
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jphilipsis there a general launchpad page for submitting bugs14:03
jphilipsmaybe this one - https://bugs.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev14:03
jphilipswould be good to link to it on the website14:04
jphilipsknome: ^^^14:05
brainwashjphilips: that is a launchpad user14:31
jphilipsbrainwash: thanks14:48
brainwashyou can subscribe ~xubuntu-bugs to any (xubuntu related) bug report, but not sure if anyone even cares about that14:50
jphilipssomeone on twitter saying they found a bug regarding language installation and i wanted to give him a link to submit it to15:38
jphilipsso devs dont normally check any places specifically for xubuntu bugs15:38
jphilipsneed to restart :D15:39
brainwashjphilips: one can always just open a bug report against no package15:44
brainwashand hope that someone will reassign it accordingly15:44
jphilipsis anyone in the team regularly looking at bugs filed there?15:55
brainwashjphilips: I would say no17:53
brainwashideally, Xfce bugs should go straight to the Xfce bug tracker17:54
jphilipsbrainwash: yep xfce bugs should definitely do so, but regular users wouldnt be able distinguish this18:07
jphilipsif most of the dev work is upstream and other xfce distros are getting the same upstream improvements, how are we differentiating ourselves from other xfce distros, of course other than being an official ubuntu flavour?18:25
brainwashjphilips: two Xfce core devs are in the Xubuntu team18:27
jphilipsyes i'm aware of bluesabre and ochosi being part of xubuntu, but their work goes upstream and doesnt make xubuntu unique18:29
brainwashbut they customize xubuntu18:31
jphilipscan you give me some unique customizations in xubuntu18:32
brainwashit's more a out-of-the-box experience18:33
brainwashwhat differentiation do you really need?18:33
brainwashyou have ubuntu + nice looking Xfce setup18:34
brainwashtested by those two Xfce devs18:34
jphilipswell MX Linux has its tools app - https://mxlinux.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Tools.jpg18:34
brainwashhow is that related to Xfce?18:35
jphilipsthey have a quick installer similar to ubuntu mate's software boutique - https://mxlinux.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/MXPI.jpg18:36
jphilipsnot xfce related, distro related that make it unique18:36
brainwashxubuntu has ubuntu's live kernel patching18:36
brainwashor the snap infrastructure18:37
jphilipsunique to the ubuntu family, but not unique to just xubuntu18:38
brainwashdoesn't that apply to your examples as well?18:39
brainwashwe are talking distro vs. distro now18:40
jphilipsto some degree yes, but to the regular joe user, those wouldnt be something that would matter18:40
brainwashxubuntu is not a distribution, but a spin/flavor of ubuntu18:41
jphilipsokay so xubuntu verses another xfce distro that is also ubuntu based like linux mint18:41
jphilipstrue, but we could have apps that could make us unique from other xfce distros, as it wouldnt be in upstream xfce18:42
brainwashsounds like a stupid idea18:43
brainwashyou have to keep in mind that someone has to maintain the software18:43
brainwashmaking it somewhat exclusive to only xubuntu... uhm18:43
brainwashalso, others could still take it and package it for their distribution18:44
brainwashit's FOSS18:44
jphilipsyes of course, was just going to say that18:44
brainwashfrom the past I can list one difference though18:46
brainwashxubuntu did package some components from the Xfce dev branch while everyone was waiting for the next stable release18:46
brainwashbecause it took so long18:47
brainwashArch linux was still on Xfce 4.12 while Xubuntu had 4.13 to some degree18:47
jphilipsinteresting, as i would have thought that arch would always be bleeding edge18:49
brainwashbut it sticks to stable releases18:49
brainwash4.13 was the development release (for a long time)18:50
jphilipsyep i remember18:51
jphilipsso does xubuntu do that these days as well. i would love to see my master patches arrive in 20.0418:52
brainwashcertainly not for 20.04 LTS18:53
jphilipswell maybe i should focus more on stuff that will effect the LTS then18:59
brainwashbug fixes19:00
brainwashthings that will easily get accepted into the stable branch (4.14)19:01
jphilipsnot sure i'm finding any bugs that could get backported, as most of my bugs are usability bugs and is being classified as an enhancement19:05
jphilipsknome: what do you think about having a review page, both text and video reviews. i could gather them together in a google doc.19:06
-BottyMcBotFace:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfburn 0.6.2 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfburn-0-6-2-released-tp57614.html (by Rene Kjellerup)20:55
JackFrostThere's no reason to horde things for ourselves, catfish, mugshot, and menulibre all more or less came from Xubuntu (light-locker too, and elementary-xfce as well as Greybird if you want to go into artwork) but were mostly pushed upstream and maintained there too so that it would benefit more people.21:42
JackFrostopenSUSE even took greybird and made a dark version, and now has been working with the shimmer project to get it back upstream so *we* benefit from that.21:43
jphilipsdefinitely isnt a way to horde it as its foss, but great to see that many of the apps came from xubuntu to upstream, just wish xubuntu had some unique apps that it could be touted for21:47
jphilipshave a good night all.21:47

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