
botchHello :)00:58
ArsapiWhat irc client or chat program you guys use on xubuntu desktop?01:06
CrazyLikeAFoxArsapi: I'm fond of irssi01:12
ArsapiI have always been using "casual" graphical irc clients and currently I'm running Hexchat01:16
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Fernando-Basso[mI have used irssi, weechat, and after years, hexchat. In the last two weeks, I have been giving riot a try and access irc through it.08:50
=== xubuntu75w is now known as Joe-Zinc
Joe-ZincHi! I've come across a couple of issues when using the daily build for derivative creation... The two issues are no auto-mount of media in live mode, and update-initramfs not functioning. Can anyone offer suggestions?13:44
Joe-ZincUnder the circumstance, I will hope the issue resolves itself, otherwise it will be a problem- as rebuilding initramfs is needed to meet rebranding requirements of derivatives. I am just trying to comply. After install the system proper rebuilds it, and everything works fine. I'm only asking so that I can comply with Xubuntu teams requirements.13:57
Joe-ZincLeave a comment @ https://zinclinux.tech.blog/suggestions-welcome/ if you wish to help me out. P.S. presently need to symlink 'python' to the current python to make certain programs such as youtube-dl work. Feel free to check out the blog home page for how I like my Xubuntu, which has led to this project. Thanks in advance. Peace13:57
brainwashJoe-Zinc: I suggest asking in #xubuntu-devel and/or the xubuntu mailing list14:04
Joe-Zinc@ brainwash, thank you very much. Have a good day!14:06
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=== rubenwardy is now known as CTFv2
=== CTFv2 is now known as rubenwardy
Solo14I'm new  in handeling linux18:39
Solo14and i trying to install wine on my terminal18:39
Solo14to play win games on it18:40
Solo14somebody can explain to me how to do this18:41
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:43
Solo14Tahnks I will try this :]18:44
jdwwattsreading microsoft files ?19:32
=== bynarie_ is now known as bynarie

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