
mborzeckiback from school run06:58
mborzeckimvo: morning!06:58
zygaI will start around 906:59
zygaLooking after Lucy for now06:59
mborzeckizyga: hey!06:59
zygaHow are you all? :-)06:59
mborzeckizyga: still a bit tired06:59
mvomborzecki: good morning07:00
mvozyga: hey!07:00
mborzeckizyga: though happy i'm no longer on hotel food ;)07:00
zygaOr hotel coffee07:00
zygaThough I could use a few days of no-work sleep and rest away from family life too :P07:00
zyga(I bet my wife would do too)07:01
mborzeckiyeah, need to make use of those swap and carry over days07:01
mvozyga, mborzecki ++ !07:02
mupPR snapd#8223 closed: interfaces/u2f: Add Titan USB-C key <Created by stgraber> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8223>07:03
mupPR snapd#8222 closed: wrappers: import /etc/environment in all services <Bug> <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8222>07:07
mborzeckihttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8221 needs a 2nd review07:08
mupPR #8221: ovelord/snapstate: update only system wide fonts cache <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8221>07:08
mvomborzecki: I should have capacity07:10
mborzeckimvo:  it's super simple ;)07:10
mvomborzecki: \o/07:10
mupPR snapd#8221 closed: ovelord/snapstate: update only system wide fonts cache <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8221>07:11
mvomborzecki: but this will not fix the fc issue on fedora, right?07:12
mvomborzecki: it's just a drive-by?07:12
mborzeckimvo: unfortunately, just a drive by07:13
mupPR snapd#8229 opened: overlord: disable Test..AbortShortlyAfterStartOfOperation for 2.44 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8229>07:15
mvohrm, session-tool terminates on centos-8-64 in master07:18
mvoc.f. https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/658196422/log.txt07:19
mborzeckizyga: ^^07:19
mborzeckizyga: isn't that the thing you investigated on friday?07:19
mvoa review for 8229 would be nice, this is strictly 822907:22
mborzeckimvo: proposed a little change in 822907:51
mvomborzecki: oh, nice idea!07:52
mvomborzecki: it's not quite true, it will be fixed in master :) but yeah, I think this is much nicer07:52
zygamvo: I'll check08:12
zygamborzecki: yes but I could not reproduce it after -repeat 100 :/08:12
zygabut yeah08:13
zygathat's weird08:13
zygait implies PAM module that sets XDG_RUNTIME_DIR just didn't do it08:13
zygabut why?08:13
mborzeckihmm all the relevant bits should be fairly recent08:15
mborzeckimaybe we're missing some confi piece that's enabled for desktops?08:15
zygamborzecki: are you talking about pam?08:17
zygamborzecki: but it passes like 99,9% the tiem08:17
zygait's probably a race or a bug we're hitting (or a mistake in my assumptions)08:17
mwhudsonhm i have seeding problems in today's live server daily08:45
mvomwhudson: any logs?08:45
mwhudsonthe journal refers to OOPSID08:45
mwhudsonwhere are they?08:45
mwhudsonmvo: "reported install problem for "core" as ..."08:46
mvomwhudson: does "journal -u snapd" report anything? also "snap changes"08:46
mwhudsonmvo: the journal refers to these OOPSes08:46
mwhudsonsnap changes has "initialize system state" in Error08:46
mvomwhudson: do you have an oops-id for me? I can look at it08:46
mwhudsonah i think this may be my fault08:47
mvomwhudson: also "snap change 1" (the error change is probably id 1, right?). a pastebin of this would be great08:47
mwhudsonmvo: all slightly tedious in the live session :)08:47
mvomwhudson: indeed, sorry for that08:47
mvomwhudson: a picture with a mobile phone is probably also fine :)08:48
zygaI picked up the thing I was looking at on Friday08:49
mwhudsonthe task in error in is "failed to start snap.subiquity.subquity-service.service"08:49
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8230 is just a test case, I'll check how we handle environment across the stack and try to fix it as well08:49
mupPR #8230: cmd/snap-exec: add test case for LP:#1860369 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8230>08:49
mwhudsonand "transaction order is cyclic"08:49
mupPR snapd#8230 opened: cmd/snap-exec: add test case for LP:#1860369 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8230>08:49
zygamborzecki: ^08:50
mwhudsonand i was messing with after/before nonsense on friday08:50
mvomwhudson: aha, that makes sense08:50
mwhudsonso yeah, i think this is my fault :)08:50
mwhudsonsigh, why is boot so hard08:50
zygawe should go back to autoexec.bat08:51
zygaat least it was deterministic08:51
mwhudsoner does the service file get deleted again if installing the snap fails?08:55
zygamborzecki: it should08:56
zygamwhudson: ^08:56
mwhudsonzyga: this is not maximally helpful :)08:56
zygamwhudson: yeah, I can understand that, perhaps you can prolong the process with a long sleep (assuming you can tty in)08:57
mwhudsonzyga: in this case what's going on is fairy clear09:09
zygamwhudson: how would it help you if the service file sticked around?09:23
zygamwhudson: perhaps I misunderstand but perhaps a general "--install-even-if-services-fail" mode would be useful for development09:24
mborzeckizyga: will you be pushing a fix to #8230 as well?10:07
mupPR #8230: cmd/snap-exec: add test case for LP:#1860369 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8230>10:07
zygamborzecki: yes10:09
zygamborzecki: the fix is not that hard, just thinking if something else needs to be updated10:12
mborzeckimvo: added some comments in #810010:32
mupPR #8100: httputil: add support for extra snapd certs <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8100>10:32
mborzeckimvo: i can post a patch if you like10:33
mborzeckizyga: do you have /etc/pulse/client.conf.d/<files-inside> in focal?10:35
mborzeckimvo: #8227 for 2.44?10:36
mupPR #8227: interfaces/audio_playback: Fix pulseaudio config access <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Created by Erick555> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8227>10:36
mborzeckizyga: trivial PR ^^10:39
zygamborzecki: checking10:43
zygayes, I have two files there10:44
zygaand 01-enable-autospawn.conf10:44
zygamborzecki: the latter is a symlink (dangling) to /run/pulseaudio-enable-autospawn10:45
zygaperhaps we need the /run rule as well?10:45
mborzeckizyga: idk, the fix in 8227 seems to fix the problem for the author, so i'd start with that (and it's alrady what the `pulseaudio` iface does)10:48
zygamborzecki: reviewed10:48
mborzeckiogra_: hey, does the zoom-client app start at all? just tried it and it coredumps when starting11:23
mvomborzecki: sorry for the delay, had a call11:30
mvomborzecki: looking at backlog now11:30
mvomborzecki: re 8227> yes, let's double check with jamie though11:31
mvomborzecki: just to be sure it's not something deliberate11:31
mvomborzecki: I like the LoadInfo() idea - I think it makes sense. feel free to push a patch. I modelled the interface after samueles suggestion so might be worth checking with him first before spending too much time on this though)11:35
mborzeckimvo: yeah, he's away today, but i'll ping him tomorrow11:36
ogramborzecki, it definitely does for me ...11:44
ogralet me purge and re-install to be sure11:45
mvomborzecki: sounds great, thank you11:47
ogramborzecki, starts fine here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vBnx3CpZBM/ ... (at that point i have a UI on screen (even though nothing would work without connecting the interfaces)11:48
mborzeckiogra: i'm trying this on arch, maybe it's a similar case to spotify from snap that segfaults11:49
ograhmm, yeah11:49
ograsadly zoom is 100% proporietary so i cant change any of its code11:49
ograbut for snap run --shell to look at pacmd you luckily dont need to run itself11:50
ogramborzecki, also note that i can touch /var/run/1000/pulse/native (the socket) just fine without error11:54
ogra(forgot to add that to the forum)11:54
zygamborzecki: so I did some digging12:52
zygamborzecki: and it's not great12:52
mborzeckizyga: hm?12:52
zygamborzecki: when environment contains duplicate variables12:52
zygamborzecki: programs disagree as to what is set12:52
zygamborzecki: for instance, python prefers the first value12:53
zygamborzecki: but shell prefers the last value12:53
zygamborzecki: C is more like python12:53
zygamborzecki: I think fixing this may "bite"12:53
zygamborzecki: I'll go ahead and see if fixing it breaks anything visibly12:54
mborzeckihm wnder if we should maybe do it in 2.45?12:54
zygamborzecki: IIRC it breaks some stuff for snapcraft now12:55
mborzeckior 44 and then patch release if things are turn for the worse?12:55
zygamborzecki: let's decide once we know some more12:55
zygamborzecki: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1860369/comments/1313:07
mupBug #1860369: Python apps broken in MicroStack (a classic snap) after Jan 14 snapcraft update <core20> <snapd:Triaged by anonymouse67> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1860369>13:07
zygaI'll grab lunch and fix it after13:07
zygasergiusens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1860369/comments/13 can you comment on this and advise us if this will break snapcraft-built snaps?13:08
mupBug #1860369: Python apps broken in MicroStack (a classic snap) after Jan 14 snapcraft update <core20> <snapd:In Progress by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1860369>13:08
sergiusenszyga: I suspect that it would be mostly ondra's apps as they use adapter: none... mostly everything else has a shell in the middle either through command-chain or a wrapper13:13
ondrasergiusens yes, I use heavily adapter: none13:14
sergiusenszyga: but yes, python prefers "old", shell prefers "new"...which is the origin for the bug report13:14
ondrasergiusens are we removing support of it?13:14
sergiusensondra: adapter: none and "environment: " is buggy in snapd13:14
mupPR snapd#8227 closed: interfaces/audio_playback: Fix pulseaudio config access <Security-High> <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Created by Erick555> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8227>13:14
mborzeckimvo: can you cherry-pick https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8227 to 2.44?13:15
mupPR #8227: interfaces/audio_playback: Fix pulseaudio config access <Security-High> <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Created by Erick555> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8227>13:15
sergiusensondra: just read a few lines above13:15
ondrasergiusens ah, good to know I think one customer is using it as well13:19
zygaondra: are you okay with us fixing the bug without any extra special compatibility features?13:26
zygaondra: we will correctly override environment along the whole chain13:26
ondrazyga sure, I do not think we have hit it so far, and if we have defined env twice, it's also error on our side :)13:27
zygaondra: I think it's not an error in general13:27
zygaondra: let's take PATH13:27
ondrazyga true13:27
zygaondra: you have one to begin with, from either system or snap-confine13:27
zygaondra: then you can change it (e.g. extend or override) in snap global environment13:28
zygaondra: then you can do the same again, at the level of a specific application13:28
zygaondra: we're just inconsistent for now13:28
ondrazyga ah, that makes sense13:28
ondrazyga so I think from I'm aware, we usually use one or another, do not combine both13:29
zygaondra: sure, my point is that combining is fine IMO13:29
ondrazyga this was case in one snap I was doing about year ago and that one is dead for now :)13:29
ondrazyga agree with you, you should be able to combine13:29
ondrait makes sense13:29
jdstrandmvo: hey, did you see https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8100#discussion_r389109976 ? I feel like I am missing something?13:30
ondrazyga but it should be predictable :)13:30
mupPR #8100: httputil: add support for extra snapd certs <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8100>13:30
jdstrandmvo: also, saw the timeline for 2.44. I need to prepare a PR for policy updates (wanted to earlier, but alas, focused on PR review backlog)13:30
jdstrandmvo: I'll do that today (maybe split into multiple PRs)13:31
jdstrandmvo: there is a timing problem though. there is a weird rule I'm trying to chase down for joedborg and the k8s team and until I understand it, I don't know where I want to put it13:32
jdstrandmvo: this will be in a separate PR as soon as I figure it out13:33
joedborgMorning jdstrand, weโ€™re mostly all on swap.  Whatโ€™s the issue?13:35
jdstrandjoedborg: there is no new issue. just the timing of when I saw mvo say that he wanted to cut a final 2.4413:40
mvojdstrand: thanks for this update13:59
clmsyhi everyone14:02
clmsyhaving a bit of a trouble at the moment14:02
clmsyi accidentaly uploaded a package to global store14:02
clmsythan on the details page i just want to remove and get rid of it14:02
clmsydetails page being dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/(nameofthesnap)14:03
clmsyif i try edit name or any edit in any part i get a 404 back14:03
mvoroadmr: is the above question from clmsy something you could help with?14:25
mupPR snapd#8229 closed: overlord: disable Test..AbortShortlyAfterStartOfOperation for 2.44 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8229>14:37
mupPR snapcraft#2963 opened: project: add fallbacks for os.sched_getaffinity <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2963>14:44
* zyga -> quick coffee 15:38
=== genii_ is now known as genii
* zyga EODs the online part, will focus on coding for some more time offline17:22
mupPR snapd#8231 opened: interfaces/{docker,kubernetes}-support: updates for lastest k8s <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8231>20:15
mupPR snapcraft#2964 opened: build providers: remove LXD specific env setup <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2964>21:00
mupPR snapd#8232 opened: interfaces: miscellaneous policy updates <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8232>21:49
mupPR snapd#8233 opened: snap-confine: unconditionally add /dev/net/tun to the device cgroup <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8233>22:13
mupBug #1859084 changed: tun module is not auto-loaded  on UC18/pi3 despite network-control interface being connected <snapd:In Progress by jdstrand> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1859084>22:15
mupPR snapcraft#2965 opened: rosdep: include EOL ROS distros <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2965>22:31
mupPR snapcraft#2966 opened: build providers: move to buildd images <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2966>22:34

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