[09:50] am I the only not able to run Turnip API layer? Getting this from a fresh Master clone: [09:50] pkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (pycparser 2.19 (/home/ilasc/turnip/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages), Requirement.parse('pycparser<2.18'), set(['pygit2'])) [09:50] ilasc: What container setup steps have you done? [09:51] Also Thiago just landed some dependency changes which might be relevant [09:52] Worth checking that your dependencies clone is up to date [09:52] cjwatson: went with fresh container and followed the Turnip Readme file for a completely isolated env. [09:52] will do, thanks! [09:52] I remember this area being delicate [09:54] Hmm [09:55] I wonder how pappacena managed to land this [09:55] requirements.txt has pycparser==2.19 and pygit2==0.27.4. But pygit2 0.27.4 depends on pycparser<2.18 [09:55] Which is indeed what pip is telling you [09:57] I don't understand how Jenkins passed given that [09:57] pappacena: ^- could you have a look at this when you get in? [09:58] agreed - thank you Colin! [09:59] tests pass on master [09:59] pappacena: pygit2 upgrades are delicate and require careful coordination because of the libgit2 dependency; it may be simplest to back off a little to pycparser 2.17 if that's not too problematic for other reasons [09:59] perhaps whether it passes depends on what version of pip you're starting with [10:00] I wonder if ilasc has a different version of pip on $PATH or something [10:00] I'm trying to follow your recommendation and eliminate all the "on the host" setup items. Started by get my setup as similar to Tom's as possible - completely isolated LXD (as I should've done from the begging) and VSCode remotely attached for debug to each LXD [10:01] SpecialK|Canon: tests pass in my container too [10:02] it's the "make run-api" that fails [10:02] Ah right, so tests pass but then something later complains, I see [10:02] yes, sorry! wasn't clear enough at first [10:03] So I guess pserve calls the usual entry point machinery in pkg_resources and that notices the unsatisfied dependencies [10:03] Wouldn't hurt to spend a little time writing a failing test for this while we have the convenient opportunity to do so [10:03] And then we can make sure it passes once pappacena fixes up the dependencies [10:04] (And yes, I see the same "make run-api" failure) [10:06] ilasc: You can run "env/bin/pip install pycparser==2.10" (in the container of course) to temporarily fix up your environment so that "make run-api" works [10:07] Perhaps we should have a unit test that runs "env/bin/pip check" [10:07] Or even just run that in the Makefile after installing dependencies [10:07] Probably the latter makes more sense [10:11] Could also possibly just land an MP that backs out to pycparser==2.10 in requirements.txt. But pappacena should be aware in case that disrupts their py3 work [10:29] cjwatson: noted and thank you, 1:1 with Kristian, reading now, agreed and I will add the Unit Test after lunch [10:40] Possibly build system change rather than unit test, but sure [11:50] Hey, folks. I'll take a look on this problem new. I'll probably downgrade this dep. AFAIR, it was probably just raising some DeprecationWarning on py3. Shouldn't be a big problem to downgrade it. I'll add the check on Makefile too. Sorry about that, and thanks for the help, ilasc! [11:51] https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/380416 is updated with a shortcut as I couldn't find a bettter way that was reliable [11:59] tomwardill: Yep, I think that'll do [12:03] ta, landing [12:12] pappacena: I'm just back from lunch, great timing :) I'll leave you to it in that case - working on the Unit Tests for my "show MP URL" in Turnip, I can stay away from "run make-api" for now [12:12] Thanks, ilasc. It shouldn't take long. I'll open the MP in a couple of minutes. [12:13] pappacena: excellent, thank you! [12:21] It should be good to be reviewed now: [12:21] Deps MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/turnip/+git/turnip-dependencies/+merge/380545 [12:21] Code MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/turnip/+git/turnip/+merge/380546 [12:24] pappacena: r=me on both, thanks [12:24] Thanks, everyone. [12:25] pappacena: +1 [12:25] pappacena: also I've just updated https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/380391 per your comments [12:25] Awesome. I'll take a look! [12:25] Cheers [13:16] pappacena: Great, thanks. You have a bunch of review comments in exchange ;-) [13:16] (Not sure to what extent you'll consider this a fair exchange) [13:29] cjwatson: Thank you for handling Q689260 (mirror 307) [13:37] NP, I had some useful mental state about that [13:43] cjwatson, well... it's a change. And feedback is always good hahaha [13:55] *"an exchange", I mean [15:39] Did the thing: https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/HowToDevelopWithBuildd [15:39] Linked under 'Set up for development' on https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/HowToUseSoyuzLocally [15:42] Great, thanks [15:44] I'll try and keep on top of lxd changes there, when we can make it simpler [15:44] <3 [15:44] the drive mounting not doing uid mapping is a bit awkward atm [16:12] cjwatson: can you point me at your oci registry branch? [16:12] I've lost it somewhere [16:14] tomwardill: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+ref/db-oci-push-rule I think? [16:14] that's the one [16:14] I was searching for registry