
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
BluesKajHowdy folks12:26
santa_good morning everybody12:44
santa_RikMills: I'm not sure if I will be available today for our talk/mini-meeting12:45
santa_I ill ty to ping you later or tomorrow, but we will see12:46
santa_* I will12:46
RikMillssanta_: that is fine. I'm going to set a few things building today, but may not be about much12:47
BluesKajserious flaw in the updates/upgrades this morning , totally borked my Focal install ...login wasn'r even redognizing me12:47
BluesKajrecognizing even12:48
santa_what you mean with "recognizing"12:48
BluesKajso be warned12:48
santa_you type the correct password and you can't log in?12:48
santa_something else?12:48
BluesKajmy login username was incorrect12:48
RikMillsLP: #186684412:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866844 in glibc (Ubuntu) "package libc6:amd64 2.31-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: installed libc6:amd64 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186684412:49
RikMillsthat glibc breakage is doing that to some peoples login12:49
BluesKajsanta_:  yes, incorrect12:49
santa_allright, thank you for sharing12:50
RikMillsI pinged doko and vorlon, but I guess one is asleep and the other busy12:51
santa_by the way, I know this is offtopic here, but: yesterday the Spanish government announced the "state of alarm"12:51
santa_today everything is closed except supermarkets, pharmacies and tobacco stores12:53
santa_just from one day to another12:53
santa_so be careful because that could happen in your countries too, if it's not already happening12:53
santa_in fact I'm settling some things here @ my house to survive gracefully the "apocalypse" ;)12:54
RikMillsI have been doing things bit by bit  the last month to prepare. it was fairly inevitable it would all go to sh** at some point12:55
IrcsomeBot2<Santa> @RikMills as I suspected I have been very busy today. We will see if I have time tomorrow22:12
IrcsomeBot2<RikMills> OK22:15
valoriesanta_: I'm living near the epicenter of the infection in the US22:45
valoriealthough it's spreading around the country now22:45
* valorie lives an hour from Kirkland22:46
IrcsomeBot2<Santa> Take care valorie22:48
valorieoh, I am22:48
valorieeverything this month is cancelled22:48
IrcsomeBot2<Santa> Today my city was almost a ghost city XD22:50
valorieyep, Seattle too22:51
valorieschools, libraries, sports, everything stopped22:51
IrcsomeBot2<RikMills> We have the virus. next it will be zombies....22:56
valoriewe're all gonna die23:03
valoriejust a question of when23:03
valorieso stay safe; have fun23:03
IrcsomeBot2<Santa> Yep23:09

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