
lordievaderGood morning07:10
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
=== adityaduggal_ is now known as adityaduggal
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
=== Napsterbater is now known as Guest28496
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
zenlinuxHi folks - I've had an odd application process for a distro engineer role on the Ubuntu Server team. After I applied for the position, I received an email from a no-reply address at greenhouse.io to complete a take-home assignment, which I did and then submitted a week ago. I have no contact information of anyone in HR or the recruitment team. I'd16:13
zenlinuxlike to follow-up with a person just to inquire about my application, but I have no idea who to reach out to. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. And apologies if this is too off-topic for this channel - I'm at a loss at what I can do next.16:13
powersjzenlinux, I'll follow up with you16:16
zenlinuxmuch appreciated!16:16
halvorshow can i disable netplan? and use systemd-networkd instead?20:28
sdezielhalvors: I believe that simply removing/rename the .yaml files from /etc/netplan will prevent netplan from generating networkd configs20:30
halvorssdeziel: Yes it does. But is that the correct way to do it or will netplan service just simply fail to start?20:41
sdezielhalvors: I believe that's the official way to prevent netplan from running. Alternatively you can remove the netplan.io package altogether20:45
halvorsbut that would remove ubuntu-minimal as well?20:46
sdezielhalvors: that's what's recommended in https://netplan.io/faq#how-to-go-back-to-ifupdown20:47
sdezielhalvors: personally, I'd simply move the yaml away20:47
halvorsok :)21:08
runelind_qdoes apt run updates in the background periodically?21:48
mwhudsonrunelind_q: it's a different package, unattended-upgrades, but it is enabled by default, yes22:15
runelind_qcool, so I can stop doing my own apt updates and just do list-upgradable22:26
sarnoldrunelind_q: yes; don't plan on never running apt upgrade by hand, of course, but list-upgradable should be Good Enough22:31
runelind_qsarnold: great, thanks.22:33
mwhudsonrunelind_q: unattended-upgrades only installs security updates by default, i think22:45
runelind_qI'm only looking for the update part.  I do list-upgradable manually for now (this is just for home servers)22:46
runelind_qI had landscape on premise set up a while ago but it kept throwing errors with updates not running.23:23
runelind_qmaybe I can investigate it again.23:24
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors

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