=== diddledan5 is now known as diddledan | ||
jamesh | I seem to have lost my mouse cursor under Wayland | 02:11 |
hellsworth | and since i moved to wayland my webcam doesn't work | 02:11 |
hellsworth | jamesh: what if you go back to xorg and back to wayland? does wayland always steal your cursor? | 02:12 |
jamesh | hellsworth: using the X11 session my mouse cursor is fine. But GDM seems to be running a Wayland session so it is gone on the login screen too. | 02:13 |
jamesh | Just upgrading my second system to double check | 02:13 |
jamesh | it responds to clicks on Wayland, but I don't know where I'm clicking | 02:13 |
hellsworth | hmm | 02:14 |
hellsworth | i wonder if xwayland would help | 02:14 |
jamesh | the cursor didn't show when it was (likely) over X apps on the Wayland session | 02:15 |
jamesh | IIRC, it's gnome-shell drawing the mouse cursor in the Wayland session | 02:16 |
jamesh | and my Laptop is fine: it's just my desktop | 02:17 |
hellsworth | interesting | 02:18 |
hellsworth | my laptop is fine too (for teh cursor) | 02:19 |
hellsworth | jamesh: can you see if your webcam works on your laptop? | 02:19 |
hellsworth | mine apparently stopped working since i switched to wayland and switching back to x11 doesn't fix it | 02:19 |
hellsworth | i feel like there should be a webcam panel in g-c-c | 02:19 |
jamesh | webcams on both my desktop and laptop are fine (checking with cheese) | 02:20 |
hellsworth | intresting | 02:20 |
hellsworth | thanks for testing | 02:20 |
jamesh | The main differences between laptop and desktop here are graphics (radeon vs intel), and the mouse device (USB vs. whatever the connection is on the laptop) | 02:21 |
jamesh | I guess I'll check with duflu tomorrow | 02:28 |
hellsworth | yeah sorry jamesh, he's the best one to help :/ | 02:36 |
jamesh | It could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1865371, but it's hard to tell | 02:41 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1865371 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Mouse Cursor or Touchpad indicator/pointer not working" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 02:41 |
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq | ||
pieq | Hello here! I'm having troubles watching videos from Vimeo on Firefox 74 on Ubuntu 20.04 | 05:59 |
pieq | 74.0+build3-0ubuntu1 | 05:59 |
pieq | Everytime I try to watch a video from Vimeo, I get the following error: The player is having trouble. We’ll have it back up and running as soon as possible. | 06:00 |
pieq | But Youtube videos work fine, and accessing the same Vimeo video from Chromium works fine too | 06:01 |
jamesh | pieq: I can play https://vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/391416680 here | 06:01 |
jamesh | is it all videos, or particular ones? | 06:01 |
pieq | The video on this page can’t be played. Your system may not have the required video codecs for: video/mp4, video/mp4; codecs="hvc1", video/mp4; codecs="av01.0.31M.", video/mp4; codecs="hvc1" | 06:02 |
pieq | jamesh, ha, I get that in the Firefox console | 06:02 |
pieq | jamesh, I probably forgot to install a codec package | 06:02 |
jamesh | pieq: IIRC, Firefox should install that codec on demand | 06:02 |
pieq | looks like I'm not the only one having this issue https://www.reddit.com/r/pop_os/comments/fgp5ks/firefox_cant_play_video_but_chrome_can/ | 06:03 |
jamesh | pieq: if you browse to "about:plugins", does it show "OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc."? | 06:04 |
pieq | jamesh, yes | 06:05 |
pieq | Version: | 06:05 |
pieq | State: Enabled | 06:05 |
pieq | jamesh, I'm installing mpv to pull all the codecs dependencies (and because I love mpv anyway :)) – I just set up this new laptop this morning so that's why I'm missing stuff | 06:05 |
jamesh | hmm. hvc1 isn't H.264 | 06:06 |
pieq | jamesh, yeah it's working now | 06:06 |
jamesh | that's H.265: I'm not sure what would provide that for Firefox | 06:07 |
pieq | jamesh, probably pulling libavcodec58 helped | 06:07 |
oSoMoN | good morning desktoppers | 06:19 |
oSoMoN | pieq, glad to read that you were able to figure out the codec issue | 06:19 |
ricotz | oSoMoN, ping, see PM | 06:34 |
pieq | oSoMoN, hey, thanks :) I'm not sure if this is a good user experience, though, but I don't know what should be fixed or where.... | 06:36 |
oSoMoN | good morning ricotz | 06:36 |
pieq | Should vimeo display the information more clearly? Should the Firefox package depend on extra codec package? | 06:36 |
oSoMoN | pieq, yeah, I was thinking the same, not sure what could/should be fixed here | 06:36 |
oSoMoN | probably not a hard depend, maybe a suggest/recommend | 06:37 |
jamesh | it's kind of surprising that Vimeo would send H.265 video if it wasn't absolutely certain the browser could handle it | 06:46 |
jamesh | (or handle the error if it couldn't) | 06:46 |
oSoMoN | that too | 06:54 |
didrocks | salut oSoMoN | 06:55 |
didrocks | and good morning to all :) | 06:55 |
oSoMoN | salut didrocks | 06:56 |
pieq | jamesh, yeah you're right.... I'm gonna contact them just to let them know | 07:30 |
seb128 | gooood morning desktopers | 08:10 |
Laney | hey hey | 09:01 |
seb128 | hey Laney, how are you today? | 09:02 |
Laney | moin seb128 | 09:05 |
Laney | doing good | 09:06 |
Laney | been planting out some new stuff into the garden 😎 | 09:06 |
seb128 | end of winter? ;) | 09:06 |
Laney | indeed | 09:06 |
Laney | dryopteris filix-mas! | 09:07 |
seb128 | it's nice with a bit of sun here today | 09:07 |
seb128 | feel good | 09:07 |
Laney | it's like getting above 10 most days now | 09:07 |
seb128 | yesterday was grey, rainy and windy | 09:07 |
Laney | luxury | 09:07 |
seb128 | maybe I can go to tennis tonight \o/ | 09:07 |
Laney | hope so, those balls aren't going to hit themselves :p | 09:08 |
seb128 | indeed :-) | 09:09 |
seb128 | k, relocatting, brb | 09:11 |
didrocks | hey Laney! | 09:15 |
Laney | guten morgen didrocks | 09:15 |
Laney | how's it going? | 09:15 |
didrocks | good and you? | 09:22 |
Laney | quite ok! | 09:22 |
oSoMoN | salut seb128 | 09:31 |
oSoMoN | good morning Laney | 09:31 |
seb128 | lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ? bonne journée off ? | 09:31 |
oSoMoN | la forme oui, bien profité des filles hier. et toi? | 09:32 |
seb128 | en forme ! il fait beau/bon aujourd'hui, ça change de la pluie et du vent des jours précédents :) | 09:33 |
seb128 | busy with GNOME 3.36 tarballs but there is some action in Debian as well so hopefully that done by this evening or tomorrow | 09:33 |
seb128 | not speaking about the shell stack which is blocked on Trevinho | 09:33 |
Laney | hey oSoMoN | 09:35 |
Laney | well done on that work seb128! | 09:35 |
* Laney is down to the last bit on libproxy -> mozjs68 now | 09:40 | |
seb128 | thx | 09:47 |
Laney | Segmentation fault | 11:30 |
* ogra hands Laney some glue | 12:32 | |
ahasenack | hi desktop team, I'm trying to demote geoip (libgeoip1) from main to universe, and push geoip2 (libmaxminddb) from universe to main, and there is a seed change you might be interested in checking just to be on the safe side: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu/+merge/380547 | 13:27 |
ahasenack | it's linked to the MIR bug | 13:28 |
Laney | should be fine I think | 13:28 |
ahasenack | I checked ubiquity and as far as I can tell, it doesn't use these libraryes, and instead does raw lookups on https://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com/?query=%s&release=%s%27 for the timezone selection page | 13:28 |
Laney | I dunno why it's in the seed tbh | 13:29 |
ahasenack | added in 2006 by mattz | 13:30 |
Laney | trying to provide a collection of 'useful' python libraries or something? | 13:31 |
Laney | anyway, I'll give you a +1 on the MR | 13:31 |
ahasenack | thank you | 13:31 |
Laney | there | 13:31 |
ahasenack | thanks | 13:31 |
Laney | yw, thanks for bringing it up | 13:32 |
seb128 | ahasenack, Laney, I don't remember why geoip is there but the change looks fine to me as well | 14:00 |
seb128 | Trevinho, what's the status on the GNOME extensions updates? | 14:01 |
seb128 | didrocks, thanks for the alsa reviews! | 14:01 |
didrocks | seb128: yw :) | 14:03 |
ahasenack | seb128: thanks | 14:04 |
hellsworth | good morning desktopers | 14:52 |
oSoMoN | hey hellsworth | 14:52 |
hellsworth | hi oSoMoN ! | 14:53 |
didrocks | hey hellsworth | 14:55 |
hellsworth | hi didrocks ! | 14:55 |
Laney | moin hellsworth | 15:04 |
hellsworth | hiya Laney | 15:04 |
seb128 | howdy there :) | 15:24 |
seb128 | k, that's 3 package we got back in sync with Debian in a week now | 15:24 |
seb128 | (alsa-lib, webkit2gtk, rygel) | 15:24 |
Laney | woot | 15:24 |
* Laney added libproxy to that earlier | 15:26 | |
Laney | and gjs ... guess I can sync that now | 15:26 |
seb128 | \o/ | 15:26 |
* seb128 wonders where is Trevinho :-( | 15:26 | |
Laney | (done) | 15:27 |
Trevinho | seb128: at fixing dock... | 15:28 |
seb128 | hey Trevinho! | 15:30 |
Trevinho | hi seb128 | 15:30 |
seb128 | Trevinho, good, don't let distract you then, I was just wanting to know where we are standing with the shell stack updates | 15:30 |
* seb128 shake the fist at GNOME not respecting freezes | 15:31 | |
Trevinho | seb128: eh, unfortunately there are some fixes on our stuff that are more than just adapting apis | 15:31 |
seb128 | we should have to do such fixing after rc | 15:31 |
seb128 | shouldn't* | 15:31 |
Trevinho | things have been even worse some cycles ago | 15:31 |
Trevinho | in the sense that more complicated changes even lanted at 91 | 15:32 |
ricotz | seb128, it should be possible now to sync vala | 18:11 |
seb128 | rcombs, synced | 18:19 |
rcombs | hi? | 18:19 |
sarnold | rcombs: looks like simple tab-misfire, probably that was meant for ricotz instead :) | 18:20 |
seb128 | rcombs, sorry, that was meant for ricotz | 18:20 |
rcombs | ah k | 18:20 |
ricotz | seb128, thx! | 18:46 |
ackk | jibel, tested the newer installer for that lvm issue, same result. I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/1867065 | 22:34 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1867065 in casper (Ubuntu) "Installer hangs at boot on machine with LVM" [Undecided,New] | 22:35 |
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