
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
knomejphilips, you mean like the press page we already have?08:49
knomeor something else?08:49
jphilipsknome: yep that page looks fine. strange i had visited it before as it was in my history but didn't notice it in the menu when i was thinking about it08:52
jphilipsdid you want to add press entries for non LTS releases?08:53
jphilipsnow i remember, i was only looking under 'The Blog' thinking that it would have been under there. ;D08:55
knomeyes, the goal is to have links for all releases if contributors have the time and energy08:55
jphilipsknome: okay will rounds some up for you to copy and paste09:09
jphilipsdoes the new Super + D keyboard shortcut introduced with 19.10 work with anyone, as it doesn't for me on the 19.10 live cd or installed10:45
jphilipsbluesabre: ^^^10:45
jphilipstested it also in onboard and doesnt work their either10:48
jphilipsbrainwash: i visited https://bugs.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-bugs but there is no means to file a bug there10:50
brainwashas said earlier, it's a user/group10:51
brainwashnot a package or project10:52
jphilipsoh okay. so do we have a bug reporting url10:53
knomebugs should be filed against the specific projects10:59
brainwashor via cli "ubuntu-bug <package>"10:59
jphilipsso which package is the shortcuts in so i can file the bug for the broken super + d shortcut11:02
knomehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings probably11:03
jphilipsits would be nice to have a central bug reporting place like xfce11:05
jphilipsit* would11:05
knomeeven in the xfce bugzilla you will have to select the product/project/app11:06
jphilipsquite easy to do that11:07
jphilipsits filed, can anyway confirm - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/186653711:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866537 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Show desktop shortcut doesnt work" [Undecided,New]11:08
jphilipsknome: 19.10 press is done - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qenHqnop4DWne2DsX5nPgaN7xdJLzL6etb0gfBGL6fk/edit#heading=h.pwohkmbiulx112:12
jphilipsbrainwash: did you get to see my proposal for a welcome app - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2020-February/011866.html15:31
jphilipsochosi: when do you plan to announce the winners of the wallpaper contest. i see ubuntu studio announced theirs yesterday16:05
Eickmeyer[m]jphilips: We started ours (Ubuntu Studio) much earlier.16:06
jphilipsEickmeyer[m]: how long did it run for?16:06
Eickmeyer[m]jphilips: One month.16:06
Eickmeyer[m]ochosi might be doing it differently though. Can't use other team's methods as benchmarks.16:07
knomeour contest is ran by a wordpress plugin that handles the submissions and voting, so there will be no overhead time used to move stuff around once we've closed submissions16:08
jphilipsokay i see the announcement says that winners will be announced at the end of the month16:09
jphilipsEickmeyer[m]: was watching popey the other day look over ubuntu studio16:10
Eickmeyer[m]jphilips: I saw it afterwards. Sadly, it pointed out to me that I hadn't updated the default settings even though I thought I had. :D16:11
jphilipsthats why we love testers :D16:13
Eickmeyer[m]Indeed. :D16:13
Eickmeyer[m]I would've caught it eventually, but I felt like a total bot in that moment. :D16:14
jphilipsEickmeyer[m]: let me know if you want me to kick the tires of it at any point16:19
jphilipsknome: 19.04 reviews added to the doc16:27
brainwashjphilips: I still don't know if a welcome app is necessary. in any case, it's not very likely that one would make it into 20.04 (but I may be wrong).16:37
knomeno way one will make it to 20.0416:37
knomemaybe a point release, but not sure how pointless (no pun intended) that would be16:38
jphilipsbrainwash: if most distros are doing it, there must be a benefit of it for new users. maybe some new contributors may stop by because of it.16:39
brainwashdoes stock ubuntu do it?16:43
knometbh, that's bad argumentation16:43
knome"because everybody else does it, it must be good"16:43
knomealso, while i think this could be definitely beneficial for some users, i don't think it's a tool (that should be used) for contributor luring16:44
brainwashdon't the installer slides already inform about those things?16:46
knomewe don't have any data on how many people actually sit on front of the screen looking at that though16:48
brainwashin any case, "someone" would have to work on that welcome app, then it could be tested16:48
jphilipsbrainwash: yes stock does as well17:01
jphilipsbut i think its more of a first start setup or something like that17:02
jphilipsabout the installer slides, yes that definitely might be helpful but not everyone will notice them or know that the underline text on the slides are clickable17:03
brainwasha brief tutorial?17:03
jphilipsfound it https://youtu.be/YOUwdhNbHtk?t=140917:07
jphilipswas watching popey17:07
jphilipsbut yes that 'what's new in ubuntu' would be another example of ubuntu introducing users to itself17:08
jphilipsguess i should download and install 18.04 to see what different slides are in the what's new dialog17:09
jphilipsguess for users who are upgrading from unity to then get the shock of gnome, you'd definitely need a what's new dialog17:10
jphilipsokay found it - https://youtu.be/ONXfL6evR0Q?t=6917:11
jphilipsguess its the same as popey's accept for the first slide17:13
jphilipsif you look in popey's video it says in the top bar 'Welcome to Ubuntu' but the CSD top bar says 'Online Accounts' which confused me till now17:14
-BottyMcBotFace:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-power-manager 1.6.6 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-power-manager-1-6-6-released-tp57659.html (by Simon Steinbeiss)21:36
ochosiJackFrost: since it's just bugfix i guess this is still ok to go into 20.04? ^21:40
JackFrostWe're behind with a few releases actually, but I'd think so (not having seen the changelog yet.)21:41
ochosiit's rather short :)21:43
ochosireally? where are we at?21:43
ochosiand why21:44
ochosioh, we're at 1.6.5, that's alright21:44
ochosior what did you mean exactly?21:44
ochosi(or did you refer to my comment in the other channel?)21:45
JackFrost-settings and -session I think are also behind, with others (listed on xfce414.html page.)21:49
ochosii was considering doing another for settings and panel21:50
JackFrostxfburn, clipman, -settings, -session.21:54
ochosicould we get the latter three updated at least?21:55
ochosi(if i promise to take care of statusnotifier)21:59
JackFrostHeh, it's the last two I don't like touching. :P22:01
JackFrostSpecifically, session.22:01
ochosireally? why?22:03
ochosiit's not exactly containing invasive changes22:03
ochosi("fix crash at logout" sounds re-assuring, no? :))22:03
-BottyMcBotFace:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin 0.2.2 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin-0-2-2-released-tp57661.html (by Simon Steinbeiss)22:07
JackFrostochosi: There just seems like a lot of cruft in the packaging bit, upstart leftovers that we didn't add.22:39
ochosiright, i'm obviously not aware of the packaging part22:40
JackFrostAnd run-systemd-session was never my favorite. :322:42
JackFrost(Bottom of http://deriv.debian.net/Ubuntu/patches/x/xfce4-session/xfce4-session_4.13.1-2_xfce4-session_4.13.2-0ubuntu1.debian.patch)22:42
ochosinot much i can do to help there i guess22:44
JackFrostNope, never said it was your fault. :D22:45
JackFrost...But if it makes you feel better I guess we could blame you..?22:45
ochosirather not22:45
ochosii just hope all the work i put into doing 4.14 patch releases ends up in the distro i use :>22:45
ochosi(i think compared to 4.12 we're doing a pretty great job already)22:46
ochosi(or 4.10)22:47
JackFrostDoing -settings now.22:49
ochosioh also - xfdesktop22:52
ochosiwe're still on 4.14.1 in focal22:52
JackFrost!info xfdesktop4 focal22:54
ubottuxfdesktop4 (source: xfdesktop4): Xfce desktop background, icons and root menu manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.14.2-1 (focal), package size 159 kB, installed size 679 kB22:54
ochosiok weird, my bad22:54
ochosisomehow packages.ubuntu tricked me (i guess i forgot to reset the dropdown for the distro version one time)22:55
JackFrostAh, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/SOURCEPACKAGE is a better view.22:55
JackFrosthttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wealias/ : alias = uts,  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s22:56
JackFrostalias = pts,  https://packages.qa.debian.org/%s22:56
JackFrostalias = npts,  https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/%s22:56
ochosimm, nice22:56
ochosiwoot, debian already switched to a few 4.15 releases??22:57
ochosi(i guess this is exp)22:58
ochosi(not testing)22:58
JackFrostExperimental, indeed.22:58
ochosialrighty, time to call it a night..22:59
ochosithanks for picking up settings, xfpm, statusnotifier and clipman!22:59
JackFrostI'm actually looking at xfburn. :P23:01

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