" or so18:34
EriC^^or dpkg -l | grep "linux.*hwe"18:34
SlidingHornIf there are any mutt/neomutt users that could help me adjust the interval between polling for new mail, that'd be appreciated - Bionic & neomutt-20171215+dfsg.1-1 here18:37
Battlei found 3 packages with the first command, i held those apt update still lists it after the cleaning18:37
Battlethe output is:18:38
Battlehi  linux-generic-hwe-16.04                                                        amd64        Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers18:38
Battlehi  linux-headers-generic-hwe-16.04                                                amd64        Generic Linux kernel headers18:38
SlidingHorn!paste > Battle18:38
Battleso I held linux-generic-hwe-16.0418:38
ubottuBattle, please see my private message18:38
EriC^^that looks right18:38
BattleSlidingHorn I was told 2 lines are acceptable ?18:38
EriC^^Battle: try sudo apt-get -s full-upgrade18:39
SlidingHornBattle: oh, then my apologies! Carry on :)18:39
Battleahh okay good18:39
Battleit says thos epackages will be held back18:39
oerheksCasper26, trim is enabled in 18.04; sudo systemctl status fstrim.timer ( continously) for 16.04 there is the weekly cron: cat /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim18:41
EriC^^Battle: nice18:42
Kangarooocan i use one same swap partition for multiple installs?18:44
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo, Yes, you can share the swap partition with different Linux distributions18:44
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo, assuming of course only one instance is running at a time18:45
ioriaSlidingHorn, are you already using the 'set timeout = x' in muttrc ?18:45
Casper26oerheks is it enabled for all models that support trim?18:45
oerheksCasper26, yes, AFAIK18:46
oerheksSSDś that is18:46
KangaroooUbuntu 18.04 DesKTOP MANAGER (DM) Distro Flavors & Debian derivatives and fast and easy hopefully comparison. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1khUd1P-1FfwgrcInXAtA1MFVuv76LlzVBTugGEMNKY4/edit#gid=018:46
Casper26I ran the fstrim command manually on several of my machines and it trimmed over 100 gigs which leads me to believe it's not enabled for my model ssd18:47
oerheksCasper26, maybe the weekly cron did not kick in yet.. use discard in the fstab18:47
Casper26I read discard was not recommended?18:48
oerheksoh, not sure where you read that18:49
Casper26On webupd8.org but it may be old recommends a daily cron job over discard18:51
braindead_would the ubuntu cloud images https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/releases/ be something to run wireguard on?18:52
braindead_so, do i understand it correct that those images are minimal installations for console server apps for example18:52
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oerheksCasper26, you *do* have the cron job configured standard, change it to daily then?18:54
pragmaticenigmabraindead_, The cloud images are premade images for specific cloud computing platforms. They not general installation type images18:57
braindead_what should i use to install only a single vpn server on it? i want to set up wireguard and looking for the slimest and therefor safest solution18:58
Casper26i do have the weekly cron job and these ssd's have been in for months so plenty of time for the cron to have kicked in18:58
braindead_if i install ubuntu the way it is it comes with all kind of stuff18:58
pragmaticenigmabraindead_, If you are installing on your own hardware, Ubuntu server is the minimalist install you would need to run any sort of server.18:59
pragmaticenigmabraindead_, For further assistance, consider seeking help in the #ubuntu-server channel19:00
braindead_all right, thank oyu19:00
oerheksCasper26, upgrade to 18.04, for continuous trim :-)19:00
Casper26Dont like gnome319:01
pragmaticenigmaCasper26, plenty of other flavors to choose from. no one is forcing you to use gnome19:02
Casper26Didn't say they were just trying to resolve this trim issue.19:02
pragmaticenigmaCasper26, The reason is, trim support was greatly improved with Ubuntu 18.04 release. As well as many other features. There is no way to backport those additional features to your version. In addition to that, 16.04 is nearing the end of its support cycle (next year is EOL) so it would be smart to start planning to upgrade now anyways19:04
SlidingHornioria: I did not...is x in minutes? hours? seconds?19:07
Casper26Waiting on 20.0419:08
ioriaSlidingHorn, minutes, i guess19:09
ioriaSlidingHorn, nope, seconds19:10
pragmaticenigmaCasper26, If you're planning on upgrading, you will have to first upgrade to 18.04 before you can go to 20.0419:11
SlidingHornioria: gotcha...I'll dig around the website to read more about that option.  Thanks for pointing me in the right directoin19:11
ioriaSlidingHorn, ok;  http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/#new-mail-polling19:12
=== dps9 is now known as dps
Casper26I never upgrade i always do new install and restore my data.19:27
Casper26I have had strange issues before upgrading19:29
EriC^^smart man Casper2619:31
Battleso i'm trying to install mono 5.20 or older but not below 4 as my application supports only 520:03
Battletheir guide suggests putting stable-jessie/snapshots/5.20.020:03
=== mrinfinity is now known as piedog
Battlewhich I did20:03
BattleE: The repository 'https://download.mono-project.com/repo/ubuntu stable-jessie/snapshots/5.20.0 Release' does not have a Release file.20:04
Battlewith a 404 not found20:04
Battleanyone know how I cna go about installing mono 5 ?20:04
ducasseBattle: why not use the repo packages?20:10
Battledo you mean the versions that come with ubuntu?20:12
Battlebecause it is not compatible with my app20:12
Battleit gives errors etc20:12
BattleIve managed to work out what i was doing wrong though20:12
ioriaxenial mono-complte is 'not' below 4 (is 4.2.1)20:12
ducassethen you need to get support from the people who provide the repo, only official repos are supported here20:13
BattleI realise their "instructions" are generic...20:13
Battleah I see, I was using the repo by mono themselves20:13
Battlebut its okay, I realize my error now20:13
ducassethat's still third party20:13
Battleoh I see20:13
Battlethird party in the sense of not by ubuntu, I get what you mean now20:14
venkat2020ssh from ubuntu host to ubuntu container gets permission denied. Have tried working with sshd_config, still having isuses. Any one has experienced this?20:20
oerheks'container'.. what container?20:23
venkat2020docker container20:24
oerheksdid it work before?20:24
venkat2020no, this is the first time. The -v flag on ssh does not show any thing rejected or file not found etc.20:25
oerheks are you member of the docker group? i20:25
oerhekssudo usermod -aG docker <user>20:25
venkat2020yes, I am. Should that be the right group?20:25
venkat2020ah, I see what you meant20:25
venkat2020yeah, I can run the docker as non root as you stated20:25
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venkat2020but I am running as root as the docker container also has same root user which I want to get to20:26
venkat2020host=> root, the container => root20:26
oerheksi am not that familiair with docker, not sure root is a good idea?20:28
venkat2020understood. This is my sandbox for playing around and learning. Hence not much worried about security. But thanks for the attempt20:29
venkat2020for practical purpose, I will indeed use a non root user. Thanks20:30
=== [diablo]0 is now known as [diablo]
GoopSo I am able to use VLC to stream to a Chromecast TV, but how do I use my Ubuntu desktop screen to cast to it?21:17
subcoolim using fslint - and - it doesnt seem to be working.21:18
subcoolevery time i run it- nothing comes back. not an error, nothing.21:18
EriC^^subcool: show what you're running and any output21:26
EriC^^!paste | subcool21:27
ubottusubcool: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:27
subcoolEriC^^:  im using gui of Fslint - there is no output - i think its running, my network connection is moving.. But- EVERY time i run this osftware, and walk away - i come back.. and its stillllllllllllll "searching"21:31
oerheksgenerate a double file to check?21:32
gandhiiso...  how do I get the right super key to work?  Only the left one is bringing up the menu screen21:34
oerheksubuntu enable right super key21:37
oerheksit is an option in gnome-tweak https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029001/right-super-key-not-opening-dash-on-ubuntu-18-0421:38
oerheksreally, you did not search at all?21:38
gandhiithanks.  forgot about that program21:39
gandhiiI take that back.  It appears that tweaks only allows you to select one or the other.. I'd prefer both.21:43
subcooloerheks: im staring at double files deleting them.21:44
subcoolthis use to be my favorite app - idk why its not working anymore.21:44
gandhiiI've been searching the last half hour before asking here..21:45
EriC^^gandhii: you could bind one key to the other21:48
EriC^^look into xkb21:48
EriC^^if you want the easy way, but it's deprecated now, you could use xmodmap -e "keycode for nonworking super" SUPER_X  (where super_x) is the working one21:49
gandhiiEric thanks21:49
EriC^^gandhii: actually this is the command xmodmap -e "keycode 50=Super_L"   for instance21:50
EriC^^gandhii: use the program "xev" to get the keycode for the button that isn't working to bind it21:51
EriC^^no problem21:51
vic87hi, what is the way to install package from "updates" pocket?22:25
hggdhsudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade (or apt install xyz)22:26
vic87didn't work :(22:28
TJ-vic87: "didn't work" isn't very informative. What, specifically, happended?22:28
vic87trying to get this package: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-9/+publishinghistory on bionic, says it's in updates pocket22:28
vic87TJ- ^22:29
SlidingHornvic87: sudo apt update && sudo apt install llvm-toolchain-922:29
TJ-vic87: what does "apt-cache policy llvm-toolchain-9" report22:29
TJ-vic87: if the system is using a mirror archive it may not yet have synced to the primary servers22:30
vic87N: Unable to locate package llvm-toolchain-922:30
vic87`apt update && apt dist-upgrade` -> `0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.`22:31
vic87this is a bionic docker22:31
JustLandedOnMarsso I have mp3 player, very cheap, got it for $6.5, so I plugged it in to USB port on computer to charge it, it started blinking, and I pressed "play" button on it, to check if it is turned on and if it will start playing, and that caused screensaver on my computer to stop, as if I pressed some key on keyboard to touched the mouse, so I checked dmesg, here is dmesg output http://sprunge.us/iYE6lq,22:31
JustLandedOnMarsand it looks a little bit different from when I plug in normal USB flash drive, so dmesg was saying it recognized it as storage device, because it has SD card in side it, also dmesg is saying something about "input,hidraw0: USB HID v2.01 Device", so HID usually means some input device like USB keyboard, so anyone ever encountered something like that and what could it mean ? because I know there22:31
JustLandedOnMarsis things like BadUSB, when you plug normal USB flash drive it starts acting like keyboard and starts doing "things" with your computer, so I concerned22:31
TJ-vic87: you're trying to install the SOURCE package! you should be installing one of its BINARY packages22:31
vic87ummm, i'm just running `apt install llvm-toolchain-9` which is failing22:32
TJ-vic87: yes, because that is a SOURCE package not a BINARY22:32
vic87is it implying source? o.O22:32
TJ-it IS source; the page you pointed to is the SOURCE package, it lists the BINARY packages it builds in the overview page22:33
vic87TJ- i am not fetching from source, this package is known to have binaries22:34
TJ-vic87: you're trying to ask for the SOURCE package-name, you need to ask for one if its BINARY packages22:34
vic87TJ- where in `apt insntall llvm-toolchain-9` are you seeing "source"?22:35
TJ-vic87: On the LP Overview tab, look at the list of BINARY packages built from that source... they're listed at the top, and in the bionic-specific package info22:36
vic87but i am not downloading it from page22:36
TJ-vic87: oh ffs! "llvm-toolchain-9" is the SOURCE PACKAGE name, it is NOT a BINARY package!22:36
vic87do you mean its binaries do not exist yet?22:36
TJ-vic87: "apt-cache showsrc llvm-toolchain-9" --- look at the "Package-List" it reports THOSE are the binary packages it provides. You install one or more of those22:38
vic87E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list22:38
TJ-vic87: ah, so you don't have the deb-src stanzas in /etc/apt/sources.list22:39
TJ-vic87: well, you don't need that - the LP web page lists the binary packages that can be installed from the llvm-toolchain-9  SOURCE package22:40
vic87run something like `sudo sed -i~orig -e 's/# deb-src/deb-src/' /etc/apt/sources.list ` ?22:40
vic87cool let me check the browser22:40
TJ-vic87: you probably want "llvm-9"22:42
vic87yup and clang-922:42
vic87does apt-search provide result from what is inside the package?22:43
vic87i am looking for a binary which may be in one of those (binary) packages22:43
vic87called llvm-objdump22:43
vic87or objdump22:43
TJ-vic87: you may want "clang-9" and others. There may be a package that depends on all the common requirements to make it easier22:44
TJ-vic87: you'd need to use apt-file22:44
TJ-vic87: which tells me: "llvm-9: /usr/bin/llvm-objdump-9 "22:44
PopziHey, I'm trying to expand storage on my machine, but everytime I run `vgdisplay`, it runs, but outputs exactly sweet FA, would anyone know why?22:55
vic87TJ- thanks, i found it as well :)23:01
TJ-Popzi: no LVM?23:02
PopziTJ- sorted it, used fdisk to delete the filesystem partition then made a new one and ran resize2fs23:02
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
FreValI get the message Low diskspase on efi. What does that mean and how do i fix it ?23:10
TJ-FreVal: what does "df -h" report ?23:10
FreValTJ-, alot of diffrent there.23:11
TJ-FreVal: can you pastebin it? as in "pastebinit <( df -h )"23:11
FreValTJ-, https://termbin.com/m11u23:12
TJ-FreVal: /dev/nvme0n1p2   96M   93M  3,4M  97% /boot/efi23:12
FreValTJ-, Im not sure what to do with it :S23:13
TJ-FreVal: generally I allow at least 128M... often it is recommended to set the EFI-SP to 554MB to have maximum compatibility across various broken mobo firmwares23:14
TJ-FreVal: I suspect you don't have much room to change the size now23:14
FreValTJ-, I can shrink my windows partition to free up some space23:14
TJ-FreVal: what is stored there? "pastebinit <( sudo find /boot/efi -ls )"23:15
FreValTJ-, https://termbin.com/nhqa23:16
TJ-FreVal: seems like the Windows, and Dell, files are eating up the space23:18
FreValOk, then i can shrink my windows partition and see if something changes. be back litle bit later23:19
Sven_vBHi! Please help me establish a wifi link to my xenial machine. lsusb sees "Bus 001 Device 005: ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7601U Wireless Adapt" and https://askubuntu.com/a/690576 claims "Ubuntu 16.04 onward¶¶ The adapter just works.¶¶ The following adapters are supported: [???] 148f:7601". "nmcli dev" and "ifconfig -a" see just "lo". (I'm sooooo glad I managed to set up a serial terminal to debug this??? :D orig23:28
Sven_vBinally, to debug why the keyboard stopped working at some point in initrd, but now it just magically started working.)23:28
Sven_vBwhat could I do check next? syslog looked normal on first glance23:28
Sven_vBoh of course, dmesg23:29
jeremy31Sven_vB: run the 2 commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/a2bee9856d8c13f42f1835bc31bf9480 and post the termbin URL after the second command is run23:29
Sven_vBjeremy31, I guess I'll instead download the script here and paste it over the serial line. :)23:35
jeremy31Sven_vB: Is it a cheap USB adapter from EDUP?23:37
Sven_vBjeremy31, I've no idea about the price or what EDUP is.23:37
JonopolyWhat's a good distro for somebody who isn't computer-savvy?23:38
JonopolyI was thinking ubuntu-mate23:38
Psi-JackHmmm... So, one problem that keeps occurring for me. I have "an update", in Software Center, that's actually for my Logitech Unifying Receiver. When I try to run the update, it fails, leaving me to have to unplug and plug it back in, so my devices associated with it can operate again. Mostly my mouse is on it at this point.23:38
* Sven_vB is currently waiting for systemd to restart getty because he screwed up23:38
Jonopolysince its lightweight and looks similiar to windows23:38
jeremy31Jonopoly: try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss23:39
Psi-JackHeh,.Okay. that's just funny. Nevermind. I just used my Tabtop (different computer), to update the dongle, and it just worked(tm)(c)23:42

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