
mwhudsonum all glibc triggered autopkgtests failing isn't good?00:17
vorlondoko: why are you rebuilding perl for libcrypt1?  It's not viable to have to rebuild every package which links against libcrypt to add a new dependency on libcrypt102:10
vorlondoko: and the plan that was discussed earlier on irc didn't mention perl, only base-files + libc + libxcrypt02:10
mwhudsonvorlon: is there any pump turning i can do to help with glibc?02:27
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:27
lotuspsychjewe have a user reporting the same symptons of bug #1860622 in #ubuntu anyone knows whats the status on that?04:28
ubot5bug 1860622 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Dependency error installing pulseaudio-esound-compat" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186062204:28
vorlonmwhudson: I don't know, really; per above I'm not clear on why what's being uploaded is being uploaded04:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntustudio-look [amd64] (focal-proposed/universe) [0.69] (ubuntustudio)05:02
Eickmeyer^ Separated out a metadata file. Probably just needs a rubber stamp.05:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: heimdall-flash [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [1.4.2+dfsg-1] (no packageset)05:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: heimdall-flash [s390x] (focal-proposed/none) [1.4.2+dfsg-1] (no packageset)05:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: heimdall-flash [ppc64el] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.4.2+dfsg-1] (no packageset)05:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: heimdall-flash [arm64] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.4.2+dfsg-1] (no packageset)05:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: heimdall-flash [armhf] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.4.2+dfsg-1] (no packageset)05:45
vorlonI'm not sure what was going on with the autopkgtest queues being stuck, but it seems to be resolved now, (coincidentally?) after I reset the workers05:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted heimdall-flash [arm64] (focal-proposed) [1.4.2+dfsg-1]05:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted heimdall-flash [armhf] (focal-proposed) [1.4.2+dfsg-1]05:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted heimdall-flash [amd64] (focal-proposed) [1.4.2+dfsg-1]05:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted heimdall-flash [s390x] (focal-proposed) [1.4.2+dfsg-1]05:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted qgis [armhf] (focal-proposed) [3.10.3+dfsg-1~exp2]05:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted qgis [s390x] (focal-proposed) [3.10.3+dfsg-1~exp2]05:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted heimdall-flash [ppc64el] (focal-proposed) [1.4.2+dfsg-1]05:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted qgis [ppc64el] (focal-proposed) [3.10.3+dfsg-1~exp2]05:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted qgis [amd64] (focal-proposed) [3.10.3+dfsg-1~exp2]05:50
mwhudsonvorlon: hm ok i guess i'll see what doko says when he's around06:58
xnoxvorlon:  we had all autopkgtest fail, with perl failing to find libcrypt whilst upgrading the autopkgtest workers.09:32
xnoxhe did say he will look more into that09:32
xnoxyou can read up backscrol either here or on #ubuntu-devel09:32
xnoxlet me find a sample log09:32
xnoxSetting up libc6:amd64 (2.31-0ubuntu1) ...09:33
xnox/usr/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypt.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:33
xnoxthat was all of glibc triggered autopkgtests, with all of them failing as "unknown"09:33
xnoxdue to above09:33
mwhudsonso everything needs retriggering with perl&glibc from proposed?09:34
mwhudsoni notice deboostrap succeeds today09:34
xnoxi am assuming somebody already retriggered09:39
xnoxbecause glibc results are half green already09:39
xnoxhm yet the queues are empty09:40
xnoxand there is lots of red09:40
xnoxi'll speak to doko09:40
dokovorlon: perl-base and login are the only packages that pre-depend on libcrypt1, not base-files. and I didn't want to re-introduce another pre dependency09:55
dokono, I didn't retrigger10:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted alsa-lib [source] (eoan-proposed) [1.1.9-0ubuntu1.2]10:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted alsa-lib [source] (bionic-proposed) [1.1.3-5ubuntu0.4]10:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected snapd-glib [source] (eoan-proposed) [1.56-0ubuntu0.19.10.0]10:20
xnoxretriggering things triggered by glibc, on amd64 i386 ppc64el s390x, with extra trigger added for perl10:26
xnox8k of tests10:26
xnoxsubmission in progress10:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-dev-tools [source] (bionic-proposed) [0.175ubuntu1~18.04.1]10:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-oem [amd64] (bionic-proposed/main) [4.15.0-1076.86] (kernel)11:22
dokovorlon: please could you add llvm-toolchain-10 to the i386 whitelist?11:50
dokoxnox: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-focal/focal/ppc64el/c/cross-toolchain-base/20200309_104230_89307@/log.gz12:31
dokoCalculating upgrade...12:36
dokoThe following packages will be upgraded:12:36
doko  base-files libc-bin libc6 libcrypt1 libperl5.30 locales login passwd perl12:36
doko  perl-base perl-modules-5.3012:36
dokolibcrypt1 is already installed (at least it says it's getting upgraded)12:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-oem [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [4.15.0-1076.86]12:38
dokobut the crypto library is removed because of the bad breaks/replaces in the old libcrypt1 on the image12:38
xnoxdoko:  thus trigger should include libxcrypt?!12:39
xnoxdoko:  i am wondering if libcrypt1 in shlibs should generate a dep on "libc6 (>= 2.31), libcrypt1 (>= 1:4....)12:40
xnoxdoko:  because really, using libcrypt1 adds an extra requirement on a higher libc612:40
dokomaybe, but this doesn't help with the current situation12:41
xnoxdoko:  libc6 in it's postinst is using perl. but it is not guaranteed that the new libcrypt1/perl are _configured_ at that point, only unpacked.12:42
xnoxdoko:  i wonder if libc6 maintainer scripts must LD_PRELOAD libcrypt1 or like actually predepend on it.12:42
xnoxdoko:  because debconf12:42
dokono, libcrypt1 is installed before12:42
dokoit get's removed by removing libc6 2.30 and installing 2.3112:43
xnoxdoko:  it really didn't....12:43
xnoxsays that it will be upgraded12:43
xnoxdoes the VM image have the old libcrypt1 without fixed up breaks?12:43
xnoxin that case we need a new libc6 upload which conflicts with broken libcrypt1 versions12:45
xnox(those without ubuntu-specific breaks/replaces)12:45
xnoxor like rebuild our VM images without libcrypt112:45
xnoxLaney:  we have removed libcrypt1 from focal-release; yet our VM images appear to have it. Can we please rebuild autopkgtest VMs without libcrypt1?12:46
xnoxor maybe juliank ^^^^12:46
* xnox looks at VM images12:46
dokoxnox: can you confirm the libcrypt1 version on the images?12:47
xnoxgood point12:47
xnoxif only i remembered which machines i need to ssh into12:48
dokoahh, libxcrypt is entirely removed from the release pocket12:49
dokoyes, then rebuilding of the autopkg images should solve that issue12:49
juliankxnox: it iss wendigo12:50
juliankand I guess we can do that?12:50
xnoxjuliank:  yeap, ssh-ed in12:50
xnoxbased on admin docs12:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: stress-ng (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.09.25-1ubuntu6 => 0.09.25-1ubuntu8] (no packageset)12:52
dokoand probably it's better to rebuild the buildd images as well12:52
dokocjwatson: ^^^ is this something you could help with?12:52
juliankxnox: So shall I do RELEASE=focal autopkgtest-cloud/tools/build-adt-image-all-clouds autopkgtest/setup-commands/setup-testbed ?12:53
xnoxjuliank:  i want to check that the current images are bad. I am inside the worker, looking up nova creds to download the image12:53
xnoxjuliank:  but then yes something like that.12:54
xnoxwill need to be done12:54
xnoxdownloading image, it is taking forever12:59
dokoto fix an upgrade from a bad libcrypt1, maybe move libcrypt.so.1 from /lib/<multiarch> in libc6's preinst, run ldconfig, and then remove it in the postinst?13:14
xnoxdoko:  scary, as it is using perl in preinst13:16
dokomaybe cp instead of mv13:18
xnoxdoko:  juliank: ii  libcrypt1:ppc64el                    1:4.4.10-10ubuntu1 is installed in the images13:20
xnoxwhich is bad13:20
xnoxwe must rebuild images without it13:21
julianki can start that13:21
xnoxjuliank:  i'm loging out of everything, as i have never rebuild the images from scratch13:21
xnoxi  should have killed my instance first!13:21
xnoxand did that now13:22
xnoxdoko:  so i guess all of my test submissions will still be broken13:22
xnoxdoko:  and tests should just pass, with glibc trigger alone.13:23
xnoxafter we rebuild our images13:23
juliankxnox: should I remove your test submissions13:23
xnoxjuliank:  i think so, yes please.13:23
xnoxeverything from xnox submitter13:23
juliankdoing so13:24
xnoxmake it so!13:24
* xnox giggles13:24
juliankI'm hitting a bug somewhere13:25
juliankxnox: also to rebuild the images from scratch, we must hack around a bit, as otherwise, it upgrades the old ones, sigh13:26
xnoxjuliank:  i thought there is a parameter to that script to start off from i.e. eoan stable13:26
juliankxnox: ah really bootstrap from eoan13:27
xnoxjuliank:  yes, use eoan as base image, or the prestine import of focal (the CPC cloud images, which are good)13:27
dokolibc6: conficts libcrypt1 (<< 1:4.4.10-10ubuntu3), libcrypt1: breaks libc6 (<< 2.31)13:27
dokojuliank: ^^^ how should apt resolve that?13:28
xnoxdoko:  ok great, we just need to eradicate the broken ubuntu1 from the image then.13:28
xnoxdoko:  assuming the breaks libc6 <<2.31 is in ubuntu3, yes.13:28
dokoI think the conflct adds an impossible solution to make the upgrade13:28
xnoxdoko: let's rebuild autopkgtest VM images; then run tests, I think we will be fine then.13:29
xnoxdoko:  without any extra libxcrypt nor glibc uploads.13:29
juliankI'm investigating13:29
xnoxjuliank:  from bash_history, i see that cpc stock image is often uploaded by hand with glance image-create13:30
xnoxhowever i see that was last done with cosmic13:30
xnoxjuliank:  ./create-nova-image-new-release focal ubuntu/ubuntu-eoan-daily-amd64-server-20191122-disk1.img testbed-`hostname` autopkgtest/setup-commands/setup-testbed13:31
juliankxnox: I want to check if we have older focal images, how many, etc13:31
xnoxwas run before13:31
xnoxjuliank:  so i see only adt customized images and no stock imports of focal at all.13:32
xnoxjuliank:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TY62S4Fgtj/13:32
xnox08/09 adt builds of arm64, ppc64el, s390x without any stock focal images13:33
xnoxand those contain broken libxcrypt113:33
juliankxnox: i see ubuntu/ubuntu-focal-daily-s390x-server-20200305-disk1.img13:34
xnoxjuliank:  yet there are autosync images of eoan https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B26J3r8dDY/13:34
juliankon bos01-s390x13:34
xnoxjuliank:  i'm connected to bos02-ppc64el env13:34
xnoxdo you have the 0307 eoan daily builds?13:34
xnoxi.e.  auto-sync/ubuntu-eoan-daily-s390x-server-20200307-disk1.img13:34
xnoxi guess we need a common base image that exists in all regions for consistency13:35
xnoxor upload a new one13:35
juliankxnox: it does not matter much where we start i guess13:36
xnoxjuliank:  i don't see that one in bos02 =(13:36
xnoxunless  the prefix doesn't matter?13:36
xnoxauto-sync/ vs ubuntu/13:36
dokoI'm removing the build-essential upload from -proposed again, it's not needed, because libc6-dev depends on libcrypt-dev13:36
juliankxnox: prefix does nto matter13:36
xnoxthen rebuild everything against that? but i somehow confused how it will be extrapolated per arch =) cause it should be -$ARCH- right? hopefully the scripts know how to do that13:37
xnoxproduct_name      | com.ubuntu.cloud.daily:server:19.10:ppc64el13:38
xnoxanyway, i logout! best of luck to you =)13:39
juliankxnox: so it will automatically rebuild with the latest focal base image next round, when was the last save image?13:39
juliankI feel like making sure it was built before March 4 should work13:39
xnoxmarch 4 cpc upstream image is good13:40
xnoxadt/* images from 5/6/7/8/9 march are all bad13:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted collectd [source] (bionic-proposed) [5.7.2-2ubuntu1.2]13:41
xnoxjuliank:  or you can modify the rebuild script to temproarly do " apt remove libcrypt1"13:41
xnoxjuliank:  because it is unreferenced in the image today.13:41
juliankxnox: hmm13:41
xnox(release pocket)13:41
dokobut remember to remove that line later ...13:42
juliankI just ignore grep -v 20200306 | grep -v 20200307 | grep -v 20200308 | grep -v 2020030913:42
xnoxit used to be, but not anymore. I.e. bad base-files & bad libcrypt1 migrated, which ended up on the image (and persist), but now have been removed from focal-release13:42
juliankThen we start from 2020-03-06 base images or earlier13:42
xnoxjuliank:  more.13:42
xnoxjuliank:  because bad libcrypt1 migrated on the 3rd of march?13:43
xnox2020-03-03 09:08:17 GMTSupersededFocalreleaseuniverselibs1:4.4.10-1013:43
juliankubuntu2 is the one we are worried about13:43
xnoxis when the very bad ubuntu1 landed in the image13:43
juliankubuntu1 did not have breaks/replaces?13:43
xnoxjuliank:  no, ubuntu2 is the first good one13:43
juliankit was just a no-change rebuild13:43
xnoxjuliank:  but ubuntu2 is not installable with libc6 from release pocket.13:44
xnoxjuliank:  ubuntu1 is installable with libc6 in the release pocket, which is bad.13:44
juliankOK, let's just apt purge libcrypt113:44
dokoxnox: no, the Debian imports are already broken13:44
xnoxdoko:  right, ubuntu1 is the last bad one =)13:44
dokoahh, ok13:44
xnoxubuntu2 is the first good one13:44
xnoxjuliank:  but apt purge libcrypt1 might not work, if base-files is too new in the image. because it depends on libcrypt1. So maybe you need to purge libcrypt1 and downgrade base-files, which hopefully apt will figure out....13:45
dokoif it helps, remove base-files from -proposed13:46
xnoxjuliank:  i still feel somehow rebootstrapping adt images from eoan might be better.13:47
juliankxnox: ah13:48
juliankxnox: hmm, it's running now13:48
xnoxjuliank:  ack13:48
xnoxlet's see if it works13:48
juliankI see E: Unable to locate package libcrypt113:48
juliank glib-networking : Depends: gsettings-desktop-schemas but it is not going to be installed13:49
juliankprobably need to really start from eoan again13:49
juliankin any case, it will either produce new images without libcrypt1 or fail13:49
juliankprobably should have deleted other 20200309 images so I can know if I finished a new one13:50
julianksome images are good already, and some fail to build13:53
juliankxnox: Rebootstrapping from eoan13:56
juliankxnox: I added a safety check to setup-testbed so it cant't build new images that end up with libcrypt1 installed13:58
xnoxjuliank:  ok13:58
xnoxjuliank:  we will need to remove that safety check after we have good images; because it will become safe after glibc migrates in focal13:58
juliankxnox: yup13:58
xnox(or if images with -proposed are built)13:58
juliankok I have a syntax error somewhere14:00
julianktake #314:02
juliankApologies for the inconvenience14:04
dokojuliank: are the images now updated?14:35
julianklet's check14:35
juliankdoko: I don't think so14:36
juliankbos02-arm64 succeeded14:37
juliankbut the rest got confused14:37
juliankand spawned multiple instances with the same id14:37
juliankgotta try that again14:37
juliankFirst gotta delete all the images14:37
juliankdoko: this is going to take a few more ages14:39
juliankI'm deleting all servers now14:41
juliankit's slow14:41
juliankI'll also delete the images afterwards, then it should be easy to see14:43
juliankdoko: Also, we might be running out of resources on arm, so I'm not super confident it will work14:49
juliankAnyway, deleted all adt-prepare servers and deleting images right now14:49
juliankand then we still need to do the same thing on lxd14:50
juliankthis is only arm64+ppc64l+s390x+amd64+i38614:50
julianknot armhf14:50
seb128someone there should perhaps send an email to ubuntu-devel@ letting people know that the autopkgtest are out of order on focal and being work on but it's taking a bit14:50
juliankI don't think that's necessary, what are they going to do differently?14:51
seb128you are arguing that service outage is not worth communicating about?14:53
xnoxjuliank:  i didn't see lxd images to be impacted, but maybe i am wrong14:54
juliankxnox: I think they rebuild from cloud image today14:55
juliankxnox: I'm launcing on14:55
juliank* launching one14:55
juliankthis is slow14:56
juliankseb128: i think it's fairly self-evident14:56
juliankseb128: but meh14:58
juliankseb128: sent one14:58
seb128juliank, it's also self-evident when e.g gmail is down, wonder why google bother communicating about outdates :p14:58
seb128juliank, thanks14:58
juliankreddit is down all the time and does not tell people about it14:58
juliankautopkgtest is not down per se, just tests fail14:59
seb128juliank, even when ti's self evident that a piece of infra is down is not evident that it has been reported to the right people so if only that an announce has as effect to don't have 15 different people spending time looking at who to ping and bothering all #is or whatever14:59
juliankseb128: but it's been broken for a week, so fairly diminishing returns by now15:00
seb128since friday no?15:00
seb128which means a w.e with a good part of the active contributors out because they don't work on w.e/were travelling back from a sprint15:01
juliankpeople say the libcrypt1 on march 03 4? was broken too15:01
julianki don't have followed this closely15:01
seb128anyway, thanks for sending an email15:01
juliankcloud-init has broken depends, so lcy01 and lgw01 are not building afaict15:03
julianknot sure if the other ones work15:04
juliankthey're still doing stuff15:04
juliankbut it's possible we're not getting images for everything15:04
juliankit was trying to build i386 images15:09
juliankI don't know why15:09
juliankppc64el and s390x are done15:09
juliankshould I just completely purge the queue?15:13
juliankI think britney will rerequest stuff if needed?15:13
juliankbut not sure15:13
juliankxnox: I only purged your stuff from one queue and forgot the others...15:13
juliankok, so how do I get amd64 images now?15:14
juliankvorlon: Do we actually still use i386 images? I don't think so, and they fail to build now that we don't upgrade the last one15:17
juliankxnox, doko arm64, ppc64el, s390x are done; building amd64 noew15:23
juliankit's running in a tmux15:25
juliankit's still running15:32
juliankdoko, xnox we should be live again15:35
juliankLaney: We might get terrible error messages tomorrow15:38
juliankLaney: I published new images upgraded from eoan that work (have no libcrypt1), but nightly will try to rebuild with latest focal daily - if that ends up containing libcrypt1, setup-testbed will fail its safety check i added15:39
xnoxjuliank:  coool15:44
xnoxjuliank:  let me retry just a couple of packages to see if they work fine15:44
vorlonlocutus_: was there an FFe bug for this qgis sync starting a transition?16:02
vorlondoko: perl-base and login pre-depending on libcrypt1 doesn't appear to solve the problem of the library previously provided by libc6 moving to a different package.  Why did you decide it was not correct to have libc6 pre-depend on libcrypt1?16:04
vorlonjuliank: the i386 images are used in launchpad.16:05
juliankvorlon: the i386 adt/ images is what I'm talking about16:06
vorlonjuliank: ok.  those we aren't using on focal, no16:06
juliankright we should stop building them16:06
juliankgotta add a test for that16:06
juliankaka if [ $arch = i366 -a $RELEASE = focal ]; then continue; fi16:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Removed libmng from i386-whitelist in focal16:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Removed qt4-x11 from i386-whitelist in focal16:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Added llvm-toolchain-10 to i386-whitelist in focal16:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Added setuptools to i386-whitelist in focal16:32
locutus_vorlon, no transition...16:33
locutus_I don't remember the rationale for syncing it, let me check16:35
vorlonlocutus_: libqgis-server3.4.15 -> libqgis-server3.10.3 is this not a transition?16:35
locutus_but no reverse-deps...16:35
vorlonet al16:35
locutus_its somewhat an internal library I would say16:35
locutus_unfortunately the diff is huge, but I remember some bugfixes we needed, such as compatibility with proj 6.3.1 and something else16:36
cjwatsondoko: I'm off today, but ask me tomorrow.  buildd images get built automatically, I just need to push them to LP once builds are available16:37
dokovorlon: I didn't decide ... just questioning why the pre-depends wasn't done in unstable18:38
vorlondoko: didn't decide? you were doing the uploads18:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: pdfchain (focal-proposed/primary) [1:]19:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected pdfchain [sync] (focal-proposed) [1:]19:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: pdfchain (focal-proposed/primary) [1:]19:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected pdfchain [source] (focal-proposed) [1:]19:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pdfchain [amd64] (focal-proposed/universe) [1:] (no packageset)19:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pdfchain [s390x] (focal-proposed/universe) [1:] (no packageset)19:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pdfchain [ppc64el] (focal-proposed/universe) [1:] (no packageset)19:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pdfchain [armhf] (focal-proposed/universe) [1:] (no packageset)19:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pdfchain [arm64] (focal-proposed/universe) [1:] (no packageset)19:42
EickmeyerIs there any chance I can get ubuntustudio-look moved out of NEW? I moved a .xml file into its own package to fix an installation bug, so it's super trivial.19:59
EickmeyerBesides that, we have our new default wallpaper ready to go, so I want to make sure bug 1866584 gets fixed before I upload more changes.20:03
ubot5bug 1866584 in ubuntustudio-look (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio-wallpapers duplicates file in ubuntustudio-wallpapers-focal" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186658420:03
ahasenackvorlon: hi, I see debian-installer now is blocked on this new src:libxcrypt20:15
ahasenackvorlon: I also saw juliank's email about the autopkgtest images being broken because of it. Is that the reason for the block?20:15
vorlonahasenack: no, the reason for the block is in scrollback over the weekend, libxcrypt somehow made it into the release pocket without a corresponding libc6 that pre-depends on it, which broke the world20:17
vorlonEickmeyer: ubuntustudio-wallpapers depends on ubuntustudio-wallpapers-focal; it does not look like a reasonable solution to me to deal with a file conflict between these two packages by introducing yet another binary package for a single data file20:20
ahasenackvorlon: ok, thanks. What's the event that will unbkreak the world and release the lock20:21
vorlonahasenack: I don't know, doko has been laconic in his responses to me about what he's doing and the uploads I've seen don't match what was discussed.20:22
vorlonI *expected* to see a pre-depends from libc6 to libcrypt1, possibly with some manual ldconfig handling in a preinst, and to unblock all of this once glibc is a candidate20:23
vorlonbut then I see no-change perl uploads that look to me like they're treating the symptom instead of fixing the bug20:23
ahasenackvorlon: this glibc predates the breakage? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/2.31-0ubuntu220:23
ahasenackit says "2 days old"20:23
vorlonahasenack: it appears to include all of the changes that were discussed. but it needs to be a candidate per p-m, and I also want to know why this change wasn't sufficient without there also being a perl upload20:25
ahasenackI see all its reds point at libcrypt.so.120:25
vorlonxnox: you've triggered tests with perl+glibc and these passed on amd64 but not other archs, do you know why?20:26
juliankoh I should send an email that the issue is sorted out i supposer20:26
vorlonso here's the problem20:29
vorlonlibc6 preinst is trying to load debconf before it does the ldconfig20:29
vorlonI think we should just move the ldconfig handling to the front of the maintainer script instead.20:30
vorlonglibc 2.31-0ubuntu3 uploaded20:39
vorlonEickmeyer: I've looked further and I see where usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntustudio-wallpapers.xml is also shipped in e.g. ubuntustudio-wallpapers-disco, so it makes sense why there is a file conflict.  However, the actual contents of this file don't make much sense to me in a common data package, because the xml file /references/ the wallpapers from the various per-series binary20:54
vorlonpackages, which are not going to be installed.  So what do you expect the behavior to be here if someone installs ubuntustudio-wallpapers, then tries to select the disco wallpaper which is not actually installed?20:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected ubuntustudio-look [amd64] (focal-proposed) [0.69]20:57
Eickmeyer[m]vorlon: We21:04
Eickmeyer[m]vorlon: We've been including that file in the packages for YEARS. It's the only way to get gnome to see our wallpapers. I don't appreciate the rejection without explanation.21:05
Eickmeyer[m]But, I guess I'll fix the disco wallpapers, if it's showing up there too.21:06
vorlonEickmeyer[m]: er, I've given you an explanation for the reject.21:06
vorlonyou should have per-series .xml files, with no file conflict, unless you can provide an explanation why this is wrong21:07
vorlonbecause right now, your all-in-one xml file is going to present impossible options to users in the gui by default21:07
EickmeyerIt causes no issues. If the files aren't there, it simply skips over them.21:08
vorlon(unless gnome happens to filter them out, but even then, this is not a good reason to create a separate -data package)21:08
EickmeyerGnome filters them out if they're not there.21:08
vorlonbut even so, having ubuntustudio-wallpapers-focal ship ./usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntustudio-wallpapers-focal.xml with correct contents21:09
vorlonand ubuntustudio-wallpapers-eoan ship ./usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntustudio-wallpapers-eoan.xml with correct contents21:09
vorlonis more correct21:09
EickmeyerI agree, but you are giving a VOLUNTEER that is sick a ton more work to do, even if it's "correct".21:09
vorlonit is the responsibility of the archive admins to manage the namespace of binary packages in Ubuntu21:10
EickmeyerWe've been shipping that all-in-one file for years, but this is the first time you've raised an issue.21:10
vorlonbecause this is the first time you've asked me to approve a binary package for a single file21:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pdfchain [amd64] (focal-proposed) [1:]21:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pdfchain [armhf] (focal-proposed) [1:]21:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pdfchain [s390x] (focal-proposed) [1:]21:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pdfchain [arm64] (focal-proposed) [1:]21:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pdfchain [ppc64el] (focal-proposed) [1:]21:10
vorlonI understand that you are a volunteer, but that does not give you a free pass on binary packages that the archive admins disagree with21:11
EickmeyerOnly overly pedantic ones that like to cause issues with Ubuntu Studio over the past years.21:11
EickmeyerSorry, I'm gettin out-of-line.21:11
EickmeyerJust super frustrated.21:11
EickmeyerAnd ill.21:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-tinyalign [amd64] (focal-proposed) [0.2-1ubuntu1]21:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-tinyalign [armhf] (focal-proposed) [0.2-1ubuntu1]21:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-tinyalign [s390x] (focal-proposed) [0.2-1ubuntu1]21:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-tinyalign [arm64] (focal-proposed) [0.2-1ubuntu1]21:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-tinyalign [ppc64el] (focal-proposed) [0.2-1ubuntu1]21:15
tjaaltonI've got a question about how to handle an upgrade issue with a dkms package which was first put in the OEM archive with '-ubuntuN' version, and then backported to bionic with '-0ubuntuN'. This essentially disables upgrades to the bionic archive version21:33
tjaaltonso the options are to bump the epoch (yuck), fake the upstream version somehow, or use '-ubuntuN' in the archive version too..21:34
tjaaltonor something else?21:34
tjaaltonI'm leaning towards just using NNNN+1-0ubuntuN21:35
tjaaltonso appending +1 to the upstream part21:37
tjaaltonthe package is backport-iwlwifi-dkms, current version in bionic is 7906-0ubuntu4~18.04.121:38
vorlontjaalton: bumping the upstream version seems reasonable to me21:54
vorlonxnox: the answer for why the perl+glibc triggers were failing, btw, is because the perl no-change rebuild is not a correct fix for the problem and does not guarantee correct ordering on upgrade, so it's a crapshoot whether libcrypt.so.1 is actually available by the time perl starts.  Correct fix for glibc preinst uploaded.22:14
vorlonxnox: so debian-installer 20101020ubuntu604, you rolled it back to the release pocket version of the kernel? because the kernel team isn't planning to migrate linux anytime soon?22:15
RikMillsvorlon: btw, thanks for Qt4 removal!22:16
vorlonRikMills: my pleasure22:16
vorlonand the fact that it waited until heimdall-flash had a new upstream version available in Debian (with a new maintainer) is surely just coincidence22:16
RikMillsof course ;)22:17
xnoxvorlon:  i agree with moving ldconfig to the top; also we had broken libxcrypt (libcrypt1) in autopkgtest VM base imaged => the one that migrated into release pocket, ended up in the autopkgtest base VM images.22:30
xnoxvorlon:  yes, and i further rolled back -proposed in 60622:30
xnoxvorlon:  thus 606 is build against src:linux-5.4 with bind9 without libcrypt122:30
xnoxvorlon:  the reason being is that debian-installer is completely broken in the release pocket it is 9 abi matching src:linux, whereas the latest linux-generic abi is 14 from src:linux-5.422:31
xnoxvorlon:  because the src:linux => src:linux-5.4 migrated without d-i =(22:31
mwhudsonxnox: is this why the d-i server CI is busted?22:31
mwhudsonor is that something else22:31
xnoxmwhudson:  yes, it boots -9 abi, tries to install -14 abi modules, which do not work.22:32
mwhudsonxnox: ok good22:32
xnoxmwhudson:  couldn't be bothered to figure out why it didn't try to install -9 abi modules, but i think this is due to provides.22:32
xnoxalso it was making our server isos really big with two sets of udebs22:32
xnoxvorlon:  partially it is a problem that src:linux/release is still published in the archive, despite being "superseeded" by src:linux-5.4/release and NBS not catching that.22:33
vorlonxnox: 606> oh. without 604 migrating?22:33
xnoxvorlon:  yes because 606 is built in a bileto ppa, against release pocket only, with bind9/bind9-libs copied in from focal-proposed22:37
xnoxvorlon:  and i fucked up 605 build =)22:37
* xnox points at experiment 63622:38
xnoxvorlon:  once 606 migrates, i will upload a clean rebuild of d-i again which will hold up on both kernel being ready and libxcrypt/glibc being ready22:38
xnoxvorlon:  however i do wonder if i will need a frankenstein build if either kernel or libxcrypt complete first22:38
vorlonwhy would you?22:39
xnoxcause i don't want to tie up linux & libxcrypt transitions together =)22:39
vorlonit shouldn't tie22:39
xnox14 is quite an old kernel by now.22:39
xnoxa rebuild of d-i picks up libcrypt1-udeb dep22:39
vorlonglibc and libxcrypt should be ready to go "soon"22:39
* xnox fingerscrossed22:39
vorlononly one more britney cycle until glibc is built on armh22:40
vorlonand then the autopkgtests should be virtually instantaneous, with no failures22:40
* xnox giggles22:40
xnoxso i do hope that d-i & bind9 migrate in two britney runs22:40
* xnox sleeps23:37

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