[04:40] I've install xubuntu 18.04 (latest LTS release) on several system. They all report "Incomplete Language Support" every reboot even though i "Run this Action Now" to fix. How to get rid of it? === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [15:45] Hi all. What is the username and password for the live environment? Can't seem to find it anywhere [15:50] should be xubuntu and blank passwd. [16:02] Seems to accept it but then just reloads the login page [16:02] xubuntu15w, alt+ctrl+f3 [16:03] login: xubuntu [16:03] nopassswd [16:03] startxfce4 [16:04] thank you! :) [16:06] you're welcome [21:18] Just installed 18.04.4 LTS on an Acer Aspire One D270-1628. Live works okay, but install boots to a black screen. At that point, Ctrl-Alt-F2 brings up a terminal, then Ctrl-Alt-F7 gets me to the GUI login. [21:19] At that point, it works fine. [21:20] So, what's this doing to resolve the black screen that normal boot is not? [21:21] Booting into a recovery kernel does the same thing...boot into it, and the normal GUI comes up. [21:27] hello i have problem with wecam 046d:0870 Logitech not function inside Xubuntu 19.10 ...help tks [21:28] webcam