
xnoxmwhudson:  which one of the casper bugs?01:57
mwhudsonxnox: i meant https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/1867065 but i've tried to reproduce now01:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867065 in casper (Ubuntu) "Installer hangs at boot on machine" [Critical,Confirmed]01:57
mwhudsonxnox: i do think that checking md5sums by default maybe be a bad experience over usb2...01:58
xnoxmwhudson:  it actually is this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/186713001:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867130 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "spinner theme doesn't support fckd progress messages" [High,Confirmed]01:58
xnoxmwhudson:  it was beautiful with ubuntu-logo theme, but it is not with spinner, because regressions.01:58
mwhudsonxnox: ah01:58
xnoxmwhudson:  i have action to look at all other regressions too01:58
mwhudsonxnox: cool!01:59
xnoxmwhudson:  the top 4 bugs on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=001:59
alkisgHi, running pam-auth-update regenerates /var/cache/debconf/templates.{dat,dat-old} with NO changes and this wastes 34 MB RAM in live boots like LTSP or casper05:31
alkisgThis was reported in LP bug #43706, but it was never resolved properly, only worked-around05:31
alkisgShould I report a bug in debconf and/or pam, or is it by design and I should just apply a workaround in LTSP?05:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 43706 in casper (Ubuntu) "Excessive memory usage on live CD" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4370605:31
rbasakalkisg: sounds to me that you're reporting something different from what was fixed in bug 43706.06:53
ubottubug 43706 in casper (Ubuntu) "Excessive memory usage on live CD" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4370606:53
alkisgrbasak: "we're also storing two copies of them (templates.dat and templates.dat-old). "06:53
alkisgThat bug has 3 subissues, I'm talking about that one06:54
rbasakalkisg: the bug says that was fixed by removing dat-old?06:54
rbasakalkisg: I suggest that you start by filing a new bug that covers only one issue06:54
rbasakalkisg: but also, please suggest a patch!06:54
alkisgrbasak: right, while cjwatson was planning to see why the template was being written in the first place, that plan got aborted and a simple workaround "rm" was implemented, to save half the space (the copy, not the original .dat which also takes tmpfs space)06:55
alkisgrbasak: but is it considered a bug? If debconf is supposed to rewrite the database even when there are no changes, then... it's not a bug, it's a "feature", and I only need to do a similar workaround in ltsp06:56
rbasakIt sounds like a valid unfortunate interaction in your use case06:56
rbasakIn general, people are willing to consider changing design when these things happen06:57
rbasakDepending on the implications involved06:57
rbasakThe only way to find out is to file a bug with an explanation and a concrete proposal to change it, and see what happens, IMHO.06:57
rbasakThis is just speaking from experience in working in our ecosystem. I can't speak for casper/pam-auth-update/debconf.06:58
alkisgTo phrase is at a small question/issue: "Running pam-auth-update regenerates /var/cache/debconf/templates.dat with no changed content. Should I report this as a bug, and where?"06:59
alkisgIf this will be accepted as a valid issue, then sure I could spend a few days and try to pin point it06:59
alkisgBut spending a few days to get "nah it's by design" isn't a good investment of time; so I was just looking for an initial yes/no answer from someone with more debconf knowledge than me07:00
rbasakI think it's a perfectly valid question.07:00
rbasakWithout knowing the internals it sounds like a reasonable thing to be changed.07:01
alkisgThank you, I'll start by reporting it to launchpad/debconf07:01
rbasakI wouldn't know if it's pam-auth-update or debconf without reminding myself of the debconf shell API again.07:01
alkisgFrom what I see, pam-auth-update just opens/closes debconf, it doesn't have much control over it07:02
alkisgSo just by a tiny first look, I think it's debconf, not pam07:02
rbasakThen I agree that debconf would be a good place to start. It can always be changed.07:02
alkisgReported LP bug #186731507:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867315 in debconf (Ubuntu) "templates.dat is regenerated even without changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186731507:08
alkisgThank you too, as always :)07:09
rbasakalkisg: looks like https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf/tree/Debconf/DbDriver/File.pm might be the right place to fix this maybe?07:13
alkisgrbasak: yes, editing that file bypasses the issue07:14
alkisgI think somehow the dirty flag is set while it shouldn't07:14
rbasakThat looks like a valid bug then07:14
alkisgI'm not even sure if templates.dat should be "Readonly" by debconf or not... are postinst programs supposed to write there, or is it extracted by some external script...07:15
alkisgIf I set it to Readonly, again problem solved, but I've no idea if it's a valid approach07:15
alkisgIn /etc/debconf.conf07:15
rbasakNew templates would get added as new packages are installed, I guess?07:16
rbasakSo speaking system-wide, having it read-only would be wrong I think.07:16
alkisgYes, but does debconf handle that as part of opening/closing it, or an external tool (like update-initramfs) is supposed to regenerate everything? Dunno07:16
* rbasak isn't sure07:16
alkisgIt feels weird if any program that calls debconf open templates in write mode07:17
rbasakNow you appear to have two bugs :-)07:17
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq
xnoxcjwatson:  we have some broken XB-Cnf-* metadata on a few binary packages across a few releases, and the packages in question are expensive to SRU (python2.7 python-defaults python3.6 python3-defaults python3.7 python3.8) and some of them have no outstanding plans to SRU. Are there any archive publishing side that I could fix? I.e. something like priority-override, but arbitrary header override? Or for10:58
xnoxexample could I do some custom cases in the command-not-found-extractor?10:58
xnoxmvo is not in the channel. Can't remember who else touched cnf-extractor, maybe Laney?10:59
Laneywell I do have access to the thing11:02
Laneybut it's probably more of an mvo question11:02
cjwatsonxnox: If they're wrong in the release pocket, then we pretty much just have to deal with that anyway, since we aren't going to republish release pockets for reasons short of legal threats11:17
cjwatsonxnox: The extractor supplies Commands-* files on the side, but I don't believe it does other fields (ICBW).  There's no arbitrary field override mechanism11:18
xnoxThank you! this is very useful.11:19
xnoxYeah, i need to drop headers & add headers, i guess SRU it is.11:19
ahasenackcpaelzer: rbasak rafaeldtinoco: ok to sync postfix.3.4.10-1? diff: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/43Cw8dNth9/12:53
ahasenackupstream release notes: http://www.postfix.org/announcements/postfix-3.4.10.html12:53
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: /me checks13:17
cpaelzerdamn you beat me by a minute rafaeldtinoco :-)13:19
cpaelzerok 213:20
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: +113:21
ahasenackwell, you both can look13:21
ahasenackI don't mind13:21
ahasenackany concerns cpaelzer ?13:22
ahasenackother than the current breakage in focal I assume?13:22
ahasenackdebian ci hasn't run it yet13:22
cpaelzerahasenack: I haven't looked at it since rafaeldtinoco did13:30
cpaelzerif you want me to I can ...13:30
ahasenackthanks, synced13:47
coreycbjamespage: I'd like to bump pyroute2 from 0.5.7 to 0.5.9. there are a lot of updates in 0.5.9, and while it's not specifically an openstack dep it is mostly an openstack dep. hard to tell if it is just a bug-fix release.14:38
coreycbanyway that is what openstack ussuri currently has for upper-constraints14:39
mptAnyone know where I could find a browsable list of all Universe packages in 16.10 LTS? <https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/> lists them by pocket and by Section, but not by repo15:32
marcoagpintompt: 16.10 isn't LTS15:34
marcoagpintoonly 16.0415:34
marcoagpintoonly .04 versions are LTS15:34
mptSorry, 16.04 LTS, you’re quite right15:34
mptI don’t see a list of them at <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial> either15:39
coreycbhello release team, I've uploaded a new point release for python-pyroute2. it's mostly an openstack dependency (dhcpcanon and pathspider are not openstack) and gets us up to the desired upper-constraint version that neutron etc need.15:42
pyusrhmm... maybe python should define an /usr/bin/python2_or_3 so  scripts that do "#!/usr/bin/env python" like poetry, can work on systems that don't have python 2 by default (like new ubuntu versions) ?18:04
cjwatsonpyusr: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2020-February/040918.html18:06
pyusrcan anybody move along this SRU ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pip/+bug/186476618:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1864766 in python-pip (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] pip in xenial is installing packages incompatible with Python 2.7 (and those are becoming common)" [Medium,In progress]18:06
pyusrnice, but I'm ont sure what happens, if today in focal I run something with "#!/usr/bin/env python" what will happen by default ?18:11
cjwatsonmy understanding is that focal deliberately doesn't have /usr/bin/python for a while in order to shake out issues18:13
cjwatsonbut this is only second-hand.  you can try it yourself18:13
pyusrdon't have it, but I'm wondering what about thousands of scripts like this that will stop working: https://python-poetry.org/docs/18:15
pyusrtons of workflows will be broken18:15
pyusr(stuff outside the apt echo system)18:16
cjwatsonOK, I'm out of here, have told you everything I can18:16
smoserpyusr: python2or318:46
smoser https://gist.github.com/smoser/8904199bb8f00a90dd0418:46
pyusrthat script exists in ubuntu 20.4?18:47
smoserno. but it could.18:48
smoserbut as you can see... referenced is 14.0418:48
smoserthe right answer, imho, in 2020 is to not have /usr/bin/python18:48
pyusrand what about the thounsands of workflows outside of the apt ecosystem which will stop working?18:48
smoserand it seems honestly wrong to me, and just silly to have /usr/bin/python be python318:49
pyusrI tried following this today, and ofcourse it borked... https://python-poetry.org/docs/18:49
pyusreveryscript that has #!/usr/bin/env python will stop working18:49
smoserwell, imo those things asked to be interpreted by python218:50
pyusrpoetry as you can see in that page supports both 2 and 318:50
smoserand trying to execute them through python3 is not right.18:50
pyusryou are wrong18:50
pyusrtons of stuff support both18:50
pyusrand #!/usr/bin/env isn't expressive enough for that18:50
pyusragain, check that, one of the biggest packages18:51
smoserpyusr the biggest argument i have for breaking 'python' is to avoid the same problem in 6 years with python418:52
smoserthe python community learned nothing from the same thing that happend to perl between perl4 and perl518:52
pyusryeah, so didn't ubuntu, it's already 2 month that ubuntu 16.04 (which is still LTS supported) doesn't work with virtualenv and python2 ... and nobody is in a hurry to fix it18:52
smoserbut, anyway... somethign like python2or3 i think would be a nice way to say "this works in python2 or 3"18:52
pyusrtons of people CI broke over night18:53
rbasakpyusr: you'll be able to install the python-pointing-to-python2 package19:01
rbasakpyusr: oh, sorry, it'll be called python-is-python2-but-deprecated19:02
rbasakIf you install that, your legacy scripts will work19:02
pyusrrbasak: will it inform me that when I try to run a script with #!/usr/bin/env python ?19:02
rbasakSee https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/ for more background on this19:03
pyusrso again, tons of workflow will be broken19:03
rbasakThere's distro-wide consensus that python should eventually point to python319:03
rbasakThis is not an Ubuntu-only choice.19:03
pyusryeah, but lots of noobs use ubuntu19:03
pyusrthey will be confused19:03
rbasakPeople learning Python also get confused when "python" doesn't work or gives them some old version.19:04
rbasakUnfortunately there's no solution that will work for everyone.19:04
pyusrwindows 10 opens the windows store with python installation when you type python in command promopet19:05
pyusrrbasak: I think ther eis, the OS should provide /usr/bin/python2or319:15
pyusrand scripts should rely on it if they support both19:16
rbasakpyusr: great - I suggest you follow the upstream process of getting PEP 394 amended with that suggestion.19:17
pyusrPEP does not enforce OS but Python itself19:18
pyusrok, better solution, "/usr/bin/env" in ubuntu should check if /usr/bin/python does not exist (and someone wants /usr/bin/env python) it should bring up a warning about what to do ?19:31
pyusrhow does one go about offering that ?19:33
tumbleweedIt's hard to imagine /usr/bin/env changing, to help Python users19:36
pyusrtumbleweed: there are gonna be tons of noobs that will start crying with 20.4 LTS19:37
pyusrwhy not improve their experience ?19:37
tumbleweedit's not /usr/bin/env's job to do that19:37
pyusryou understand that https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/2183 <-- this is a tip of the iceberg ?19:38
pyusrand thats a very popular package, think about all the abandond scripts people use daily that will stop working, and they will get a criptic message they will need to google ?19:38
tumbleweedyeah, the end of python 2 is a lot of pain for everyone19:39
tumbleweedI'm saying that this specific solution sounds like a non-starter19:39
rbasakThe problem is that unless you put in a python2or3 command into every existing distro and release that people use, it's of little use.19:40
pyusrrbasak: I'm offering a different solution now19:40
rbasakI don't think it's appropriate to patch or redirect /usr/bin/env.19:40
pyusrthe main issue is #!/usr/bin/env python gives a criptic error /usr/bin/env: 'python': No such file or directory19:40
pyusrit does not say "Python 2 is not installed on the system":19:41
rbasakAnd in any case it won't help scripts that don't /usr/bin/env.19:41
rbasakpyusr: in any case, I don't think somebody with no credentials and no prior track record is going to be able to appear on this channel and convince us to do anything this major.19:41
pyusrmost scripts do, and those who don't maybe the error will be better "/usr/bin/python" no such file or directory19:41
rbasakThat's why I said you should focus on getting consensus upstream.19:42
pyusrI don't even know how I can find someone to fix ubuntu 16.04 virtualenv to work...19:43
rbasakOr at least a mailing list19:43
rbasakpyusr: have you proposed a patch?19:43
* rbasak needs to go19:43
rbasakI appreciate that you care19:43
rbasakBut the way to get things done in this ecosystem is to present working solutions and build consensus to use them19:43
pyusrthere is an SRU patch waiting for a month19:43
rbasakIRC doesn't really work for that.19:43
rbasakpyusr: link please?19:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1864766 in python-pip (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] pip in xenial is installing packages incompatible with Python 2.7 (and those are becoming common)" [Medium,In progress]19:44
tumbleweedpyusr: and I field that SRU, and rbasak has commented on it19:44
pyusrtumbleweed: ahh, cool19:44
rbasakI reviewed that the other day, yes19:44
rbasak(well, I didn't, since I don't think I'm sufficiently qualified)19:45
tumbleweedyeah, was hoping to get doko's attention19:45
rbasakI pinged doko about that earlier ^19:45
pyusrrbasak: that bug is ongoing for 2 month already :(  It makes me wonder how has it not surfesed enough19:45
rbasakpyusr: right - only one person marked affected19:46
rbasakTrust me - when it affects a large number of people, the noise is noticeable :)19:46
pyusrI discovered the bug, told my friend about it, he linked me to his buildbots of pypy stoped working19:46
pyusrso he formated the machine to 18.0419:46
pyusrrbasak: maybe people stoped using system python with CI with stuff like pyenv, asdf19:47
* rbasak does really need to go now19:47
pyusrtumbleweed: you don't think a better error msg on /usr/bin/env is a good idea ?19:47
tumbleweedI'd talk to the coreutils upstream - this is a common use for /usr/bin/env, and the error message could be improved to help users19:49
tumbleweedI don't think the best approach is to be Python-specific, though19:49
pyusrmaybe like ubuntu has that autofigure out which package to recommend on error19:50
pyusrand link that into /usr/bin/env errors19:50
tumbleweedusing /usr/bin/env to find a program on PATH is a total abuse of the purpose of it... but it's probably 90% of what it's used for, these days19:50
pyusralso, shouldn't nvidia-drivers for ubuntu (16.04) check that HWE is neabled ?20:23
pyusrinstead of borkign the system20:23
vorlonobjection, assumes facts not in evidence20:28

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