[00:03] robert_ancell_ where do the interface names come from in system settings -> apps? Some have full text descriptions, others like audio-playback and kvm do not. [00:03] (good morning) [00:17] popey, they are in panels/applications/cc-snap-row.c in gnome-control-center. The descriptions were written by mpt and others in a spreadsheet. Interfaces that are new a likely to be missing descriptions. [00:17] where should a bug be filed? [00:17] because it looks a bit bad having no descriptions [00:17] snapd provides some description text, but it is not translatable and not necessarily appropriate to show in a graphical UI. [00:17] popey, against g-c-c and assign to me. [00:17] kk [00:17] will do in the morning, thanks [00:17] np === _thumper_ is now known as thumper [00:21] kenvandine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store/+bug/1867565 =) [00:21] Ubuntu bug 1867565 in snap-store "latest/stable/ubuntu-20.04 channel not open for snap-store on arm64" [Undecided,New] [00:21] please =) [06:31] good morning desktoppers [06:31] Morning every one [06:33] salut jibel, ça va? [06:35] duflu: ping [06:35] pavlushka, pong [06:35] Morning pavlushka, oSoMoN and jibel [06:36] hey duflu [06:37] duflu: I was unable to reproduce those bugs (seems like was a one time issue), totem is launching ok :( (bad & good news) [06:38] pavlushka, which bug(s)? [06:39] duflu: 1865896 (totem) + 1866550, 1866551, 1866552 [06:40] bonjour oSoMoN, ça va et toi? [06:41] je me prépare pour faire l'école à la maison [06:43] jibel, ça va, on est confinés mais avec un jardin dans une zone tranquille on n’est pas à plaindre [06:43] pavlushka, no problem, thanks. Those will all automatically close in 55 days unless there's any change to them [06:44] oSoMoN, same here, with the difference of the usual rainy weather we cannot really enjoy the garden [06:46] duflu: moin [06:47] * pavlushka seems like he is learning and did something backwards [06:49] Bugs are free. Make as many as you like [06:49] Or report, not make === icey_ is now known as icey [07:23] good morning [07:24] Morning didrocks [07:32] goood morning desktopers [07:32] Hi seb128 [07:32] hey duflu, how are you? had a good w.e? [07:32] salut seb128 [07:32] lut oSoMoN, en forme ? [07:32] seb128, tired and meh. I am half way through 14 days of self-imposed isolation [07:33] seb128, ça va, tout le monde dort encore :) et toi? [07:33] How are you seb128 ? [07:33] duflu, oh, I hope you are doing well still? [07:33] seb128, yeah I feel good, just tired [07:33] duflu, a bit tired, I didn't sleep great this week, I managed to upset my stomach, probably too much food yesterday evening [07:34] but good otherwise [07:34] oSoMoN, pareil ici [07:34] Good food at least, hopefully [07:34] advantage of no school, no need to rush any kid to get ready :p [07:34] hey seb128, duflu & oSoMoN [07:34] duflu, yeah, it was good, which is why I had too much :p [07:34] lut didrocks, en forme ? [07:35] ça va, oui, on a de la chance de pouvoir emmener encore Martin chez la nounou pour l’instant :) [07:35] salut didrocks [07:36] didrocks, veinards :-) [07:41] oui, on a de la chance sur le coup, mais elles peuvent être réquisitionnées pour le personnel de santé [07:42] donc on verra [08:45] Good morning desktoppers! [08:45] good morning popey [08:47] hey popey [08:51] Nice and sunny this morning in southern UK. Lovely time to be alive. Less traffic on the roads, shops full of new and interesting things to buy which aren't my usual stuff. Lovely. :) [08:52] Morning popey [09:03] moin [09:03] Hi Laney [09:07] hey Laney [09:10] hey Laney, how are you? [09:15] hey duflu oSoMoN seb128 [09:16] yeah doing alright, had a nice weekend! [09:17] hope you're ok too [09:27] hey Laney [09:50] Morning desktopers o/ [09:53] Morning Wimpress [09:56] morning Wimpress [09:58] hey Wimpress [09:59] Trevinho, hey, how are you? had a good w.e? did you manage to get the shell stack ready on friday? [10:02] remember that we should upload the new Yaru in sync [10:07] seb128: Yes, very well. [10:07] Bought beer and wine stock this weekend ;-) [10:09] moin didrocks Wimpress [10:20] good morning all 0/ [10:21] just passed by to see if you're all ok with this crazy moment [10:21] hey clobrano [10:23] Laney :] [10:23] I'm probably on the fortunate end of the spectrum, relatively speaking, given that I worked from home already so no difficult changes for me so far [10:23] how's it going for you? [10:29] hey clobrano, hoping all is well for you [10:31] hey didrocks, kind of. I am safe at home since about a week, but yesterday I lost a friend for this shit [10:31] clobrano: sorry to hear that [10:33] yeah, it sucks [10:33] everybody is discovering remote working now in Italy, which is a good thing anyway [10:39] indeed [10:46] Laney: do we need to do anything special for systemd user unit activation in postinst or so? I see some have symlinks in in .wants directory under /usr/lib/systemd/user/ but others, don’t seem to have it (tried our timers for instance) [10:49] It's supposed to work, I think dh_installsystemduser does that? [10:50] * didrocks builds with DH_VERBOSE [10:52] good idea [10:52] Some of that changed in recent compat levels too, so make sure you're using 12 if you aren't already [10:52] you probably are though :> [10:52] ah [10:52] it’s still on 11 [10:52] ok, let’s change this [10:53] oho [10:53] could be relevant yet, because 12 has [10:53] - dh_installsystemduser is now included in the dh standard sequence by default. [10:53] ack, confirming it wasn’t running [10:53] on package build [10:53] let me bump that [10:55] ok dh_installsystemduser is now running [10:56] Created symlink /etc/systemd/user/timers.target.wants/zsys-user-savestate.timer → /usr/lib/systemd/user/zsys-user-savestate.timer. [10:57] Thanks Laney! [10:57] w00t [11:16] Hello clobrano o/ [11:17] clobrano didrocks Is a new Yaru release ready upstream for uploading to Focal? [11:18] hello Wimpress, we need to wait for latest gnome-shell because of some dependencies [11:18] We'll do it as part of 3.36.0 [11:18] * clobrano looking for the discussion [11:18] well, Trevinho will :> [11:19] https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/2058 [11:19] ubuntu issue (Pull request) 2058 in yaru "prepare for release 20.04.3" [Closed] [11:19] yeah we'll got all together, once I can understand this annoying dock infinite-loop [11:19] OK, Understood. Thanks for the info everyone. [11:20] I have all the non Shell part tested and +1 for me [11:34] .... and win :) === alan_g is now known as alan_g_ [12:55] seb128, librsvg can be synced from debian experimental to focal, the ubuntu delta is now in debian (https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/librsvg/-/commit/1ca2d8e51a58e973bcc05ad22ec1599b28d5d2c6) [13:30] oSoMoN: I will do that, thanks [13:30] cheers [13:39] oSoMoN, Laney, thanks [14:24] I took a swing at updating vte and gnome-terminal on friday [14:24] ran into issues and gave up to finish other tasks before the EOW [14:24] so those are back up for grabs [14:32] kenvandine, what sort of issues? [14:34] lots of conflicts [14:35] i worked through them for a bit but ran out of time [14:36] the good news is we got gnome-3-34-1804{.-sdk} published to stable and the gnome-3-34 extension was merged into snapcraft :) [14:54] ricotz, are you looking at the xenial build failures in the firefox-next PPA, or want me to? [14:59] oSoMoN, it is on my list [15:00] ack, thanks [15:05] oSoMoN, btw you pinged about librsvg earlier but you should be able to sync/upload those packages no? [15:06] seb128, maybe… I've never done a package sync myself, what does it take? [15:07] oSoMoN, $ syncpackage if you have ubuntu-dev-tools installed [15:07] might need a -f if there is delta to override or -d experimental [15:08] oSoMoN, feel free to try on tracker [15:08] seb128, thanks, I'll do that [15:08] thx [15:08] (it might not be published/available to sync yet but the tool will tell you if that's the case) [15:09] I checked the upload permissions for librsvg before syncing it [15:09] it is core-dev only [15:10] no regrets then :) [15:38] kenvandine, did you need me to redo https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/snap-store/+git/snap-store/+merge/380672 or can you just add the remote/pull the branch on the non-mirror location? [15:39] kenvandine, also didn't you say you would add the upstream url to the description on https://launchpad.net/snap-store ? [15:40] seb128: i thought you resubmitted that already? [15:41] friday was a blur :) [15:46] seb128: i guess you didn't submit it there. I'll just merge it manually [16:02] good morning desktopers [16:06] good morning hellsworth [16:06] hi ken! [16:08] hey hellsworth [16:09] hi oSoMoN [16:11] hellsworth: i'm up to my elbows in USN refreshes. I'm using it as an opportunity to test the snapcraft release candidate :) [16:11] oh that's great! [16:11] once that's done, sergiusens will do a point release that includes gnome-3-34 [16:11] woo hoo! [16:12] hellsworth: so if you have any snaps that could use a rebuild, test what's in candidate [16:12] awesome. i do [16:13] to test the extension, i am planning on going through this list - https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2794#issuecomment-581606327 - and doing local builds of gnome snaps with gnome-3-34 [16:13] snapcore issue (Pull request) 2794 in snapcraft "Add gnome 3 34 extension" [Closed] [16:14] it's also a new libreoffice release week [16:14] so all the fun :) [16:14] good times === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [17:29] bug 1863239 is blocking USB printing with HPLIP, should we make it an rls bug? [17:29] bug 1863239 in udev (Ubuntu) "/dev/bus/usb/*/* device file of HP multi-function printer assigned to "audio" group" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1863239 [17:30] Bug is probably caused by UDEV rules of some audio package. [17:33] Did you try on a clean system? [17:33] If it doesn't happen there, check the udev rules on your host [17:48] I'm calling it a day, good night all === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson [19:52] when can we expect gnome 3.36 to be in focal fossa? [19:55] Parts are already there, but in the coming few days for the rest (e.g. Shell) [19:57] mutter with the shell? [19:57] or updated one part at a time [19:57] They pretty much go together, yeah [19:58] We're just resolving some incompatibilties with our default Shell extensions, before it can be pushed out [19:59] good, because rn there is really no point in testing gnome and you can't report any issues (upstream) because it's out of date [19:59] Yes thanks, we know what we have to do [20:01] I did upload Shell 3.36 to Debian experimental today if that interests you [20:03] no problem I will just wait for it to drop in ubuntu [20:03] thank you for the hardwork === cnewcome- is now known as cnewcomer