=== piedog is now known as mrinfinity [00:09] in case anyone is still waiting for my wifi report, I'll postpone it, everything is too slow in the current setup. I'll move the install to SSD first. [00:11] Sven_vB: I had problems with a device with the same ID but I have only patched 4.15 and newer for the driver [00:23] anyone know the output of: xdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler file [00:26] it returns nothing for me on 16.04 [00:26] th_: ^ [00:26] anyone have a good how to config kerberos auth n ubuntu ? [00:27] 18.04 [00:27] EriC^^, thanks. Dam, I set it to Nautilus, now Nautilus opens every time I try to open a file in Nautilus lol. Trying to unset it [00:28] This page isn’t workinghelp.nextcloud.com is currently unable to handle this request. [00:28] HTTP ERROR 500 [00:28] normal ? === jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh [00:30] about to just purge nautilus [00:31] th_: maybe try xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler file ' ' [00:31] i tried blank but it wants an app, i set it to some other app and same thing happens so it must be something else i changed last night [00:32] th_: you could probably 'mv' some config in your home dir that has the settings saved so that it defaults back [00:32] th_: try to set it to something odd, then try "grep -R ~" and see which file has it [00:34] th_: doing mv ~/.config ~/.config.backup should probably do it [00:37] tried moving the nautilus folder still same thing [00:43] once initrd has switch_root-ed, is there any reason to keep the /boot disk connected? [00:45] sorry I meant initramfs [00:47] well I should think of something to remind me about mounting /boot before kernel updates. I'll try making it a symlink to a symlink on the actual disk, then it will be dead while the disk is not mounted, and dpkg will complain I hope. [00:48] (/boot -> /mnt/boot/kernels -> ..) [00:53] hi all [00:56] I am facing errors while running eclipse from ubuntu18.04 [00:56] can any one here help with the error? [00:56] thank you [01:21] EriC^^, i edited ~/.config/mimeapps.list and removed all Nautilus stuff, now it works [01:22] my last issue is that Chrome opens all folders in Dolphin instead of Nautilus despite Nautilus being set as preferred file manager [01:29] th_: nice [01:48] th_, that's odd... Chrome on my system opens everything in nautilus instead of Dolphin on my system [01:50] pragmaticenigma, lets trade systems [01:52] pragmaticenigma, what happens if you run "xdg-open ~" in terminal? [01:52] when I accidentally paste 100 lines of crap into my terminal window "WHAT HAVE MAYBE DONE" [01:54] c|oneman, one time i accidentally did source ~/.bash_history, luckily the first line threw an error and the rest didnt go through [01:54] hah [01:54] installing linux-image-lowlatency-hwe somewhat solved my WiFi problem. NetworkManager and avahi-daemon still fail startup due to timeout, but my USB ethernet adapter is now detected and I can ifconfig it. [01:54] ya i went to do source ~/.bashrc, but did the history file for some reason [01:55] it should probably have a warning for the history file [01:55] I meant my network problem. WiFi obviously isn't solved by ethernet. :) [01:55] "Continue screwing up your system? y/n" [01:56] th_, you can define a custom "source" function that checks, then potentially runs >>builtin source "$@"<< [01:57] just don't override the "builtin" command that way ;) [01:58] th_, "xdg-open ~" should open your home directory in the default file manager [01:59] Sven_vB, ya i could do that [02:00] Sven_vB, ya the problem is with Chrome, since chrome supposedly uses xdg-open, our problem is that its not opening the actual default file manager. mines set to Nautilus, chrome opens folders in Dolphin. meanwhile in terminal, it opens correctly with Nautilus. === zbenjamin is now known as Guest13748 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:02] still digging through mime/xdg crap trying to figure out what is causing it [02:06] im not able to connect to my jupyter notebook [02:12] Phruis: i ran into the same thing a couple of weeks ago. trying to remember what i had to do to fix it. iirc it had something to do with editing jupyter's config in a ~/.jupyter/ file. had to do with permissions [02:19] th_, xdg-open on my machine for some reason opened Visual Studio Code [02:24] Yeah! I finally found why my cheap USB ethernet adapters have so much packet loss usually: They all have the same MAC by default! :D [02:27] th_, does "xdg-settings --list" have any entries? [02:29] in case someone wants to donate an udev rule that auto-replaces said MAC, it's 00e04c534458 [02:29] (donate as in, try and submit it for inclusion onto a next ubuntu) [02:31] pragmaticenigma, default-url-scheme-handler and default-web-browser, i think this command runs through xdg-mime results. run "xdg-mime query default inode/directory" to see default file manager [02:32] in cinnamon this is controlled in Preferred Applications [02:33] mine says nautilus [02:33] where are these .desktop file stored? [02:34] so you can set mime handlers for different files with xdg-mime, then xdg-settings can set url scheme handlers like irc:// file:// mailto:// [02:35] if I knew where the .desktop files it used were located [02:35] few different places, ~/.local/share/applications, /usr/share/applications, /usr/local/share/applications [02:36] /usr/share is system wide, /usr/local is distro specific, and ~/.local/share is user specific [02:37] pragmaticenigma: man find [02:38] nt0, well aware of find ... there well over 2,000 directories... helps to know a starting point [02:39] computers r fast [02:39] odd th_ , I don't actually have a .desktop for nautilus that I can find === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [03:23] ubuntu focal fossa up and running well on old c2duo Dell inspiron 1720. seems to be running right along [03:24] welp after stracing realized that chrome/firefox opens folders through DBus [03:25] !discuss | crippledmonk [03:25] crippledmonk: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! === runelind_q_ is now known as runelind_q [04:14] so the restore functionality isn't working with nautilus [04:17] dbus opening Dolphin: dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.FileManager1 /org/freedesktop/FileManager1 org.freedesktop.FileManager1.ShowItems array:string:"file:~" string:"" [06:16] hey guys , can any one tell what dose -y mean in this command :" sudo apt install vim-gnome -y"? [06:29] hey guys . when i ran Vim --version ,i found -clipboard . how should i change it to +clipboard? [06:41] well IIRC, apt doesn't have the -y flag, but I could be wrong...regardless, for apt-get, it basically automatically answers "yes" to all prompts [06:42] If vim is missing the clipboard feature, that means that it was compiled that way. In order to get it, you would need to compile a new version from source code with that feature enabled [06:43] (sorry for the lack of nicks...my irssi is kind of screwy at the moment, and some names don't display) [07:33] hi anyone who could help me with this?: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ggp8tz4w9N/ [07:35] rana_ans: which release is this? [07:36] stretch [07:36] ducasse [07:36] do you want the month of release too? [07:36] rana_ans: then try #debian, we only support ubuntu [07:37] ok thanks [07:37] rana_ans: python 2 is eol now, though, just fyi [07:39] ducasse: Im just a noob in this stuff, I have no idea what eol is :D [07:40] rana_ans: end of life, no longer supported [07:40] bonjour [07:40] I have an issue with a notebook running ubuntu [07:40] it is a machine that has 12 gb of ram [07:40] but it is sluggish [07:45] OERIAS: ubuntu version? sluggish how? where, when? [08:05] My iMac (late 2009) is not listed here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages#Mactel_Community_Documentation so I'm not sure which packages I should install based on these "Mactel" resources, or does Linux/Ubuntu (MATE) work well out of the box on Macs at this point? I want to make sure the fans are running well and the components don't get too hot. Can anyone recommend any resources? [08:06] hi there. I got no sound in ubuntu 19.10 on raspi 4 [08:06] aplay -l [08:06] aplay: device_list:272: no soundcards found... [08:06] I disabled pulseaudio since it mess with scummvm and dosbox sound [08:06] anyone got a clue ? [08:06] mmmmmm: in most cases it's just a matter of installing the right wifi drivers, afaik [08:07] The wifi is working fine out of the box [08:07] mmmmmm: i tested 18.04 on a lot of macs already with success, how about you try a liveusb on it? [08:08] The motherboard is a bit damaged though. Only 2 of 3 fans work so I might need to configure the other two to run faster to compensate [08:08] I'm on live USB right now [08:09] mmmmmm: install lm-sensors, run sensors-detect and then sensors to watch the temps [08:09] It doesn't feel hot but it would be good to actually see the different temperatures of the components like I could in mac os with MacsFanControl [08:09] also look at fancontrol [08:10] Hmm, yes I did use lm-sensors and sensors-detect but I just said yes to all... I should probably reboot this live cd and try that again [08:10] Heya! So I have a Thinkpad and UEFI capsule updates aren't applying. I believe it's because it's doing multiple updates. I see the instructions here: https://github.com/rhboot/fwupdate/wiki/Debugging-UEFI-Capsule-updates#i-am-doing-multiple-updates-and-it-fails but am not exactly sure how to do these steps on Ubuntu. [08:10] I'll be back [08:10] After dinner [08:17] i disabled pulseaudio and get no sound, alsa don't find any device [08:18] is pulseaudio mandatory on ubuntu ? [08:18] !info pavucontrol | archon1 try this [08:18] archon1 try this: pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-4 (eoan), package size 123 kB, installed size 933 kB [08:19] that won't work without pulse [08:19] whoops [08:19] I need to disable pulseaudio because it mess with scummvm and dosbox sounds .. [08:19] archon1: you might have better luck in #ubuntu-arm [08:19] :) [08:19] thx [08:41] I've run sensors-detect, I said yes to all again, then I ran `sensors`. It seems I have a bunch of bogus sensors, or something. Half of them read -120 C. And I can't tell which is which, like I don't know what component TA0P is. Anyone know how I can make sense of this? [08:42] mmmmmm: did you reboot after running sensors-detect? iirc you need to, to load the right modules [08:49] I'm on a live usb right now so I'll have to install it and try it on an actual installation [09:11] back in one moment [09:17] lotuspsychje, when I copy files or load an app I can barely move the mouse cursor [09:18] it is the current version. [09:24] current? 16.04, 18.04, 19.10 ? [09:25] Mint? === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [10:23] I want to run two instances of a desktop app (telegram) and have two separate icons on the system bar. I have two instances running ok, each using a seperate telegram profile/config file, but the icons on the toolbar are merged https://www.dropbox.com/s/owj6bdehk6cdlrd/Selection_408.png?dl=0 [10:23] See the screenshot. Does anyone know how I can separate the icons? [10:24] I copied the telegram binary folder so each instance runs from a different binary, but it didn't change the behaviour [10:30] clarkk: think its normal for an indicator to collect notifys from the program itself (in your case 2 telegrams) [10:31] clarkk: so i dont think its meant to be, to have double indicators [10:31] i see no solution for that.. [10:32] clarkk: cant you add several accounts into 1 telegram session? [10:40] lotuspsychje, the desktop version doesn't allow you to add more than one account. The mobile version does tho [10:40] ok, not to worry. Thanks for your advice [10:51] Just a thought, could it be achieved with chroot? [10:56] it would still be seen as one app, i think [11:10] Hi. Does anyone know what command to use, like iostat, that can report on fuse filesystems. I.e. one mounted with sshfs [12:10] clarkk: did you try renaming one of the binaries - the combined icons might be keyed to the executable name (or not!) [12:11] Hi folks [12:13] What will I lose if I install Xubuntu instead? (I don't want gnome and I'm gonna install i3wm anyway) [12:14] There is Lubuntu also which is pretty nice with lxqt. [12:53] is there a way to ensure new windows open on the primary display? got a tv as a secondary output, and that input is usually not used on the tv, so windows just disappear [13:04] evils: you mean the TV is connected to the PC but TV is turned off/on standby? [13:06] evils: sounds like the TV is reporting itself as active so the PC is auto-configuring to use it. You'd need to either disconnect or use xrandr (or GUI equivilent) to disable the output to the TV [13:09] Maybe check the TV settings for the above issue [13:10] TJ-: the tv is on, but using another input, no automatic reconfiguration happens when switching it to the pc input === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [13:12] evils: OK, so you'd have to tell the PC not to use the output [13:12] so, that would cause the video player to be moved to the primary screen, i want to keep that there... [13:12] evils: e.g. "xrandr --output HDMI-1 --off" [13:13] this is my father's setup, i can't expect him to use the GUI to configure displays, let alone use xrandr [13:14] evils: the problem you've got is you're telling the desktop Environment it has 2 x the space so it auto-positions in that space, but then you don't really want it using the space the TV shows. Most DEs assume if the output is there, it can be used [13:14] hence my question, is there any way to have new windows default to the primary display? [13:14] evils: also, if the TV is positioned LEFT of the primary (so it's co-ordinates are lower) I'd expect often windows would be opened there by default, but it depends on the DE [13:15] evils: "depends on the DE" [13:15] well, i'm asking about the default ubuntu DE [13:18] evils: That'd be Gnome. I don't use it [13:19] btw, how close to stock gnome is ubuntu's DE? [13:20] Don't know - not used either in over 10 years [13:21] evils I came late to this discussion, what exactly do you want to do with the TV/pc connection? [13:21] TJ-: out of curiousity (not trying to offend, though it may sound like it), why use ubuntu then? [13:22] BluesKaj: got a primary monitor, and a secondary output going to a TV, the TV is usually displaying another input, i'd like new windows not to use the secondary output, so a video player can stay on stand-by on the secondary output [13:23] evils: Ubuntu isn't the DE; we have a lot of different DEs, plus ubuntu is used more on servers where there is no GUI [13:26] I use my tv as a primary output so I wouldn't knoe how to help [13:27] I know in other DEs there is/was an option to "open new windows on display X" [13:28] maybe devilspie/gdevilspie can help [13:28] yea, i had previously found something that sounded about right from KDE, i'm an i3wm user... [13:31] ducasse: devilspie looks interesting, doesn't look like something my dad could use, or even disable, but nice to know of, thanks [13:32] you could set it up so it runs bt default [13:32] *by [13:33] evils: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/39/put-windows/ [13:34] Maybe some cheap HDMI switcher as a hardware work around? [13:34] sixwheeledbeast: that wouldn't solve anything, the input can already be selected by the tv, and i want it to remain active (i don't want the video player to be forced to the primary display, nor do i want it inaccessible) [13:35] evils: also, you can set the default display in the GUI and all Windows will open there by default. Unless you're active in the secondary display, then I think they open there [13:35] leftyfb: that's the behaviour i would expect, it's not the behaviour i got [13:35] evils: try the extension I linked above [13:35] evils: is the TV to the LEFT of the primary monitor? [13:36] TJ-: yes [13:36] The switcher would phyisically disconnect the HDMI updating the DE that there is now only 1 display. [13:36] evils: right... positioning is going to the coordinates close to 0 (zero) [13:36] testing [13:36] sixwheeledbeast: yes, this would force the video player to the primary display [13:36] TJ-: kinda sounds like i want to move the TV to [not-left-of-primary] [13:37] sixwheeledbeast: I think the aim is to have the video player on the TV even when TV isn't showing that input... but all other new windows must open on the Primary display [13:37] evils: yeah... if TV could be to RIGHT you'd likely be fine :) [13:37] that is indeed the desired behaviour [13:37] unfortunately, the tv is physically left of the primary display xD [13:37] That didn't seem the case in the original question, but it seems so yes. [13:38] evils: I suspect the meaning of "Primary" has changed so it now only means 'where the taskbar and menu is located' [13:38] evils: turn them upside down? :D [13:39] evils: I'm wondering if you could use an RandR translation matrix to effectively alter the coords on the left display... almost certainly not, but then again :) [13:40] evils: hmmm, it does look to be possible. See "man xrandr" and the "--transform" info [13:41] devilspie and putwindows both seem like they could cause the desired behaviour if one could set a wildcard like `* opens on display 1`, but they both seem a bit too fiddly, vs "just switch inputs if you open a new window and it didn't appear" [13:41] evils: looks like you could translate/shift the X axis using an offset for the 'c' element [13:42] TJ-: i suspect that'll lose some robustness if this setup is ever changed, which is most likely to happen when i'm not around to set up xrandr again [13:43] So I assume sitting the PC display as primary and modifying the way you open the media player with some geometry offset wouldn't work? [13:44] or connect a usb hdd with the media on it and let the tv software take care of the playback [13:45] TJ-, Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, that didn't work either [13:45] sixwheeledbeast: that would result in the media player always opening on the tv, which is also not what i want, and it wouldn't stop new windows from opening there [13:46] clarkk: possibly an internal name/icon name being used as the key. did you try duplicating the icon to another name and setting that in the .desktop file for one of the instances? [13:46] Maybe two options an open media player normally and a modified media player [13:46] evils: is this X not wayland? if so, create 2 X screens. each operates independently of the other but share the mouse. [13:46] BluesKaj: but then he can't control playback from the computer xD, also wouldn't work to play a dvd unless he rips it, puts it on the usb hdd and finds the usb port, then finds the tv menu item to play it [13:47] evils: so anything started on :0.0 (primary) stays there, anything started on :0.1 (TV) would stay there [13:47] evils: then you can start on the TV with something like "DISPLAY=:0.1 vlc ..." [13:47] TJ-: i'd rather teach him i3 xD [13:48] evils: I run 6-monitor setups with 4 X screens; they're very useful for this kind of thing [13:51] the issue isn't getting a setup that acts as desired, the issue is getting that behaviour in a robust way (because i won't be able to fix it) [13:52] the most realistic way i can currently think of to ensure this behaviour is to open every app installed, move them all to the primary display, close them all; it sounds like their position will be remembered [13:53] doesn't help for new apps, but on those rare occasions i suppose one could toggle the tv's input [13:54] or make the tv the primary [13:54] to summarize, this is a minor annoyance and there's no simple way to fix it [13:54] BluesKaj: then at least it's obvious why they're opening there? [13:57] it's a matter of priorities i guess [14:00] The only thing I can think of to help is Alt+Space would bring up your active window menu to move it around. As you say may not be helpful if your not good with this stuff. [14:56] hey all [14:56] hi there, is it safe to remove snapd fron ubuntu ? does the core of the os need it? [14:57] wawrek: run: sudo snap list # this will list any snaps installed that will be affected by removing snapd [14:59] wawrek: Yes you can remove it. Apparmor may complain that's about it [14:59] sixwheeledbeast: that is not good advice [14:59] leftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MqCJGyD4z5/ [14:59] this is the paste. [14:59] why gnome and cor epackages are installed through snap? [14:59] wawrek: ok, you will lose all of those applications if you remove snapd [15:00] I don't care that much. but is it a good idea to loose core, core18? [15:00] I was worried about these 2 ones. [15:01] wawrek: that should be ok. As long as you don't mind losing all of the applications you listed above [15:01] People that want to remove snapd will not care about loosing snaps. I have removed snapd without issue FWIW. [15:02] sixwheeledbeast: Again, incorrect. Some applications are installed from snap by default now and going forward, might only be available from snap. Not everyone that wants to remove snapd knows they will lose applications they might be using. Telling them to blindly remove snapd is bad advice. [15:03] WFMIt's not blindly removing it, it's answering the question. [15:04] clearly if you don't have snapd you will not get snaps. [15:04] what direction ubuntu wants to go is another matter. [15:05] sixwheeledbeast: thanks. I removed snap - it seems to be working fine. I just lost chrome and skype [15:05] wawrek: :nod: [15:06] sixwheeledbeast: again, some Ubuntu applications are installed from snap by default now. gnome-calculator, gnome logs and gnome-system-monitor for instances. Not everyone understands removing snapd will remove those applications and might be using them regularly. [15:06] gnome-logs were listed indeed [15:07] wawrek: I had apparmor complain that snapd was missing in aa logs you may want to adjust that [15:07] hte calculater, the system monitor as well [15:07] how to adjust this? [15:19] Making everything all depend on snapd like this shouldn't be default IMO. === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [15:30] sixwheeledbeast, that is not said/written anywere [15:31] oerheks: That was hinted above? [15:31] yes? [15:31] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2018-February/040126.html [15:32] btw this is not the channel to discuss this, #ubuntu-discuss is made for that === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius === gnomadik_ is now known as gnomadik [15:52] Hi. I've just upgraded ubuntu successfully (to 16.04, don't ask why just now :D), and after the boot it prompted me the familiar conf diff menu, but in some point it failed to continue [15:53] can I somehow recover this stage for a convenient lookup? [15:59] having issues with persistent blobfuse mount storage in Ubuntu 18.04. I have the mount script working fine and a simple `mount -a` after a reboot puts things back to normal but my issue is simply the persisting mount isn't working on boot. Any help is appreciated. Here's the article relating to my setup: [15:59] https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-fuse/wiki/2.-Configuring-and-Running [16:03] clemans, use paste.ubuntu.com for your 'script' and mount line from your fstab? [16:03] sure thing. One second. [16:06] @oerheks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2GmHxNHmjP/ [16:07] clemans, delete that post please, lucky you have it under your name [16:07] as it contains private info [16:07] It's white washed, don't worry [16:08] oh oke [16:08] pieeeuw [16:08] :) [16:08] line 15 i worry about [16:09] I hear ya. if you look closely, that line literally has the word 'random' in it. I also changed all characters to random ones. [16:09] :-) [16:15] i am missing --container-name=mycontainer ( =backup in your case) [16:15] ? [16:39] is it possile to get latest KDE on 18.04? [16:39] Plastma 5.17 [16:40] is there a some known support channel for mesa ? [16:41] struggeling with opencl undert mesa on my ubuntu installation... [16:42] idk if it is because it is a 64 bit os with 32 bit gpu [16:57] WoC: apparently not on freenode, maybe on another network [17:01] ty, despite the name; #dri-devel seems to be the go-to place [17:13] Nyle, you might want to reask in #kubuntu or #kde [17:22] hello. want to buy a thinkpad. I can choose between a Intel UHD or a AMD RADEON RX640 graphic card. [17:23] !hardware | dreamon start here [17:23] dreamon start here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [17:23] but I could not find any kind of information that RX640 works on Ubuntu [17:25] lotuspsychje, nothing .. [17:27] dreamon, do you know https://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki ? [17:32] even amd gives no clue; too new? [17:32] de-facto, it looks very old. last entry 2018. this notebook is a new one. [17:32] and what laptop uses this? hints point to apple.. [17:34] Lenovo Thinkpad E15 20RD0011GE [17:37] right, too new .. you have to be patient, for amdgpu-pro [17:38] oerheks, so, by buying this device will make totally no picture? [17:40] dell xps ;) [17:41] dreamon, you have to try an ubuntu live session, obviously we cannot tell [17:42] I will make a telephon call to ask for. I cannot try because I didnt bought till now ;) [17:43] dreamon, and ask if that intel 10th gen has its own gpu build in? or is it such a intel + amd mix? [17:44] else; ask if the UHD version can be upgraded with a mobile gpu [17:44] oerheks, Intel gpu is a different device → 20RD001AGE [17:45] hi! any hints on how to get the battery indicator (ideally, acpi -b) working on an Acer Aspire SW5-012? [17:46] using xenial with linux-image-lowlatency-hwe [17:46] Windows 10 can't see the battery either btw [17:47] I know the machine is problematic, I got it for free though. :) [17:49] * Sven_vB found https://github.com/jfrimmel/Acer-Switch-Battery-Module , will try. [17:59] oerheks: ok tha;nks [18:00] join #kubuntu [18:00] join #kubuntu [18:00] seriously. [18:18] i need to securely erase some hdd's but everything i read says that there really isn't a 100% reliable way to securely erase an hdd or ssd short of melting them down into a pool of goo [18:19] what. suddenly it works, while I was still trying to debug the Makefile errors. is there a way to query which kernel module I currently use to see my battery level? [18:19] Hi, I cannot find: an application of Google Drive on Ubuntu Mate? [18:19] Can someone help me? [18:20] eelstrebor, I have just the right website for you, somewhere. *searching* [18:21] eelstrebor, I assume you're already familiar with the different approaches for magnetic disks vs. SSD, and know why not to overwrite SSDs? [18:22] Sven_vB: "ls -l /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/device/driver" [18:22] eelstrebor, I cannot quickly find the page for SSDs, but here's for magnetic diks http://web.archive.org/web/20200224161004/http://www.nber.org/sys-admin/overwritten-data-gutmann.html [18:22] *disks [18:22] TJ-, thanks! [18:22] Morning [18:24] hi :) [18:24] Installed 18.04 LTS and all works except graphics. Using AMD RX5500 XT. Installed AMD drivers and get two lines of text about recovering journal and clean, then total freeze [18:24] Sven_vB, i'm aware that ssd's have a different wipe technique than hdd except that both have a ata secure erase feature that operates diffently between and hdd and ssd [18:24] Will not even boot into grub [18:25] What now? [18:25] kind of a hassle to get the drive unfrozen [18:26] eelstrebor, as long as you understand that (and ideally, why) an SSD will try its best to resist your overwrite attempts, you're probably good. :) [18:28] eelstrebor, if you need to unfreeze it, I guess your HDD is actually an SSD? [18:30] Sven_vB, nope, not an ssd when it has a label with 7200 rpm printed on it [18:31] i ran hdparm on both ssd and hdd and they're all frozen [18:31] eelstrebor, then you should be able to wipe it by regular block device access [18:32] i started shred last night and it still hasn't finished the first pass [18:32] make a symlink to /dev/disk/by-id/???, double-check it points to the right disk then as root, "ddrescue /dev/urandom wipedisk" + probably --force or similar [18:32] oh wow [18:32] i'm trying secure erase now - hdparm says it'll take 3 hours [18:33] is the disk that slow, or is it on a slow USB interface? [18:33] yeah in case of slow link the internal erase will be faster. [18:33] it's sata 3 [18:33] strange [18:33] anyway, good luck :) [18:33] the drive is failing though [18:35] TJ-, it was a symlink to ../../../../../bus/acpi/drivers/battery, but it only has another symlink PNP0C0A:00 -> ../../../../devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/80860F41:00/PNP0C0A:00/ and 3 write-only files bind, unbind, uevent [18:35] TJ-, is the driver name part of the symlink? if so, which? [18:36] Sven_vB: it's using the standard ACPI battery interface [18:38] TJ-, how can I find the kernel module name for that? lsmod has many with name *acpi*: acpi_pad acpi_thermal_rel sdhci sdhci_acpi snd_intel_sst_acpi snd_intel_sst_core snd_soc_acpi snd_soc_acpi_intel_match [18:38] Sven_vB: it's built-in [18:38] oh I see [18:38] thanks! [18:39] how come I can [18:54] I believe I've narrowed down my mount on boot issue to `_netdev` not fully working. I wonder if its possible that the mount fails during boot because it happens prior to networking being established. If this is to be true, what's the best way to create a `mount -a` script that runs on boot post networking-up ? [18:57] no longer boot toram from=usb with acpi=off into recovery mode on Ubuntu [18:59] someone knows why ubuntu frozen at start after change ip?hello everyone this happen so quickly [19:00] i can't dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop [19:01] ill search inf aboy it but nothing happens, recovery mode works fine [19:01] no mouse, no keyboard [19:02] any help its ap`reciated [19:04] anyone recomend me to actualice to 19.xx? [19:04] noone? [19:04] :( [19:05] never heard of actualice [19:09] sonicsignal: 19.xx of what? [19:09] Sinother_83: ^ [19:09] Got a 4k monitor on hdmi and a standard monitor on dvi plugged into built in amd rhyzen 3 gpu. DVI monitor only works if the hdmi is unplugged... otherwise only the 4k. Only the single monitor shows up in the display settings. Any suggestions to get both working? [19:11] Sinother: not understanding.. try going over the specifics of what you changed before it choked [19:17] Just experienced a very weird issue with 19.10/5.3.0-40 ... whilst moving the laptop bluetooth input totally died whilst I rested a Qi portable battery pack on the keyboard. dmesg showing USB hardware/hci0 errors. Had to "modprobe -r btusb" and reinsert the module to regain control. [19:17] keyboard is bluetooth [19:18] weird. a cold boot not bring things back in line? [19:19] TJ-: weird. Can you repeat the issue? What you said makes me think of EM interference [19:19] Didn't need/want to go that far... just intrigued whether it was coincidence or the Qi actually affected the PC itself [19:20] hggdh: I don't want to right now... the 'PC' part is the display portion, the keyboard only has a BT transceiver in to talk to the 'display' ... the Qi was on the front palm rest so at least 20cm from the active electronics of the PC part [19:20] hggdh: this is an Asus transformer-style (T300CHI) with magnetically attached bluetooth keyboard/touchpad dock [19:21] hggdh: Qi shouldn't be activated anyhow - doubt the 25A battery pack it is part of would upset things though [19:23] TJ-: it could be coincidence; it could also be an unshielded enclosure on the battery pack, or the display (more probable, I think) [19:23] hggdh: yeah... I use the keyboard as a tray like this quite alot but this was first time carrying the Qi charger pack... I'll try it later when I don't need to work! [19:25] Hmmm, it all starts with 5 repeats of "[Sun Mar 8 18:41:37 2020] usb 1-4: Failed to suspend device, error -110" [19:26] OH! I wonder... maybe the Qi pack triggered the lid-closed detection but somehow then reset it so the PC didn't actually try to suspend (PC remained responsive to its hardware buttons for Vol Up/Down) [19:36] Hi [19:36] I am installing ubunt on mac mini 2011 , i am struggling to find fglrx, can you pls help [19:40] Anyone here to answer a question I can't figure out how to google [19:41] !ask | Dixie_F [19:41] Dixie_F: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:42] lol, sorry. So I am recovering a system and the system seems largely functional except for some odd key things that were ok before (mostly in vim) and a problem with less,more,man where regardless of what I set for number of lines in $LINES they are nearly unusable. This makes debug challenging [19:43] Hi guys, can I get your input on how to find the latest network outage on my ubuntu server? [19:44] !server | pennTeller [19:44] pennTeller: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server [19:46] thanks [19:47] Dixie_F: sounds like a terminal emulator issue. Are you working from the GUI or from a virtual console? [19:49] Neither, I am trying despeately to get ssh working so my 54 yr old bod can stop sitting on the floor in front of a monitor I have connected to my usually headless server. === paraxial2 is now known as paraxial [19:50] could be. I think .... do you think term persits through logins? I had a ton of issues till I renamed .bashrc [19:51] yup, xterm-256 color [19:51] what should term be for a local monitor on a no-gui OS? [19:54] Dixie_F: try "screen" or "vt-100" [19:57] vt-100 is really bad screen is sortof the same although it responds to changes in $LINES [20:00] Dixie_F: have you tried a "reset" command in the terminal? [20:00] no that's a good thought [20:00] Dixie_F: it could be some stray control codes have reprogrammed it [20:04] bash: reset command not found [20:04] ??? [20:07] Dixie_F: try Ctrl+J reset Ctrl+J [20:07] same [20:07] I am not running linux [20:08] Errrrr.... ! [20:09] tput sgr0 [20:09] solaris based unix [20:09] Open Indiana. [20:10] smartos [20:11] Dixie_F: this is *Ubuntu* support nothing else [20:12] Ok, you've been a great help. I will cease asking... [20:12] I figured they were generic questions [20:19] Anyone have luck setting up wireguard on ubuntu 18.04? I'd like to follow a secure strategy with relatively little config file editing - not because it's too technical, but because it's easy to forget where my settings live when they're distributed in various parts of /etc. [20:19] e.g., I found the network-manager-wireguard project, but it's only available via compiling it myself or PPAs with way too many packages in them. Makes me concerned about security. [20:20] compile it yourself, or wait for kernel 5.6 something? [20:21] sorry, I mean just being a client [20:21] I already have a wireguard server set up [20:21] from what I can tell, the way to set up wireguard, currently, is to mess with a few config files directly. Just want to make sure that is, indeed, the best option [20:24] all guides i find ask you to generate a key, edit a conf file and enable wireguard [20:25] not that much steps though [20:26] and take a look at https://www.wireguard.com/todo/ todo list, it is a project in progress [20:26] or simply install 19.10 [20:30] when i connect from ubuntu to openvpn i get the following error Sun Mar 8 16:50:46 2020 /sbin/ip addr add dev tun0 broadcast [20:30] Error: Invalid prefix for given prefix length. what could be wrong here? [20:31] ioria, gonna wait on 20.04 [20:31] I've had a much smoother time upgrading between LTSs [20:31] oerheks, yes, but still better than openvpn [20:33] Shirakawasuna, the problem is not lts or not, but what you have done on your system [20:34] I think LTS --> LTS upgrades get more testing [20:34] since they're targeted not just at desktop users but cloud [20:39] nasty german sluts [20:39] kjf ebrsdfgjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj [20:40] cats and keyboards .. [20:41] i beg your pardon, my idiot brother [20:46] LOL [21:03] I have a raid10 machine setup and I think some of the disks came loose (they weren't reporting). I've reseated the cables and the drives now appear, but mdadm is reporting that "Found some drive for an array that is already active /dev/md/0". [21:04] Alert UUID:.... does not exist. Dropping into shell! [21:04] My google foo is failing me, does anyone have any suggestions for what I should do or look into? === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [21:17] need graphics card help [21:17] are there any special grub entries for graphics ATI 6630M, cos mac mini doesnt boot [21:18] until i make changes to grub entry add nomodset and remove quiet [21:19] chandoo: AMD drivers are now in the kernel. What shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ? [21:21] two entries display unclaimed one for Radeon HD 6630M and second for integrated graphica controller [21:21] Bashing-om, first entry is VGA compatible controller [21:22] chandoo: Ouch - laptop with optimus graphics ? [21:24] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cymbtPRSTZ [21:24] Bashing-om, [21:24] Bashing-om, it is mac mini 2011 [21:26] Bashing-om, what entries grub should have to boot sucessfully? [21:26] how to fix the boot issue [21:28] does this link make any sense [21:28] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELUzf0MDQS0 [21:29] i am thinking of trying those entries into grub [21:31] blacklist nouveau might be a help https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-nouveau-nvidia-driver-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux [21:31] chandoo: I do not find 6630M listed - still checking. I do not have audio on this work station but will see what the youtube link is. [21:31] for mac mini 2011 [21:32] oerheks, yes [21:32] all i have is grey screen while booting [21:33] if i press ESC and makde gru changes then i can boot into ubuntu [21:43] I have installed ubuntu on my laptop, but windows is still installed there too. I cant boot into windows anymore and just want to completly remove it. But i cant see the partition in gparted. Maybe its in a safe mode or something. Is it possible to find it and remove it from Ubuntu ?. [21:48] FreVal: should show up in gparted, check the device list closely [21:48] FreVal: assuming is still there [21:49] bprompt it does not show, i have 1TB of storage and it only shows 1 partition on 500g and 512efi. [21:50] FreVal: then maybe it's gone [21:51] So half of the harddrive just vanished ? [21:52] you might have installed ubuntu in not-uefi mode? [21:52] or windows in legacy, and ubuntu in uefi mode? [21:52] !uefi [21:52] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [21:54] chandoo: Found no help - yet. My graphics here are not good enough to follow the youtube ^ link. As there is also no driver for the Intel chipset; what can you boot to if the "nomodeset" parameter is not used ? [21:56] Bashing-om, just grey color screen [21:56] oerheks, I got an Dell Xps 15 7590, And I am not sure where to find where its says Uefi / legacy in that bios. [21:58] chandoo: Can you get as far as the login screen before that grey ? [21:59] chandoo: I have the idea that from 2011, that updateing the pciids will be a good thing, Maybe we can get the system to boot to TTY and update ? [22:01] no login screen, nothing displays on the screen [22:02] while booting i press ESC and goto grub edit and boot works [22:03] Hello ! [22:03] Someone has already try to boot Ubuntu on a HI8 Chuwi tablet ? [22:04] (from µSD card) [22:04] (For example) [22:06] chandoo: "grub edit" is adding the nomodeset boot paramater ? I have the thought to replace it and boot to TTY there. [22:07] Bashing-om, that is what i am adding [22:07] for that i am interrupting the boot process and editing the grub, or else i see gray screen [22:08] oerheks it is installed in Uefi mode [22:09] chandoo: Ack. let's see if you can boot to TTY, instead of nomodeset insert the term " systemd.unit=multi-user.target ". Advise if you gain the terminal here. [22:09] i am in ubuntu now [22:09] what do you want to modify [22:10] oerheks I checked what ubuntu is installed in, and that is in Uefi. Not sure about Windows. But can i somehow just remove everything and reinstall ubuntu?. [22:10] i am in terminal [22:11] chandoo: We just update drom here :) .. run ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo update-pciids ' . [22:11] from* [22:14] Bashing-om, okay done [22:14] Hey, I got a fsck problem and want to check before I do something wrong: [Backstory] I (wrongly) installed tp_smapi on my X240 (with Linux Mint). On the next boot, fsck failed and I had to boot a live iso. I started sudo fsck /dev/sda2 as requested on boot and got various messages. "Resize inode not valid. Recreate?" "Inode 17105 seems to contain garbage. Clear?" "Inode 17106 seems to contain garbage. Clear?" - I confirmed the first two [22:14] and not I suspect I might be doing something stupid. [Question]: What should I do? Clear a few inodes and hope the disk is fixed? Run testdisk to rescue data first? [22:14] Downloaded daily snapshot dates 2020-03-07 [22:14] !mint | rynak [22:14] rynak: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) [22:14] Bashing-om, reboot? [22:15] chandoo: Yup, ' systemctl reboot ' . see what we have now for a normal boot :D [22:16] stuck at grey screen, i will give few mins [22:16] looks like it is booting, but screen is not showing anything [22:17] chandoo: :( should be only seconds. [22:17] when i do ctrl+Alt+Delete system reboots [22:17] Bashing-om, then it is not booting [22:17] !sysrq | chandoo [22:17] chandoo: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [22:19] chandoo: I do not have MAC experience, but in bios do you have any graphics card options ? [22:19] Bashing-om, i am not sure if i can go to bios in mac [22:19] i am first time user as well [22:20] i played with mac mini for few days and mac sucks, i decided to install ubunt onto it [22:21] i think all the necessary drivers are there, but grub doesn't have proper entries [22:21] i am not sure how to fix this [22:21] chandoo: This is a 16.04 attempt ? Have you also tried a 18.04 release ? [22:22] i downloaded ubuntu this morning [22:22] ubuntu mate [22:23] the version i got is 18.04.4 LTS(Nionic) [22:23] Bionic [22:27] chandoo: boot issues: have you seen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Macmini5-1/Precise for the Mac ? [22:28] yes [22:29] product name shows Macmini5,2 [22:30] chandoo: rEFIt. is installed ? [22:32] no [22:32] i dont want multi boot [22:32] i erased macos and install ubuntu only [22:33] Anyone willing to offer assistance on how to install Audacious 4.0 Beta 1 on Kubuntu from a .tar.bz2 file? I can't find any repo's with the beta. Problem is the Kubuntu media control widget doesnt work with stricter dbus traffic so the MPRIS 2 server plugin isn't working correctly [22:34] !source | zerix [22:34] zerix: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html [22:34] oops that's the wrong one, sorry [22:34] !build > zerix [22:34] zerix, please see my private message [22:36] lsmod doesnt show any vga devices Bashing-om [22:38] chandoo: Sorry - I do not have the experience here to say, I would expect that the Mac bios requires help to boot linux :( [22:41] Bashing-om, thanks for all the comments [22:42] chandoo: Await here for those who do know more about booting Macs. [22:45] zerix: please keep your questions in the main chat [22:45] Makefile:8: extra.mk: No such file or directory [22:45] make: *** No rule to make target 'extra.mk'. Stop. [22:45] errors when running make [22:46] theres an extra.mk.in file in the directory though [22:46] had to install gcc, make, autoconf i guess thats everything heh [22:53] hello. I am having troubles installing a new OS (feren) on my other laptop. I tried looking for an irc channel for feren, but couldn't find one. Does anyone know what irc channel I need to use for help installing Feren OS? Thanks. [22:55] johnjbogle1: /msg alis list feren [22:58] SlidingHorn: thanks, but nothing relative there. Any other channels that would be able to help me with installing it? (I believe FerenOS is derivative of Mint.) [22:59] johnjbogle1: try looking for options on their website...all I can really say [23:01] There is no irc channel listed on their site. Is there not a general linux-based support channel? [23:02] johnjbogle1: ##linux [23:03] There ya go, now that's a helpful answer. Thanks! [23:16] ati drivers [23:22] where can i find xorg.conf [23:23] chando use terminal> locate xorg.conf [23:24] I did that , i am not sure if it is the right one, [23:24] xorg.conf is in /usr/share/doc/intel [23:24] docs say to look for /etc/Xorg/xorg.conf [23:25] have you recently added it? [23:25] sorry /etc/X11/xorg.conf [23:25] need to do sudo updatedb [23:28] chandoo: 18.04 has a change to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ .