
fooI'm beginning to think this is simply not possible. I'm baffled, I thought linux could at least read the time capsule partition00:13
robertzaccourAre PlayStation 4 and Xbox One controllers well supported on Ubuntu?00:15
sixwheeledbeastrobertzaccour: yes certainly for steam at least00:20
robertzaccourOk thanks00:22
zippo^Is it possible: :-), :-D, :-( etc. convert Emoji via the keyboard? So yes, how?00:33
=== Phruis`` is now known as Phruis
nutella_woodHi, I need some help SSHing to a remote ubuntu VM through Visual Studio Code. I'm using VSCode 1.44.0-insider with extension Remote-SSH (Nightly) on Windows 10. Is this the right channel for this question?01:14
isposdefzippo^: One option is to set up Xcompose: https://github.com/kragen/xcompose01:15
nutella_woodHow would I use it?01:17
zippo^Thank you, isantop . I have bookmarked this url, tomorrow i will read how works it.01:22
__Myst__Are .deb files a good fit for managing source installs?01:23
insanidadehi all. is there a command for restarting a recently updated application? for instance: whhat if I have one or two chrome windows opened and update chrome? is there a command for restarting it ?01:44
bet0xHello everyone, i have a server with a raid0, i formated the main disk where the OS is (outside the raid ofc) and i wanted to remount my raid but i'm getting mount: mount /dev/md0 on /root/test failed: Structure needs cleaning01:48
bigfoot-bet0x: if I understand you correctly, you have a raid0 ... this means, all participating disks form one logical disk.  so what exactly did you "format" (and how)?01:51
bet0xbigfoot-, i used ext4 raid 001:52
bet0xdo i just run a fsck on the /dev/md0 ?01:53
matsamaninsanidade: like programmatically list all the currently-running apps that belong to recently-updated packages?01:53
bet0xbigfoot-, tune2fs -l /dev/md0 is reporting Filesystem state:         not clean01:53
matsamanI don't know how useful that'd be...01:53
matsamanyou can just close chrome and open it again, in that particular case01:54
bigfoot-bet0x: I'm not into the Ubuntu specifics on how stuff usually gets set up.  But RAID0 means you bind >1 disks or partitions into one logical one.  If you format one disk/partition, the whole thing is corrupted ...01:54
bigfoot-bet0x: fsck is definitely the right answer, but I'm not sure it's going to help you if you did what I think you did01:54
matsamanraid0 is not a thing informed people use with data they don't have copies of01:56
bigfoot-true.  but that's beyond his issue.01:57
matsamanand, for that matter, raid-anything01:57
bigfoot-... and, for that matter, anything that's important data01:57
bigfoot-but that's not the discussion bet0x wants to have right now, I surmise.01:58
bet0xi'm just helping a friend, i do have spares of spares with spares on the middle01:58
bet0xi'm a backup freak01:58
bet0xit will take a while, thank you @bigfoot- !01:59
bet0xit's like 12 TB T_T01:59
fooI don't know if it's a thing, but I used to run badblocks /dev/sdc2 or such from ubuntu to determine if a drive had bad blocks. Is this still relevant?02:34
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jrghi. i just set up sssd and cannot login to the ui. does ubuntu use gdm or soemthing of that nature? so adding sss.so to the pam entry should do the trick?03:24
jrgi can ssh using AD users so that seems to work fine03:24
asa9ohanDoes anyone know how to remove a RAID 0 configuration on the boot drive of a PC?03:26
DigitalisAkujindoing a fresh install03:28
TripleNatMatti do not think that will be possible without removing the data from the drive03:28
DigitalisAkujinGrub2 giving me no suitable video mode found03:28
DigitalisAkujinis there something I need to change in the grub.cfg with video settings?03:29
matsamanI'm assuming turning off the graphics aspects would suffice, for starters03:30
DigitalisAkujinconfig is just set default =0 set timeout =10 menuentry “Gentoo” { linux (hd0,1)/vmlinuz-3.14.4-gentoo root=/dev/sda3 rootfstype=ext4 net.ifnames=0 quiet ro }03:32
DigitalisAkujinnothing about video03:33
DigitalisAkujinnvidia card so maybe I need to install drivers?03:33
matsamansounds like UEFI nonsense03:34
matsamanflip your firmware to pretend it's BIOS? That would fix it03:35
DigitalisAkujinI just got this nvme m.2 and it’s not a recent mobo chipset so it’s seeing it as uefi through a custom bios for my mobo03:35
DigitalisAkujinwould love to know what the has to do with video though but w/e03:36
matsamanI would if I was stuck with UEFI03:36
matsamanDigitalisAkujin: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2409853 https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=240167403:37
DigitalisAkujinit’s actually really cool, bios literally says “gentoo” in the boot options and not the drive name03:40
DigitalisAkujinfirst link worked, ty ty03:41
jrgxf86OpenConsole: Cannot open virtual console 2 (Permission denied)03:46
jrgi guess it's trying to login as an AD user in gdm but now i get that in the logs03:46
jrgah. seems like sssd only helps with one part of things03:50
jrgthe actual uid/gid mapping has to still be done with samba?03:50
bryanroderyckhello im having some issues with ubuntu 19 after putting the wifi password 30 times it will work..03:50
jrgyou'd think by now joining an AD would be a little easier heh03:50
matsamanbryanroderyck: what?03:58
matsamanjrg: not sure why you'd think that03:59
bryanroderyckhi matsaman ,im having trouble connecting to wifi03:59
jrgmatsaman: i don't know. kind of an old infrastructure03:59
jrgsssd makes the quick and easy of ssh03:59
matsamanjrg: I'm sure Microsoft is constantly moving the bar04:00
jrgbut doesn't really do much for uid/gid mapping04:00
jrgmatsaman: my DC is samba based heh04:00
bryanroderyckkeep asking me for the same password04:00
matsamanbryanroderyck: what if you use nmtui?04:00
jrgmatsaman: it almost seems easier to have done it the old way using samba/winbind/pam04:00
jrgthan using sssd04:00
matsamanit's easiest to not do it at all04:01
bryanroderyckmatsaman, what is nmtui?04:01
jrgah well.. let me try out trueos it's been a while since i've checked in on it04:01
matsamanthere are two softwares that are the most insidious, and they are exchange and active directory04:01
matsamanbryanroderyck: it's an executable, ask apt-file about it04:01
jrgmatsaman: yes. i just tried out exchange earlier .. what a mess04:01
jrgmatsaman: it almost seems better to use ubuntu + zimbra imo04:02
jrgas far as local collab suites go at least04:02
matsamanall the companies I've ever worked at, IT has spent roughly 5000% of their time dealing with something ultimately the fault of the choice to use exchange or active directory04:03
matsamanand I couldn't tell you why04:03
matsamanemail is so simple04:03
matsamanyou send an unencrypted message to an address04:03
jrgmatsaman: well. AD is more so the auth than anything else04:03
matsamanauthentication is also so simple04:03
jrgand integration into other aspects with a common auth04:03
matsamanwhich nobody needs04:04
jrgmatsaman: tbh. AD in samba is simplistic imo04:04
* matsaman shrugs04:04
jrgmatsaman: it makes sense under certain circumstances. multiple workstations single account stuff04:04
matsamanit's a fine idea for a thing nobody actually needs04:04
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic please guys04:04
jrgi think that most people need it in any area with multiple workstations04:04
jrglotuspsychje: ubuntu auth against AD isn't on topic? :)04:05
lotuspsychjejrg: please divide chatting vs focus on real support04:05
jrgoh. sorry. didn't know the channel was that strict. ok then.04:05
lotuspsychjewe have a great #ubuntu-discuss channel you can chitchat 24/7 :p04:06
jrgheh. it's ok. thanks anyways. take care.04:06
bryanroderyckmatsaman, can you help me ,i didnt suceed install nmtui?04:14
DigitalisAkujinwhat’s the difference between ffmpeg and libav for kde?04:15
matsamanDigitalisAkujin: ffmpeg has a future04:18
matsamanlibav was some child's temper tantrum fork of ffmpeg04:18
matsamanthey even tried to steal the logo04:18
DigitalisAkujinwow that’s hilarious04:18
matsamanDebian switched to libav briefly as the default, but eventually switched back04:18
DigitalisAkujinI use ffmpeg on CLI all the time was just curious04:18
lotuspsychje!discuss | matsaman DigitalisAkujin04:19
ubottumatsaman DigitalisAkujin: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!04:19
matsamanit's the natural way with free software, forks happen04:19
matsamanbut if your fork isn't good enough, it dies04:19
DigitalisAkujinis there a use flag to install KDE without wireless BS. my desktop doesn’t even have wifi04:19
matsamandon't think Ubuntu does USE flags04:19
DigitalisAkujinoh shit wtf04:19
DigitalisAkujini’m dumb sorry04:20
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matsamanyou could probably install individual packages that make up the greater KDE, and skip the wifi ones, potentially04:20
DigitalisAkujinmeant to join #gentoo :/04:20
matsamanyes, yes you did =D04:20
=== tefx23 is now known as tefx
tefxhey gyuys havign soem wieird issues creatign raid0 on uvbuntu-server installer when you create the partions manualy i create the md0 with both disks then i have a seperate disk for boot disk that has /boot and /boot/efi in but when i click done and start settign the servername and username passwords and stuff the installer cvrashes clearly while05:19
tefxmakign the parition05:19
tefxand i can see any disernable error as to why its happening05:19
tefxi had this prblem before with an 18.04 install but i managed to figure otu a work around but yeahh i cant for the life of me remeber what i did05:20
tefxto be clear partition layout is as follows two 50gig disks as raido(md0) paritions on md0 are / and SWAP partitions on  the  the 3rd disk  ther is a 1G /boot and a 512M /boot/efi05:23
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lotuspsychjebug #1867450 duped & confirmed06:44
ubottubug 1867065 in casper (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1867450 Installer hangs at boot on machine" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186706506:44
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
monojamoon|I can't find any straight answers to this one the internet but does RST Premium Optane Mode provide any performance benefits over ACHI mode?07:44
ducassemonojamoon|: afaik linux does not support rst07:46
monojamoon|Bought an M.2 NMVE SSD to construct a Windows 10 + Ubuntu dual boot setup. Searched around and found out that AHCI mode needs to be enabled in BIOS.07:46
monojamoon|ducasse, yeah!07:46
monojamoon|Also, the machine I am using has an integrated Intel GFX and a dedicated GFX (rtx 2060) ... out of curiosity ... if i leave out the drivers for the nvidia one, that would just remain idle in the background right ...07:49
ducassein the bios you should be able to select dedicated gpu or igp07:51
monojamoon|ducasse, wouldn't that cause an issue with the device on Windows Installation? Keep Windows 10 on my PC just to play video games :P07:53
ducassenot sure, i have neither windows nor a dedicated gpu :)07:54
monojamoon|Cool :)07:56
monojamoon|Is disabling secure boot necessary with Ubuntu 18.04?07:58
monojamoon|there are talks about a bug with Ubuntu 14.04 that deletes the Windows bootloader. Surely that would've been fixed in 18.0407:59
monojamoon|Answered here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/493409/is-disabing-secure-boot-needed-for-ubuntu-14-04-dual-boot-with-windows-8-uefi08:01
monojamoon|Not required.08:01
SeeM2Hi. I have maybe a stupid question. I'm trying to find iso images for Ubuntu 20.04 server. I've found desktop image, but ideally I would like server traditional installer. Are they somewhere, or the are not ready yet?08:06
lotuspsychjeSeeM2: #ubuntu+1 for 20.04 support please08:07
SeeM2lotuspsychje: thanks08:07
mplsjokerhow do I change a users pass if I have roots pass?08:17
SwedeMikemplsjoker: login as root, run "passwd <username>"08:18
mplsjokerI tried that the user isn't listed in users08:18
CarlFKSwedeMike: what is the user name?08:21
CarlFKwhat do you get from: passwd  Applebomb08:21
mplsjokeruser doesn't exist08:22
mplsjokerbut I'm staring at the user login screen right now08:22
CarlFKdid it say: passwd: user 'Applebomb' does not exist08:23
CarlFKhow about: grep Applebomb /etc/passwd08:25
b247_euHy all, please can you tell me where I can upload some logs just to put a link here on the chat?08:30
lotuspsychje!pastebin | b247_eu08:30
ubottub247_eu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:30
b247_euThank You08:31
mplsjokerCarlFX: I'm talking in #linux about it08:32
b247_euI have a strange problem regarding an ipsec vpn conn using eap[mschapv2], as such, the connection get established when using cli ipsec up command but not when using #nm network-manager-strongswan08:41
b247_eu that's the log for sudo ipsec up connname: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bTj84t5NCQ/ (working)08:41
b247_euand this is the log for connecting using #nm: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PnqtY3q58c/08:41
b247_euand it seems that #nm is not using MSCHAPV208:41
b247_euIs there something that I can do to have a working ipsec conn thrught #nm?08:42
monojamoon|Time to change from RAID to AHCI! I might just destroy my Windows installation :P08:43
monojamoon|Wo -hooo! success! :)08:49
monojamoon|Moment of truth. Time to setup Ubuntu alongside Windows! :)08:52
viktor__is it possible to make a backup image of your system and everything on it while running the system itself? (sorry if that's a dumb question)08:53
monojamoon|This is my first time dual booting in a system that has two graphic cards! Do I need to wary about something? Are there any precautionary steps required beforehand? Google search for "dual boot multiple graphics card" doesn't offer much08:54
mr_louHello. My QNAP NAS allows for a WebDAV connection. Connecting to it from Windows requires me to edit the registration database and change BasicAuth value to "2". Otherwise it won't work. How can I do something similar in Ubuntu?09:00
monojamoon|I have 16GB of RAM. Should I have some swap space?09:19
monojamoon|And if yes, should I reserve 16 * 1024 MB for swap area?09:19
monojamoon|Or something more?09:20
tomreynwill you suspend to disk (hibernate)?09:20
tomreynthen you only need a little swap or none at all.09:20
monojamoon|Should 2GB be fine?09:20
tomreyn300 MB is probably sufficient09:21
monojamoon|Oh! Cool.09:21
monojamoon|Thanks :)09:21
tomreynyou're welcome. also, there are a lot of articles discussing this topic out there.09:22
tomreynif you'll read those, prefer the more current ones since VM and swap handling does change over time / on higher kernel versions09:23
monojamoon|After installation completed ... I am getting a stream of nouveau errors09:29
monojamoon|Last one: [1928.xxxxx] nouveay 0000:01:00.0: fifo: sched_error 08[]09:29
monojamoon|Last one: [1979.xxxxx] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fifo: sched_error 08[]09:30
monojamoon|Should I stop it?09:31
tomreynmonojamoon|: stop what?09:31
monojamoon|its a continuous stream of errors!09:32
monojamoon|ctrl + c stopped it09:32
monojamoon|rebooted and then I am into ubuntu09:33
tomreynctrl-c wont stop errors09:33
tomreynwell unless the process you had runnign triggered them09:33
tomreynbut nouveau is a kernel module, you could not stop it with ctrl-c09:34
monojamoon|Booted into ubuntu09:34
monojamoon|fans are running on full! :(09:35
monojamoon|CPU usage ~6%09:35
tomreynmake sure your bios is up to date09:35
tomreynwhich hardware / computer is this?09:36
tomreynjournalctl -b | grep 'DMI:'09:36
mplsjokerI changed a users password and now when I try to login in just kick me back out to the login screen09:37
tomreyn!details | mplsjoker09:38
ubottumplsjoker: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.09:38
monojamoon|@tomreyn, pastebin.com/D9X4szUJ09:41
tomreynso: Predator PH315-52/Covini_CFS, BIOS V1.04 06/19/201909:42
tomreynthis bios version looks old09:42
monojamoon|Will update the BIOS.09:42
monojamoon|I also have two gfx. Integrated intel gfx and a rtx 2060. How can I check if drivers for the 2060 are properly installed?09:43
tomreynBIOS version 1.10 (2020/03/10) is current according to https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/7983?b=109:43
monojamoon|OK. That seems easy enough to install and update09:44
monojamoon|Wow. An update that was 5 days old :)09:45
tomreynwith nvidia, you can choose between open source drivers which may not work well, especially with newer hardware, because nvidia doesn't support their development and does not release relevant documentation.09:45
monojamoon|Can I disable them?09:45
monojamoon|I don't need nvidia on my ubuntu setup.09:45
tomreynthe other choice is nvidias' proprietary drivers. which provide good performance once you get them to work. but they don't integrate with the kernel so well.09:46
tomreynyou can either physically uninstall or disable the nvidia card on your bios setup screen (but then it'd apply to all OSs), or you can assign the nvidia GPU pci device to the vfio kernel module, thus preventing linux from using iut.09:47
monojamoon|@tomreyn, this is what my syslog is being filled with currently. https://pastebin.com/XGsQUh1B09:49
monojamoon|That is the output of tail -f /var/log/syslog09:50
tomreynand that's what my "open source drivers which may not work well, especially with newer hardware, because nvidia doesn't support their development and does not release relevant documentation" statement referred to09:50
tomreynnouveau is the open source driver09:50
monojamoon|This is what happened when the installation finished09:51
monojamoon|I think I will go with assigning the nvidia GPU pci device to the vfio kernel module09:52
monojamoon|because I need the GFX for Windows09:52
tomreynhere's another approach for disabling a discrete gpu (such as your nvidia one) - which may be better than the vfio one i suggested: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/78is1r/complete_disable_of_discrete_gpu/09:53
mplsjokerubottu: I forgot a users pass so to change it I logged into a root shell and tried to change the users pass. well the user wasn't listed. so I did 'less /etc/passwd' and the output gave me that users name. so I changed the password and now when I enter the passwd it just kicks me right back out to the login screen. could it maybe be because the dis09:56
mplsjokerk is luks encrypted?09:56
ubottumplsjoker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:56
sixwheeledbeastubottu: Are you intelligent?10:02
ubottusixwheeledbeast: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:02
kats99Hey guys, I connected to my hotspot but I'm unable to ping websites..10:16
kats99It was working fine the other day10:19
c0mradeI have an Ubuntu VM on the Azure Cloud. It comes by default with a temporary storage where Linux file system is at /dev/sda. During VM setup, I've created an additional 512 GB SSD and it now resides at /dev/sdc, how can I utilize it and use it instead of the default /dev/sda (the temporary cloud storage)?10:21
kats99I can ping google's servers but not when you use the dns names10:21
kats99OK now I can open only in the browser but not other websites10:28
monojamoon|@tomreyn, are you there?10:28
monojamoon|How do I install this? https://github.com/mkottman/acpi_call10:32
monojamoon|cloned it10:32
monojamoon|navigated to the directory10:32
monojamoon|and did a make10:32
monojamoon|I hope that is the right way to install it10:33
ducassemonojamoon|: there should be instructions on the github page, we don't support random github repos10:39
madm1kecan someone help explain why my compose is not working for combinations involving shift ?10:44
madm1keI can åæą no problem, but combining a with : does not work..10:45
ducassemonojamoon|: it says that project has been superceded by bbswitch, maybe try that instead?10:45
BluesKajHi folks10:46
monojamoon|ducasse, yup trying that now10:50
monojamoon|I guess my Ubuntu installation was a total failure. The errors on syslogs are relentless and non stop.11:24
monojamoon|current set of errors11:24
tomreynmonojamoon|: apt install acpi-call-dkms11:24
stoffieHello everyone! I have a fresh installation of ubuntu 20 on my laptop. I'm trying to install virtualbox but I'm having some troubles with dkms11:24
monojamoon|oh! thanks11:24
tomreynmonojamoon|: that's if you want to take that approach11:24
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | stoffie11:25
ubottustoffie: Focal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+111:25
tomreynmonojamoon|: before you spend time on disabling the nvidia card, make sure you stabilize your system properly11:28
rajhow in the world is it possible that I have Node.js if I apparently never installed it? (I checked `grep "apt-get install" /var/log/apt/history.log`)11:28
tomreynmonojamoon|: these errors you posted last suggest you may need to work out some other issues around intel graphics, yet.11:29
tomreynalso the qualcomm / atheros wireless is causing trouble11:29
monojamoon||got disconnected11:30
monojamoon||didn't get any message after !ubuntu+111:31
monojamoon||ok ... i'll look into it11:31
=== monojamoon|| is now known as monojamoon|
KimtishiHeya guys I'm wondering if it is possible instead of checking/recalculating and recreating a txt file to just update an old txt file (with previous hashes stored) and add the newly added files that got no hash?11:39
tomreynKimtishi: this doesn't seem like a ubuntu support question at first sight. how doesw it relate to installing and using ubuntu, what'S the context in general?11:42
Kimtishitomreyn, I'm using ubuntu for the first time so I thought I should ask it here :P  I've basically got a couple of folders that I update with new files every now and then. In order to keep my sanity I keep hashes of them so I can verify them in the future. The thing is every time I add X files I do this all over again11:47
ducasseKimtishi: what you're asking is probably best done in a scripting language. you could also store the hashes in individual files next to the text files, and name them like filename.hash or something?12:01
zeedeei broke my apt. been manually installing dependencies. is there a better way? apt -fix-broken install it says to type Yes, do as I say! but thats what broke it the first time. running xenial12:05
PopziHey guys, question - I have a 2 users (popzi & dave) belonging to group "wab-group" that have a directory called "wab-folder" which is owned by root:root. All the contents within "wab-folder" are owned by dave:wab-group. Both popzi dave can edit these files. However when popzi edits any files, the changes are saved, but an error pops up saying it f12:27
Popziailed (when it didnt) due to popzi not being able to update the files metadata because it is owned by dave.12:27
PopziHow do I make it so the files are owned by wab-group:wab-group and can be edited (including metadata) by any member of wab-group?12:27
lotuspsychjezeedee: can you pastebin whats going on please?12:29
zeedeewhat excatly would you like to see? apt-get -f install?12:29
lotuspsychjezeedee: lets see sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade first please12:30
lotuspsychjehey ioria12:32
iorialotuspsychje, hey lotus12:32
zeedeelotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/gW251Dif12:32
zeedeelotuspsychje: i have libgnutls depends installed12:33
zeedeelibp11 and libtasn1-612:33
geirhaYou tried to upgrade apt-utils?12:34
zeedeesudo apt upgrade apt-utils....yes12:35
lotuspsychjezeedee: do you have external ppa's enabled?12:39
zeedeelotuspsychje: according to sources.list, no12:41
lotuspsychjezeedee: how about sources.list.d?12:41
zeedeenothing in there12:43
zeedeei need to fix versions? >>> https://pastebin.com/0VyEB7at12:50
faekjarzHi! I want to permanently set the nvidia setting "AllowFlipping" to 0/off/false. I've tried to configure it in xorg.conf, as well as ~/.nvidia-settings-rc. My intention was ignored during reboot. So, how am i supposed to configure this?12:51
Kostas79Can anyone help/advise? Trying to install Ubuntu 18.04.4 on a brand new Acer Swift 8 (2019) with no luck. Details of what I tried (incl. screenshots) here: https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/591400/cant-install-ubuntu-18-04-on-swift-5-201912:52
Kostas79Swift 5 that is!12:53
ioriaKostas79, might this help ? https://www.infofuge.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-acer-swift-5-from-usb/12:54
Kostas79ioria: thanks, but none of this works! The installation starts but freezes when about to select a partition. The boot of try Ubuntu also gives errors as outlined in the screenshot.12:56
Kostas79The link also refers to an older model of Swift 5.12:56
ioriaKostas79, if Acer, then most probably the problem is the uefi settings/configuration12:57
ioriaKostas79, i assume the  usb media has been correctly written12:58
zeedeelotuspsychje: appreciate the help but have to get on with my day. i'll be around but may be slow to respond. thx again13:01
lotuspsychjezeedee: ddi you try apt-get -f install ?13:02
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Kostas79ioria: yes, boot mode is UEFI and secure boot is disable, the media is correct (checked with disk check in grub). Problem persists.13:06
zeedeelotuspsychje: just tried again. i was getting the yes, do as i say but now it seems to have worked. apt-get upgrade installed some stuff too13:06
zeedeelotuspsychje: this is the only error i see know but i can probably google it W: Problem unlinking the file auxfiles - Clean (21: Is a directory)13:07
zeedeedkpg --configure -a returned with no error.....fianlly13:08
kubast2hey is using fsck.ext4 -fn on a live rootfs is safe?13:10
kubast2"-fn" shouldn't try to "repair/do any write" right?13:10
ioriaKostas79, have you set a supervisor password ?13:12
lotuspsychjezeedee: nice!13:13
Kostas79ioria: yes13:13
ioriaKostas79, and you can't change the sata mode ?13:13
Kostas79ioria: I don't even see the option in the menu13:13
ioriaKostas79, exact model ?13:14
Kostas79ioria: SF514-54T13:15
ioriaKostas79, does it start in 'Try Mode' ?13:18
Kostas79Yes, but gives a couple of errors while it boots.13:19
ioriaKostas79, start it, open a terminal, and paste 'sudo parted -l'13:20
teutneed help with vm installation ubuntu13:24
teuterror wasting my time since yesterday13:25
EriC^^teut: the iso might be corrupted or the hdd you're installing to13:25
EriC^^teut: do a smart test on the hdd, and checksum the iso13:26
teutwell I ve 2 hdd c and d13:26
EriC^^teut: those are 2 partitions not hdd13:26
teutc has windows and I m installing ubunto on d13:26
teutoh yes sure13:26
EriC^^teut: pastebin 'sudo parted -ls'13:26
teutwhats that?13:26
tomreynthis looks like a screenshot of a VirtualBox VM13:27
EriC^^teut: what's the host (main os) that's running vbox?13:27
teutasked it on gitter  but no response13:27
teutwin 1013:27
tomreynokay, just saying, it doesn'T really help ;)13:27
EriC^^!md5sum | teut md5sum the iso first13:27
ubottuteut md5sum the iso first: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:27
EriC^^teut: also see how you can run a smart test on the hdd in windows, /joim ##windows and ask there13:28
teutiso shouldnt be corrupted13:28
EriC^^teut: why's that?13:28
teutI ve downloaded it from original site13:28
teutv 18 and 1913:29
teutthat too twice13:29
EriC^^it's meaningless13:29
Kostas79ioria: done. What should I look for?13:29
EriC^^you can download it 100 times if your isp has it cached you're downloading a bad iso13:29
ioriaKostas79, sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999913:30
ioriaKostas79, btw, i'am quite sure the problem is the usb media ...13:30
teutalso if you see its not full screen13:31
Kostas79ioria: the laptop is not connected to the internet13:31
ioriaKostas79, why not ?13:31
teuthow to do that13:31
teutI ve already checked view>full screen13:31
teutbut the outer windows expanded not the inner one13:31
EriC^^teut: you can fix the resolution later no worries, install it first :D13:31
teutwhat should I do13:32
Kostas79ioria: for some reason I cannot get it to connect. Always had this problem with Linux machines.13:32
teutHow can I duel boot?13:32
teutthat might be better13:32
teutbut I dont want to buy a cd13:32
teutor pen drive13:32
EriC^^teut: first things first, smart test the hdd, checksum the iso13:33
ioriaKostas79, you can click on the network icon , open the settings and set it up13:33
teutEriC^^ ok13:33
ioriaKostas79, but, how did you make the media installer ?13:33
teutwhat does it means to checksum the iso?13:33
teutI m opening it with winrar13:33
teutso no new drive like icon created under this pc13:34
EriC^^teut: it means to verify its integrity, read the link13:34
EriC^^!md5sum | teut13:34
ubottuteut: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:34
teutand which partition should I diskcheck?13:34
teutdischeck is seperate for drives isnt it?13:34
tomreynhttps://ubuntu.com/tutorials/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu#1-overview  https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#1-overview13:35
EriC^^teut: smart test the hdd related to "D"13:35
Kostas79ioria: It was prepared for me by the HelpDesk of my employer.13:35
ioriaKostas79, in this case the md5checksum is not useful13:35
ioriaKostas79, looks like that machine requires a special procedure13:36
Kostas79ioria: who could help with that?13:36
ioriaKostas79, if you would have read the first link i posted you  .... also confirmed here : https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/582666/no-access-to-internal-ssd-when-outside-win10-on-an-acer-swift-5-sf514-54t13:37
ioriaKostas79,   ' Did you put isos on GPT partition FAT32 format USBs for UEFI bootstrap or Legacy BIOS using Rufus?'13:38
Kostas79ioria: I did not prepare the USB stick so I have no idea what was done13:39
ioriaKostas79,   i post again ; check '1. Create a Bootable Disk' :      https://www.infofuge.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-acer-swift-5-from-usb/13:40
teutno errors in d13:40
Kostas79ioria: So, you advise me to return the USB stick and ask them to prepare it again according to the instructions in   https://www.infofuge.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-acer-swift-5-from-usb/ ?13:41
ioriaKostas79,   yes (if you cannot do yourself)13:41
Kostas79ioria: I could not because I do not have administrator rights in my desktop computer (previous ubuntu laptop fan died, and replacement won't come before the end of next month). I will try now using the new Win10 laptop though.13:42
ioriaKostas79,   i don't remember if Rufus wants special rights, but probably yes13:44
Kostas79ioria: I cannot install anything in my desktop13:45
ioriaKostas79, then you need your pc13:46
teutmd5sum can t see this in the list of cygwin that is suggested for win13:46
Kostas79ioria: I still have rufus and the iso file, so let me try making a new bootable usb. Can I just do it over the one that doesn't work?13:48
ioriaKostas79, better to use another one (so help desk  won't go mad)13:49
teutwhat to do now plz tell13:50
Kostas79ioria: Well, it's Sunday and it's the only 16GB stick I have. So unless there are no technical reasons for not doing so...13:50
ioriaKostas79, the reason is that it will be erased :þ13:51
Kostas79ioria: Is that a problem?13:52
ioriaKostas79, not for me13:52
Kostas79ioria: Then off it goes!13:52
ioriaKostas79,  ok, you also have a picture of the settings https://us.v-cdn.net/6029997/uploads/editor/iu/xgpf1ig491zy.jpg13:53
teutplz help me I need to finish with the setup today.13:55
synthoidmorning folks... total n00b question here but after looking at some articles I'm still confused as to what colons are for in file paths14:43
tomreynsynthoid: can you provide an example?14:51
tomreynsome context?14:51
synthoidtomreyn: sure14:56
tomreynthat's good to know.14:57
synthoidI'm trying to setup a docker based plex media server and am following an article that specifies this code to be placed in the docker compose file: https://pastebin.com/raw/3WqFfEGf14:57
tomreynyou have a docker question, ask on a docker channel14:57
synthoidand I need to update the paths to where my media is stored, but i'm confused as to what the : are for14:57
synthoidI didn't realize it was docker specific.  My apologies.14:58
tomreynno worries, it's laso used elsewhere, but yes, it's docker specific14:58
Seven_Six_TwoI'm having trouble with rsync. Doing 'rsync -av --exclude lost+found ./data1/ /media/user/data/data1' shows a total size with speedup, and no errors. Doing 'rsync -av --exclude lost+found --dry-run --delete ./data1/ /media/user/data/data1' on the other hand, shows 'deleting data1/foldername1', 'deleting data1/foldername2' etc. These folders do in fact exist in ./data1 so I'm not sure why rsync is saying they would be deleted.15:03
ThermiHello, is there a good way to install all packages as they were available at a certain time?15:07
oerheksThermi, no. you would need an archive and mirror already, and use pinning.15:09
Thermioerheks: That's sad, but thank you.15:09
Thermioerheks: Even if that time was max 1 hour ago?15:09
ThermiI want/need to optimize a CI test chain and prebuild dependencies first and "pin" the packages in place so libs that are upgradable during the test run don't impact tests run after that point in time15:10
Thermi(to make sure no linking issues occur due to incompatible library versions)15:10
tomreynif you recorded the package installation / configuration state at that given time, and the packages are still available from your configured mirrors, you could restore the previous state - but not otherwise.15:10
ThermiWell, that's easy, if it can be scripted.15:11
ThermiThe question is though: Is there a good way to script it?15:11
oerheksindeed, there is no feature to do so15:11
ThermiI wonder if anybody took care of that already15:11
oerheksnope, pinning is the only way to make sure nothing changes.15:12
Thermino way to install a different package version than the newest from a mirror, even if that file is still on the mirror?15:12
tomreyndebian offer archive snapshots for similar use cases https://snapshot.debian.org/ but i don't think ubuntu does15:12
Chuckfugot an easy question for a real Geek, not like me  trying to use an IP of 192.1668.1.39 what is the subnet CIDR ???15:13
ThermiChuckfu: 1668 isn't - yeah15:13
Thermitomreyn: oerheks: tank you, I'll look around further15:14
Paddy_NIIs there a command for checking how long your currently installed version of Ubuntu will get updates/support for?15:14
oerheks!info timeshift15:14
Chuckfuthe install routine for server says subnet xx.xx.xx.xx/xx15:14
ubottutimeshift (source: timeshift): System restore utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 19.01+ds-2 (eoan), package size 620 kB, installed size 3088 kB15:14
tomreynPaddy_NI: ubuntu-support-status15:15
oerhekscheck support status15:15
oerheksubuntu-support-status --help15:15
Paddy_NItomreyn, oerheks that's awesome thank you very much :-)15:15
Chuckfuwhat would the subnet for be for 18.04 server15:18
ThermiChuckfu: https://www.calculator.net/ip-subnet-calculator.html15:19
tomreynPaddy_NI: or, to just list the reamining days until EOL for the current release:  ubuntu-distro-info -yeol --series $(lsb_release -sc)15:19
ToAruShiroiNekoExecuting the find chmod commands are not working15:22
ToAruShiroiNekosudo find /var/www/html/roundcube/ -type d -exec chmod 750 {} ;15:22
ToAruShiroiNekothey probably have a syntax issue?15:22
ChuckfuYes have tried that, when I put the subnet as and the ip it say the ip is not contained in
ToAruShiroiNekoI get find: missing argument to `-exec'15:27
oerheksChuckfu, answered <Thermi>
Chuckfuhas anyone installed the server version and run into this problem15:31
ToAruShiroiNekoI do not know why but I cannot get roundcube to run15:32
oerheksChuckfu, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too15:34
Chuckfuok thanks\15:34
ioriaChuckfu, https://landoflinux.com/images/ubuntu_server_1804_06.png15:34
Captain_ProtonAnyone running ubuntu on a AMD Ryzen 7 if so did you have any problems with drivers or any other problems15:58
tomreynCaptain_Proton: this isn't a polling station - is there a problem you're experiencing with your ubuntu installation you're looking for help with?16:00
tomreynthere's also #ubuntu-discuss and ##linux if you're just looking for other peoples' experiences16:00
Captain_ProtonI have not bought it yet I want to see if anyone had a problem with it, since AMD does not have the best driver support in linux16:01
Captain_ProtonAlso if there have been problems support would be the first to know16:03
oerhekswhat have you found sofar?16:18
oerheksjust make sure you have the latest bios installed, i guess, looking at posts16:19
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p0aHello I installed cmake and then I installed cmake from source and replaced the bin with the source one16:33
p0abut now it doesnt work16:33
p0awhat can I do to fix the things I've done?16:33
oerhekswe just wait as you seem to fix all things yourself, p0a..16:34
p0ause the hammer, right?16:35
coz_p0a, did you try a sudo make uninstall in the source directory for cmake?16:36
p0acoz_: thanks, but I replaced the apt binary with the make binary16:36
p0abtw apt did not remove the replaced apt binary so I'm confused16:37
p0awhen I uninstalled from dpkg16:37
p0agod I hate packages16:37
coz_p0a, oh, I have been there16:37
coz_p0a, My fall back to situations like this is a reinstall, but that doen't always sit well all the time ")16:38
p0acoz_: my fallback is to every 6 months reinstall the OS16:39
p0aand backup my files which adds another home/ layer under my home/16:39
coz_p0a, ah excellent, beat approach ")16:39
coz_best approach rather16:39
p0aOkay, I want to install xournalpp but apt refuses, says to use snap16:41
p0aI tried using snap but it refused and told me to use an insecure option16:42
p0aoh wait, snap is closed source?16:45
p0awhat in the ..?16:45
oerheksno, gpl2 https://snapcraft.io/xournalpp16:47
wozyi was trying to install nod32 on my ubuntu 6416:48
wozybut i runned this: sudo apt install libgtk2.0-0:i38616:48
wozynow chrome breaks16:48
wozyi dont know why16:48
wozyis there any way to restore the 64 bits version of that dependency?16:48
wozyi already tried to uninstall chrome16:49
wozyand install it back again16:49
wozythe problem remains16:49
oerheksseems to be a known issue, no fix, https://piunikaweb.com/2019/12/24/google-chrome-79-crashing-nod32-linux-eset/ and more sites16:51
p0ajust use firefox16:53
wozyit is because of the nod32?16:53
wozyi need chrome tho16:53
wozyi use them both16:54
wozyfor diferent things16:54
wozyis there a fix?16:54
wozyapart from uninstalling nod?16:54
p0aWhat do you use chrome for?16:54
p0afirefox can emuate chrome if you're doing webdev16:54
wozyi use chrome for general navigation16:55
wozyand firefox to work16:55
p0atime to use firefox for general navigation16:55
wozyi would delete nod32 before i start using firefox for general navigation xD16:57
wozymy chrome is version 8016:58
wozyVersion 80.0.3987.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)16:58
wozywhat AV do you use?17:02
wozyi used to use nod32 when i was on windows17:02
p0aI didnt' even realize nod32 refers to an antivirus, thought it was some javascript package17:04
oerheksnod32 is maybe good for windows files, calamav and rkhunter are the linux tools17:05
lunap0a: its ESET Nod32 AV17:05
oerheks!info clamav17:05
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.102.2+dfsg-0ubuntu0.19.10.1 (eoan), package size 122 kB, installed size 762 kB17:05
oerheks!info rkhunter17:05
ubotturkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.6-7 (eoan), package size 207 kB, installed size 1081 kB17:05
oerheksso, file a bugreport to Avast nod32?17:06
oerheks( not on launchpad)17:07
oerheksbtw avast is pretty lame .. https://twitter.com/taviso/status/123710581541412454917:11
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coconutDoes ubuntu prevent executing files from another partition than system partition?17:31
oerhekscoconut, yes, if it is not owned by the application group or root.17:33
ioriamount options have to allow the execute permission bit17:35
oerheksgood spot ioria17:39
coconuti see, thank you17:49
Kostas79Can anyone help with installing Ubuntu 18.04.4 on an Acer Swift 5 (SF514-54T). I have tried pretty much everything listed online and still cannot get it to recognize the SSD drive to do the installation. Details of my problem here: https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/591400/cant-install-ubuntu-18-04-on-swift-5-201917:51
Aa155Hey. How do you setup RAID5 during install on the 18.04 "Live" server installer? See: https://imgur.com/a/VIaDhVD . It only creates a bios_grub on one disk. I also tried "mini.iso" and I made the EFI partition, raid5 them, and then it failed to boot. Thanks!17:51
Aa155Btw RAID10 worked perfect with Mini.iso, but with Raid5 it's been a struggle.17:52
Aa155Do I just make a 1M partition to each drive and then "dd" /dev/sda1 (Partition 1) over? That could work... I think..17:53
coconutIs partitioning any different on ssd's than it was on hdd's years ago? (max amount of primary partitions).18:02
oerheksno, mbr is still 4 primairy.18:03
oerheksnew GPT does not have this limit.18:03
coconutgreat, thank you oerheks!18:25
oerhekshave fun!18:26
XanReventHey all, I'm having trouble figuring out how to pass a sx command via console port. I'm trying to send a firmware file to an HP switch that is out of support.18:29
XanReventI'm also new to IRC and haven't asked for help before, so I'm not sure how to proceed.18:30
oerheksXanRevent, you asked, just wait and see, if someone can help you18:31
oerheksi see there is http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/hp-firmware.1.html18:32
XanReventoerheks that seems to be for products that are not beyond end of life to have it automagically download the firmware to the device. I'm going to give it a shot and will report back.18:35
oerheksXanRevent, another read, i hope you succeed .. https://nsrc.org/workshops/2011/nsrc-ng-forum/raw-attachment/wiki/Agenda/hp-reflash.pdf18:38
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heaveny_primeHello everyone, this is where I can ask about my Ubuntu issues, right?19:15
kostkonheaveny_prime, yep19:15
heaveny_primeAlright. I tried to install a new DE, LXQT because GNOME eats too much RAM. Running Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS19:16
heaveny_primeDownloaded and installed it alongside sddm. Then installed openbox too because lxqt asked for a window manager. The result is a black screen with my desktop files and nothing else, no start button or taskbar, plus black background. I can open terminal, and yeah.19:17
heaveny_primeWhat should I do to make LXQT look normal? That is, have the start button, and the taskbar at least19:18
TJ-heaveny_prime: you'd have been better to install the Lubuntu desktop - although not sure if it had switched to QT for 18.0419:20
heaveny_primeI tried to install it, but gave me some weird notice and didn't even download it19:20
TJ-heaveny_prime: from any *buntu install you'd just do "sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop"19:23
oerheksi have this written down;  sudo apt install xorg lxqt pcmanfm-qt lxqt-admin lxqt-common lxqt-config lxqt-globalkeys lxqt-notificationd lxqt-panel lxqt-policykit lxqt-powermanagement lxqt-qtplugin lxqt-runner lxqt-session lxqt-sudo   ## sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager  and choose lxgt19:23
TJ-heaveny_prime: with all the *buntu flavours you can co-install the alternate desktops this way19:23
Aa155hmm.. RAID5 install question... If I make a RAID5 installation, the installer automatically makes a 1M partition for EFI boot.. on the first drive.19:25
TJ-Aa155: why RAID-5 -- it's almost never a good idea19:26
Aa155But, if I add the rest of the partitions... and just make 1M on other drives and copy the layout... it won't match the layout19:26
heaveny_primeAha. Alright, thanks for that tip and the commands oerheks. One more thing, after I installed LXQT and sddm my screenlock seemingly got disabled or broken, after 5 mins nothing happens.19:26
Aa155@TJ-, I need maximum storage out of 4 disks... it's okay.. nothing valuable on it19:26
TJ-Aa155: maximum storage? stripe them then :)19:26
Aa155haha, yea that's a bit more crazy19:27
Aa155this is what the layout looks like: https://i.imgur.com/nk7Jrez.png19:27
TJ-Aa155: thing is with RAID-5 on 4 disks if one fails you're at the mercy of no others failing whilst the rebuild occurs and that puts stress on ALL the other disks AND takes a long time19:27
Aa155ofc I haven't done disk4 yet, but you can see the issue. Disk1 has the automatically added partition. then I tried to mimic it.. but without luck. (I wanted to just use "dd" to copy this boot partition.)19:27
Aa155yea I know... its a trade-off I have to make19:28
Aa155can't find a bigger server that wouldn't cost a fortune19:28
Aa155so anyway, the thing is, why does the installer do this?19:28
Aa155its basically making ONE boot partition, so even if I had RAID10, I could lose boot19:28
oerheksthat may be due to lxqt-session?19:28
oerheksnot sure what packages you have, or don't19:29
Aa155hmmm... maybe the default automatic 1M partition is not 1M ? hmmm19:29
TJ-Aa155: if you want EFI-SP then I'd eith put that on a single disk and use equal sized partitions for the RAID-5, or partition each disk with p1 (256MB) p2 (the rest) and use mdadm to make all the p1s part of a RAID-1 mirror and all the p2s part of the RAID-519:29
Aa155yea I'm trying that but this "Live installation" ... see image, it adds this 1M ESP partition by itself19:30
Aa155I can't control it19:30
Aa155oh its 512M... can't read19:30
Aa155so I plan on letting it make this 512M partition... and I just mimic layout, and then I dd it all over every disk... so... HOPEFULLY I should have an intact EFI on each drive19:30
Aa155that should work.. right? Oo19:31
TJ-if you make all the p1s part of a RAID-1 mirror yes. Might need to do manual intervention to do that though19:33
heaveny_primeoerheks I'm not sure, I downloaded lxqt, sddm, openbow and bspwm. I'm not using bspwm because it doesn't work. Either way, the missing screenlock thing happens in GNOME too, that's my problem19:44
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AlonsoQuijanoMay someone please recommend an usb webcam that works well with ubuntu? Thnx19:54
TJ-AlonsoQuijano: any camera that is UVC (USB Video Class) will work fine19:57
AlonsoQuijano@T3 Thanks20:00
AlonsoQuijano@TJ (sorry) Thanks20:01
johnmsith92Hello everyone! I just moved my pc from my work office to my home. Everything works fine until I login to my account, then the screen goes black and the monitor turns off. I guess this is because I am using a monitor which is not the same as my office's one. Any idea of how I can fix this? I am running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I have a NVIDIA Geforce20:17
jeremy31johnmsith92: you might need grub option nomodeset20:20
johnmsith92jeremy31: Gonna try to get into grub then, although I don't see any grub screen when booting up the system20:22
jeremy31johnmsith92: might need to tap ESC or shift key to get the grub menu to show up, then press e and add nomodeset next to quiet splash20:23
johnmsith92alright! got grub to appear pressing esc, GNU GRUB version 2.0220:25
johnmsith92jeremy31: But pressing e says that the command could not be found20:25
ioriajohnmsith92, nope, that's the grub shell20:27
ioriajohnmsith92, do you have a prompt ?20:28
johnmsith92in the grub shell? yes20:28
ioriajohnmsith92, that's not what jeremy31 was talking about20:28
ioriajohnmsith92, this : https://www.dell.com/support/article/it-it/sln306327/manual-nomodeset-kernel-boot-line-option-for-linux-booting?lang=en20:29
johnmsith92ioria: so, I dont see that dialog on my system20:29
ioriajohnmsith92, what you tapped ? esc or shift20:30
johnmsith92maybe related to the use of full disk encryption?20:30
ioriajohnmsith92, try with left shift20:30
jeremy31pressing c at the grub menu will put you at a grub prompt20:30
ioriajohnmsith92, or that ^20:31
ioriabut he pressed 'e'20:31
jeremy31Might be grub being weird20:32
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ioriai guess is msdos/efi tricks20:32
johnmsith92okay! pressing left shift made grub appear and i added nomodeset20:32
johnmsith92gonna try logging in now20:33
iorianow nvidia is disabled20:33
johnmsith92now it does indeed show the desktop! what should I do next?20:34
johnmsith92(in order to get nvidia working again)20:34
iorialocate xorg.conf created by nvidia-settings , i guess20:34
ioriajohnmsith92, sudo updatedb && locate xorg.conf20:34
johnmsith92there's the folder /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d20:36
johnmsith92inside that several files and then 10-nvidia.conf20:36
iorianot that20:36
johnmsith92is that the one I have to edit?20:36
ioriaoh, yes, please pastebin them20:37
ioriajohnmsith92, locate xorg.conf | nc termbin.com 999920:37
johnmsith92ioria: https://pastebin.com/F6GvzvZg20:39
ioriajohnmsith92, locate xorg.conf | nc termbin.com 999920:39
johnmsith92hold on, need to set internet access then20:40
ioriajohnmsith92, i think you need to reset your old nvidia/monitor configuration20:41
johnmsith92I think that too, but I dont know how to though20:43
ioriajohnmsith92, ok, try to backup this file : /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-nvidia.conf20:44
NerdyAnarchistI just started using w3m again after a long break, and for some reason it's not showing images (w3m-img is installed, and the image preview in ranger still works) running the version that comes with Bionic20:44
johnmsith92ioria: backup made!20:45
ioriajohnmsith92,  check for this : locate monitors.xml20:45
johnmsith92got empty output20:46
johnmsith92ioria: can't find the file monitors.xml20:48
ioriajohnmsith92,  i got it20:48
johnmsith92(sorry, I thought you didnt get the notification because I missed to mention you)20:49
ioriajohnmsith92,  are you sure you just changed your monitor and nothing else ?20:49
johnmsith92ioria: yes, right now I have only plugged the power cord, the monitor, the ethernet cable, and the keyboard and mouse20:50
NerdyAnarchistIgnore my request - I had apparently turned off the setting in the options menu last time I ran w3m.20:52
ioriajohnmsith92,  reboot (but if it fails, you need again nomodeset)20:52
johnmsith92sorry, wrong chat20:56
johnmsith92ioria: it does work now indeed lol20:56
ioriajohnmsith92, what does not work ?20:57
ioriaoh, sorry20:57
johnmsith92i mean, it works now! the monitor did not turn off20:57
johnmsith92weird... isnt it? i mean, we did not change anything20:58
ioriajohnmsith92, ok, go in nvidia-settings and check if it's all ok20:58
ioriajohnmsith92, no, we did20:58
johnmsith92i think it's okay? what should it say?20:59
ioriajohnmsith92, sy, have to go; bye21:00
johnmsith92ioria: thanks for your help!21:00
johnmsith92jeremy31 : thanks too jeremy!21:00
oerheksanother happy customer :-D21:02
jeremy31I already forgot what I did21:02
heaveny_primeHello again, I'd like to ask, what can I do to restore GNOME screenlock? I call it so because after installing sddm and lxqt it seems the fade-to-darkness and the screenlocking itself disappeared, or the settings got nuked21:06
rfmIs the entry for the root file system in /etc/fstab actually used for anything?  The root=UUID-blah entry on the linux seems to identify it.  I ask because I am thinking of keeping an rsync backup of the boot drive for quick recovery without RAIDing the boot drive.21:31
lordcirth_rfm, generally the kernel mounts / read-only, then /etc/fstab triggers it to be remounted read-write and possibly with other options21:32
rfmlordcirth_, sounds like I should exclude /etc/fstab from the rsync and make sure the entry on the backup drive points to the backup drive.21:37
lordcirth_That might work21:38
zeedeehaving an issue with tar but only seems to be a problem when in a script. see here https://pastebin.com/uxktk0Yt21:39
lordcirth_zeedee, where's the '' coming from?21:42
EriC^zeedee: was the script written in windows?21:43
EriC^cause windows uses a carriage return + line feed not just a line feed like ubuntu21:43
zeedeelordcirth_: i dont know how to answer that, running it from my home folder?21:45
zeedeeEriC^: no, just on this os21:45
lordcirth_"tar cvf 949106654.tar foo.txt ''" - is there a '' in the script?21:46
EriC^zeedee: pastebin the output of 'hexdump -C /path/to/script"21:46
zeedeelordcirth_: https://pastebin.com/6GFYjkQS21:46
smorriszeedee, I think he means did you originally write this on a Windows box. Like in Notepad++ or something...21:46
zeedeesmorris: i got that and no. nano21:47
lordcirth_tar cvf "$now.tar" "$1" "$2"21:47
=== smorris is now known as Mordoc
lordcirth_Looks like $2 might be empty?21:47
Mordoczeedee, Ah sorry...21:47
zeedeelordcirth_: intent was more thatn one file, still learning...obv21:48
zeedeeMordoc: no worries. im not bright21:48
lordcirth_zeedee, If you want it to pass all remaining args to tar, you can use $@21:48
tomreyn$@ is what you want there21:49
Mordoczeedee, Ack, no worries. Looks like the gang is asking the right questions21:49
zeedeestill want hexdump?21:49
EriC^also might as well do "${now}.tar"21:49
zeedeemay i ask why use that? or rtfm?21:50
zeedeetar cvf "${now.tar}" "$@"    ?21:50
lordcirth_zeedee, By using "$2", and passing less than 2 args, $2 was empty, so tar got "" as an argument21:50
EriC^no you want the variable to have the {} aroun dit21:51
heaveny_primeHello, I tried to install lxqt-common which broke lxqt fully, and after removing it, turns out it think the dependencies for lxqt come from lxqt-common I believe. What can I do about it?21:51
EriC^zeedee: it's good practice, and sometimes needed, just more precise, plus later you could use ${var} with other features like substitutions and whatnot21:52
bpromptheaveny_prime:  reinstall lxqt-common =)21:53
zeedeeand the varialbe is $now so ${now} is better?21:53
bpromptheaveny_prime:  I'm guessing it may be due to some versioning issue, maybe you installed the wrong version of it, but lxqt uses lxqt-common21:53
heaveny_primeer... I don't know. I installed lxqt-common which removed multiple other lxqt packages, and trying to install them lead to saying broken packages because of lxqt-common21:54
heaveny_primein that case, what should I get really? lubuntu-desktop directly?21:54
EriC^zeedee: yeah, for instance, ${now}something can be used, $nowsomething wont21:54
zeedeethank you peeps, using $@ solved the error output21:55
zeedeeEriC^: makes sense21:55
EriC^it's more obvious, and stuff, also look in "man bash" at "parameter expansion" section, it has a ton of useful stuff that can be used with {}21:55
zeedeei have another question about gpg. ok to ask here or should i go to their chat?21:56
zeedee"parameter expansion" thank you21:56
EriC^sure fire away, somebody might know21:56
bpromptheaveny_prime:  hmmm what are you trying to do per se?  I mean, I run kubuntu, and it comes with kde as well QT, lxQT as you can is, is QT based21:58
zeedeeso again, new.... i have to type gpg -o foo.txt -d foo.txt.gpg otherwise output is printed to the screen21:59
zeedeeseems -for-your-eyes-only-option is set22:00
zeedeei just want to gpg -d foo.txt.gpg and get foo.txt22:00
zeedeeafter typing passphrase22:01
tomreynzeedee: that's not how gpg works, though. so unless you can get used to how it works your only other options are to write a wrapper script (and maybe alias it, but i wouldn't recommend this) or to change its source code and rebuild it.22:05
zeedeetomreyn: good to kknow, i wonder if i had bad expectation22:05
tomreynyou're welcome.22:07
zeedeewhew that was easy one. thanks again people. adios22:08
westorQ: how to check if my linux supports ipv6 now?22:23
guntbertwestor: it does - have a look at the output of     ip ad22:23
westori got this https://pastebin.com/BMrxN1hm22:25
westorinet6 ::1/128 scope host22:26
westorthat one means it is enabled yes?22:26
oerheksvery good observation22:27
kenperkinsok so I'm trying to digest the best way to configure a persistent mount to a synology drive; same user on both sides22:37
sebastianbaezHi. Hope someone can shed some light on a laptop issue I'm having:  Dell Latitude E6410.  I installed Ubuntu 18.04 on it but not booting after installation is finished.  I have tried ATA, AHCI and RaidOn.  Also tried MBR and UEFI.  All with same results. The Live USB boots into graphical mode just fine.22:39
EriC^sebastianbaez: what happens when you try booting it?22:42
sebastianbaez@EriC^ blank screen and never makes it to the login screen22:43
sebastianbaezEriC^, I even thought it was a GPT versus MBR issue and used GParted to create a new MBR partition table.22:43
EriC^ok so you do get an ubuntu loading screen or grub, right?22:43
sebastianbaezEriC^, not even grub22:44
sebastianbaezsorry forgot that bit22:44
EriC^did you try holding shift?22:44
sebastianbaezEriC^, it's a very old version of UEFI.  It had Windows 10 running fine on it before I tried to install Ubuntu.22:45
sebastianbaezEriC^, even at that, I installed Windows 10 in MBR mode22:45
EriC^aha, so shift no dice on grub?22:45
sebastianbaezEriC^, I just tried Shift.  The HD light is not even blinking.22:46
EriC^currently what mode is it installed in? uefi or mbr?22:47
sebastianbaezEriC^, MBR mode but something weird just happened: I pressed F12 during boot, picked the 'ubuntu' option under UEFI, then picked the local HD option under legacy and it booted to the login screen.  :scratching_my_head:22:48
EriC^yeah, that makes sense22:49
EriC^sebastianbaez: press f2, put the local hd first in the boot order, and set it to boot using csm legacy or uefi disabled22:49
sebastianbaezEriC^, So even though I disabled UEFI in BIOS, booted off the Live USB and installed in what I thought was MBR mode, Ubuntu somehow force installed in UEFI mode?22:51
EriC^sebastianbaez: i thought you said you had to choose local hd under legacy to boot?22:52
EriC^you don't get that option in the boot menu initially? you have to choose ubuntu uefi to get it?22:52
EriC^sebastianbaez: if it booted already, try typing 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' see if any dirs are found or it says no such dir22:54
sebastianbaezEriC^, I saw that somewhere in a search result but didn't make sense.  I just tried it and it worked but.  Basically, pressed F12 key to show BIOS boot options, scrolled down to 'ubuntu' under the UEFI label, then another BIOS menu came up asking where to boot from and by chance I picked local hd under the Legacy label.  voila!  Login screen.  but it's a manual process.  it doesn't do it on its own22:54
EriC^sebastianbaez: i see22:55
sebastianbaezSo bizarre.  I'm going to check with that ls command.22:56
sebastianbaezEriC^, nope, only dirs are acpi, dmi and memmap...22:57
EriC^sebastianbaez: ok, so you're currently booted in legacy mode22:59
EriC^sebastianbaez: do you have internet connection on the pc? just to do a sanity check on the partition table22:59
sebastianbaezEriC^, sanity check?22:59
EriC^to see if it's all good22:59
sebastianbaezEriC^, I just connected to WiFi23:00
EriC^sebastianbaez: ok, type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" that should pastebin the partition table23:00
EriC^copy the link it gives you here23:00
sebastianbaezEriC^, https://termbin.com/5a1q23:01
EriC^sebastianbaez: looks good23:01
sebastianbaezEriC^, yep msdos partition table23:02
EriC^sebastianbaez: ok, so try to boot back into the bios using F2 when the pc boots, what's the boot options look like23:02
sebastianbaezEriC^, I get 2 options:  Legacy:  Internal HDD  UEFI: ubuntu23:03
EriC^sebastianbaez: can you prioritize one over the other?23:03
EriC^is there a main option for the boot method, uefi,csm legacy, etc?23:04
EriC^can you delete the uefi ubuntu entry?23:04
sebastianbaezEriC^, by itself it won't boot into anything.  I have to first pick ubuntu then internal hdd on the next screen.  only option to disable UEFI is to pick legacy but either option won't  boot automatically23:04
sebastianbaezEriC^, hmm good thought. i'm going to try that.23:05
sebastianbaezEriC^, OMG it was the BIOS messing me up all this time.  LOL  I could kiss you right now...  :D23:07
EriC^no wait, corona! :D23:08
sebastianbaezLOL I know23:08
EriC^anyways congrats and enjoy :D23:08
sebastianbaezEriC^,  thank you thank you thank you for brainstorming with me23:08
EriC^no problem23:08
sebastianbaezau revoir23:09

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