
lotuspsychjegood morning02:15
slingamnwill 20.04 support adiantum for disk encryption?02:54
lotuspsychjelets have a look02:54
lotuspsychjenothing in apt cache on that keyword slingamn 02:55
slingamn19.10 ships the adiantum kmod but it's not hooked up in cryptsetup or whatever library cryptsetup uses02:55
lotuspsychjewhats the exact packagename?02:55
slingamncryptsetup maybe02:56
lotuspsychjeyeah that gives some hits02:56
lotuspsychje!info cryptsetup02:56
ubottucryptsetup (source: cryptsetup): disk encryption support - startup scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.2.2-3ubuntu2 (focal), package size 155 kB, installed size 397 kB02:56
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lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: morning09:42
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: i got a recent bug on workspaces to dock extension, since the extension app joined desktop09:43
lotuspsychjeit just stopped working09:43
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: whats your issue exactly?09:44
w1nd0wl1ck3rso I installed the latest nightly iso and i cannot access the settings for any individual extension. whether I select the "gear" icon from the extension itself or from within gnome tweak09:44
w1nd0wl1ck3ri can click it all day and nothing happens09:44
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: same09:44
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: when i click the settings on workspaces to dock, it opens n empty window and nothign happens09:45
w1nd0wl1ck3rso I'm guessing this is a known bug then09:45
lotuspsychjewith a ! mark next to the gear09:45
w1nd0wl1ck3rI don't even get the empty window09:45
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: wich extension are you testing?09:45
w1nd0wl1ck3rI've tried dash-to-dock which doesn't work at all, I tried open weather09:46
w1nd0wl1ck3rwhich works, but you cannot change the city since you cannot access the settings09:46
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: can you try mine, so we can at least confirm the bug?09:46
lotuspsychjelemme pass you my bug ID holdon09:46
w1nd0wl1ck3ryes i will09:46
lotuspsychjebug #186744509:47
ubottubug 1867445 in gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock (Ubuntu) "Workspaces to dock extension does not launch anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186744509:47
w1nd0wl1ck3rlotuspsychje: I just tried to install the extension and i just get an error on install09:47
lotuspsychjeits in the repos, should install fine?09:48
w1nd0wl1ck3rit installs, but there is an error when trying to use it09:48
w1nd0wl1ck3rjust says "Error loading extension"09:49
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: can you confirm the bug plz?09:49
w1nd0wl1ck3rwhich is the case with pretty much all of the the extensions I have tried to install09:50
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: maybe also add, you also have this with your extensions09:50
w1nd0wl1ck3rlotuspsychje: yes, i certainly will09:50
lotuspsychjetnx mate09:50
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: did you notice if this also started to happen with the new extensions app?09:51
w1nd0wl1ck3rI'm not sure, I just installed 20.04 last night for the first time with the latest nightly09:52
lotuspsychjemine did work before with gnome-tweaks09:52
lotuspsychjeah kk, you cant know then09:52
w1nd0wl1ck3ryeah, sorry 09:54
lotuspsychjedont worry09:54
w1nd0wl1ck3rI was thinking that it was close enough to release to give it a go09:54
w1nd0wl1ck3rbut i guess there are some MAJOR changes in gnome 3.3609:54
lotuspsychjefor testing purposes it is, not for daily use09:54
lotuspsychjeyeah some nice candy inside09:55
w1nd0wl1ck3rright, i understand09:55
w1nd0wl1ck3ragreed. it is MUCH faster09:55
w1nd0wl1ck3rI've been on Arch for a while now and I am looking at moving back to Ubuntu on my laptop. I was hoping that 20.04 was close enough to complete to use it as my daily driver, but I'm sure all of the extensions will take some time to migrate over and be fully functional09:57
w1nd0wl1ck3rArch Plasma, that is09:57
lotuspsychjethink the extensions app is still worked on, we will see at final release how things will be09:58
lotuspsychjelike usual, we expect always more bugs till 20.04.109:59
w1nd0wl1ck3rof course10:00
w1nd0wl1ck3rah well, 19.10 will be great until such a time10:01
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: tnx to confirm10:02
w1nd0wl1ck3rno problem, happy to help10:02
lotuspsychjemaybe i should add the extension app too10:02
lotuspsychjeas it doesnt showup my extension10:03
w1nd0wl1ck3rthe extension app on my system on shows 3 extensions as being installed, gnome tweak shows 810:03
w1nd0wl1ck3r*only shows10:04
lotuspsychjeyeah mine 2, and tweaks also more10:04
lotuspsychje!info extensions10:04
ubottuPackage extensions does not exist in focal10:04
lotuspsychjenot sure what the packagename is10:05
lotuspsychjebrb coffee first10:11
w1nd0wl1ck3rI'm off to get some work done, while I still can. Pretty sure will be my last day at the office for a while10:14
lotuspsychjeyeah its getting worst everywhere10:25
lotuspsychjefound a new bug on recent -desktop daily: bug #186761311:39
ubottubug 1867613 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu dock does not allow drag and move icons anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186761311:39
=== slingamn_ is now known as slingamn
cowpighello friends23:28
cowpigI'm having a problem with iwlwifi on my new dell 7740 (which has an Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 card):23:29
cowpig[ 5422.817623] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: 0x0000025B | CNVR_SCU_SD_REGS_SD_REG_ACTIVE_VDIG_MIRROR[ 5422.817908] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: Collecting data: trigger 2 fired.[ 5423.671862] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: Applying debug destination EXTERNAL_DRAM[ 5423.842860] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: FW already configured (0) - re-configuring[ 5423.859968] iwlwifi23:30
cowpig0000:70:00.0: BIOS contains WGDS but no WRDS[ 5424.219376] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: Microcode SW error detected. Restarting 0x0.[ 5424.219631] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: Start IWL Error Log Dump:[ 5424.219637] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: Status: 0x00000040, count: 6[ 5424.219641] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: Loaded firmware version: 48.4fa0041f.0 cc-a0-48.ucode23:30
cowpigmm apologies for the formatting23:31
cowpigimportant bits I think are:23:31
cowpig[ 5424.219376] iwlwifi 0000:70:00.0: Microcode SW error detected. Restarting 0x0.23:31
Bashing-om!paste | cowpig 23:31
ubottucowpig: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:31
cowpighttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/swMdKpqvkz/ (thanks Bashing-om)23:32
cowpigthe error seems to repeat23:33
cowpigresulting in a ping history that looks like this:23:33
oerheksMicrocode SW error detected. + Loaded firmware version: 48.4fa0041f.0 cc-a0-48.ucode ..23:33
cowpigI tried installing `backport-iwlwifi-dkms` per someone on here's suggestion yesterday, but didn't change anything23:36
cowpigit* didn't change anything -- problem persists23:36
Bashing-omcowpig: Those are new ones on me - Do not know what to advise :(23:38

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