
herrrrberttso i took it off, restarted and its borked it looks like00:05
herrrrbertti didnt reclaim the inch of screen i lost00:05
herrrrberttrestarting plasmashell00:07
herrrrbertttons of errors00:07
herrrrberttwhat the fuck00:07
herrrrberttthats what i dont like about a distro, you have to go through all this extra bullshit and setup first00:16
krytarikherrrrbertt: Following the channel guidelines, please try and avoid swearing.00:19
=== Roey is now known as Lizlology
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OneBTSHey anyone--- I'm running kubuntu and getting this error when opening a program- "error while opening shared library libpng12" I've looked at the workarounds on askubuntu and nothing has worked. Any other ideas?03:07
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> no error or clue how to fix the error here..03:12
OneBTSare you on 64 bit?03:14
nagerstwhere can i download qt-virt-manager for ubuntu? I only find the gnome version in repos03:42
nagersti can not seem to be able to build it from source03:44
nagerstalso someone did goof, ksysguard depends on gtk3 somehow.... that can't be right?03:58
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LastBreath32i screwed up my display resolution06:01
LastBreath32and ive been working on this for like 5 hours06:01
LastBreath32trying to fix it06:01
LastBreath32i performed resolution scaling on the display sddm and upon reboot lost some screen length on the bottom and right side of my display06:02
LastBreath32i said to hell with this display and switched to gdm06:02
LastBreath32(much more functional btw)06:02
LastBreath32if anyone has any suggestions on how to recover the black portions of my screen, that would be amazing06:03
LastBreath32i tried undoing the settings i set originally, reinstalling drivers, now im screwing around with xrandr and i dont really know what im doing06:04
silver_hookAt work we have a Google accounts with 2FA and on Kubuntu LTS 18.04 I just realised that I can’t find a way to add a Google account in KMail or KOrganizer anymore. What should I do?06:21
diogenes_LastBreath32, try a new user.06:48
silver_hookOK, I managed to log into the calendar parts with 2FA fine now, so KOrganizer works.06:54
silver_hookBut KMail won’t let me connect to GMail’s IMAP without 2FA, while for some reason Google refuses to accept KMail/Akonadi right now, claiming “Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app. This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.”06:55
silver_hookI’m stuck here now. No idea what to do now, other than change KMail for something else. Which I’d *really* hate doing :(06:55
silver_hookOK, managed to bypass the 2FA wizard by using imap.googlemail.com, so that works now as well. Half-yay07:12
lordievaderGood morning08:14
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with_maskI need some help with intel widi with kubuntu09:47
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> Hi, I am experiencing trouble starting kate, it just freezes while starting10:35
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> (Photo, 872x688) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/KOfLA0c0/file_25398.jpg Which looks like this10:35
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> It does not even matter what I open10:40
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> even an empty document crashes it10:40
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> `The "kate" application does not respond … You have tried to close the "shop.json [Read only] - Kate" window of the "kate" application (process identifier: 21800). However, the application does not respond. … Do you want to close this application? … Warning: Exiting the application will close all windows belonging to the application and unsaved data will be lost`10:41
BluesKajHi folks11:05
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> tother applications start crashing like this now too11:24
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> like the filemanager11:24
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> the workspace switcher freezed now...11:26
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> Gettting these errors in Terminal: … `org.kde.solid.udisks2: Error getting props: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.`11:27
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BluesKajhi sty12:30
stywhere u from12:31
BluesKajdo you have a kubuntu question?12:32
BluesKajthis isn't a social chat, it's kubuntu support12:34
styim new12:34
IrcsomeBot<Mr Paul> Fwd from About Me: I have lost a lot of money in binary options and I almost gave up in trading before I made it out with Mr David I gil, he made me to understand that the simple secret behind this binary option trade is you trading with the right strategy, today I can say I've gained more than I've lost in trading binary options . That's why I will forever be thankful to Mr David I gil  who showed me the light with his strategies12:52
IrcsomeBotthat earns me not less than $4500. I will recommend everyone who wish to trade with him channel link 👇 👇👇 👇👇 👇👇 👇👇 👇👇 👇👇 👇 … @online300 … @online300 … @online300 … https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe_Z9qG1cD-ru-_lw12:52
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IrcsomeBot<Alessandro> @admin this is spam https://t.me/kubuntu_support/15956013:25
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user|94813estoy usando kubuntu 19.10 conectado a un smart tv y el powermizer de nvidia por cualquier cosa que hago sube al maximo siempre, alguna solucion?14:36
oerheksuser|94813, english please14:40
user|94813I am using kubuntu 19.10 connected to a smart tv and the nvidia powermizer for whatever I do always goes up to the maximum, any solution?14:41
user|94813I can't make it go down14:42
user|94813I am using kubuntu 19.10 connected to a smart tv and the nvidia powermizer for whatever I do always goes up to the maximum, any solution?15:05
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IrcsomeBotdlemonis16 was added by: dlemonis1619:17
user|71881Hi, what are the system requeriments for kubuntu 19?19:27
davide_ciao a tutti20:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:11
=== Varys is now known as helium-3
bpromptHay Bartender!!! said the horse at the bar21:19
seorashow are you?21:19
bpromptwell, I didn't win the lottery, but I haven't gotten the corona virus either, so kinda breaking even21:20
seorasoh i understand21:20
seoraswhere are you from?21:20
bpromptearth, 3rd rock from the sun21:20
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