
vorlondoko: don't know if you were aware, but gcc-9 has to be migratable at the same time as glibc because libgphobos has a versioned dep on libc6 on s390x00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupd (focal-proposed/main) [1.3.9-2 => 1.3.9-2] (core)02:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupd (focal-proposed/main) [1.3.9-2 => 1.3.9-2] (core)02:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fwupd (focal-proposed/main) [1.3.9-2 => 1.3.9-2] (core)02:23
vorlondoko: so how long should this gcc-9 build on amd64 take?  since it's been going for 14 hours06:19
cpaelzerhi, can I aske ubuntu-archive to consider accepting javaproperties in focal-new for bug 1866612?06:45
ubot5bug 1866612 in azure-cli (Ubuntu) "Wrong dependency javaproperties -> pyjavaproperties" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186661206:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted javaproperties [sync] (focal-proposed) [0.6.0-2]06:46
cpaelzerThank you vorlon06:47
cpaelzerI'll try to help this community member to get the further moving bits of this synced so that things will work properly in 20.0406:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: javaproperties [amd64] (focal-proposed/universe) [0.6.0-2] (no packageset)06:48
cpaelzervorlon: you accepted the source in NEW, now the build is complete and as one would expect now the binary is in NEW07:06
cpaelzerwould you mind accepting that as well?07:06
cpaelzerin case vorlon is EOD now ubuntu-archive ^^07:07
dokovorlon: I can find builds talking up to 18h, but also ones getting built in about six. so it should probably finish soonish07:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted javaproperties [amd64] (focal-proposed) [0.6.0-2]07:17
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq
cpaelzerdoko: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chrony/+bug/186731607:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1867316 in chrony (Ubuntu) "FTFBS in Focal armhf/ppc64/s390x" [Undecided,New]07:48
cpaelzerdoes that mean anything including sys/param.h is FTBFS now?07:48
cpaelzeractually limits.h07:49
cpaelzerdoko: to my naive view it seems libgcc-9-dev 9.3.0-1ubuntu2 will break everyone :-/08:05
cpaelzeroh I see, only because of that long build time vorlon mentioned amd64 still works08:07
cpaelzeras soon as that is built and published it most likely breaks as well08:07
cpaelzer=> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-9/9.3.0-1ubuntu208:07
dokoyes, better I'm removing that one from -proposed. amd64 is working because it's not yet built08:07
cpaelzerI might be misjudging the situation, but I'm tempted to ask to abourt that build and use ubuntu-archive powers to remove that new version from proposed08:08
cpaelzerthat might avoid a near global FTFBS until we have another gcc-9 pushed and built08:09
cpaelzerok, found a 5h old dup, which matches when s390x completed08:10
RikMillsyes, test building a few things I see the same, except obviously on amd6408:12
cpaelzereven this will do08:12
cpaelzerecho "#include <limits.h>" | gcc -E -Wp,-v -08:13
cpaelzerbreaks on all but amd6408:13
cpaelzerand once built and published there as well08:13
cpaelzerthanks RikMills for confirming - I was starting to feel I might be the outlier and on a totally crazy island here08:13
cpaelzerI also a few minutes ago found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-9/+bug/186730308:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1867316 in gcc-9 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1867303 FTFBS in Focal armhf/ppc64/s390x" [Critical,Confirmed]08:13
RikMillsyeah, I was just test buildings a few things I wanted to sync for bugfixes, and 'bang'08:14
cpaelzerI know ubuntu-archive should highlight all of you already, but I'm panicing (a bit) sorry, but apw seb128 doko vorlon infinity ^^08:16
RikMillsand seb128's sync did the same https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-photos/3.34.1-108:16
seb128cpaelzer, hey, sorry I just joined and lack the backlog/context, what do you need exactly?08:17
cpaelzerI think mostly we'd need doko, but for now read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-9/+bug/186730308:18
RikMillsggc-9 in proposed is ftbfs the world08:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1867316 in gcc-9 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1867303 Almost global FTFBS due to dropping include-fixed dir in 9.3.0-1" [Critical,Confirmed]08:18
doko<doko> yes, better I'm removing that one from -proposed. amd64 is working because it's not yet built08:18
cpaelzeroh you are here08:18
dokoand I replied08:18
cpaelzeryes that was my triage of the situation as well doko08:18
seb128why do we get through such disruptive changes and transitions after ff? :(08:18
cpaelzerI was rading from too many channels at once08:19
cpaelzerthanks doko, now that I realized you have seen it I'll leave it to your capable hands08:20
* cpaelzer stops panic mode08:20
dokoit was supposed to be a fix for an glibc issue08:21
cpaelzerdoko: if you could give a ping here once it is aborted and removed from proposed (for now) that would be great08:23
dokocpaelzer: copy is now done, need to wait for the next publisher run08:36
cpaelzerthank you08:40
dokocpaelzer: now restored, and given back failed builds, afaics those in update_excuses09:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted fwupd [amd64] (focal-proposed) [1.3.9-2]09:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted fwupd [armhf] (focal-proposed) [1.3.9-2]09:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted fwupd [arm64] (focal-proposed) [1.3.9-2]09:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: nv-codec-headers (focal-proposed/primary) []09:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted nv-codec-headers [source] (focal-proposed) []09:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted hud [source] (focal-proposed) [14.10+17.10.20170619-0ubuntu3]09:50
cpaelzerthank you doko09:50
blucaseb128: hi - the GP patch for network-manager-openconnect has moved from debian experimental to unstable now - I also imported all the patches you added downstream in 19.10 and 20.0409:53
blucaany chance https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openconnect/+bug/1857624 could be reconsidered for focal?09:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1857624 in network-manager-openconnect (Ubuntu) "Option Protocol gp (Palo Alto GlobalProtect) missing on nmcli" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:53
blucaunstable now is at the focal state + the 2 GP patches, so a sync would be enough09:54
cpaelzerseb128: ^^ is that a package usually maintained by the desktop team?09:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: nv-codec-headers [amd64] (focal-proposed/universe) [] (no packageset)09:55
seb128cpaelzer, not really, but it's not maintained by anyone afaik so we do best effort to keep up with the n-m updates and fixes09:56
seb128cpaelzer, do you want to do at if it's ok to sync or should I?09:56
seb128bluca, thx for the fixes & ping09:56
cpaelzerI can take a look and would sync if it is ok in terms of not needing an FFe09:57
blucathanks! debdiff: http://paste.debian.net/1134759/09:57
cpaelzerbluca: BTW azure-cli is in -proposed now09:58
blucain the near future (so for 20.10 in Ubuntu terms) I will do the openconnect + network-manager-openconnect updates to the latest upstream versions as well09:58
seb128cpaelzer, thanks09:59
kanashirohi, I've been investigating an autopkgtest regression on puppet/5.5.10-4ubuntu1 with the Debian maintainer and we can't reproduce the error locally: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-focal/focal/amd64/p/puppet/20200310_054016_1a91c@/log.gz11:54
kanashirois there any known issue with 'hostname --fqdn' inside a testbed? in a local container all the tests pass11:54
ahasenackhi ubuntu-release, if someone could take a look at this nginx FFe bug please, thanks! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/186715012:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1867150 in nginx (Ubuntu) "FFe: nginx: demote bin:libnginx-mod-http-geoip" [Undecided,New]12:12
Laney kanashiro: Here's an example from a running instance12:26
Laneyubuntu@autopkgtest:~$ hostname --fqdn12:26
LaneyIf you're expecting it to be the same as /etc/hostname, I guess that's an assumption that doesn't hold12:27
kanashiroLaney, thanks for the info12:47
Laneykanashiro: np, seems like the tests could be a bit more verbose on failure I would say13:21
Laneylike, what was the hostname you supplied and which certs did puppet know about13:21
Laneythat kind of thing13:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: kmod (bionic-proposed/main) [24-1ubuntu3.2 => 24-1ubuntu3.3] (core)14:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: vala (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.40.17-0ubuntu1 => 0.40.19-0ubuntu1] (ubuntu-desktop)16:33
vorlonhmm re-queuing the glibc autopkgtests and getting results back would actually speed up the britney runs right now :P>16:37
vorlonah but queues aren't empty, so no point16:38
LaneyAfter the britney rebase™, we should optimise test submission / retrieval16:42
LaneyWe could build up the list of tests to submit and then do them all in one go, and try to retrieve all pending test results at once too16:47
cjwatsonautopkgtests may suffer from the issues we're seeing in London scalingstacks at the moment FWIW.  See #is17:03
LaneyAh, that'll probably explain why I got All The CD Build Failure Mails17:05
cjwatsonDunno exactly what it is but something networky is Very Sad17:05
Laneyperhaps not17:17
Laneyhttps://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/focal/daily-live-20200313.3.log <- no livefs build requested17:18
LaneyER no that's me being stupid and forgetting --live17:19
Laneyxnox: take it you saw the arm64 failure :-)17:20
xnoxLaney:  yes. Will work on the weekend to fix it.17:21
vorlonLaney: xnox raised a question of why britney can't get its test results by just downloading the sqlite db and parsing17:40
xnoxoooh yes17:41
Laneybackchannels eh17:41
xnoxLaney:  and my other question was how does debian's britney download tests, and do we need to change our autopkgtests, to yeah cherrypick what debian does?17:42
Laneywell, currently that is often subject to latency which we don't have when fetching directly from swift17:42
xnoxcause debian's britney invalidates out of date results, and re-requests them, and our britney doesn't.17:42
LaneyWe need to rebase on the upstream version of britney2, and then we can have nice things17:42
xnoxmy problem was that today we have only 13 britney runs per 24h. I don't care if britney fetches a 15minute stale sqlite db of results; as long as we can have britney complete 30+ runs per 24h.17:43
Laneybut the specific question of requesting and fetching tests in the way that Debian does (whatever that is) is not going to be one of them, since we don't use debci17:43
xnoxcause i think swift latency gain is now killing us due to number of requests we need to make (thousands, when we have glibc & boost & icu & python stuck in proposed)17:44
xnoxversus using a stale sqlite3 db and just querieng that, a thousand times, but very quickly.17:45
LaneyWell, I don't know about killing, but it could be improved yes17:45
xnoxLaney:  i can run britney, locally, against the production autopkgtest.ubuntu.com results, right?17:45
xnoxto like attempt to profile it / speed a run up?17:45
LaneyBut I don't really suggest doing much work on top of our current britney2-ubuntu fork17:45
xnoxbut it needs swift creds, or are those like public?17:45
* xnox realises i asked two questions, which a single answer doesn't map to =)17:46
* xnox assumes it needs no creds17:46
LaneyIt's public, anyone can use the swift API17:46
xnoxah, cool.17:46
xnoxi guess i should look into the rebase then first17:47
xnoxeven moving a little bit forward / merging a bit will help.17:47
xnoxto reduce the delta.17:47
LaneyThat is a whole task of work on its own which I'm going to get on the roadmap17:47
Laneywell, try to17:47
Laneybut hopefully with success :-)17:47
vorlonahasenack: why do we have i386-specific bind NBS on https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html ?17:49
ahasenackvorlon: these come from the old bind9-9.11.x perhaps?17:50
vorlonLaney: latency> who cares?  if it takes 1h+ to even poll all the swift URLs17:50
ahasenacklet me check the sonames17:50
vorlonahasenack: so specifically, they can't be removed because e.g. libbind-dev is listed as having a dep on them only on i38617:51
Laneyvorlon: ok17:51
Laneyso I thought I was clear that polling all of the URLs one by one is dumb, sorry if that wasn't true17:51
vorlonLaney: I think the autopkgtest db updates at a much higher frequency than britney itself does at the moment; and I also don't care if a given britney run has all the latest results when it runs, if we will be able to iterate britney runs more quickly17:51
vorlonright :-)17:52
LaneyI wouldn't go as far as specifying what the solution should be right off the bat17:52
vorlonbut I also don't think that polling them all should be in the main loop17:52
ahasenacklibbind-dev also existed only in src:bind9-9.11.x17:52
vorlonbecause the results will come $eventually and when they're there they're there and britney will DTRT with them17:52
vorlonahasenack: but libbind-dev itself is not listed as NBS17:52
ahasenackah, bind9-libs builds it17:53
vorlonso bind9-libs is missing from the i386 whitelist?17:53
vorlondo we actually need bind9-libs on i386 or should I manually remove these binaries17:53
ahasenackwe had old bind9 9.11.x building for i38617:54
ahasenackthat was libs + server17:54
vorlonit doesn't look like any of the revdeps of bind9-libs in the archive exist on i386 (which makes sense, else this wouldn't have migrated)17:54
vorlonso I'll hand-remove the binaries17:54
vorlonahasenack: thanks17:54
ahasenacksounds good17:54
ahasenackvorlon: I'm gonna need libmaxminddb on i386 going forward, because bind9 has i386 builds18:52
ahasenack Missing build dependencies: libmaxminddb-dev (>= 1.3.0)  (in a ppa)18:52
vorlonahasenack: done19:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Added libmaxminddb to i386-whitelist in focal20:07
xnoxvorlon:  Laney: deffo _my_ changes in focal livecd-rootfs regressed the arm64 builds, lolz.20:27
ahasenackthanks vorlon20:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: node-debbundle-es-to-primitive (focal-proposed/primary) [1.2.0+~1.1.4+~1.1.0+~1.1.0+~1.0.1+~1.0.2+~1.0.0+~1.0.1-2]20:49
vorlondoko: gcc-snapshot also has a versioned glibc dep on s390x, which is precisely the architecture where it ftbfs; retrying now in case the ICE was transient, but if not I'll just remove the s390x binaries from the release pocket21:05
vorlondoko: actually I'll just remove the binary now and we'll go from there21:05
Laneyxnox: ah man that reminds me about the hateful 20.04 hardcoded there21:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-azure [amd64] (focal-proposed/main) [5.4.0-1006.6] (core, kernel)21:38

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