[09:29] tseliot: check ubuntu-devel-discuss@, someone is concerned about some file install path [09:29] nvidia_layers.json [09:30] also https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/36790 [10:17] tseliot: when will 440.64 enter focal? [10:18] tjaalton, probably today, I was just waiting to test the nvidia-settings, then it should be all good to go [10:18] ok, great [10:19] it fixes build with 5.6, do you think the fix is easily backported to 390 too? [10:22] ah there seems to be some failure, I'm asking for the log.. [10:22] or could just build it myself.. [10:27] tjaalton, we'll see what is wrong there. Where can I find the new oem kernel? (ppa?) [10:27] bootstrap ppa, both oem and unstable kernel (no diff between them) [10:28] https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ubuntu/bootstrap [10:28] though only oem has a working metapackage.. [11:17] ok, thanks