
cpaelzerEickmeyer: it isn't stuck but it is a bit short on systems atm06:42
cpaelzerplenty of systems are disabled06:42
cpaelzerprobably fixing the broken autopkgtest image https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2020-March/040939.html06:43
cpaelzerbut in addition for the last few minutes the rest seems to be stuck in cleaning which sometimes happens06:44
cpaelzerIt might resolve on its own as usual, but if anyone is around to give to give them a bump that would be even better06:44
cpaelzercjwatson: wgrant: ^^ ?06:44
wgrantHm, what's this about autopkgtest?06:44
cpaelzerwgrant: o/06:45
wgrantLaunchpad and autopkgtest aren't particularly related, except that they run on some of the same clouds.06:45
cpaelzerwgrant: just the builders being mostly disabled and the others seem to not get out of "cleaning" state06:45
cpaelzerthe magic link here is that cjwatson usually "knows what to do" and I'd expect to find him here06:45
cpaelzerI have no other reason to use this chan for that question06:45
cpaelzerwell and that I thought I might reply to Eickmeyer who asked here as well06:46
wgrantThis is the correct channel for Launchpad issues.06:46
wgrantBut autopkgtest isn't related to Launchpad.06:46
wgrantThat's an Ubuntu service; #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-release are more appropriate points of contact.06:46
cpaelzerhmm, my second guess would have been #IS* but you are right it is not an internal but a canonical service06:47
wgrantCanonical IS do not maintain Ubuntu's autopkgtest service.06:47
wgrantAnyway, I'm investigating the Launchpad build farm issues. But this isn't the right place to discuss services run by Ubuntu, such as autopkgtest.06:48
cjwatsoncpaelzer: cjwatson uniformly redirects you to somebody else if you ask him about autopkgtest :-)09:08
cjwatsonlike, every time09:08
cjwatsonand I do not know what to do about autopkgtest issues other than redirecting you09:08
cpaelzerConstant dripping wears away the stone :-)09:09
cpaelzerit really was about builders being stuck09:09
cpaelzernot about anything "inside" autoblktests09:10
cpaelzerwow - we might some day have aotoblktests for I/O but obviously I meant autopkgtests09:10
cpaelzerthat wasn't even close on the keyboard to mistype it that way ...09:10
cjwatsonWell, more precisely about the system that resets builder VMs being stuck09:11
jamespagemorning - I foobared a new project setup this morning - is it possible to change its LP name - https://launchpad.net/trilio-data-mover09:36
jamespagetrilio-data-mover -> charm-trilio-data-mover09:36
cjwatsonjamespage: done09:41
jamespagecjwatson: thankyou!09:41
Laneywhich team can set a distro's status (e.g. freezing the archive) and create new series? assuming it's the same role that can do both14:33
Laneyis it the maintainer? i.e. ~techboard for Ubuntu14:33
cjwatsonLaney: Exactly14:44
cjwatson(~ubuntu-drivers can create series too, I think.  But ~techboard can do it all)14:45
Eickmeyer[m]cpaelzer: No, I was just falling victim to pkgstripfiles being molasses-slow. Perhaps even glacial slow. I have yet to come up with the correct slow analogy.14:54
cpaelzerEickmeyer[m]: was it the lock loop that sometimes happens - or just standing at that lein for a loooong time?15:09
Eickmeyer[m]cpaelzer: It was the lock loop. Easily reproducable if I update ubuntustudio-look in the archive.15:10
Eickmeyer[m]Like, every time I updated it would take an hour to build, whereas it would take < 1min locally.15:11
Eickmeyer[m]My computer is cool, but it's not THAT cool.15:11
cjwatsonIt should reproduce locally if you install pkgbinarymangler in the chroot.15:13
cjwatsonThis is a package that implements various bits of Ubuntu policy for builds.15:13
=== epod is now known as luk3yx
Eickmeyer[m]Well, I could try that, but not sure it's worth it at this point.15:13
Eickmeyer[m]But, is that a bug?15:13
cjwatsonWouldn't be too surprising for it to have some race issues.15:13
cjwatsonWe could debate semantics of what counts as a bug, but it doesn't sound like terribly desirable behaviour as it stands.15:14
Eickmeyer[m]That's what I was thinking. It looked like some sort of race condition.15:14
cjwatsonIt's a long time since I looked at it though, and it's owned by Ubuntu rather than by Launchpad.15:14
Eickmeyer[m]Right, that makes sense.15:14
seb128cjwatson, hey, thanks for reviewing/approving my launchpad change :)16:07
seb128I got a buildbot failure email, I guess that's following that mp approval16:07
seb128 http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp-devel-xenial/builds/1099 ... is there anything I need to do about it?16:07
cjwatsonseb128: Our test suite is sadly not 100% reliable.  Not your problem in this case - I've retried the test16:11
seb128cjwatson, thanks!16:11
cjwatson(It's close, but with over 20000 tests it doesn't take much to trip it ...)16:12
cjwatsonThanks for the MP :)16:12
RikMillscjwatson: does buildd-manager need a poke?16:33
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: SpecialK|Canon | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
* cjwatson moves the help contact to the start of the topic so that people are more likely to notice it16:44
cjwatsonthat said; requested a bounce16:44
RikMillsohhh. sorry16:44
cjwatsonBack up now, and I've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/186686816:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1866868 in Launchpad itself "buildd-manager frequently gets stuck and stops gathering files from builders" [Critical,Triaged]16:50
RikMillsgreat :)16:51
* RikMills subscribes16:52
cjwatsonBut yeah, we're trying to move a bit more towards a help contact system rather than it always being "ask Colin or William"16:53
cjwatsonWhich is less appropriate now that we have more people on the team16:54

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