
IrcsomeBotSteve Hill was added by: Steve Hill00:28
valoriemagic_ninja: that's a question for #kde-devel00:32
IrcsomeBotJesus Ositamani was added by: Jesus Ositamani00:56
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IrcsomeBotMatt Griffin was added by: Matt Griffin04:28
fructoseI've been having issues with my WiFi connection. One symptom is now notifications that the device is being 'Deactivated'. I tried setting wifi.powersave = 2 and restarted, but no luck. I recently upgraded to the latest Kubuntu. Any suggestions on what to look into next?04:30
pragomerHi. I am trying to create user defined shortcuts in kubuntu lts that open a specific website. the command for this is for example "firefox https://www.youtube.com/"  But nothing opens. What could be the reason?07:06
diogenes_pragomer, how you create it?07:07
pragomerdiogenes_: hi... in kde's system settings07:11
diogenes_try: sh -c "firefox https://www.blablabla"07:13
pragomerdiogenes_: ah, nope.. that did not work either:  http://i.imgur.com/NIh4bUg.png07:21
diogenes_pragomer, then try something simple to make sure it at least does something, try: firefox or /usr/bin/firefox.07:25
IrcsomeBotApril Robinson was added by: April Robinson07:33
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=== kubuntu is now known as Guest9509
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IrcsomeBotJen Young was added by: Jen Young11:14
eric1908hello my friends11:56
eric1908have anyone find way for dolphin root???11:58
oerheksfrom: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=224&t=15365512:00
oerhekswarning: Accessing the File Manager as root is not recommended, hence was disabled.12:01
eric1908yes i see that12:04
eric1908is possible to make again dolphin root12:04
eric1908to not istall another file manager?12:04
oerheksi gave you the line to use in console..12:06
oerheksor Konsole12:06
eric1908look please         https://pastebin.com/aFsjRyHe12:09
BluesKajHi folks12:11
oerhekseric1908, well if that does not work for you, install thunar, sudo thunar12:14
oerhekshi BluesKaj12:14
BluesKajhi oerheks12:15
eric1908oerheks, i have not other option?12:15
oerhekseric1908, i guess so?12:15
eric1908oerheks, i have upgrade to last kubuutu with last kde12:19
soundee2222is there any service menu plugin for KDE google drive integration?13:00
mparilloI am not sure what you mean by service menu, but there is kio-gdrive13:13
mparilloAnd that is fixed in KDE Apps 19.12.313:13
archieAfternoon everyone..14:47
BluesKajhi archie14:50
archie I have one question ,if i can14:51
archieJust installed yessterady lubuntu on my small Atom powered device14:52
archieeverything is perfect14:52
archieonly one trouble14:52
archiebecause of hardware im using 32 version14:53
archieand would like to install any common used comunicator ..skype or whatsapp14:54
archiebut for ex skype is only for 64 architecture,more modern laptops etc14:55
archieany ideas what to do?14:55
archiethank you.14:55
archiein advance ;)14:56
archiehave a nice weekend and see you later15:09
ecovcorrupted files after using dolphin to transfer files with kde connect - hmm15:10
OneBTShey can I get kubuntu for Raspberry pi 4?!15:24
oerheksOneBTS,  this page might be a help.. https://community.kde.org/Raspberry_Pi15:27
OneBTSahh thank you!!!15:27
OneBTSthat's the phone version though. I want the full desktop version15:28
OneBTSIt's pretty light... I think the pi4 should be able to handle it15:29
oerheksno, there is no arm build for Kubuntu AFAIK15:30
OneBTS:( can't someone make one?!15:32
oerheksOneBTS, i think you have more chance asking for AARCH6415:48
ecovOneBTS: there is a manjaro kde for pi416:54
Kangaroookonsole -- bash -c 'sleep 2; dpkg -S "\/bin/$(xprop WM_CLASS | cut -d "\"" -f2)"; sleep 5'  didint work what to put in bash? worked in ubuntu mate mate-terminal -- bash -c 'sleep 2; dpkg -S "\/bin/$(xprop WM_CLASS | cut -d "\"" -f2)"; sleep 5'17:10
Kangarooosolution x-terminal-emulator -e bash -c 'sleep 2; dpkg -S "\/bin/$(xprop WM_CLASS | cut -d "\"" -f2)"; sleep 5;17:28
NyleHello. I am on ubuntu 18.04 and I would like to have KDE plasma 5.17 or whatever is the latest18:00
NyleI don't want to have to switch distro to KDE Neon18:00
NyleAny ideas, for any backport or ppa reposotiry?18:00
NyleCurrently I use Kubuntu 18.04 with Xmonad18:01
Kangarooostart menu write info center. Will see your plasma version18:09
NyleKubuntu 18.0418:10
NyleKDE Plasma Version: 5.12.918:10
NyleKDE Framework Version: 5.44.018:10
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zerixI had a question about Dolphin... is there any way to make network files act more like Nemo?  Meaning in dolphin if you want to play a movie from a windows share it actually downloads the file locally then plays it rather than just play it immediately like Nemo does.18:15
zerixeven something like a mp3 or flac it downloads it before playing18:16
NyleYeah, I have a question about that too19:39
NyleIs there a possible way: when you add a new network folder using scp, it it possible to have it mounted somewhere?19:40
NyleOr is it mounted already somewhere?19:40
NyleI would like that very much. Not sure if this is something KDE or Kubuntu related (as in sshfs, or a KDE feature)19:40
IrcsomeBot<Alessandro> @Nyle, In dolphin I use to have network folder on various server , accessing them by using ftp or ssh protocol  and I usually just open files directly from server to modify them and save back, without needing to have the file on my local hdd, but actually I never try if it works as well streaming a media file21:18
IrcsomeBotcrazy was added by: crazy22:08
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IrcsomeBotCasey Breaux was added by: Casey Breaux23:43

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