
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
jphilipsknome: was thinking to do a post on social media for those with website development skills. would they just need wordpress skills?15:05
=== genii_ is now known as genii
-BottyMcBotFace:#xubuntu-devel- Reminder: Next meeting chair is Unit19317:00
jphilipsIs the text on the slides not translatable, or has it just not been translated into japanese - https://i1.wp.com/jikantoki.gozaru.jp/bin/blog/xubuntu/ubiquity7.png19:21
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube

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