=== JackFrost is now known as Unit193 [07:28] I've forgotten the name of this awesome organ-program/plugin... it was brownish and it was 3-D so you could turn the organ around for access the different knobs and whatnot, anyone remember what it was called? [07:42] setBfree!! That was the name of it! :D:D:D === danwe1 is now known as danwe [19:04] Hi everybody, I'm Mario, electronic musician researcher and qa engineer. I've been happily using Ubuntu Studio for the last 5 years :) [19:07] braintrust_: Hi! Welcome. Feel free to hang out and help others as needed. :) [19:07] :) [19:08] \O/ [19:09] j'ai un probeme [19:09] ubuntu studio [19:09] !fr | papafred [19:09] papafred: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [19:10] merci (y) [19:25] parlez vous francais [19:26] unlikely [19:26] This is an english only channel [19:26] j'ai un probleme avec ubuntu studio [19:27] !fr | papapaix [19:27] papapaix: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [19:27] Eickmeyer[m]: same person from above. [19:28] OvenWerks: I see that. If this happens a third time, I'm putting my chanop hat on. === test is now known as Guest15567 [22:29] and / or you can redirect him to #linuxmao which is a general channel about linux audio **in French** [22:35] trebmuh: Did not know. [22:37] note that MAO isn't a acreditation of a communist chinese leader, but stand for "Musique Assitée par Ordinateur" in French (= Computer Aided Music) [22:42] trebmuh: HAHA! Didn't think that was the case. :) [22:42] trebmuh: Of course, Ubuntu Studio isn't just audio. [22:43] nope, but hey, that'd be ~70% of the average use of it, isn't? [22:48] If I had those statistics... [22:56] most of the questions here and/or on the ML are about music [23:01] Fair. [23:21] Anyone have time to answer a couple ALSA questions, or point me in the direction to help myself understand how ALSA, Jack, and my 32 channel interface come together for multitrack recording? [23:25] Specifically I am trying to figure out the appropriate ALSA hw number to configure ecasound [23:28] !ubuntustudio-controls | DankWizard [23:28] DankWizard: Ubuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls [23:30] !jack [23:30] The JACK Audio Connection Kit is a sound server meant for professional applications, allowing different audio protocols and applications to interconnect in nearly unlimited ways. This is the core of Ubuntu Studio's audio workflow. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What%20is%20JACK for more information on JACK in general. [23:31] DankWizard: Just use Ubuntu Studio Controls for configuring the audio. It'll just work. [23:32] It certainly does for Ardour, which is peachy keen, but I am attempting to record with ecasound, which requires a bit more knowledge than I have obtained thus far! Ubuntu Studio Controls does contain some good options! [23:33] The goal is to figure out my inputs to make something like this fly in ecasound: -a:1 -i alsahw,1,0 -o test3.wav [23:33] DankWizard: If it works with Jack, then it should just work. I'm unfamiliar with it myself. [23:34] The manual says it works with jack, so I suppose I will learn jack as best I can. Thanks for the guidance! [23:34] You bet. If it works with Jack, then you shouldn't have to point it directly to the alsa hardware. [23:34] DankWizard: http://www.eca.cx/ecasound/ [23:35] All of your documentation is there for ecasound. [23:37] aplay -l or aplay -L (can't remember at the top of my head) to get the alsa recognized device interface(s) [23:37] DankWizard: ^ [23:39] I can see that my XUSB is card 1 with "aplay -l" which allows me to point ecasound to the right interface, next I need to figure out how to distinguish between the channels of said device [23:39] sorry, not aplay but arecord [23:41] sysdefault:CARD=XUSB X-USB, USB Audio Default Audio Devicefront:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio Front speakerssurround21:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio 2.1 Surround output to Front and Subwoofer speakerssurround40:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio 4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakerssurround41:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 [23:41] X-USB, USB Audio 4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakerssurround50:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio 5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakerssurround51:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio 5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakerssurround71:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio 7.1 [23:41] Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakersiec958:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Outputdmix:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio Direct sample mixing devicedsnoop:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio Direct sample snooping devicehw:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio Direct hardware [23:41] device without any conversionsplughw:CARD=XUSB,DEV=0 X-USB, USB Audio Hardware device with all software conversionsusbstream:CARD=XUSB X-USB USB Stream Output [23:41] oh dear formatting [23:42] Apologies, that's what I see with better formatting [23:43] yep [23:43] that's to be expected [23:46] with arecord -l , you can get the number for tweaking the "alsahw,1,0" part of you ecasound command I guess [23:48] Thanks, I believe that to be correct