
CoraxynLinux noob.  Can someone help guide to upgrade kernel please00:35
Bashing-om!hwe | Coraxyn00:37
ubottuCoraxyn: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:37
CoraxynE: Unable to locate package linux-generic-hwe-18.0400:42
Bashing-omCoraxyn: What shows ' lsb_release -a ' ?00:44
CoraxynRebooting.  Moment pleaswe00:44
CoraxynAnd thanks Bashing.  Been trying to get new system up for 3 days00:44
CoraxynBashing No LSB modules are available00:51
CoraxynBashing Distribution ID: Ubuntu 19.1000:51
CoraxynBashing Release 19.1000:51
CoraxynCodename: eoan00:52
Bashing-omCoraxyn: ^ "existing LTS releases, see00:52
Bashing-om                https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:52
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Sorry bad paste :(00:52
Bashing-omCoraxyn: ^ " existing LTS releases" --- 19.10 is not LTS. What is the issue you have in installing 19.10 ?00:53
Coraxyn19.10 work except for graphics00:54
CoraxynRunning at 1024x76800:54
CoraxynAnd keep getting 'connection failed.  Activation of network connection failed' windows00:55
CoraxynHave RX5500 XT and 4k monitor00:55
CoraxynBashing, browser works00:56
CoraxynAm on diferent machine here (iMac)00:57
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display '. Let's know then what we are working with.00:57
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Like ' sudo lshw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . The result is a URL back in terminal. Pass that link back here.01:03
CoraxynMaybe https://pastebin.com/f4iGXY47   ?01:07
CoraxynNever done this before01:07
Bashing-om!who | Coraxyn All a process of learning01:10
ubottuCoraxyn All a process of learning: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:10
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Bas<tab> to complete :D01:11
CoraxynBashing-om: OMG!01:13
CoraxynBashing-om: This: https://i.imgur.com/cuhaPST.jpg01:14
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Yukkie - no wonder display issues as there is "*-display UNCLAIMED". *BUT* AMD drivers are now in the kernel. Is this a nice fresh install of 19.10 ?01:14
CoraxynBashing-om: Yes, this 8th time tried to install.  Going on net and trying what is said usually ends up with total hang or text about recovering journal. Clean, then hang01:16
zippo^I see that Ubuntu is improved, but i am wondering why cannot Ubuntu fix bugs first. If all bugs are fixed, than can Ubuntu available a newest version?01:17
CoraxynBashing-om: Think am on kernel 4.3?   No AMD drivers01:17
|izziehi, i ran update and got a bunch of these: Target Packages (main/binary-amd64/Packages) is configured multiple times in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3 and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list:101:18
|izzieis that cause for concern?01:18
Coraxynzippo^: 3700X, 32GB, RX5500 XT01:18
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Drivers for sure are in the kernel. Installing from a USB device ?01:18
CoraxynBashing-om: Yes01:18
zippo^what is this, Coraxyn ?01:19
CoraxynBashing-om: Install goes ok, except for graphics01:19
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Back to the foundation, did you verify the .iso and confirm the copy ?01:19
Coraxynzippo^: Machine am trying to bring up: https://i.imgur.com/cuhaPST.jpg01:19
CoraxynBashing-om: No idea what you mean01:20
Bashing-om!md5sum | Coraxyn01:20
ubottuCoraxyn: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:20
asdfghhello everybody, Jinja2 question: i know i can strip whitespaces with - ex. {%-    -%} but i have a lot of statements let {% set var1 = .... %} etc... is there a way to strip extra whitespaces automatically?01:21
asdfghwithout use the minus everywhere ?01:21
Coraxynubbotu, cannoot see thumb drive in /media01:24
CoraxynBashing-om: No such file or directory01:25
CoraxynThumb is plugged in01:25
CoraxynBashing-om: Thumb is in01:25
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Let's say that the .iso file is in the Downloads/ directory, 'ls -al Downloads' to get the file name, then: ' md5sum Downloads/<whatever>.iso ' . compare that result to the posted md5sum where you got the .iso file from.01:27
Bashing-omCoraxyn: I do know that by now you are frustrated and worried - but we do this by the numbers as a path to getting you up and running :D01:28
CoraxynCannot get to thumb drive01:29
CoraxynOh poo.   brb01:29
Bashing-omCoraxyn: How did you make up the thumb drive ? the md5sum source will not reside on that USB drive - rather where you made the installer up from.01:30
CoraxynBashing-om: On this iMac (that always works;)01:34
CoraxynBashing-om: DLed image and flashed it to thumb01:34
Bashing-omCoraxyn: :( Is the machine that you are attempting to install ubuntu on also a MAC ?01:35
CoraxynBashing-om: sorry for frequent BRBs.  Picked something up in some jungle in Central America or Caribbean.  Every couple weeks get 24 hours of gallons of chocolatey goodness01:36
CoraxynBashing-om: No.  Trying to bring up brand new machine just had built01:37
CoraxynCDN 3K  :|01:37
Bashing-omCoraxyn: I got the crud here too ,, makes thinking a forced issue - attempting to quit smoking sure does not help the focus :P01:37
CoraxynBashing-om: Tried to quit smoking as well.  But after killing several people police gave YT carton of ciggies :)01:39
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Let do it like this. Boot the liveUSB on the CDN 3K, as soon as the bios screen clears depress the escape key -> language screen; esc key to accept the default -> boot menu; select " check disk for defects" .01:40
* |izzie wonders if all the folks quitting were ALSO awaiting rsponses to their questions.01:40
CoraxynBashing-om: Umm, am in grub   0.001:42
CoraxynBashing-om: This: https://www.flickr.com/photos/coraxyn/6846852593/in/album-72157604114781638/01:43
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Yukkie - We do want a boot menu .. not grub. Maybe I have to verify my memory - shut down boot up a live environment, and come back to aid ?01:43
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Never saw a leafhopper as a splash .. attempting to boot ubuntu 19.10 ?01:45
CoraxynBashing-om: This: https://www.flickr.com/photos/coraxyn/6227933052/in/album-72157604114781638/01:49
CoraxynBashing-om: During boot there i long pause with blankscreen, blinking cursor, then eventually boot01:50
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Not a clue what you are actually booting .. verify in bios what you think is set to boot ?01:51
CoraxynBashing-om: In Ubuntu now01:52
CoraxynBashing-om: Will check boot sequence later01:52
CoraxynBashing-om: Getting all these 'connection failed' pop-ups01:52
CoraxynBashing-om: But Firefox works....01:53
CoraxynBashing-om: Will check boot sequence01:55
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Still think worth the effort to verify that installed - but graphics: what shows - lspci -k | grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - ?01:56
CoraxynMoment pleaswe02:00
CoraxynBashing-om: Ubuntu screen with 4 dots, then LONG black screen, then login02:02
CoraxynBashing-om: 0b:00.0 VGA compatible controler: AMD ... device 7349 (rev c5)02:05
CoraxynBashing-om:  Subsystem: Sapire .... device e42102:05
CoraxynBashing-om: Then talks about audio02:06
CoraxynOops, Saphire02:06
CoraxynBashing-om: Do not try this at home: https://www.flickr.com/photos/coraxyn/5615909311/in/album-72157604114781638/02:09
Bashing-omCoraxyn: Yukkie on me - I just do not have the AMD experience to know how to identify that card :(02:09
CoraxynThank you for your help02:09
|izziehi, i ran update and got a bunch of these: Target Packages (main/binary-amd64/Packages) is configured multiple times in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list:3 and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list:102:12
|izzieis that cause for concern?02:12
Bashing-om|izzie: Yup - need to remove the duplicate from /etc/apt/sources.list that is also in the .d - 3rd party direcxtory.02:15
|izzieah, Bashin-om, thanks.02:16
|izzieah, Bashing-om , thanks.02:16
Bashing-om|izzie: :D - Let us know if you require further assistance,02:17
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* Coraxyn walks around room with face dragging on carpet02:25
|izziei have paired my bluetooth headphones, but i cannot get it to stay connected02:40
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|izzietrying to install pulseaudio, but get:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:03:11
|izzie pulseaudio-module-bluetooth : Depends: libpulse0 (= 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) but 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5 is to be installed03:11
|izzie                               Depends: pulseaudio (= 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4)03:11
|izziehow do i fix that?03:11
lotuspsychje|izzie: did you install packages with external ppa's on your system?03:11
|izzielotuspsychje: yes03:13
lotuspsychje|izzie: as we dont advice & support external ppa's we advice to purge your ppa's first, make apt clean again03:13
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | |izzie03:14
ubottu|izzie: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html03:14
|izziethanks, ubottu and lotuspsychje03:14
lotuspsychje|izzie: after ppa cleaning, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade03:21
sumagnahey |izzie03:26
sumagnawhy are trying to install pulseaudio03:26
sumagnait is installed by default in ubuntu03:26
adlaistevensonHow can I determine what process is trying to connect to a port?03:47
adlaistevensonIt's on the same machine.03:48
|izzieThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:48
|izzie pulseaudio-module-bluetooth : Depends: libpulse0 (= 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) but 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5 is to be installed03:48
|izzie                               Depends: pulseaudio (= 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4)03:48
lotuspsychje|izzie: plz dont repeat03:49
|izziei've beeen away, lotuspsychje ...there were no ppas03:50
lotuspsychje|izzie: can you plz pastebin the output of: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ?03:50
|izzieone sec03:54
|izzielotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/ZT1iwXEj03:57
lotuspsychje|izzie: thats not the complete output? no more apt errors at the end?03:58
|izzielotuspsychje: no03:58
arunkumar413Hi friends, my Ubuntu system is freezing on the launch of the first app03:59
arunkumar413It happened first with Skype so i removed it. But it's happening again with the very first app I launch04:00
sumagnahey |izzie isnt pulseaudio installed by default on ubuntu?04:01
lotuspsychje|izzie: sudo apt purge pulseaudio and sudo apt install pulseaudio and pastebin the whole output plz04:01
sumagnahello lotus04:01
|izzielotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/yYxs5eup04:05
lotuspsychje|izzie: sudo apt autoremove04:08
|izzielotuspsychje: zeros all across04:12
lotuspsychje|izzie: wich ubuntu version is this?04:13
|izzielotuspsychje: 18.0404:14
lotuspsychje!info libpulse0 bionic04:14
ubottulibpulse0 (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio client libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 (bionic), package size 258 kB, installed size 999 kB04:14
lotuspsychjehmm, looks like the correct version04:15
lotuspsychjebut it wants to install 7.504:15
lotuspsychje|izzie: you real sure you dont have ppa's?04:15
|izzielotuspsychje: i went to software & updates and looked under other software04:16
lotuspsychjecheck sources.list.d too04:16
|izzielotuspsychje: nada04:19
lotuspsychjeok tnx for checking04:19
|izzielotuspsychje: one sec.. let me check again.04:19
|izzielotuspsychje: nope, nada04:20
lotuspsychje|izzie: sounds like bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/186062204:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1860622 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Dependency error installing pulseaudio-esound-compat" [Undecided,Fix committed]04:20
lotuspsychjenot sure why it still does it, when fix committed04:22
|izzielotuspsychje: how do i do the manual install?04:22
lotuspsychje|izzie: i would not reccomend to, think this one is best to wait till updates came in04:24
lotuspsychjeanother bug #1858164 aswell04:24
ubottubug 1858164 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "libpulse-dev needs a rebuild for libpulse0-1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5 on bionic-updates" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185816404:24
|izzieso, the fix is committed... how much longer should it be?04:26
|izzielotuspsychje: thanks for all your help04:26
lotuspsychjenot sure |izzie i will ask around for you today, talk to some devs04:26
|izzie*beam* thankee04:26
OERIASit is the current version.04:32
OERIASlotuspsychje, when I copy files or load an app I can barely move the mouse cursor04:32
OERIASI have an issue with a notebook running ubuntu04:32
OERIASlotuspsychje, when I copy files or load an app I can barely move the mouse cursor04:32
lotuspsychjedont do that plz OERIAS04:32
lotuspsychjeask your question with all details, then patiently wait for volunteers that can help04:33
u0_a198Hello!I use the he-media to install ubuntu but it didn't find the iso?Someone known?05:00
u0_a198it only found the debian iso but the ubuntu iso05:01
u0_a198how can i modify the file to recognize the ubuntu iso?05:05
bobdobbsHi all. I want to experiment with metasploit. ms requires postgresql. If I do 'systemctl status postgresql' it appears that a service called postgresql.service is installed and running. But I don't seem to have any client tooling. From the terminal, I get no completions from "postgres"05:07
bobdobbsI feel like I'm getting mixed messages from my system. I can't tell if postgres is installed or not. The installation process for metasploit seems to think that postgresql isn't active on my system05:08
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CroranSome of my programs have no icon. How would I go about creating an icon for eg. jalv.gtk ?07:04
arunkumar413Mu Ubuntu machine is freezing frequently07:17
arunkumar413Any idea on how the android auto restarts the ui after it hangs?07:18
ducasseCroran: https://www.maketecheasier.com/create-desktop-file-linux/07:23
dtomatobobdobbs: the postgresql command line tool is "psql"08:01
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SprinterfreakHi. I'm currently facing some issues on installing apt-listchanges on 18.04. My problem boils down to (I think) a version mismatch for dependency python3-debconf, wich in turn depends on debconf 1.5.66 but the only available debconf from archive is 1.5.66ubuntu1. dpkg fails to install.08:58
SprinterfreakCan someone verify that?08:58
lotuspsychjeSprinterfreak: did you add external ppa's to your system?08:59
SprinterfreakNo. fresh install08:59
lotuspsychjeSprinterfreak: could you pastebin the output from the full apt errors of that please? volunteers can take a look at it08:59
Sprinterfreaklotuspsychje: not that easy, all firewalled down here. But basicly a clean install just with mirror de.archive.ubuntu.com main restricted universe multiverse and similar security.ubuntu.com sources09:14
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SprinterfreakCan't install apt python3-debconf. apt show python3-debconf shows clearly "Depends:  debconf (= 1.5.66), ..." wich does not match the only available debconf 1.5.66ubuntu109:26
oerheksdid you run apt update && apt dist-upgrade properly?09:27
Sprinterfreakoerheks: its a fresh install from netinstall cd. Firstboot09:33
oerheksSprinterfreak, so, run updates properly: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # and reboot09:35
oerheksthen go do your thingy09:36
ailionWhich git/bzr branch is Ubuntu Arm64's debian-installer used in 18.04 LTS?10:14
Sprinterfreakoerheks: yea. Done that. No luck. Nothing to install. But the key was that I had updates archive configured during install wich got disabled by cloud-init afterwards.10:15
SprinterfreakSo dont check updates during install solves that10:15
ailionon x84, I do "git clone -b applied/20101020ubuntu541 https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer", then "make build_cdrom_isolinux" in build directory.10:17
ailionon arm64, however, "make build_cdrom_isolinux" returns immediately without compiling.10:18
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aaardvarkI have a slave bind9 on ubuntu and all seems to work fine however the status shows: dumping master file: tmp-049JpU4wE3: open: permission denied - what am I missing here?10:39
BluesKajHiyas all11:19
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CoraxynQuick question.   Have driver for Intel Wifi: iwlwifi-3168-22.ucode downloaded.  How to install?13:40
pragmaticenigmaCoraxyn: Are you certain the card is not already detected by Ubuntu?13:40
oerheks*if*  you have troubles, try the backported driver, not a download from intel > https://launchpad.net/~canonical-hwe-team/+archive/ubuntu/backport-iwlwifi13:41
oerheksit is build officially from git13:41
Coraxynoerheks: Thanks :)13:42
ioriaCoraxyn, you know that's the firmware and not the driver (module), right ?13:43
Coraxynioria.   This is day 3 of Linux, so no :)13:47
leftyfbCoraxyn: Ubuntu 18.04 already has that firmware available13:48
leftyfbCoraxyn: you don't need to do anything13:48
ioriaCoraxyn, cat /etc/issue13:48
CoraxynAnd only have net connection via this machine13:48
CoraxynFolks, had to upgrade to kernel 5.5.8 to get GPU to work.  It now does but have lost Wifi13:49
leftyfbCoraxyn: kernel 5.5.8 is not supported here13:49
ioriaCoraxyn,  day 3 of Linux and you use a not supported kernel13:49
leftyfbCoraxyn: what version of ubuntu are you running and what other kernels did you try?13:49
CoraxynUbuntu 19.10 with kernel 5.5.813:50
CoraxynNormal kernel did not support RX5500 XT GPU13:50
ioriaCoraxyn,  apt-cache policy  linux-firmware | nc termbin.com 999913:51
CoraxynIn 18.04 or 19.1013:51
leftyfbI see TJ and Bashing-om were helping him yesterday13:51
ioriaoh, ok13:51
CoraxynTried getting AMD driver installed couple times, but that failed, so went to later kernel.  Which works for GPU13:52
leftyfbCoraxyn: your wifi stopped working because you installed an unsupported kernel and are now missing the modules/modules-extra packages that go along with kernels13:52
leftyfbCoraxyn: what other kernel versions did you try?13:52
oerheksleftyfb, ah, good spot13:53
Coraxynleftyfb: Kernel 3.4?   One that comes with 18.04 and 19.1013:53
leftyfbCoraxyn: where did you get this new kernel?13:53
Coraxynleftyfb: Forget :|13:54
CoraxynStill have 18.04 and 19.10 iso's around13:54
leftyfbCoraxyn: apt list |grep linux-image   # please pastebin the output of this13:54
HddenDjinnit seems i can't print pdf's in okular...works in firefox, works in evince, works in libreoffice, so...?13:55
ioriaCoraxyn,  btw,  /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-3168-22.ucode   is provided by the linux-firmware package13:55
oerhekstoday we got an firmwareupdate too13:55
leftyfbioria: yup, already been established :)13:55
Coraxynleftyfb: Long list.  Linux machine does not have connection to net.  5.58, lots of 5.3.0-x5.0.0'ss 4.15.0's13:57
leftyfboerheks: I got that update on the 1st of the month13:57
leftyfbCoraxyn: what is the name of the 5.58 package?13:57
HddenDjinni'm not even sure what question to ask on that13:58
Coraxynleftyfb: Some Animal.  Would recognize name if see it13:58
leftyfbCoraxyn: Please type out the exact name13:58
Coraxynleftyfb: Do not remember it :|14:01
jeremy31Might have to download the linux-modules for the kernel from where you got the rest, possibly https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.5.8/14:01
oerheksleftyfb, i am on bionic, still .. and regular updated14:01
leftyfbCoraxyn: I'm not asking you to remember it. I'm asking you to type out the name of the package with 5.5.8 in the name that got listed when you typed: apt list |grep linux-image14:02
leftyfboerheks: oh right, sorry, I have proposed enabled14:02
leftyfbjeremy31: this is what I'm working towards14:03
pragmaticenigmaHddenDjinn: I have the same issue and just ended up switching the default PDF viwer to evince14:03
Coraxyn5.5.8-050508-generic/now 5.5.8-050508.202003051633 amd64 [installed,local]14:03
HddenDjinnpragmaticenigma, another issue i've found is i can't seem to get my fingerprint reader to do anything useful when plasma is my desktop...using xfce atm14:04
leftyfbok, you'll need to download this file https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.5.8/linux-modules-5.5.8-050508-generic_5.5.8-050508.202003051633_amd64.deb onto a usb drive or something, copy it to your computer running ubuntu and install it with: dpkg -i linux-modules-5.5.8-050508-generic_5.5.8-050508.202003051633_amd64.deb14:05
pragmaticenigmaHddenDjinn: I'm not familiar with Fingerprint readers14:06
HddenDjinnpragmaticenigma, well, with lightdm and xfce, i can use the fingerprint reader to auth for sudo or unlock the desktop, but to login, i still enter password14:07
oerheksHddenDjinn, check https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint and https://fprint.freedesktop.org/supported-devices.html if your device is supported14:07
oerheksoh, it works..\14:08
HddenDjinnoerheks, yeah, it works, but i'm not about configuring it for plasma or sddm on 18.0414:08
HddenDjinnnot sure about configuring it, though14:09
Coraxynleftyfb: Ok14:09
malwar3hun73r_i'm setting a static ip through netplan and it works... initially14:15
malwar3hun73r_after about 5 minutes something channges my IP - any idea what this could be?14:15
Ooljust one file in /etc/netplan ?14:15
Oolwith near the begining renderer: networkd  ?14:16
malwar3hun73r_looking now....14:16
Oolwithout dhcp yes of course14:16
malwar3hun73r_yes and yes14:16
malwar3hun73r_single file and networkd14:16
Coraxynleftyfb: Done. Reboot?14:17
Oolmalwar3hun73r_: perhaps if you paste your conf file, but it strange14:18
malwar3hun73r_i can, but there's nothing to it14:19
oerheksmaybe an old lease in your router taking over? changing ip is not  a good thing14:19
Oolif it's not dhcp but manual setting,14:19
Coraxynleftyfb: lots of iwlwifi messages on boot.  Very long pause14:19
malwar3hun73r_https://pastebin.com/HMBMDuRW Ool14:20
Ooladdresses you need to put your netmask usually /24 not /3214:20
Oolbut for me nothing to do with your pb14:21
Coraxynleftyfb: No WiFi adapter found14:22
malwar3hun73r_Ool, i want a single static IP14:22
banisterfiendwhat's a command that doesn't do a heck of a lot (and is an actual program, not a built-in) that just returns true/false or something? I just need to write tests for a process runner, but can't come up with a nice command (currently using 'ls' but that's a bit noisy)14:22
leftyfbbanisterfiend: true and false14:23
Oolmalwar3hun73r_: yes but it's wrong like that, your machine need to have a gateway on the same nbetwork14:23
banisterfiendleftyfb aren't they built-ins ? they seem to be built-ins for me14:23
Oolyour interface name is eth0, sure ?14:23
leftyfbbanisterfiend: what's wrong with them being "built-in"?14:23
banisterfiendleftyfb cos i'm testing a process runner, so i'm actually exec()ing the program.. :/14:23
leftyfbbanisterfiend: they are both in /bin/14:24
pragmaticenigmaHddenDjinn: If I had to guess.. it sounds like a similar issue that prevents me from being able to setup vnc-server to show me the lock screen. I can only enable vnc after successful login. The recommended workaround has been to use lightdm instead.14:24
malwar3hun73r_Ool, they are on same netblock14:24
malwar3hun73r_and, yes, interface is eth014:24
malwar3hun73r_what's strange is that netplan apply works and sets everything correctly, but after some time something changes it to another IP14:25
oerheksmalwar3hun73r_, netplan is type sensitive, i see you pasted https://pastebin.com/HMBMDuRW with eth0 on line 7, should be on 6 too ..14:30
oerheksor not ..14:31
malwar3hun73r_so,i've noticed that /etc/network/interfaces is set to dhcp on eth0 - is something causing it to read that every 5-10 minutes?14:32
malwar3hun73r_ok, not sure what's going on, but it looks like it's using netplan on boot then defaulting back to /etc/network/interfaces after 5 min or  so14:40
leftyfbCoraxyn: I think it's due to missing the modules-extra package which isn't available for the mainline kernel.14:41
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Oolyou have both netplan and ifupdown package ?14:51
Oolfor me you need to have just on of them14:51
Ooland nothing without a # in /etc/network/interfaces14:52
Coraxynleftyfb: Ok, thank you for your help14:54
chainzis there a page that lists all the security issues with running ubuntu 14.04LTS ?15:28
oerhekschainz, there is only one15:29
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade15:29
oerheksEnd Of lLife15:29
chainzi need to provide a business case15:30
chainzeg, a list of specific vulnerabilities/problems with running ubuntu 14.0415:30
oerheksall patches after 4-2019 are not applied15:31
takov751Ha ryzen el kezded lehet15:33
takov751pcx nem rossz15:33
pragmaticenigmachainz: You can start with, it is no longer supported. There are no updates, the kernel is subject to any and all vulnerabilities released as CVEs since 2019 which presently amounts to 50 rated high-risk15:33
oerhekslots of info .. https://usn.ubuntu.com/15:34
pragmaticenigmachainz: Also, the platform is only supported through Canonicals ESM program. For further assistance, you will have to have an agreement and receive support through the ESM prorgam.15:34
pragmaticenigmachainz: which means further discussion here is offtopic15:34
pragmaticenigma!english | takov75115:35
ubottutakov751: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:35
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: that is not true. ESM is free for ubuntu members for 14.04. I am receiving updates to 2 different 14.04 servers15:35
chainzpragmaticenigma: we've already mentioned that to the product manager. they need specifics15:35
leftyfbthough, it is unsupported here15:35
takov751ubottu: Sorry It was a typo. I started writing in the wrong channel.15:35
ubottutakov751: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:35
oerhekschathere is not actual list, you need to make it yourself with https://usn.ubuntu.com/15:35
oerhekserr chainz ^^15:36
chainzthey want to know what we are currently gaining by moving to say, ubuntu 18.0415:36
chainzok, so any CVE's since april of 201915:36
leftyfbchainz: support ;)15:36
leftyfbchainz: are you the chains from EFnet?15:37
pragmaticenigmachainz: They gain support, all the software provided to them through Ubuntu's software repos will be patched against known threats15:37
chainzleftyfb: yes15:38
chainzpragmaticenigma: this is all stuff i've already told them. i do think the list here is enough though from the link oerheks provided15:38
pragmaticenigmachainz: To put it bluntly... do they really really want to be the next Equifax?15:39
chainzpragmaticenigma: you're preaching to the choir. i need details. very specific details15:39
dtomatopragmaticenigma: bah, they will just blame it on chainz! easy peasy15:39
chainzguess i'm going to have to parse this list and see where/how it relates to the current environment15:40
chainzdtomato: exactly15:40
j1elohi there15:42
j1elotalking about old releases...15:42
j1eloThe repo ddebs.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates seems to be broken15:42
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j1eloapt-get says "Writing more data than expected (2785741 > 2785166)"15:43
pragmaticenigmaj1elo: 14.04 is not supported here... only 16.04, 18.04 and 19.1015:43
j1eloThe 2785166 comes from here: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/xenial-updates/Release but the actual Packages file seems to be a different size15:43
pragmaticenigmaunless I've got much releases mixed up15:43
j1eloSorry, talking about Xenial = 16.0415:43
j1eloAbout the debug packages repository for 16.0415:44
pragmaticenigmaThe repo is probably undergoing a sync... try it again a couple hours15:44
j1eloOk I'll try later15:45
pragmaticenigmaapologies for the mix up on releases j1elo ... I work better with numbers15:45
lotuspsychjej1elo: you could ask in #ubuntu-mirrors for known repo issues15:47
j1eloOh nice, didn't know about that channel15:47
JC_SoCalWith Ubuntu's netplan -- What is the programmatic (from the command line) way to set DHCP on/off and if off, a static IP address -- without editing the yaml file? I'm hoping there is one. I'd like to be able to set this from the command line instead of via file manipulation from a script.15:47
j1eloI'll go there to ask because my colleage says it's been like that all weekend15:48
dtomatoJC_SoCal: good question? a set of templates that generates the netplan file? isn't it possible to set netplan to hand of configuration to other systems (network manager etc?)15:50
JC_SoCal@dtomato I'm not sure I understand what you are saying15:50
dtomatowell, I'm assuming what you want to avoid is "sed"ing the netplan config to change the value you want?15:51
JC_SoCaldtomato: indeed15:51
pragmaticenigmaWhy not create two config files... and use a bash script to simply swap the files and trigger the netplan refresh?15:52
dtomatosame sort of idea, basically "re-generate" (from scratch or swapping files) your netplan configs15:53
deadbitI'm thinking of migrating my XPS 13 to ubuntu and using Dell's flavor of linux-but I'm having trouble on deciding if i should just go base flavor of ubuntu. Would anyone recommend Dells flavor over Canonical? *Also if you're a gamer how does going with linux over windows work for xbox integration?15:53
JC_SoCalthats definitely a possible solution, but it wouldn't prevent me from sedding -- the problem isn't switching just from dhcp to a specifc ip, it also updating the ip address as well15:53
eraserpencilHi there! I come with a problem on my display/wifi drivers. I have a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 installation at work, and with kernel 4.15.0-88,I have support for dual displays but building the wifi drivers locally gives me an unstable kernel for odd reasons (boot loop). With 4.15.18, building the wifi drivers locally works, however, i lose dual16:02
eraserpencilscreen-support. In fact, I have tried kernel versions 4.15.0-45 till 4.15.17 and all lack the dual screen support(not sure about the wifi drivers). I have no GPU, just the integrated graphics on an i7-9700, with the driver shown as LLVMPipe 6.0. Would anyone have any tips for me on how I could get dual-screen support?16:02
leftyfberaserpencil: why did you install 16.04 fresh as opposed to 18.04?16:04
eraserpencilwork requires 16.0416:04
pragmaticenigmaThen work should be providing you with support... don't you think?16:05
dtomatojust what I was going to say :D16:05
makr8100I mean 16.04 is still supported this month...  next month not so much16:06
Ool16+5 = 2116:06
makr8100I thought it was 4 years16:07
pragmaticenigmamakr8100: 16.04 is supported through next year16:07
makr8100Well that's comforting at least, we have several dozen workstations plus 1 server still on 16.04, other server is 18.0416:07
makr8100we have a few workstations on lubuntu 15 and that makes me sad16:08
Ool15 …16:08
makr8100hence, "that makes me sad"16:10
makr8100Oh I forgot our crappy server still running 14.04 for a production database/web app16:11
makr8100We're porting that web app elsewhere 1 module at a time tho, and when the web app is moved the db will be relocated16:12
oerheksthis is not the place for chit chat, lets go back to support please16:12
eraserpencilhaha well, its a small company, so support aint there, hence im coming here16:16
oerheksno gpu ( card) .. so your motherboard has 2 videoports? can you describe it ?16:19
eraserpencilyea, 1 HDMI and one VGA16:19
eraserpencilwhich is how i connect to each monitor16:19
oerheksany setting in the bios, that prevents one port?16:21
eraserpencili didnt check that, but dosent seem so cause with kernel version 4.15.0-88, i could have dual screen16:21
oerhekssome have igp - descrete graphics settings16:21
oerheksoh oke, it worked before.16:22
eraserpencilboth screen works, its just having both screen mirrored16:22
eraserpencilno option to unmirror them16:22
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil: Without knowing how you fixed the wifi, if this is all intel chipsets, it's likely the instructions followed for getting wifi didn't account for the graphics setup16:27
eraserpencilshould i share how i fixed the wifi too?16:27
pragmaticenigmait wouldn't matter, as compiled applications/softwares are not supported here16:28
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil: Reverse the changes, and if your screens come back to normal operation, then you know it's whatever you did with the WiFi16:28
eraserpencilwell, actually, it wasnt the wifi. It really was the kernel. So I've beenplaying around different setup configs, in one of them I tested 4.15.18 without the wifi-drivers and dual screen didnt work16:30
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil: If you're not running the kernels available in the Ubuntu repos... you're not supportable here...16:31
zetheroohow do you install nm-connection-editor in 18.04?16:32
eraserpencilI used Ukuu for the kernel install. I thought it was supported by Ubuntu.16:32
eraserpencilwhere do I find the official kernel supports?16:32
ioriazetheroo, network-manager-gnome16:33
dakari tried to install fr24feed, and since then whenever i have an rtl2862u device connected to usb, i cant boot16:34
dakarif i unplug it, it boots fine16:34
dakarso i tried to apt remove it, but still same stuff16:34
zetherooioria: ok thanks16:34
oerheksdakar, it is a snap, no? fr24feed https://snapcraft.io/fr24feed16:35
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil: We can keep going down this rabbit hole... or you can get your machine back to a stock state, and then come back for assistance on getting the wifi working. Ukuu is not a sanctioned application, it's not available in the Ubuntu software repos. There is no way to determine where it is finding kernels to install or if those kernels aren't intended for other purposes.16:37
oerheksukuu is paid now :-(16:37
oerheksno support16:37
spicy_icecreamlol, what's "ukuu"?16:37
oerheksreboot, hold shift, and take the normal kernel16:38
dakaroerheks i used their apt repo, so idk. im not really sure what snap is.16:38
dakarbut i booted with the usb stuff unplugged, apt removed it already, but still same stuff16:38
oerheksdakar, i gave the url..16:39
ubottuSnaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io16:39
dakari guess it's not a snap then, no16:39
Sven_vBin Xenial, NetworkManager seems to have this annoying quirk to disable all Wifi as soon as I rfkill block one antenna. is there a way to make it accept different antennae having different rfkill block states?16:39
eraserpencilthat's actually my setup atm. I am running stock cause I favored dual screen over wifi support. I use a wifi dongle instead for now.16:40
dakaroerheks that's the install script https://repo-feed.flightradar24.com/install_fr24_rpi.sh16:40
eraserpencilstock as in straight after the installation from a usb drive16:40
oerheksSven_vB, interesting thought, rfkill one antenna, how do you do that?16:40
Sven_vBoerheks, rfkill block 316:40
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil: So you have effectively wasted people's time here with something that you were able to solve?16:40
Sven_vBoerheks, rfkill devices #0, #2 and #7 are wifis, and I want to use only #7.16:41
Sven_vBactually, any with id > 416:41
Sven_vB0 and 2 aren't supported by wpa_supplicant, so I want them to not consume power16:42
eraserpencilnot really, I was asking for help to not having to use a dongle and have dual screen.16:42
dakarand the server is headless so i cant see the boot process, and i can't find any log for failed boots or anything either16:43
Sven_vBoerheks, sorry if the first example with 3 was confusing, I used a bogus number to just show syntax and didn't think about it.16:44
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil: No, I think you deliberately buried the lead to waste people's time. I consider your issue fixed, until you upgrade to 18.04 or newer, It is likely that your setup is simply not supported by the 4.x series kernels and you will need to live with the way it is until your overlords get with the program and decide to move to 18.04 at minimum. 16.04 has little more than a year left of support. Best to start migrating now.16:44
oerheksdakar, that is beyond the scope of this channel, custom scripts.. examine it what happens? isee n o uninstall thingy there16:45
dakaroerheks i manually apt removed it.16:45
oerheksoh oh this is bad!!!! mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak    ---   grep -v flightradar24 /etc/apt/sources.list.bak > /etc/apt/sources.list || echo OK16:45
oerheksyou are on your own16:46
dakarwow that is so bad16:46
dakarthrow me to the wolves because a script removed some apt repo..16:46
oerheksor put the .bak back ;-)16:46
dakarthis clearly has nothing to do with it not booting now16:47
Sven_vBdakar, that script is dangerous in a way that shows whoever wrote it doesn't care about data loss. I'd try to avoid using ANY software from thos folks.16:49
oerheksgood luck16:49
oerhekswe have trouble enough supporting our own repos.16:50
eraserpencilthat's a tad harsh to say i deliberately buried the lead. I had a problem, I presented the problem. I was hoping for a solution other than my work around. Having dongles for everyone is not entirely out of the question, just having a solution via a software fix would be better.16:50
ialsamakhello. I'm trying to install ubuntu 18.04 to my laptop(msi ge62vr) but it keeps shutting down randomly during the install process, one time it actually finished installing but the it shuts down when I try to open it. When I try to open (try ubuntu from the usb) it atomically shuts down the same way . it shows a black screen with some text on it the16:50
ialsamakthe whole laptop shuts down completely. could anyone offer any help ?16:50
dakarplaying with the usb devices, it appears that the usbhub is what's causing the system not to boot16:50
dakarSven_vB i did not ask for any support with some repo.16:50
snake-venomi am trying to instal  sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client16:51
snake-venom but atter progress 87% nothing happens, you can see progress halt.. but system working fine, or i can run another command.. this 3rd time i am getting..16:51
dakari merely explained what i did last before this started happening16:51
Sven_vBdakar, do you at least realize the bug could remove ALL your apt repos?16:51
eraserpencilYea, am planning for a migration to 20.04 sometime in October. you seem a bit edgy today. I think it's best I leave you be.16:51
Sven_vBdakar, well, at least the ones in the main config16:52
dakarSven_vB yeah, thanks for the heads up16:52
Sven_vBdakar, ok then16:52
dakarcan we get back to figuring out why a new usb hub prevents the system from booting?16:52
dakari restored the .bak file.16:53
Sven_vBdakar, in my case it was because there was a mass storage adapter with an EFI system partition on the USB hub and the firmware had wrong boot order.16:53
Sven_vBI'll see above whether I can find your original description :)16:54
ialsamakis there anyone here who could help with installing ubuntu ?16:54
dakarSven_vB my description changed in the mean time. the issue is basically: if usb hub is connected to one of the usb ports - system wont boot. if it's not connected - it boots.16:55
dakari shall note that the problem exists with and without any devices connected to the hub16:55
Sven_vBdakar, any reports in syslog or dmesg?16:55
dakarnothing in dmesg.16:55
Sven_vBdisconnect the hub, watch syslog, connect it again, what messages are logged about the new USB device detection?16:56
dakarhow do you watch syslog again?16:56
Sven_vBtail -F /var/log/syslog16:56
Sven_vByou can hit enter a few times to make a gap :)16:56
Sven_vBor tail -n 1 -F ??? then it only prints one old line16:57
dakarSven_vB https://0bin.net/paste/eXWB8-x4PmqXz5KA#5Nwl+VnR1TbSJCXl8Qlow30YxBraQJEOWvTTkYYvddD16:58
snake-venomi am trying to instal  sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client . its stuck all time from 87-90% , please suggestion17:00
Sven_vBdakar, that looks pretty normal. what are the symptoms of the boot failure? does it boot into GRUB at least? (if it's a stock install you should configure GRUB and boot messages to be shown.)17:03
Sven_vB(no idea how to do that in default though, because I use a custom GRUB)17:04
dakarSven_vB it's headless, idk wtf is going on17:05
Sven_vBdakar, a headless system without a serial console?17:06
Sven_vBdakar, I'd get a serial console. cheap USB uarts are supported nowadays.17:07
Sven_vBconnect two of them with RX/TX lines crossed and you're good to go17:07
Sven_vBand GND-GND of course17:07
Sven_vBhaving any kind of null modem always is a good idea, even with systems whose graphics card used to work just fine. used to. ;)17:08
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic please Sven_vB17:09
Sven_vBok :)17:09
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Sven_vBdakar, you could try creating a live USB that has an SSH server on it, try and boot that. if it works we know it's a software problem with your install.17:12
Sven_vBactually any other means to determine whether it comes online, should do as well.17:13
Sven_vBhowever SSH might be useful to inspect the logs from the failed boot.17:13
SpitfireHullo - on Ubuntu 18 is there a way to make the touchpad acceleration profile "adaptive" rather than "flat"? I see the setting for a mouse or a trackball, but there doesn't seem to be the same for the touchpad.17:36
pragmaticenigma!YY.MM | Spitfire17:37
ubottuSpitfire: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle17:37
oerheks!info gnome-tweak-tool17:40
ioriaSpitfire, gsettings range org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.mouse accel-profile17:40
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.34.0-2 (eoan), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB17:41
oerheksgnome tweak has more settings for mouse and touchpad17:41
Spitfireioria, that's for the mouse not the touchpad.17:42
Spitfireoerheks, I'll have a look.17:42
ioriaSpitfire, but it should work , afair17:43
lotuspsychjeSpitfire: you can take a look yourself the gsettings with dconf-tools too17:44
lotuspsychjeSpitfire: there's a handy search function in dconf-editor17:44
SpitfireYeah I've looked with dconf-tools already17:44
pragmaticenigmaSpitfire: The touchpad is considered a mouse when it comes to pointer acceleration17:44
SpitfireThere is no "accel-profile" setting, which is weird?17:44
ioriaSpitfire, where ?17:45
Spitfirepragmaticenigma, doesn't appear to be, I've set the mouse accel-profile to adaptive and it's still not accelerating.17:45
ioriaSpitfire, then use 'org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad speed'17:45
ioriaSpitfire, but the range is numeric17:46
pragmaticenigmaSpitfire: I personally have never heard of acceleration profiles for touch pad... just checked on a windows based machine... there is no acceleration setting, only touch sensitivity17:46
Spitfirepragmaticenigma, yup but windows has an adaptive profile by default - the sensitivity setting adjusts the speed, but it's always adaptive not flat.17:47
Spitfireioria, aaaha, okay so that's helpful thank you! :D Turns up if the speed is set between 0 and -1, it's flat, 0 to +1 and it's adaptive. Really bizarre that it's a different setting than the mouse and the trackball, but hey it works xD17:48
SpitfireThanks all17:48
ioriaSpitfire,  yes, the ramge is -1 to 1    inactive  to fast17:49
theborgeris bcm5709 not a module in 18.04?17:51
lotuspsychjetheborger: modules should load at your boot, does it not for your broadcom?17:55
theborgerlotuspsychje: it sees the 2 devices during install but neither will get an ip address17:56
lotuspsychjetheborger: can you check if the drivers have loaded? sudo lshw -C network17:56
theborgerlotuspsychje: the install just completed let me reboot17:58
theborgerlotuspsychje: it shows them both as disabled18:05
lotuspsychjetheborger: no driver=... at bottom?18:06
theborgerlotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/sYmqQG4x18:06
lotuspsychjetheborger: can you check software & updates/additional drivers tab please18:07
ioriatheborger, dmesg | grep eno  or dmesg | grep bnx18:07
theborgerlotuspsychje: this is 18.04 server i dont have a GUI18:08
lotuspsychjeoh ok, follow ioria's lead then18:08
theborgerioria: https://pastebin.com/erzsX1CA18:09
theborgerioria: any idea what i need to do?18:11
ioriatheborger, have you configured the interfaces ?18:12
theborgerioria: during install it shows the 2 interfaces but neither can get an ipaddress18:13
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ioriatheborger,  is that a fresh install or what ?18:14
theborgeryep fresh just finished it18:15
ioriatheborger,  ls /etc/netplan18:15
ioriatheborger,  cat /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml | nc termbin.com 999918:16
ioriatheborger,  are you sure you have a enp3s0 interface ?18:17
theborgerioria: yes that is the seperate network card i installed18:18
ioriawhat ?18:18
theborgerits an intel network card18:19
ioriatheborger,  i see eno1 and eno 218:19
ioriaah, ok18:19
theborgerthe first 2 are broadcom nics. those are the ones i cant get working18:20
ioriatheborger, because, they are not configured18:20
theborgerduring install they showup but are unabled to get an ipaddress18:20
theborgerioria: ok i'll write them to .yaml fine18:21
theborgerbut ithink there is something else wrong18:21
ioriatheborger, you can see there are no eno* interfaces in your 50-cloud-init.yaml18:21
theborgerioria: why during install would they not be able to get an ip?18:21
ioriatheborger, i cannot know atm18:22
theborgerioria: ok i'm doing the .yaml file now18:22
ioriatheborger, don't use tabulations18:22
rick6860Can someone assist with wine install?20:05
rick6860anyone want to assist a noobie with wine install issues?20:10
jink!ask | rick686020:10
ubotturick6860: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:10
jink!patience | rick686020:10
ubotturick6860: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:10
rick6860sorry. Obviously I don't know protocol.20:11
rick6860I have installed wine and ubuntu tells me I have version 3.0. Nothing shows in any menu and I cannot get wine to show via a right click on exe file.20:12
sarnoldare yoou sure the filemanager you're using is supposed to have a wine thingy on right-click?20:14
sarnoldI don't know wine well, does it have an interface that you run apart from running applications?20:15
lordcirthI have seen such a thing, but it might be an extra package20:15
iorianeither do i; try from terminal    wine /path/to/ .exe   rick686020:16
lordcirthrick6860, try asking on ##winehq ?20:16
rick6860There is no icon for wine. It creates a vitrual C drive which I cannot locate either.20:17
rick6860ioria, I tried from terminal but need to move the exe file to the virtual C drive which I cannot locate.20:18
ioriarick6860, it's an hidden folder ^ geirha20:18
lordcirthrick6860, Ctrl-H will toggle showing hidden directories in many file managers20:19
rick6860lordcirth, thanks20:19
rick6860ioria, I was able to use wine on another desktop but that was three years ago. I jsut can't figure it out now.20:20
ioriarick6860, meaning you sorted it out or not ? :þ20:21
rick6860lordcirth, Is there a way to search for a folder on the whole computer?20:21
sarnoldsudo find / -type d -iname '*pattern*'   or something similar20:22
lordcirthrick6860, yes, but it should be at ~/.wine/drive_c/ as mentioned20:22
rick6860ioria, I was using the windows program on another machine. it worked then. But can't get it to on my home machine.20:22
rick6860lordcirth, I need to move the exe file to that address.20:22
lordcirthrick6860, so you can do that in the file manager, or you can open a terminal and  "cp ~/Downloads/myexe.exe ~/.wine/drive_c".20:23
lordcirth(copy being safer than move)20:24
lordcirthActually, if you have never run wine since installing it, that directory might not exist yet20:24
rick6860lordcirth, I would like to do it in file manager, but cannot locate the folder.I really want to be able to use linux, but certainly not like windows 7.20:24
lordcirthrunning 'winecfg' should create it20:24
zutatmaybe he had installed more than just the base package on another system20:25
lordcirthrick6860, you pressed Ctrl-H and saw other hidden files appear?20:25
rick6860lordcirth, I pressed CRTL-H but no files showed up.20:25
lordcirthrick6860, if you were in your home directory at the time, there should be some. Perhaps that shortcut doesn't work on Gnome, but I think it does20:26
rick6860lordcirth, I was not in home. Now it works!20:26
lordcirthWell, that would do it20:26
rick6860lordcirth, ooh, and there is drive_C. Awesome!20:27
rick6860lordcirth, I should be able to right click exe and be prompted to open with wine. That doesn't work.20:29
lordcirthrick6860, you might want to ask on ##winehq about that20:29
rick6860lordcirth, OK. will do. Thanks for the help.20:29
lordcirthYou are welcome!20:29
ioriaoh, a gui bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine-development/+bug/157632620:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1576326 in wine-development (Ubuntu) "Xdg .desktop, .directory and mimetype files missing in the package" [High,Confirmed]20:30
gst568923Hi guys, I wrote this command, I would like to know syntactically correct? the command works but I have to fix the quoting to recognize the special characters as input20:58
gst568923`xfce4-terminal --maximize --hold -x bash -c 'read -p "Enter the word to search: " -e INPUT; pdfgrep -r -e "$INPUT" .'`20:58
gst568923xfce4-terminal --maximize --hold -x bash -c 'read -p "Enter the word to search: " -e INPUT; pdfgrep -r -e "$INPUT" .'20:59
wozyguys whats the best utility program/app for ubuntu to connect to a windows 2016 server via demote desktop ?21:02
wozyim using Remmnina, but this crap keeps losing connection21:02
wozyand i have to manually restart the connection by entering the info because the thing won't just save the profile21:02
wozyany help?21:03
=== not-SPLIT-now is now known as little_piggy
Guest_22Is it ok to ask for help with a issue with ubuntu 19.10 here?21:36
oerhekssure, ask, wait and see21:37
Bashing-omGuest_22: Yup - all ya got to do is ask, and see what response you get :D21:37
[twisti]im on lts 16 and trying to configured my docker service. i am looking at https://success.docker.com/article/how-do-i-set-the-docker-daemon-options but "systemctl edit docker.service" seems to just open a new file, i dont think thats supposed to happen21:38
Guest_22Ubuntu seems to have some trouble staying connected to bluetooth earbuds that can function both as high fidelity headphones and also as microphone + low fidelity sound devices, it successfully connects but seconds later disconnects from them, any idea how to work around this issue? I tried manually changing the config to "dual" and "bedr" but It21:39
Guest_22didn't fix it21:39
c|onemanbluetooth headphones shouldn't be expected to work on fullsize computers21:42
oerheksno idea, maybe to far away from the receiver/transmitter?21:42
oerheksc|oneman, that is weird, works fine here, so not really helpfull21:42
[twisti]my headphones have worked on every desktop computer ive tried using them on, why wouldnt they work ?21:42
c|onemanI recommed dongle that uses a hardware based bluetooth stack and exposes a USB audio interface to computer21:43
c|onemanno more os-level "pairing"21:43
oerheksGuest_22, ignore c|oneman21:43
jeremy31Guest_22: trying to use bluetooth and wifi at the same time?21:47
oerheksGuest_22, for bionic some have benefit benefit with the bluez ppa with a newer version.. https://launchpad.net/~bluetooth/+archive/ubuntu/bluez21:48
oerheks- benefit21:48
Guest_22jeremy31 I think I was using wifi while trying to use bluetooth yea, I will try with the wifi off21:49
Guest_22oerheks I will update the software with that ppa as well, thank you21:49
jeremy31Guest_22: it might not be an issue with bluez but it might be wifi interference or USB power management21:50
oerheksis there any option for bluetooth or usb power managment in TLP??21:55
jeremy31oerheks: In TLP I think there is a bluetooth setting21:56
oerheksworth checking if Guest_22 is using a laptop with TLP installed21:58
Guest_22Unless it comes out of the box with ubuntu minimal then I don't have it installed21:58
Guest_22nop I dont think I have it, typed tlp on the terminal and its says not found21:58
oerhekssudo tlp-stat -c21:59
Guest_22command not found22:00
Guest_22btw that ppa I think is down or something22:00
oerheksonly for bionic 18.04 and cosmic ( EOL)22:01
jeremy31Guest_22: post URL from terminal for>  modinfo -p btusb | nc termbin.com 999922:01
jeremy31Guest_22: in terminal>  echo "options btusb enable_autosuspend=N" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/btusb.conf22:03
jeremy31Guest_22: then reboot22:03
Guest_22ok I'll reboot now22:04
porobluetooth guy here22:13
porothat didn't fix it22:13
porohow do I reverse it?22:14
oerheksecho "options btusb enable_autosuspend=Y" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/btusb.conf22:14
jeremy31poro: post URL from terminal for> lsusb | nc termbin.com 999922:14
oerheksyour first command was echo "options btusb enable_autosuspend=N" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/btusb.conf22:14
jeremy31poro: to reverse> sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/btusb.conf22:15
jeremy31poro: what about URL for> hciconfig -a | nc termbin.com 999922:17
porothe bluetooth that I'm using is the integrated with the laptop btw, no dongle22:18
jeremy31poro: yes, URL for> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net | nc termbin.com 999922:19
jeremy31poro: in terminal, reboot after>  echo "options iwlwifi bt_coex_active=N" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/bt-iwlwifi.conf22:21
porothat didnt fix it22:25
jeremy31poro: is it kernel 5.3.0-40?22:26
poroKernel: Linux 5.3.0-40-generic22:27
jeremy31poro: try booting into an older kernel.  There are some issue with that kernel and iwlwifi that might cause other issues22:28
poroTried with 5.18 but it didnt work, I dont wanna install older kernels so I will wait for an update to fix it, thanks for the help anyway22:40
imihi, is there a way to automatically execute certain commands in the x session after login? like ~/.xinitrc (which afaik doesn't work under ubuntu)22:41
jeremy31poro: With that wifi/bt combo I would have expected it to show up in the lsusb results but it didn't22:46
porohmm maybe my bluetooth was off at the time I did the cmd, this is the first time with bluetooth off and the second time with it on22:54
porobut idk if that helps at all22:54
poroBus 001 Device 008: ID 8087:0025 Intel Corp.22:54
sarnoldlooks promising https://certification.ubuntu.com/catalog/component/8087:002522:55
jeremy31That should work in 5.3 as that ID is in the source code for btusb unless wifi AP's are causing interference22:58
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=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
Epx998I am doing a install of 18.04.4 and manually setting a static network, Subnet wont take complaining about a host bits, it accepts a /24, but this network is a /22 and not a /24.  Is this expected behavior?23:36
sarnoldEpx998: what host IP did you give it?23:38
ecovwhat does "omplaining about a host bits" mean23:38
ecovwell there you go23:38
ecovdifferent subnet23:39
sarnoldthis handy calculator says that address is within the cidr23:39
Epx998ah yeah - i used a calc but muscle memory that dang 1, thanks ;D23:40
sarnoldoh now I get it. sheesh. :)23:42

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