
evilsso the 2 issues i'm currently having seem to come down to wifi's 4 way handshake failing sometimes and it then not trying again or restarting the setup00:44
evilsand kfd kfd: Failed to resume IOMMU for device 1002:15d800:44
evilswill try adding "iommu=pt" to the kernel arguments, when i can reboot the machine00:53
evilsdid that, now getting 'kfd kfd: added device 1002:15d8', TBD if the screen going black issue stops occuring06:11
aristAdminhello! I'm trying to test an openVPN deployment on 20.04, following the steps on the wiki https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-openvpn The key-pair server generation command is identical to the server cert generation command. when i proceed to the latter, the system complains about overwriting onto an existing key. what are the appropriate10:37
lotuspsychjegood day to all11:25
r3muxdanyone know when 20.04 will pick up 3.36? 3.35.91 as-is is broken horribly16:21
r3muxdor if there's a PPA16:22
lotuspsychjer3muxd: works fine on my end16:22
r3muxdextensions are broken for me16:22
r3muxd(can't open any settings for extensions, extensions app goes in and out)16:22
lotuspsychjer3muxd: the extensions app is still being worked on16:22
r3muxdi'm OK with the extensions app being broken16:23
lotuspsychjei also still have issues with an extension since the app released16:23
r3muxdi just want to be able to open extension settings windows16:23
lotuspsychjer3muxd: 20.04 is still in development, that means, things can still break in this stage16:23
r3muxdi know16:24
r3muxdcan i build 3.36 from source and checkinstall it?16:24
lotuspsychjer3muxd: how about you just patient of the development of things a bit?16:25
r3muxdok, thanks16:25
lotuspsychjer3muxd: or if you really want to help the community, feel free to file a bug16:25
r3muxdok, my bad16:25
lotuspsychjer3muxd: but filing bugs with extensions enabled can also be tricky, as the devs can sometimes ask to disable them, to see if its a proper ubuntu bug16:27
lotuspsychjer3muxd: do you use gnome-tweaks?16:27
r3muxdi use it to toggle extensions on/off16:27
lotuspsychjer3muxd: well i tryed workspaces to dock extension from the repos, but since the extensions app came out, it doesnt work anymore16:28
lotuspsychjer3muxd: is that something similar to your problem.16:28
r3muxdi think i just found a solution16:28
lotuspsychjehey lordcirth 16:29
lotuspsychjer3muxd: feel free to feedback16:35
r3muxdi fixed it in a really hacky way16:59
r3muxdif you're also on amd64, run17:00
r3muxdsudo wget --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0" -O /usr/bin/gnome-shell-extension-prefs https://files.catbox.moe/pj63vq17:00
r3muxdprobably don't run that because you have no reason to trust me, but i can confirm it works for me at least17:00
lotuspsychjewe wont run that17:01
r3muxdotherwise, rebuild gnome-shell from the source package and change this._versionLabel.label = this.version; to this._versionLabel.label = this.version.toString(); in js/extensionPrefs/main.js17:02
lotuspsychjewe wont do that neither17:02
masonr3muxd: Sounds like a quick patch to submit in a bug.19:10
r3muxdmason: it's already fixed in 3.36, my fix just patches it temporarily20:17
masonr3muxd: Ah, maybe a bug asking for a version bump then. Now would be the time.20:18
masonOr a backport of the fix. Either way.20:18
r3muxdtechnically 3.36 is supposed to be packaged for the actual release20:18
masonr3muxd: The one certainty is that with no bug report, it'll take an excessive amount of luck for it to be fixed.20:18
r3muxdi'll try to file a bug regardless20:18

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