
alkisgHi, I want to upload a new ltsp in debian, which will contain only bug fixes, and then sync to focal; that still doesn't require an FFE, right?08:18
ginggsalkisg: correct08:28
alkisgThank you ginggs08:28
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ailionHow can I get the exact kernel source code running on a server?12:10
ailione.g. # uname -a12:11
ailion         Linux mirrors 4.15.0-91-generic #92-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 28 11:09:48 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:11
dokocpaelzer: do you plan to remove mailman2 in focal?13:09
Odd_Blokeai_lion: That sounds like a question that would be more appropriate in #ubuntu-server. :)13:40
ai_lionOdd_Bloke: maybe...13:41
ai_lionI'm following this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel13:42
Odd_Blokeai_lion: Aha, then perhaps #ubuntu-kernel?13:43
ai_lion"apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)" results in something not kernel source code13:43
cpaelzerdoko: we had no further plans on mailman14:36
cpaelzerwhich translates to keep things as they are synced from debian14:37
cpaelzerdoko: did you want to remove it for the py2 deps or what makes you ask?14:37
GunnarHjHi vorlon, wondering about bug #1171844 (comment #18). You uploaded gfxboot-theme-ubuntu on March 8 and debian-installer was last built on March 10. Is there more into it?17:49
ubottubug 1171844 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity: Tajik Language Support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117184417:49
ahasenackteward: nginx ffe approved17:59
tewardahasenack: ack.  upload in progress.18:02
ahasenackI'll take care of the rest18:02
tewardfek i think i forgot to mark the bug in the changelog18:02
tewardhow good i can cancel :p18:02
tewardahasenack: do you want me to mark it as closing LP #186715018:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867150 in nginx (Ubuntu) "FFe: nginx: demote bin:libnginx-mod-http-geoip" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186715018:03
tewardin the changelog18:03
ahasenackteward: yes please18:03
tewarduploaded.  system accepted it from the upload queue into proposed18:07
ahasenackI'll monitor migration18:07
tewardyep.  needs to build first heh.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/1.17.9-0ubuntu218:07
vorlonGunnarHj: AFAIU the debian-installer rebuild should have picked up the changes from gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, so at this point I don't know why it didn't take effect18:11
GunnarHjvorlon: :( I looked at the d-i build depends, and didn't find gfxboot-theme-ubuntu.18:12
vorlonGunnarHj: d-i is sketch and pulls most of its stuff directly from the archive rather than as build-dependencies18:15
GunnarHjvorlon: Ack.18:16
GunnarHjvorlon: Will you investigate when you have a minute? The installer stuff is way over my head.18:18
vorlonGunnarHj: I'm having a look right now but I'm actually off today18:18
vorlonGunnarHj: ok, found a spot I missed in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, reuploading now; won't land in the images until there's another d-i upload for another reason18:36
GunnarHjvorlon: Thanks! Crossing my fingers, then.18:38

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