
santa_good morning08:43
santa_RikMills: I have seen there is a few bad applications debian syncs (removing our changelog, wrong Vcs-* fields, bad changes from debian...)08:44
santa_RikMills: so I would like to fix these in the next few days, I'm going to do juk now08:46
santa_oh, great08:54
santa_they are not even tagging the uploads properly or using wrap-and-sort consistently08:54
santa_RikMills: juk "proper debian merge" pushed to staging, no need to upload if you don't want to, because the changes are not extremely important09:46
santa_another case of this is yakuake, that one would need upload because it has a bad debian patch to "fix" the version09:47
santa_anyway, I have to go now. have a nice day everybody :)09:48
RikMillsthe whole point of a syc is that it drops trivial delta10:50
BluesKajHowdy all11:02
santa_RikMills: well, I don't think it's nice to drop our changelogs, for example11:51
santa_... or import this "wonderful" patch from debian: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/yakuake/-/blob/master/debian/patches/fix-upstream-version-in-about-dialog11:53
RikMillsthat happens when anything gets back in sync with debian11:53
RikMillsyeah, I agree on that patch!11:53
RikMillsI'll sort that in a bit11:54
santa_are you going to remove the patch?11:55
RikMillsI wonder if there is a KDE bug on that hardcoded version?11:55
santa_I think it's much better to merge things in git rather than doing this poor debian syncs11:55
santa_also syncing we don't have the git history11:56
santa_I doin't think this is the proper way to handle a debian merge at all11:56
santa_* don't11:56
RikMillsI have been merging the git when it has been pushed. just they are slow at it sometimes11:56
santa_yeah, well. debian's "bright individuals". I have had that problem too11:58
santa_but please, try to avoid this kind of syncs as much as possible11:58
santa_if you don't have time or need help, please just give me a ping11:59
santa_if I knew about yakuake I would have fixed it in KDE11:59
BluesKajI have an odd issue. Alsamixer doesn't appear in the terminal when prompted, the result is: "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory" The audio still works fine and alsamixer still resides in /usr/bin. This is on my Focal pc. My Focal laptop doesn't have this issue.12:05
RikMillsI don't see much point doing a delta when all it would be is "Kubuntu Vcs fields"12:06
santa_well, you are also dropping our changelog12:08
santa_also, let's supose I want to review debian's imported changes...12:09
santa_...I just see the a single gigantic "sync with archive" commit12:10
RikMillssorry but I have another matter to deal with this second. can this wait?12:11
santa_good afternoon everybody16:25
santa_RikMills: sorry for bothering you again, I have been thinking at lunch time about a few things wrt packaging/automation. do you have time saturday to have a mini-meeting? this way I can prepare a list of things to discuss ordered by priority16:29
santa_ack, thanks for your time. and sorry for not helping you more I have been busy with life & work ;)16:30
santa_offtopic: I just got a whatsapp audio warning us to not get the covid 1920:26
santa_it's going to be upgraded to 20 in september20:27
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> groan20:33
RikMillsplasma 5.18.3 now in backports23:03

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