[00:14] thumper: I think it was you who recommended No Such Thing as a Fish a while back? If so, thank you, it's hilarious. [00:17] evhan: no worries, I love it too [03:27] wallyworld: when you get back I have a question for you [03:41] eyes are welcome on a "feature matrix" doc for providers (k8s compatibility and OS support to come) https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/juju-feature-and-compatibility-matrix/1589 [04:13] tlm: what's up? [04:22] got time for HO ? [04:23] wallyworld: [04:23] sure [04:24] tlm: am in standup [04:24] k [06:55] kelvinliu: you'll let me know when our PR is ready again for review? [06:55] wallyworld: stil fixing tests. [06:56] no worries, just wanted to mnake sure i wasn't blocking you [06:59] wallyworld: mostly done! [06:59] almost. [07:18] manadart: this got accidentally left off the 2.7-current fork. had already landed into 2.7. so re-proposing my (landed) branch against 2.7-current. can you pretty please +1 or whatever? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11305 [07:37] wallyworld: it's ready to review now. [07:38] kelvinliu: ty, looking [07:46] ty [08:36] wallyworld: Ticked it. [11:03] manadart: can you also take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11261. The CI gods have finally deemed it worthy of a green tick [11:05] achilleasa: Sure. [11:39] achilleasa: Approved it with a few minor things. [12:50] manadart: I have addressed your comments so I will go ahead and merge [12:50] achilleasa: Yup. [15:40] achilleasa: do you have a few minutes? [15:40] sure [15:40] daily? [15:40] achilleasa: omw === skay is now known as Guest63738