
mptCool that Ubiquity in Focal still refers to Ubuntu Software Center, which hasn’t been included in Ubuntu since 15.1016:04
xnoxmpt:  *sigh*16:16
xnoxmpt:  well we do have "Software" now, which is gnome-software-centre. Maybe at the time of the switch from ubuntu to gnome software centre, we have kept calling it ubuntu software center?16:19
mptxnox, no, it’s not called that anywhere else … But this perhaps does explain why people have been reporting bugs for gnome-software in the wrong place16:20
mptBoo, I tried to fix it but bzr says “Failed to GPG sign data”16:25
mptxnox, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7tJNjQCrQB/ :-)16:26
xnoxmpt:  tah16:30

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