
topcat001have you tried restarting the browser?00:05
joakoI got the Ubuntu 18.04 live disc to boot via PXE (network) the issue is I always have to install some package after I boot it. Also I would like to remove unused packages so the image can be smaller00:07
joakoHow can I customize the Ubuntu Live? All I can find is info about some discontinued Ubuntu Customization Kit00:07
jmcguckinCan't install - installer says "target dir /target was not empty"00:08
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multifractalMy computer forced itself into doing some windows updates. Midway through (I wasn't paying much attention) it reboots. I look over and it's saying `error no such partition. entering rescue mode... grub rescue>`01:01
pragmaticenigma!grub | multifractal01:02
ubottumultifractal: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:02
Psi-Jack11135:Mar 10 11:44:24 midgaard gnome-shell[2397]: error: Unable to lock: Lock was blocked by an application -- So, this is fun. My screen lock is failing to work lately because of that error which is popped up when it tries as well.01:09
bray90820I am here on ubuntu 16.04.4 but no matter what I do I can't get any online streaming to work audio and video on sites like youtube and vimeo and mixlr just endlessly load01:44
bray90820I have tried it on both firefox and chromeum01:44
sarnoldbray90820: do you use ublock origin or adblock or noscript or privacy badger or any of the other "break the browser" extensions?01:46
bray90820No adblock settings01:48
bray90820Firefox did just play DRM content from Tidal01:48
sarnolddid that require installing something "funny" from tidal to make it work? or is that using standard w3c DRM?01:49
bray90820Just stadared w3c I believe because all i did was play it straight from tidal without installing anything01:50
bray90820sarnold: If you are wondering mixlr is an audio only site01:53
bray90820sarnold: Any ideas?02:01
sarnoldbray90820: not really; if you run firefox from the command line do you get any error messages?02:01
doug16kbray90820, press F12 and look at the console02:01
doug16kit might say something02:01
sarnoldoh also a good one02:01
bray90820No errors from the command line but the console gave me this02:04
doug16kbray90820, source maps dont matter02:09
doug16kthey are for developer02:09
doug16kyou can't debug it on live youtube site, as expected02:09
bray90820Well then where do I go from here02:10
sarnoldbray90820: how about dmesg? /var/log/ logs?02:11
doug16kbray90820, try turning off hardware acceleration (or turn it on if it was off) in the browser settings02:11
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doug16kbray90820, you could try running it like this: firefox --safe-mode02:16
bray90820It's not just a firefox issue tho because chromeium doesn't work ether02:16
doug16kfancy firewall setup?02:17
bray90820No firewall setup that I know of02:17
bray90820No idea what that is02:18
doug16k`sudo ufw status` says inactive?02:18
sarnoldprobably not then :) hehe -- pihole is a network-wide adblocker kind of thing02:18
bray90820No adblocker installed02:18
bray90820sudo ufw status is inactive02:19
bray90820In the youtube settings I can't even change the quality of the video which is weird02:21
bray90820So local video files don't play ether02:21
doug16kbray90820, secure sites work? you can go to your bank site02:21
bray90820Yes secure site works02:22
doug16knvm, youtube wouldnt load at all02:22
Psi-JackUgh, there it goes again, "Lock was blocked by an application"02:22
bray90820Youtube.com loads but the videos don't play02:22
bray90820Neather does local mp4 files02:23
doug16krun chrome and open this url: chrome://gpu/02:23
Psi-JackWhen I lock the screen manually, it works. when it tries to do so itself, it fails.02:23
doug16kbray90820, rasterization says what?02:24
sarnoldPsi-Jack: try using d-feet to look around for a dbus interface for inhibiting the screen lock02:25
sarnoldPsi-Jack: *maybe* it has a way to find out which application is still inhibiting the screen lock02:25
Psi-JackBut, this is with nothing even running... :/02:26
doug16kPsi-Jack, you must mean nothing apparently running. how did you verify that "nothing" is running?02:27
bray90820doug16k: https://pastebin.com/raw/fawzG9sS02:27
bray90820Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled02:27
doug16kbray90820, looks fine02:27
Psi-JackI mean that, there's nothing in startup, I closed down anything that was running, actively. And, it still was unable to automatically lock.02:28
sarnoldX error received: serial 851, error_code 170 (GLXBadWindow), request_code 152, minor_code 32 (Unknown)02:28
Psi-Jackd-feet looks pretty useful though. :)02:28
sarnoldPsi-Jack: my wild guess at this point is that an application is misbehaving -- eg the process is still running but its window is gone02:29
Psi-JackNot when confirmed with ps.02:29
sarnoldPsi-Jack: hence my hope that there's an API to find out who still has that lock :)02:29
Psi-JackDon't think of me as a newbie. Apparently this problem has been reported many many times over, according to google search results. :)02:29
sarnolddoug16k: would glxgears be a tolerable way to try to debug bray90820's GLXBadWindow error message? is that relevant?02:30
sarnoldPsi-Jack: aha, cool02:30
Psi-JackWith no solutions....02:30
doug16ksarnold, yes, the browser is probably using opengl to render the screen02:31
doug16kthe video overla02:32
bray90820doug16k: sarnold It is not just a browser issue because local Mp4 files aren't playing02:32
sarnoldbray90820: does glxgears print anything?02:33
bray90820What is glxgears02:34
Psi-JackOh sheash, I set the lock time to 2 minutes, and that just worked. :/02:35
sarnoldit draws some gears on screen to test glx02:35
sarnoldPsi-Jack: oh sheesh :) thanks for reporting back02:35
sarnoldPsi-Jack: I *hate* things like that..02:35
Psi-JackWell, that doesn't /solve/ it, and that's realy just the powe saving blank screen. But, we'll try again with 15 minutes as it was before.02:36
Psi-JackI think it's kinda hit/miss.. Or an actual bug that originated in Fedora and made its way into Ubuntu.02:36
sarnoldPsi-Jack: I never got to the bottom of it, but a year or so ago I think I saw every few weeks my xset dpms settings being reset. I wish I could have figured that one out.02:37
Psi-Jacksarnold: Yep. That'02:37
Psi-JackThat's still an issue, actually. :)02:38
bray90820sarnold: 334 frames in 5.0 seconds = 66.759 FPS and the gears are spinning02:39
sarnoldbray90820: alright, cool; how about /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?02:41
bray90820It's huge but here it is02:42
RadSurferanyone know if you can scan a file for a specific hex-sequence, in linux?02:43
sarnoldbray90820: dang. I was hoping to spot something there :/02:44
bray90820So now what?02:46
sarnoldbray90820: I think try playing videos with mpv or mplayer or ffmpeg from the command line and see if any of *them* emit useful error messages02:47
bray90820So I just tried VLC and that works but the default video player does not work02:48
sarnoldRadSurfer: nothing *easy* ; I was just able to search for eg an ascii NUL using: echo -ne '\x00' > /tmp/pattern ; grep -ra -f /tmp/pattern /usr/lib/02:52
sarnoldRadSurfer: but that'd probably break with newlines or similar :(02:52
doug16kRadSurfer, yes, use grep02:53
RadSurferI need to find specifically EF BB BF02:54
bray90820sarnold: Yeah the terminal doesn't work ether02:54
RadSurferapparently it raises issues with geidt02:54
sarnoldhah, the silly BOM strikes again https://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html02:55
doug16kwell yes I can see why02:55
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doug16kwhat byte is before that?02:56
bray90820sarnold: No error messages so where do I go from here02:56
doug16kgedit breaks if the file begins with that?02:57
sarnoldbray90820: no idea02:58
sarnoldbray90820: did this work before some recent thing?02:58
sarnoldbray90820: did it never work?02:58
bray90820As far as I know it never worked but I didn't really try 7 months02:59
doug16koh lol in gedit the bom is invisibly there and you can insert characters before it02:59
sarnoldRadSurfer: this works: echo -en '\xEF\xBB\xBF' > /tmp/pattern ; rg --file /tmp/pattern  -- I found some hilarious stuff in my home directory this way :)02:59
linuxgeckogreetings. i have gotten myself into a pickle. how hard is it to get the ubuntu installed to select an LV in a file, inside a lv?03:02
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doug16khttp://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#bom5 <-- it is doing it right03:17
RadSurferit does not tell me how to DELETE REMOVE it03:24
RadSurfericonv did not seem to help03:25
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RadSurferCan someone help with this please,  " bout.bas: text/x-c; charset=us-ascii ",03:40
RadSurferwhat deoes the text/x-c  mean?03:40
leftyfbRadSurfer: you want ##linux or maybe #bash03:40
eldowanI'm running unbound on pfsense to provide an alias for a DNS entry to a local ip address. this ubuntu laptop only resolves the local ip if I overwrite resolv.conf. if I use the default DHCP provided, it resolves the public IP address. Other ubuntu machines work correctly. how can I troubleshoot this?04:09
anonhow many of u are infected with covid-1904:11
multifractalhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ggTpb9Y56f/ boot-repair did not bring back Grub, which went missing during a windows 10 update04:15
multifractalafter the Asus splash screen Windows logo appears, no matter what04:15
Saurabh009Boot with a live Ubuntu and update grub.04:30
Saurabh009from command line04:30
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anonwere all gonna die from Coronavirus04:46
phinxy(ubuntu 19) in KiCAD when a popup dialog is dragged by its top bar the entire program moves with it05:18
phinxyIs this ubuntu, gnome or kicad doing something wrong?05:18
kevrAnybody have a nice example of running xmodmap for a specific user/display on ADD action of a udev rule? Googling this comes up with many, many different "examples" walking across many years of Linux05:21
kevrI'm trying to find an example meant for a _recent_ version of linux, like ubuntu 19.10 (that im currently on)05:21
kevrMy user is `kevr`, my DISPLAY is at :105:22
kevrheh, nevermind, i was using the wrong $DISPLAY the whole time. derp. -_-05:23
ducassephinxy: i'm guessing your program is not interacting with the windoww manager properly. see if they have a forum or irc channel, and ask there if others are experiencing the same thing05:23
proneon267what is the package name of the app "users and groups" ?06:53
dmo139Do you mean "gnome-system-tools"07:01
proneon267dmo139 but that doesn't show up on my repo list07:02
dmo139It's in the universe repo07:08
proneon267dmo139 thanks07:11
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Rumenanyone can help with broken package installation?08:29
Rumendependancies issue08:29
Rumenwith MySQL808:29
RumenThis is the issue https://imagebin.ca/v/5FLDb3MQQXd708:36
Rumenat the same time I have working MySQL808:37
EriC^Rumen: try 'sudo apt-get -f install | nc termbin.com 9999'08:39
RumenThanks EriC^ here you are https://termbin.com/kzlm08:41
RumenEric^ please check the 2 images I sent above08:42
EriC^Rumen: type    dpkg -l | grep -Ev "^rc|^ii" | nc termbin.com 999908:42
RumenOK here you are https://termbin.com/ifpv08:44
EriC^Rumen: seems it's unpacked but not installed08:44
RumenYes exactly08:44
RumenAnd I don't need it but I can't remove it due to dependancies error08:45
RumenBecause I already have working MySQL server ver.808:45
EriC^Rumen: hmm, are you sure nothing you have depends on it?08:46
EriC^Rumen: you could run, sudo dpkg -P --force-all mysql-cluster-community-client08:46
EriC^that should forcefully remove it even if there are errors08:47
EriC^i think you'll also need to run sudo dpkg -P --force-all mysql-client08:47
Rumensame error https://imagebin.ca/v/5FLHwUtpGKB308:51
EriC^seems dbconfig-mysql needs it08:51
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EriC^do you need 'mysql-cluster-community-server' and dbconfig-mysql?08:52
RumenI just want to have apache + mysql + phpmyadmin to work on some web projects on my localchost08:53
EriC^Rumen: did you add any ppa's?08:53
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Rumenit is possible but how to check?08:54
Rumenwhen I installed and configured apache + mysql + phpmyadmin I followed someinstructions I may put some PPA's I don't remember08:56
ducasseRumen: do you have a link to the instructions you followed?08:58
EriC^Rumen: type "tail -v -n+1 /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999"08:59
Rumenducasse no it was long time ago09:03
EriC^Rumen: it looks like there is a ppa for mysql, currently not active though09:03
ducasseit might still have packages installed09:04
EriC^Rumen: do you have stuff you need currently for mysql or can you afford to remove it all and reinstall mysql from ubuntu repos09:04
ducassewith this many third party repos it's hard to support09:04
EriC^ducasse: this many? it's barely over 3009:05
RumenI can remove all and reinstall09:05
EriC^Rumen: ok, type "dpkg -l | grep mysql | nc termbin.com 9999"09:06
EriC^also dpkg -l | grep -Ev "^rc|^ii" | nc termbin.com 999909:06
EriC^Rumen: also this ppa is related to wheezy not ubuntu, i'd recommend purging it after we're done if you dont need it deb http://shop.softmaker.com/repo/apt wheezy non-free09:08
RumenI don't need that09:08
EriC^!info dbconfig-mysql  bionic09:09
ubottudbconfig-mysql (source: dbconfig-common): dbconfig-common MySQL/MariaDB support. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 9 kB09:09
EriC^Rumen: type "sudo apt-get purge dbconfig-mysql"09:09
RumenE: Unmet dependencies09:13
RumenIf I purge everything with mysql* ?09:16
EriC^Rumen: type   dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ "^mysql" { print $2 }' | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y09:16
EriC^Rumen: yes09:16
EriC^that command should do it, else we will loop over them using dpkg -P --force-all09:16
Rumennot removed09:17
EriC^Rumen: type   dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ "^mysql" { print $2 }' | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y dbconfig-mysql libmysqlclient2009:19
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Rumensame issue https://pastebin.com/BpWLf9V309:21
EriC^Rumen: type   dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ "^mysql" { print $2 }' | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y dbconfig-mysql libmysqlclient20 phpmyadmin python-mysqldb09:21
EriC^hopefully it doesnt have anything else depending on those09:21
Rumenno  https://pastebin.com/p8p73tbS09:26
EriC^!info libgdal20 bionic09:27
ubottulibgdal20 (source: gdal): Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.3+dfsg-2 (bionic), package size 4979 kB, installed size 16742 kB09:27
EriC^Rumen: type   dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ "^mysql" { print $2 }' | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y dbconfig-mysql libmysqlclient20 phpmyadmin python-mysqldb libgdal20 libmysqlcppconn7v509:28
EriC^Rumen: type   dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ "^mysql" { print $2 }' | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y dbconfig-mysql libmysqlclient20 phpmyadmin python-mysqldb libgdal20 libmysqlcppconn7v5 libopenscenegraph-3.4-13109:30
EriC^Rumen: type   dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ "^mysql" { print $2 }' | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y dbconfig-mysql libmysqlclient20 phpmyadmin python-mysqldb libgdal20 libmysqlcppconn7v5 libopenscenegraph-3.4-131 scribus-trunk09:31
EriC^hopefully that's the last of the deps09:31
EriC^!info scribus-trunk bionic09:31
ubottuPackage scribus-trunk does not exist in bionic09:31
EriC^Rumen: type 'apt-cache policy scribus-trunk | nc termbin.com 9999'09:32
EriC^Rumen: type   dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ "^mysql" { print $2 }' | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y dbconfig-mysql libmysqlclient20 phpmyadmin python-mysqldb libgdal20 libmysqlcppconn7v5 libopenscenegraph-3.4-131 scribus-trunk emma09:32
EriC^Rumen: do you need that scribus ppa?09:33
EriC^deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/scribus/ppa/ubuntu bionic main09:33
RumenI use scribus, but as far as it is a not a program that updates regularly I can remove the PPA09:34
EriC^ok keep for now09:34
EriC^did the removal for the packages work?09:35
EriC^Rumen: ok, type 'sudo apt-get update' to make sure no other ppa's are influencing the list09:36
Rumenhow can I install correct now the MySQL and the phpmyadmin?09:36
RumenFetched 495 kB in 7s (68,2 kB/s) Reading package lists... Done09:38
EriC^Rumen: type 'sudo apt-get install mysql-server'09:39
dar123how do we do ifdown in bionic09:39
EriC^Rumen: ?09:46
Rumenthe system still upgrade seems there were many packages waiting to solve the issue09:47
Rumenerror again09:54
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Zilenc3What are a few options to trigger GRUB to load from the 2nd option instead of defaulting to the first, temporarily? ie. Ubuntu is #1, Win #2. I'm away from my computer and want to boot into windows every now and then, but have no physical access to it.10:04
Zilenc3I can remotely access via teamviewer though.10:05
mgedminZilenc3: grub-reboot 210:06
mgedminbut I'm not sure about the 210:07
mgedminmaybe better use the textual title10:08
mgedminsee http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/eoan/en/man8/grub-reboot.8.html10:08
Zilenc3Gives me an idea at the very least, thanks10:08
mgedminalso see the caveats section where it might not be just for only one boot if you use RAID/LVM!10:09
RumenEric^ still can't install mysql ... again error10:59
BluesKajHowdy folks11:13
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mfoolbhello, after some weeks I tried to user my scanner but simple-scan and sane can't connect to it.. OS recognize it what could be wrong and/or how to troubleshoot? thnx12:05
mfoolbsimple-scan give a 'failed to scan - unable to connect to scanner'12:06
mfoolbdmesg output: [1184669.771727] usb 1-2: New USB device found, idVendor=04a9, idProduct=190f, bcdDevice= 7.0412:06
pragmaticenigmamfoolb: have you verified SANE is installed?12:11
mfoolbpragmaticenigma: as said before Sane doesn't recognize/access it12:11
mfoolbpragmaticenigma: xsane gives 'failed to open device error12:12
mfoolbpragmaticenigma: 'genesys:libsub:001:031': Invalid argument12:12
pragmaticenigmamfoolb: From the documentation it is supported, and it appears your system recognizes which library to use (sane-genesys) ... Might need to report a bug to launchpad12:15
mfoolbrunning simple-scan as root I receive the following error in the console: [bjnp] create_broadcast_socket: ERROR - bind socket to local address failed - Address already in use12:16
mfoolbI'm out of my confor zone here.. anyone can help?12:16
pragmaticenigmamfoolb: Is this a network scanner or USB>12:16
mfoolbUSB Canone Lide12:16
pragmaticenigmaYes, but how are you connected to the scanner mfoolb ?12:17
mfoolbpragmaticenigma: first word.. USB12:17
mfoolboutput from lsusb | grep Canon12:19
pragmaticenigmamfoolb: There is no reason to take a negative tone. I'm trying to help. I read that as being the "name" of the device. I use a USB Brother AWS-1500 but it has wifi networking support. Sometimes it needs to be verified12:19
mfoolbBus 001 Device 033: ID 04a9:190f Canon, Inc.12:19
mfoolbpragmaticenigma: I'm thankful for you help..12:20
mfoolbpragmaticenigma: I had given the dmesg output so I thought you did read that.. so..12:21
mfoolbsystem recognize scanner connected via usb.. it has worked before.. sane/simple-scan installed .. I have only those errors I gave here before12:21
oerheksknown issue: that sane scanner, 220, is not supported standard, this ppa might be your fix too.. ppa:rolfbensch/sane-git https://launchpad.net/~rolfbensch/+archive/ubuntu/sane-git12:22
pragmaticenigmamfoolb: When it worked before, was this on the same intall of Ubuntu? What has changed since you last had it working? System upgrades, hardware changes?12:22
pragmaticenigmaoerheks: It's listed as "complete" on the sane development pages. Where are you finding that information?12:23
oerheks"it worked before" and "i had only those errors" does not match..12:23
mfoolbguys I'm really sorry..12:24
mfoolbI've just tried changing ports.. and now it works..12:24
oerheksi have that 220 too..12:24
mfoolbit was connected to the same port it has been for months12:24
mfoolbno update nothing changed12:24
mfoolbI have previously disconnected and reconnected while testing but used the same port12:24
mfoolbdifferent port and now it's working ?!12:25
mfoolbsorry about that12:25
mfoolboerheks: uh?? in what sense12:26
oerheksi was struggling from 16.04 and up ..12:27
mfoolbI'm using 18.0312:27
mfoolb220 was supported when I bought it..12:28
mfoolbonly problem is higher dpi12:28
mfoolbanyway thanks .. bye12:30
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alazyThere is a samba/cifs share called 2TBhdd. I connect from PC where my uid is 1001 using 'sudo mount.cifs //my.ip/2TBhdd /mnt/RemoteDisk -o username=alazy,uid=1234,gid=1234' where 1234 is the uid/gid of user/group alazy on the server. Once connected ls -n shows uid,gid=1234 but still treats my permissions as 'other'; if permissions are rwxr-xr-x I can't write. How to fix?15:31
alazy^Above, if I connect via ssh as alazy, I can write to the same directory.15:34
pragmaticenigmaalazy: Make sure the path /mnt/RemoteDisk is writable by your user locally15:35
alazypragmaticenigma: Thanks, did that. The local user alazy can write/edit where I cannot do so through cifs even though I think I've properly connected with alazy's uid,gid.15:37
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leftyfbalazy: what filesystem is the cifs share locally?15:39
alazyleftyfb: ext415:39
alazywith --verbose option I see: mount.cifs kernel mount options: ip=,unc=\\\2TBhdd,uid=1234,gid=1234,user=alazy,pass=********15:43
alazyHowever, I can create and edit over cifs as root (sudo) user.15:46
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pragmaticenigmaalazy: I have a cifs mount, the difference that I see is I don't define the uid/gid...the Samba server is sharing a folder from an ext4 filesystem15:50
alazypragmaticenigma: At first I didn't specify uid/gid either but had the problem and saw on client that file/dir owner appeared to be root via ls -n. Googling suggested explicitly informing uid,gid to match that of local user,group owner. If you don't set uid,gid, then you must have set +w permissions for 'other', no?15:54
p0aHello I'm using `browse' to default open certain files15:54
p0aI'd like .txt files to open with emacs client. How can I do that?15:54
pragmaticenigmaalazy: The group that owns the mount point I am a member of, and the group has write permissions15:55
pragmaticenigmaalazy: actually... correction... the folder appears to be owned root:root ... write only available to user15:56
pragmaticenigmaLet me check one of my other share mounts... I realized that I only read from that folder, never write15:56
pragmaticenigmaalazy: Apologies... I appear to be in the same boat with you15:59
p0aDoes anyone know how to set up emacs to open from `xdg-open' ?15:59
p0aI tried to put `export EDITOR="emacsclient"' in my .bashrc but it invokes emacs in a terminal16:00
p0aah nevermind, I forgot to reload my .bashrc16:00
p0astill doesn't work, how does xdg-open look up the editor?16:01
pragmaticenigmaI don't believe xdg-open looks at that environment variable. It uses a definition file to match file types to handlers16:03
p0ayou're right16:03
waltmanI'm running ubuntu 18.04 as my desktop at work, and like many of us I'm now working remotely for the time being. I had to change the password used for our svn server on Tuesday. Now every time I do anything with svn it's asking me for my password. Our admin says this is a feature and it's supposed to do it, so clearly ubuntu must have been caching it somewhere. Anyone know how I can change it? I've tried16:03
waltmanremoving ~/.svn but that didn't help.16:03
waltmanIt also didn't appear to be in the gnome keyring.16:03
p0achange what waltman16:03
waltmanI'd like to change its cached password so I don't have to keep typing it.16:04
p0aYou want the new pwd to be remembered by your machine?16:04
p0ahow do you use svn? whats your client16:04
waltmanJust the plain vanilla command line client, version
p0awaltman: it says to delete ~/.subversion/auth online16:06
p0aand then `svn up'16:06
alazypgragmaticenigma: Actually, I cannot write over cifs as normal user even to a folder with 777 permissions.16:06
p0awaltman: you also have a ~/.subversion/servers file where you can add your usernames and passwords if you have many servers16:07
waltmanI've already tried deleting that. It saves the username associated with the server but not the password. It was working last week so it's got to be saved *somewhere*.16:09
pragmaticenigmaalazy: correct, which is why i mentioned I was in the same boat as you... it's something I haven't solved16:09
p0aWhat is the `application .desktop file' ?16:10
p0aHow can I run emacsclient like that?16:10
waltmanBut I'll give the servers file a try. Thanks.16:10
p0aI want to do something like `xdg-mime default ... text/x-tex' where ... somehow describes emacsclient16:10
waltmanIt's entirely possible it's popping up something on my workstation that I can't see. I had that happen with ssh before.16:10
p0awaltman: order your files by last changed date? use find16:11
alazypragmaticenigma: I think I fixed it by providing username=alazy,gid=alazy,uid=alazy instead of providing the numeric gid,uid. Thanks anyway.16:12
waltmanp0a: Tried that.16:12
p0awaltman: I think the servers file should do it16:12
pragmaticenigmaalazy: Thanks for the update... I will give that a try on my system when I have the chance16:13
p0aaaah did it. I used Nautilus to have the Open With option do it for me16:16
p0aand I edited /usr/share/applications/emacs.desktop16:16
Sbur3Three questions in one, I believe. I want to boot off of /sdb1, but it doesn't seem to do that.  How do I change booting procedures? A previous kernel ~.23 boots while expecting to boot off of ~.40. How do I get that to change? And among the sources when I try to use software updater, I find "cosmic". I don't want that. How do I make it right?16:45
Sbur3I choose Ubuntu 19.10 in the boot menu after BIOS16:46
rapidwaveHaving a problem. I have disabled unattended upgrades and restarted, but I still cannot use apt or dpkg for anything17:08
oerheksrapidwave, what errors do you get? post the update output on paste.ubuntu.com please17:09
oerheksno answer, next!17:15
ash_worksihi nice people. :) this isn't an ubuntu question but maybe someone can point me in the right direction. I need some elementary information on how connections between systems are handled. Suggestions?17:17
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: connections as in ##networking?17:18
ash_worksilotuspsychje: already asked17:18
ash_worksibut yeah, kind of17:18
ash_worksiI feel like ##networking is more a hardware channel17:18
lotuspsychjenot really, that would be ##hardware17:19
ash_worksiwhere as I am referring specifically to how software connections are handled on nodes17:19
ash_worksiwell, people tend to ask topology questions and what-have-you17:19
ash_worksiwhich isn't really like "what is a socket?"17:19
oerhekswith tcp packets, headers and routes17:20
oerheks##networking is your source17:20
ash_worksioerheks: see, that's kind of different though17:20
ash_worksior is it?...17:21
gnomadikJust try and if they throw you out you learned something today lol17:21
rabbitnightmarecan gparted be used to write an image to a SD card?17:22
ash_worksiI mean, something needs negotiate how a request is to be initiated right? like a browser will take user input and attempt to establish a connection; there's probably gonna be something between the browser and the connection that actually interprets info the browser describes into packets and sends them... I think I am looking for information on that17:23
sarnoldash_worksi: the best way to get started is a copy of w richard stevenson's TCP/IP Illustrated17:24
sarnoldash_worksi: most of it's still pretty good despite its age; skip everything about t/tcp though17:24
oerhekswe might be able to help if it does not work17:24
ash_worksisarnold: thank you for the suggestion17:24
gnomadikrabbitnightmare: not sure, but dd or ddrescue are probably better options? I know that doesn’t answer your question, sorry17:24
sarnoldash_worksi: yes, t/tcp was something w richard stevenson was quite interested in but it never went anywhere17:26
sarnoldash_worksi: but the rest of the book is fantastic :)17:26
rabbitnightmarethank you I will give that a try17:27
rabbitnightmareoh he left :(17:27
lotuspsychjerabbitnightmare: maybe if you shared whats your end goal, volunteers could help think along with you17:29
ducasserabbitnightmare: i think gnome disks can17:30
rabbitnightmaretrying to write a 128gb sd card image to a 128gb sd card for my raspberry pi17:30
ducassei'd just use dd17:31
rabbitnightmareWindows fails every time I try17:31
rabbitnightmarewill do17:31
rabbitnightmareI forgot about DD17:31
lordcirthrabbitnightmare, use 'conv=fdatasync status=progress'17:56
lordcirthAnd 'bs=1M17:57
lordcirthfor speed17:57
rabbitnightmaretyvm its just a raspberry pi image for video gaymz17:57
oerheks&& sunc17:58
oerhekserr && sync17:58
SpeedrunnerG55laitly ive been having this issue where, windows and sometimes some areas of the same window that my curser is not hovering over will become blurry and fuzzy when my mouse it not hovering over it, then becomes cleat when i mouse over it18:53
badsekturSpeedrunnerG55, hmm, a typical case of electronic demon possession, you need to wipe your mnouse with holy water and 3 rounds of hail mary's written in a notepad19:00
SpeedrunnerG55om sorry what? xD19:03
forgotmynickhello. on 16.04 when i type `service php` followed by tab, I see a list of relevant services, however, when doing this in 18.04, nothing comes up. is there something i need to do to enable this?19:38
leftyfbforgotmynick: systemctl |grep php19:40
forgotmynickleftyfb: not what i'm referring to19:40
leftyfbforgotmynick: though, I'm not sure what "php" service you're running19:40
forgotmynickwhen pressing tab, it doesn't bring a list of services (auto completion)19:41
leftyfbforgotmynick: what service are you looking for exactly?19:41
forgotmynicki'm not looking for a service19:41
leftyfbthen why are you using the service utility?19:41
forgotmynickleftyfb: you misunderstood my question but i've found the issue. needed to install bash-completion19:43
leftyfbforgotmynick: bash-completion should have been installed by default19:44
spacedustim trying to make networking-routes service start at boot19:50
spacedustapt install ifupdown-extra19:50
spacedustadded my static route to /etc/network/routes19:51
spacedustif i start /etc/init.d/networking-routes start then i get my routes19:51
spacedustbut i want it to be automatic at boot19:51
spacedustmy eth interface is not set anywhwde it uses dhcp, and i would like to add a static route19:52
leftyfbspacedust: sudo update-rc.d enable networking-routes19:52
spacedusthow could i do this ?19:52
spacedustsystemctl enable networking-routes did nothing19:52
spacedustleftyfb: ill try that19:52
spacedustleftyfb: you mean update-rc.d networking-routes enable :)19:53
spacedustlets see if that worked19:53
leftyfbyep, sorry, I'm all about systemd these days. They're opposite19:54
spacedustleftyfb: how would i do it wirh systemd ? i dont beed ifupdown-extra if it can ve done otherwise19:55
spacedustans i need to find another way cause this doesnt start at boot19:56
funabashihi i have problem with apt-get install , can anyone plesase check https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QdWvJx3Y8q/20:10
oerheks0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 33 not upgraded. //9 not fully installed or removed.20:11
oerheksfirst update properly20:11
oerheksapt install -f // apt dist-upgrade20:11
sarnold/bin/sh: 1: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: not found20:17
TJ-who misplaced debconf!?20:18
iorialooks like a borked perl20:22
funabashiapt install -f20:31
funabashinot worked propperly20:31
oerheksthat should fix not full installed packages, what is the output if you try?20:32
TJ-funabashi: what does "which dpkg-preconfigure" report?20:38
TJ-funabashi: also "dpkg -S /usr/bin/perl"20:39
funabashiTJ-: perl-base: /usr/bin/perl20:51
smalltalkhey guys I've had 19.10 installed on a dell inspiron 15 7000 that I usually use an external monitor (HDMI) .. usually it runs fine, but if I take it off hdmi and battery usually docker crashes and it starts get slow and unresponsive until I reboot and goes to initramfs, after I run fsck on /dev/sdb3 (the ssd, it also has a hdd) it finds some bad blocks and fixes, after I reboot it's all good until I plug it in and off 20:52
TJ-funabashi: those are as expected so far. now try "which perl"20:52
funabashiTJ-: gives no output20:53
TJ-funabashi: aha!20:53
TJ-funabashi: you're lost the file.20:53
TJ-funabashi: could have lost more, let's check that package with "dpkg --verify perl-base"20:54
TJ-funabashi: that command should not return any messages; if it does it'll be due to missing/corrupted files which you'll need to replace20:54
funabashi??5??????   /usr/bin/perl20:54
TJ-funabashi: right, so problem20:55
TJ-funabashi: now try: "find /var/cache/apt/archives -name 'perl-base*' "20:55
TJ-funabashi: this may not return any reports. If it doesn't it means we have to manually fetch the package in order to reinstall it20:56
funabashino output21:00
TJ-funabashi: OK, what does "apt list perl-base" report for the installed version number?21:01
funabashiperl-base/xenial-security,xenial-updates,now 5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6 amd64 [installed]21:03
funabashiN: There is 1 additional version. Please use the '-a' switch to see it21:03
TJ-funabashi: hang on whilst I find it in the archives21:04
funabashiTJ-: thanks for helping21:05
TJ-funabashi: what's the architecture? "dpkg --print-architectures"21:06
TJ-oops typo21:06
TJ-funabashi:  "dpkg --print-architecture"21:06
aendrukDragging a tab in Firefox appears to instantly end my login session (screen blanks, displays Dell logo, Ubuntu login screen). Is that a known issue? Not sure where to begin troubleshooting; syslog just shows various things complaining that they can't talk to Wayland anymore.21:10
TJ-funabashi: so "sudo wget -P /var/cache/apt/archives http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/perl/perl-base_5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6_amd64.deb"21:10
TJ-funabashi: then try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall perl-base" - if that works all should be good, but that may fail due to needing to call perl!  If it fails try instead "sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-base_5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6_amd64.deb "21:11
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funabashiTJ-: !!!!!!!!!!! thanks21:18
TJ-funabashi: now it is relatively sane you should check for any other damaged files so you know you can trust the system. "sudo dpkg --verify"21:19
sarnoldTJ-: would an apt install -f be appropriate at this moment too?21:23
TJ-sarnold: indeed21:23
TJ-funabashi: ^^^^21:23
TJ-sarnold: want to ensure no more corrupted files first else who kknows what else might go bang21:24
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sarnoldTJ-: good thinking21:25
funabashiTJ-: sudo dpkg --verify what does that cmd do?21:25
TJ-funabashi: it checks the file hashes of all files from all installed packages and reports any that do not match - so would need fixing21:26
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r3muxdis there something like chromium freeworld on ubuntu?22:30
sarnoldwhat's that?22:33
r3muxdchromium with html5 codecs + vaapi22:33
gerihi, how can i install docker 19.03 on ubuntu 16.04?22:34
oerheksgeri, not, upgrade to bionic https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/docker.io22:38
bpromptr3muxd:  hmm what's vaapi?22:39
r3muxdvideo acceleration22:42
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oerhekssome articles point to the chromium beta dev or ppa, https://launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/+archive/ubuntu/chromium-dev22:43
oerheksbut i have seen bugreports too :-(22:43
AlericHello. How can I see what packages are installed that are from a given ppa?23:02
EriC^^Aleric: you can use this script https://github.com/ericj112/ppa-tool23:06
oerhekssynaptic can do that, filter easily23:08
oerheks!info synaptic23:08
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.84.6ubuntu3 (eoan), package size 607 kB, installed size 3304 kB23:08
EriC^^Aleric: ^23:10
rabbitnightmareok so I am trying to get HDCP content to work, it works in neither chrome nor firefox23:14
rabbitnightmareI enabled DRM in firefox and nothing came up in chrome23:14
gorbyYo, can some one help with a DHCP problem on 18.04 Server? After a reboot systemctl status dhclient reports that my wifi adapter has taken an address successfuly, but if I querey the adapter with ifconfig or ip theres no IP bound. If I re-run dhclient manually it fixes things. Any thoughts?23:15
rabbitnightmareenabling DRM in firefox does nothing and I dont see an option in chrome23:16
sarnoldgorby: can you pastebin your netplan configs?23:20
AlericI followed the instructions here: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&target_distro=Ubuntu&target_version=1804&target_type=debnetwork   but that added 'deb http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64/ /' to my /etc/apt/sources.list instead of adding it to /etc/apt/sources.list.d hmmpf23:20
gorbySarnold: Sure, which are they? :>23:21
AlericIs there an 'official' way to add a repository like that to sources.list.d ?23:21
sarnoldgorby: they're in /etc/netplan/ -- see https://netplan.io/ for a quick guide23:22
rabbitnightmarehttps://pastebin.com/2WtH2Fmk may I please get some help23:23
rabbitnightmareI have drm enabled23:23
rabbitnightmarestill unable to watch online content23:23
gorbysarnold: https://pastebin.com/nxeG4d2d23:24
sarnoldgorby: does ip link  confirm that your nic is named eth0 ?23:24
gorbysarnold : yes - although that comes up fine.23:25
EriC^^Aleric: you could do "echo 'sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia.list"23:26
gorbysarnold: Do I need to add my wifi adpater into 50-cloud-init.yaml (RTFM'ing https://netplan.io/ now) :)23:28
sarnoldgorby: ah wifi, yeah, though probably using a different file is a good idea23:28
AlericEriC^^: Thanks. What I read here seems to indicate that /etc/apt/sources.list.d is only for 'ppa', which is described as "Personal Package Archives (PPA) is a service that allows users to upload Ubuntu source packages that are built and published with Launchpad as an apt repository" (https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-add-apt-repository-in-ubuntu/).  You think it is ok to just add my own files there? Why isn't nvidia telling ppl to do that?23:28
rabbitnightmarewhen the hell did Ubuntu stop supporting apt?!?23:29
rabbitnightmarejesus age christ23:29
oerheksrabbitnightmare, keep the channel family friendly, thanks.23:29
Aleric(note that launchpad != nvidia)23:30
AlericHmm, I guess adding it to /etc/apt/sources.list is OK. It isn't part of some .deb, it seems entirely manually editted anyway.23:32
Bashing-omAleric: Keep in mind what Nvidia recommends "Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package."23:32
rabbitnightmarewhy did you move /usr/lib/Mozilla/plugins/23:32
rabbitnightmareroflmao wow23:32
gorbysarnold : Its a new rasperry pi server install - All ive done is modify /etc/systemd/system/dbus-fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.service, and created a wpa_supplicant config file and /etc/systemd/system/dhclient.service - Is there some 'proper way of doing things' I can read somewhere?23:32
rabbitnightmarewhat a garbage distro23:32
sarnoldrabbitnightmare: given that canonical employs one of the main apt developers...23:32
rabbitnightmareubuntu is such hot garbage nothing works23:33
AlericBashing-om: Yes, but that is not the case - that is why I'm trying to replace ubuntu's graphics driver packages with nvidia's.23:33
gorbysarnold: It did feel a bit weird having to create a dhclient.service - i figured something must be starting it elsewhere.23:33
AlericThat is, ubuntu's stuff works ok - until you want to have both cuda and 32bit nvidia driver support at the same time.23:34
sarnoldgorby: I think this is what I did to get my rpi 3b+ online https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/47sVt4gtyW/23:34
gorbysarnold - cool TY. So, it doesnt even use a config file for wpa supplicant anymore?23:37
sarnoldgorby: I don't think I had to learn how to use that, anyway :)23:37
AlericAnyone good with apt?23:50
AlericI don't understand this: https://gyazo.com/154bf3576e0bbbde55260b9bf018c3f223:51
AlericIt refuses to install nvidia-driver-440 (from developer.download.nvidia.com) because (first line:) Depends libnvidia-gl-440 (= ...) but 440.64-0ubuntu0~ is to be installed.23:52
AlericHowever, the apt-cache policy line shows that 440.64.00-0ubuntu1 is the Candidate.23:52
AlericSo why does it say that the version from launch pad is to be installed?23:53
gorbysarnold: All working, cheers for the help :)23:53
EriC^^Aleric: what happens if you run sudo apt-get install libnvidia-gl-44023:53
sarnoldgorby: sweet! what was left to do?23:53
leftyfbAleric: purge the nvidia PPA you added and remove all packages installed from it. Then install the packages from ubuntu23:54
Alerichmm - I wrote a pinning erata myself.. I should ask myself this question...23:54
Alericlemme try23:54
EriC^^Aleric: do you really need both graphics-drivers ppa and nvidia ppa?23:54
gorbyChange that file, remove the changes I did to dbus-fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.service reboot, done.23:55
AlericEriC^^: https://gyazo.com/875244a3ea989e7843799bdcddd4421023:55
AlericI don't know, but I think so. Nvidia is only for cuda, which doesn't support 32bit. But I need graphics support for 32bit for steam.23:55
AlericThe problem might be that your command want to remove stuff.23:56
Aleric(and that is exactly what I do not want)23:56
AlericThe following packages will be REMOVED:23:56
Aleric  libnvidia-gl-440:i386 libnvidia-ifr1-440:i386 nvidia-driver-44023:56
gorbyOne less thing to do tomorrow anyway :) Cheers.23:56
sarnoldgorby: oh cool, nice. thanks :) I set that thing up months back and wondered what else I might have overlooked23:56
AlericIf I allow that, then steam stops working23:56
sarnoldgorby: see ya,m have fun23:56
AlericI think I need to fix the pinning info to prefer the launchpad for the 32bit repositories, maybe.23:57
AlericMost people just run the .run file from nvidia - which just installs all the 64bit stuff - and apparently that works.23:58
EriC^^so use the .run file?23:58
AlericI want to use apt :/23:59
EriC^^Aleric: if apt said it will remove the i386 after my command, it probably means that the 2 versions conflict23:59
EriC^^(in apt's view anyways)23:59
Alericyeah, but that is not true.23:59

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