
kenvandinerobert_ancell_: running a few minutes late01:30
Jagst3r15hey if i am on a ubuntu 20.04 daily build from a week or so ago how do i update it to the latest so i get gnome 3.3601:32
sarnoldJagst3r15: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade01:33
sarnoldJagst3r15: don't let apt uninstall anything that looks important01:33
sarnoldJagst3r15: within the normal releases, apt's dependency solver will usually do a pretty good job; but in the development cycle, there's a lot more changes and its solver may make silly suggestions01:35
kenvandinerobert_ancell_: i'm in the hangout01:40
dufluRAOF, out of curiosity did you see some GL build-time libraries (*.so, no soname) do missing in focal?06:41
dufluMine seem to have06:41
duflu /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lEGL06:42
duflu-do +go06:42
dufluHmm, something has deleted my GL *.so files. The packages are installed but the files are not. FYI tjaalton06:44
dufluActually I did do a test install/remove of nvidia-340 this morning...06:45
dufluYeah I blame Nvidia. Fixed:06:49
duflusudo apt install --reinstall libegl-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgl-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgles-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libglvnd-dev libglx-dev06:49
jibelmorning all06:49
dufluMorning jibel06:51
jibelHi duflu06:53
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:01
dufluHi oSoMoN07:07
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq
seb128goood morning desktopers08:19
dufluMorning seb12808:19
dufluHow goes?08:19
seb128a bit tired, I didn't sleep great, but good otherwise08:21
seb128and it's friday!08:21
mptWhy is the password field on the lock screen way off-center?08:21
seb128mpt, bug08:21
seb128it's fixed in yaru git08:21
seb128just needs an upload08:21
duflumpt, bug 186556308:22
ubot5bug 1865563 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "password box not centered" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186556308:22
mptHuh, I wouldn’t have thought Yaru could do that :-)08:22
mptThanks seb128, duflu08:22
dufluYeah I was going to ask how it was possible08:22
mptGnome is weird08:26
mpte.g. the lock screen has a “Power Off / Log Out” submenu … but the submenu only ever contains one item … but that item is not Power Off *or* Log Out08:29
duflumpt see also https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/220208:32
gitbotGNOME issue 2202 in gnome-shell "Add explicit "Reboot" option in dropdown (instead of a button after clicking "Power Off")" [2. Needs Design, Opened]08:32
dufluI'm still wondering why my laptop's password dialog centred itself in Frankfurt. And all my other machines including new installs are still off centre08:34
mptduflu, I don’t have a big problem with Restart being in the Power Off dialog, but that’s not relevant to the lock screen issue, because the lock screen doesn’t have Power Off either08:35
duflumpt, I don't care too much either. Although I will note part of the complication is that it goes through 'gnome-session-quit --power-off'08:37
dufluSo not just a gnome-shell issue08:37
mptI’m guessing someone thought “oh, we have to use a submenu with the same title as the one when you’re logged in”, and ended up with something totally nonsensical08:38
mptAlso love how to turn off Bluetooth, you open a submenu titled … “On”. And then to turn on Bluetooth, you … ah hahaha, did you think that submenu would still be there? That would be too obvious08:40
mptOk, enough grousing for one day :-)08:41
duflumpt, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/142608:42
gitbotGNOME issue 1426 in gnome-shell "Bluetooth item disappears from the integrated menu when turned off" [1. Bug, 5. Bluetooth, Opened]08:42
mptTo be positive, it’s good that gnome-control-center no longer has some categories hidden in “Devices”08:49
dufluAlso I just noticed the background selector is simpler now08:51
mptI just chose “Add Picture…” and the filepicker opened … maximized? but not unmaximizable … And if I try to move it, it doesn’t, but through the semi-transparent launcher I can see the Settings window moving around behind it08:54
duflumpt, hmm I am running upstream gnome-shell 3.36.0 and have no such bug08:54
seb128that's how modal dialog behave08:54
dufluA little ahead of focal08:54
mptduflu, is the dialog maximized for you?08:55
seb128well not the 'dialog behind moves with the popup'08:55
duflumpt, no but it is very large08:55
seb128it might depend of the screen resolution08:55
mptI can unmaximize it by right-clicking on the title bar, choosing “Resize”, then using the keyboard. Then it becomes resizable with the pointer.08:57
dufluMorning Laney09:02
WimpressYawn. Morning desktopers o/09:02
seb128hey Laney, Wimpress, how is the u.k today?09:03
dufluMorning Wimpress09:03
Wimpressseb128: There is an unfamiliar golden orb in the sky.09:03
WimpressThe locals feel uneasy.09:03
Wimpressduflu: o/09:03
Wimpressseb128: I reviewed the Studio and Kylin changes for Ubiquity last night.09:04
WimpressFeedback submitted.09:04
dufluWimpress, also still in the sky here, coincidentally09:05
WimpressStudio is good to go. Just artwork changes.09:05
seb128Wimpress, thanks, Kylin followed up on your review during the night, could you  have another look to see if it's ok now?09:05
WimpressSure thing.09:06
Wimpressduflu: Careful! You'll get the flat earthers all excited 😁09:06
seb128duflu, Laney, did you hear from Trevinho and the status of the dock/extensions porting for 3.36?09:07
Laneyno but it was supposed to be 'eod' and I thought that might be after my eod :-)09:07
dufluseb128, Marco had fixes in progress in Frankfurt so I just assumed it would be done by now09:08
dufluEven the one I worked on was mostly written by him so I let him own it09:08
seb128well he said he would be done by eod09:08
seb128and I asked him to ping you if he's not to see if you could help during your day09:08
seb128looks like he didn't do that :/09:08
dufluMostly because I could not explain all his changes so could not word a commit message09:08
seb128disappointing :-(09:08
seb128I guess https://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator/news/20200312T220419Z.html is one09:10
Laneylooks like it09:11
Laneyah ok, sounds like https://launchpadlibrarian.net/468839824/buildlog_ubuntu-focal-s390x.gobject-introspection_1.64.0-1_BUILDING.txt.gz was a compiler bug!09:11
seb128Laney, yeah, see #ubuntu-release backlog09:12
seb128d_oko broke gcc :p09:12
Laneycan haz gjs09:19
dufluYes please09:19
LaneyWell you're in luck09:19
seb128oh, on other news, my launchpad fix landed \o/09:20
seb128first launchpad commit09:20
Laneyshow me it in action!09:20
seb128Laney, just try to edit tags on a bug :)09:20
seb128it's a bit large now which doesn't look great, but at least it's usable09:21
Laneyoh yeah09:21
seb128hack day ftw :)09:21
WimpressCongrats seb128 on LP fixes 👍09:23
seb128Wimpress, thanks! :)09:23
pieqfor the curious people like me, the change is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/38030509:23
pieqmerci seb128 :) usability modifications in LP are always appreciated :)09:24
seb128pieq, yw! :)09:24
oSoMoNseb128, nice one!09:24
seb128salut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?09:25
oSoMoNça va, working from home with kids is proving challenging, but all good otherwise09:25
seb128Spain closed schools?09:26
seb128fun times...09:27
WimpressTalk of hack day. How do I nudge this along?09:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1866709 in Ubuntu " [needs-packaging] nv-codec-headers" [Wishlist,New]09:27
WimpressHave got agreement from FTP masters in Debian to land this upstream too.09:28
LaneyGet it uploaded09:29
* duflu is inspired to use the remaining 30 minutes to sanity check VAAPI in focal09:29
WimpressLaney: To Debian?09:29
LaneyIdeally, but your next step is to get someone to sponsor it somewhere :-)09:29
Laneyif it's NEW you might want a separate upload to Ubuntu too09:30
WimpressRight. I want it Ubuntu ASAP. It does just need uploading.09:30
WimpressWho can do that? 🤔09:30
* Laney looks at comment #209:31
* Wimpress is seeking a sponsor. 09:32
LaneyI'm saying... looks like seb12_8 already did review it09:33
Laneyso hopefully there's your sponsor09:34
seb128Wimpress, Laney, sorry, I didn't upload because https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze_for_new_packages was not clear to me09:34
seb128it felt a bit backward to upload before it's approved09:34
WimpressSo I need to get an ack from the release team?09:35
Laneynah you can09:35
seb128Laney, Wimpress, also we (archive-admin) try to not be uploader&reviewer, if I upload you need to find another review to NEW it then (Didier is off today)09:35
seb128might be easier to find a sponsor that an archive admin to NEW review09:35
LaneyI'll update that page though, we haven't required that for ages09:35
Laneynot that I can log in09:36
seb128Laney, thanks, makes sense09:42
seb128Laney, can you do the upload so I can do the NEWing?09:42
seb128Wimpress, k, ubuntustudio slideshow changes merged, yours approved, we only you to re-review the kylin one before upload09:42
Laneyif you want me to stop working on marcus's update-manager changes to review this package which you already did review09:43
Laneythen yes I can09:43
seb128Laney, k, don't bother then09:43
seb128Wimpress, you need to find either a sponsor or a NEW reviewer, I can't do both09:43
Laneydecide the priorities :-)09:43
seb128and I already did the NEW review so it makes more sense to find a sponsor09:43
seb128Wimpress, ^09:43
seb128I've a feeling I should just don't care and upload and review my own upload :p09:44
* seb128 ponders09:44
WimpressI'll review Kylin Slideshow changes within the next hour.09:45
Laneydo ittttt09:45
dufluIs it unusual for a snap to have version 1.0.0 when the deb is 3.1.3 (for example)?09:45
Laneyexcept you know the queue will now remember that it was you :-)09:45
Wimpressduflu: Yes.09:46
dufluWimpress, just noticed 'rsync'09:46
WimpressHas the snap not been updated recently?09:46
seb128duflu, snap as any other package format can get outdated if nobody is updating them09:46
WimpressHmm, sounds like they versioned the yaml, not the software in the snap?09:47
dufluLooks like the snap was just never versioned correctly09:47
seb128Wimpress, nv-codec-headers  sponsored/NEWed09:49
seb128kenvandine, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/468814360/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_bionic_amd64_gnome-3-34-1804-sdk_BUILDING.txt.gz in case you didn't notice09:52
seb128ERROR: Program(s) ['wget'] not found or not executable09:52
seb128kenvandine, also https://launchpadlibrarian.net/468793367/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_bionic_amd64_snap-store-packagekit_BUILDING.txt.gz09:53
dufluseb128, it looks like Marco has been trying to upstream dock changes for a few weeks: https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/pull/109709:54
gitbotmicheleg issue (Pull request) 1097 in dash-to-dock "Gnome 3.36 support" [Open]09:54
Wimpressseb128: Thank you. First beer on me next time we meet 👍09:54
seb128Wimpress, :-)09:55
seb128duflu, right, well we can at least update ubuntu-dock09:57
dufluseb128, it also looks like that's already done for the ubuntu-dock branch09:57
seb128he also replied to me on telegram now09:57
seb128he said dock should be ok now09:57
* duflu clicks refresh and still sees no changes in 14 days09:58
dufluso I wonder what "ok now" means, and where09:59
seb128I guess it means he has a working codebase locally...09:59
dufluStill missing a fix for bug 1865865 at least10:00
ubot5bug 1865865 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Icon spring animation starts/ends in the wrong location (near the top of the dock) " [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186586510:00
dufluBut that's the one where I could not explain all his changes so would prefer he documented and committed that fix10:00
dufluIf need be I can revive it from my laptop on Monday but hopefully won't need to by then10:01
seb128he said he would be done today, hopefully that's true10:02
seb128I also told him to get on IRC!10:02
dufluseb128, is it safe to EOW?10:02
seb128duflu, yes10:02
seb128duflu, enjoy the W.E!10:02
dufluAlright. Catch you later10:04
Laneyyeah I guess it would have been better for this review to have happened while Marcus was still around :-)10:12
* Laney has Questions10:12
Wimpressseb128: Slide Show MR for Kylin is now good.10:19
seb128Wimpress, thanks!10:25
kenvandineseb128: yeah, i fixed gnome-3-34-1804-sdk yesterday10:37
kenvandinesnap-store also built yesterday, but only builds for amd64 because it snapcraft is  being pulled from a branch that is amd6410:39
Saviqjibel: hey, I've trouble with zsys… I had to clear the snapshots b/c I ran out of space… now I don't have any Ubuntu entries in grub…11:26
SaviqGot any pointers?11:27
Saviqjibel: OK the problem was /boot/{efi,grub} got created, probably due to me booting in recovery mode - so /boot wasn't getting mounted - I wonder if we can force /boot to mount even if non-empty?11:44
Saviqor warn/error out?11:44
* Saviq files a couple bugs11:44
Laneyis it ok for update-manager to cause polkit prompts?11:47
Laneyfor aptdaemon we have overrides in pk-d-p to let update-manager work but not for snapd ...11:47
Laneyseb128: kenvandine:11:48
jibelSaviq, is there any error when you run sudo update-grub ?11:50
kenvandineLaney: hmmm11:51
kenvandinei don't know11:51
Saviqjibel: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fjyy2ZC6MP/ - when /boot wasn't mounted (b/c of the /boot/{efi,grub} folders existing on the root subvol), it printed the same warnings, but then (obviously) couldn't find any Linuxes11:53
Saviqjibel: hmm actually it looks like I'm getting into that state on every boot11:54
* Saviq cleared all snapshots and tries to reboot11:59
Laneyalso how is update-manager triggered to automatically open?12:02
LaneyI want to check that path too12:02
Laneyit's been put after 'update' but before 'install' and I'm not sure that's the right order either12:06
jibelSaviq, can you file a bug, it'll be easier to gather information and understand what's going on than on irc.12:43
Saviqjibel: yeah doing that now12:43
jibelthank you12:44
Saviqjibel: https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/issues/6012:52
gitbotubuntu issue 60 in zsys "Missing all Ubuntu entries from GRUB (`bpool` not imported due to `/boot` not empty)" [Open]12:52
Laneyseb128: kenvandine: ok, well I reviewed it: https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/update-manager/update-manager/+merge/38006012:56
Laneydoes need some work imho, not sure if we should wait for Marcus to be back or what12:56
kenvandineLaney: thanks.  Marcus said he thought you would handle any additional changes that was needed12:57
Laneywell yeah ...12:58
Laneybut this is a bit more significant than I might have expected when making such a rash statement13:01
seb128kenvandine, ack13:03
Saviqjibel: and https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/issues/6013:04
gitbotubuntu issue 60 in zsys "Missing all Ubuntu entries from GRUB (`bpool` not imported due to `/boot` not empty)" [Open]13:04
Saviqhttps://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/issues/61 rather13:05
gitbotubuntu issue 61 in zsys "Ran out of space (couldn't even boot)" [Open]13:05
seb128Laney, it's probably best if the polkit behaviour of asking/not asking if consistent with what we have, so yeah havinbg overrides seems to make sense13:05
Laneybut then I guess it means anyone can snap install / remove / ... anything13:06
Laneywhich is not the case with apt, the override is for aptdaemon only13:07
Laneywell, any admin at the console ...13:07
Laneycould be ok...13:07
seb128at the same time it's not a codepath users are going to hit every day, it would just ask for the password when some changes are neded right?13:09
seb128so it's probably fine to ask that one time...13:10
Laneybut it's kind of random13:10
LaneyI dunno, perhaps it's ok if it happens at the end of an update run13:10
seb128Wimpress, ^ do you have an opinion on that?13:12
seb128Laney, I think it's good enough personally, not great but we have to do with the resources we have and it's only a small annoyance/weidness13:12
Laneythat's kind of a side fix anyway13:13
Laneyeither way it needs some work as I outlined in the mr13:13
Laneyquestion is whether to wait for Marcus and do that in a week or do it now and someone else slides their work a day or two13:14
seb128I would say to wait for next week at this point and see once we are over GNOME 3.36 landing and some other ongoing work13:17
seb128we can discuss it on monday in the catchup call13:17
kenvandinesorry, in a meeting13:18
kenvandinelets talk about it monday13:18
Laneyalso bear in mind that this was kind of meant to support people on the dev release :p13:20
Laneyguess it does have ongoing value tho13:20
Laneye.g. switches made via sru13:20
* Wimpress reads the backlog...14:04
seb128kenvandine, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/snap-store/+git/snap-store/+merge/380672 ?14:30
seb128Wimpress, slideshow package uploaded14:30
kenvandineseb128: not yet14:30
kenvandinesnap-store is a mirror from gitlab14:31
seb128oh, it's not obvious from launchpad :p14:31
kenvandinei know14:31
seb128kenvandine, edit the description on https://launchpad.net/snap-store to mention that maybe?14:41
kenvandineseb128: good idea14:41
seb128oSoMoN, kenvandine, you guys don't feel like doing one or two GNOME updates/merges today?14:41
* seb128 feels alone14:41
seb128I spent my week on it, it's a bit depressing at this point, would be nice to be done for eow14:41
oSoMoNseb128, absolutely, sorry I didn't get to it earlier… I could use some context switching for the afternoon, for a change :)14:42
seb128oSoMoN, thanks!14:42
oSoMoNseb128, what are the most pressing updates?14:42
seb128oSoMoN, https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-33614:42
seb128but basically seahorse/tracker/librsvg14:43
seb128which you already handled recently so should be easy enough14:43
seb128otherwise vte/g-t merges14:43
oSoMoNok, I'll take those three14:43
seb128oSoMoN, great, thanks a lot!14:43
kenvandineseb128: let me give it a swing :)14:59
seb128kenvandine, thanks!15:00
kenvandineseb128: did you see i uploaded the recommends change in packagekit?15:00
kenvandinei need to do the ubuntu-meta upload15:00
kenvandinewhich i'm going to do next15:00
kenvandineI should add the provides to both ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop-minimal right?15:02
kenvandineseb128: ^^15:05
seb128kenvandine, did we have gnome-software in minimal?15:06
kenvandinei think so15:06
seb128so yes15:06
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:25
oSoMoNmornin' hellsworth15:25
hellsworthhi oSoMoN !15:26
Laneykenvandine: why both?15:35
Laneyhope these deltas are going to be forwarded ;-)15:36
kenvandineyeah, seb128 and i talked about adding the recommends change in packagekit to debian15:38
Laneyright, and gst-good will need updating in the same way15:41
Laneyin terms of ubuntu-meta I think just having it from -minimal would be enough since ubuntu-desktop has a Depends there15:42
LaneyMarcus basically pushed back on all of my review comments15:57
LaneyPerhaps someone else would like to take it over from here?15:57
seb128kenvandine, ^15:58
kenvandinehe shouldn't be responding to anything right now :)16:00
Laneywas a bit surprised to see that!16:01
kenvandineif i understand correctly16:02
kenvandinehe's doing the transition before the user actually clicks on anything?16:02
Laneyupdate -> transition -> (deb) upgrade16:02
Laneyindeed there is no UI in there16:02
kenvandinewhere update is updating the apt cache?16:02
kenvandinethat feels wrong16:03
kenvandinethe user should click the button before we actually alter what's installed16:03
kenvandinei understand why he did that... but it feels wrong16:03
seb128I comment on the MP about that16:04
seb128I agree it feels wrong, imho those who decide to close the tool and do command line can also decide what they want between snap and deb and do the install/remove themselve16:04
kenvandinei commented as well :)16:06
Laneyat least everyone's in agreement :p16:08
Laneybut I don't really want to have to argue about the other details16:09
Laneyif someone wants to be more loose than me it would be great for them to take over the review :/16:09
kenvandineI really don't know enough about it to review16:12
Laneylike why it's better to catch the exceptions you need rather than everything, or why you might prefer to avoid threading in favour of using libraries ...16:14
seb128we should get foundations to review the merge, they own update-manager16:16
Laneythat's fine, but I would also be happy for us to own reviewing / uploading features we are driving16:21
LaneyI'm just less fine with being a reviewer if it's a high friction process16:21
Laneybut it might just be me so I am happy to step aside ...16:21
seb128Laney, right, I understand that and it's fair enough if you want to step aside and avoid arguments16:22
seb128it's friday afternoon, let's all rest and see on monday what we do next16:22
=== vkareh_ is now known as vkareh
Laneygoooooooooood attitude16:35
seb128Laney, when pristine-tar diverged between us and Debian what's the right way to fix it? merge the debian one in launchpad and then in salsa merge back that one?16:44
seb128so we can pull again next time16:44
Laneycheckout the debian side, git merge -s ours lp/pristine-tar; git push salsa pristine-tar; git push lp pristine-tar16:44
* Laney should have been sassy and said finish the salsa migration :>16:50
seb128kenvandine, let me know if https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evince/-/merge_requests/229 makes sense17:01
seb128oSoMoN, can you push upstream/latest and pristine-tar?17:08
seb128for librsvg and seahorse17:08
oSoMoNseb128, doing17:08
oSoMoNseb128, done17:11
oSoMoN(for tracker and tracker-miners too)17:12
seb128oSoMoN, thanks17:13
seb128(I didn't look at those yet/might not get to them today)17:13
oSoMoNseb128, what would be the next priority, in case I feel like doing updates later in the evening? anything from the TODO column?17:23
seb128oSoMoN, no real priority, gsettings-desktop-schemas and orca merges should be easy enough and you have upload rights17:24
seb128otherwise anything you feel like doing17:24
seb128but you should call it a week, it's friday evening!17:24
oSoMoNyeah, I probably will, but the morning was frustratingly unproductive, so I feel like getting stuff done :)17:25
seb128on that note time for me to do some evening/pre-diner activities17:27
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers!17:27
oSoMoNhave a good one!17:30
oSoMoNhave a good week-end everyone!18:28
kenvandine@hellsworth gnome-3-34-1804{,-sdk} has been published to stable19:01
kenvandine@hellsworth from here on out let's not push any local builds to the store19:01
kenvandineonly the LP builds19:01
hellsworthsounds good to me!19:31
hellsworthand only official LP builds i assume?19:31
hellsworth(which i do not have perms to trigger)19:31
hellsworthkenvandine: ^19:31
kenvandinehellsworth: yup19:32
kenvandinesorry :)19:32
kenvandineit will automatically build though19:32
kenvandineafter the mirror updates19:33
k_alamricotz: Hi, With newer vala hud is failing to compile with dee...error: construct properties not supported for specified property type... Can you take a look ?19:56
k_alamricotz: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/468894644/buildlog_ubuntu-focal-amd64.hud_14.10+17.10.20170619-0ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz19:56
ricotzk_alam, hi, try to add --pkg dee-1.0 to the vapigen call20:01
ricotzk_alam, like https://paste.debian.net/plain/113484220:03
ricotzk_alam, the built binding should be named "hud-${API_VERSION}.vapi"20:05
ricotzit is suppose to match the pkg-config filename20:05
k_alamIt seems Ubuntu's dee source has it's own dee-1.0.vapi....but I will try this fix...20:07
k_alamricotz: Thanks20:08
ricotzk_alam, yes, and this already existing dee-1.0.vapi should be used20:09

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