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seb128hey there08:41
seb128what team has right to approve translations template for Ubuntu? e.g https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+imports08:41
seb128I used to be able to do that but seems I'm not anymore, I wonder if the acl changed or if I expired from a team08:42
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mdeslaur_I'm getting amd64 build failures with no logs...like https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1883428615:39
mdeslaur_is something borked?15:40
SpecialK|Canonmdeslaur_: Looking into it now15:46
mdeslaur_thanks SpecialK|Canon15:46
seb128cjwatson, wgrant, did you see my question from this morning? maybe you can help there?15:48
cjwatsonseb128: SpecialK|Canon is the help contact at the moment and I'm trying to steer clear rather than sniping all questions from him15:49
seb128cjwatson, makes sense, thanks15:49
cjwatson(see topic)15:50
seb128SpecialK|Canon, ^ can you help?15:50
seb128cjwatson, I though it was maybe an Ubuntu process question more than a launchpad by itself, but let's see if SpecialK|Canon knows about that15:50
SpecialK|Canonseb128: Hello! I think that's an Ubuntu process question too, but I can see the argument that the LP UI should make it clear!15:52
seb128SpecialK|Canon, hey :) even without change/fixing, I'm interested to have the info because we need those templates reviewed15:52
SpecialK|Canonseb128: I suspect you'll be best served by asking over in #ubuntu-devel or similar if you haven't already15:53
seb128ideally I would like to join (back) the team with the acl15:53
cjwatsonWell, working out what team has the authority to do a particular thing in LP is an LP question15:53
cjwatsonIn general15:53
SpecialK|CanonFair point!15:53
seb128SpecialK|Canon, I doubt we have anyone around with knowledge of those bits in Ubuntu15:53
cjwatsonSo I can walk through how to find this15:56
cjwatsonIf desired15:56
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: That would be appreciated, please15:56
cjwatsonSo I couldn't remember exactly where this lived, and ended up doing a bit of grepping for the various status names, which led me to TranslationImportQueueEntry.canSetStatus; looks promising15:58
cjwatsonThat calls TranslationImportQueueEntry.canAdmin for transitions to APPROVED15:59
cjwatsonWhich checks the launchpad.Admin permission on itself15:59
cjwatsonSo off to lib/lp/security.py; AdminTranslationImportQueueEntry defines launchpad.Admin on ITranslationImportQueueEntry by forwarding to launchpad.TranslationsAdmin on the distroseries15:59
cjwatsonAdminDistroSeriesTranslations defines that as either you're the driver of the distribution (which is basically ~techboard) or you have launchpad.TranslationsAdmin on the distribution16:00
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: Thanks16:03
cjwatsonAdminDistributionTranslations defines *that* as either in the distribution's translation group owner (https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntuhttps://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translatorshttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators), or in ~rosetta-admins, or the owner of the distribution (which is basically ~techboard again)16:03
cjwatsonseb128 was in ~ubuntu-drivers up to 2011.  I'm not sure I see what else might previously have given him that permission16:06
cjwatsonMight be missing something16:06
seb128cjwatson, I'm pretty sure I've been able to approve things from the queue more recently than than, I've been the one approving those import almost every cycle in recent years16:07
seb128if I had to guess I think it was still available to me in bionic16:07
cjwatsonYou weren't in ~ubuntu-translations-coordinators by any chance?16:07
seb128shouldn't I be listed on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators/+members#active as expired or something if that was the case?16:07
cjwatsonYeah, would've thought16:08
cjwatsonI'm pretty certain this isn't something we've changed since we hardly ever touch Translations16:08
seb128maybe it was through some other team that got removed/expired and transien membership?16:08
seb128I was part of uds-organiser and other teams that had acl for some launchpad part iirc (just guessing on uds-organiser being an example, might be a buggy one)16:09
cjwatsonIt's possible, though I can't see a likely path16:09
seb128SpecialK|Canon, cjwatson, can one of you add me to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators/ ?16:10
cjwatsonI think it would be worth getting IS to help reclaim ~ubuntu-translations-coordinators - neither of Arne nor David have been around for years, have they?16:10
seb128neither Arne nor David are around anymore16:10
cjwatsonWe can't do that16:10
seb128k, thanks for helping16:10
cjwatsonTeam changes without admin consent require IS.  If it were me, I'd suggest promoting Gunnar to an admin and adding you as another admin16:10
cjwatsonFeel free to quote me on that to IS16:10
seb128maybe adding Lukasz as well16:11
seb128will do, thanks!16:11
mdeslaur_SpecialK|Canon: here's another amd64 failed build with no logs: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1883434816:13
SpecialK|Canonmdeslaur_: Builds should be going through much more happily right now and I believe Colin kicked off retries for (many of?) the ones that failed18:16
mdeslaur_thanks SpecialK|Canon18:18
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