
ducassegood morning07:12
lordievaderGood morning09:13
lotuspsychjegood noon to all11:25
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
marcoagpintohey guys14:54
marcoagpintoit is the cola demon14:54
EoflaOEHello! How are you?17:08
marcoagpintowith a broken arm17:08
marcoagpintoand you=17:08
EoflaOEAll fine marcoagpinto. Recent announcement said that there is no school in the entire country for two weeks17:09
marcoagpintohere schools are closed too17:09
EoflaOEThey're closed for what time?17:10
marcoagpintoI can't remember17:10
marcoagpintoI have not been paying much attention to TV17:11
EoflaOEOK. I am close to finishing an operating system in my PowerPoint collection17:11
EoflaOEJust needed to do an IRC client, and few apps and screens in there.17:13
marcoagpintoin the past three weeks I have revised a full chapter of my thesis... ~75 pages17:14
marcoagpintojust a month left for 20.04 LTS!!!!!17:43
marcoagpintoI can hardly wait17:43
* lotuspsychje has it running :p17:44
marcoagpintowill it bring LibreOffice 6.4? Or 6.3?17:45
lotuspsychje1:6.4.0-0ubuntu7 seems to be candidate17:46
marcoagpintowhy not 6.4.1?17:46
marcoagpintoit fixes bugs from 6.4.017:46
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: 6.4 is current candidate, that does not reveal wich version will be at final17:47
lotuspsychjethere's also a 6.4.1 snap if you need17:48
marcoagpintoWhat I really need is the EuroMillions tonight!17:49
marcoagpinto50 000 000 EUR17:49
lotuspsychjemoney isnt everything17:49
marcoagpintobut I could retire and dedicate to open-source17:50
marcoagpintomy dream!17:50
lotuspsychjei already dedi to ubuntu17:50
oerheksepic, Bill Gates is stepping down from Microsofs board.21:21
TJ-self-isolating? :)21:30
oerhekshandshake in toiletrolls21:33
Eickmeyeroerheks: Please don't send people to #ubuntustudio unless it's a specific issue to software we include. VLC or Parole don't meet that description. #ubuntu is supposed to support all flavors equally.22:21
EickmeyerReason being, I'm probably going to have to send him back because it's getting beyond my level of expertise.22:22
oerheksEickmeyer, sorry, he came with -studio and an application, just want him to point to the official support channel22:24
oerheksnot realising he added 3rd party stuff22:24
Eickmeyeroerheks: #ubuntu is an official support channel for Studio.22:24
EickmeyerWe don't have the manpower or the activity levels to sustain non-specific questions in there.22:25

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