[02:15] good morning [08:14] Good moring [11:45] wawrek: apt-cache search spell check can help? [11:48] thank you [11:48] snap find spell also shows a few [12:05] I still have problems setting it up [12:11] You need to install the myspell-XX package, ex: myspell-es or myspell-fr for spanish or french respectivly. [12:12] Then once installed restart libreoffice and go in the language spelling setup part. [12:13] this doesn't seem to work - I don't know how to set it up [12:14] It worked for me, what language do you need? [12:17] There is also an option in Libreoffice "Online dictionnaries" you may have a look. But i have the french version... [12:17] no dictionary available [12:17] any packages to be installed in libre office [12:17] ? [12:20] Shouldn't have to. [12:21] You may try this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/72099/how-to-install-a-libreoffice-language-tools-spelling-check-thesaurus [12:30] thanks. nothing really works. I have the latest aspell, libreoffice-l10n. I can't get it to work === akem_ is now known as akem [19:03] sarnold: For better discussion about audio that doesn't have to do with audio production or music, #lau is a thing (Linux Audio Users). [19:04] That person was trying to bypass all audio servers and use ALSA directly with gaming. That's beyond our scope. [19:10] Eickmeyer[m]: cool, thanks [19:10] Eickmeyer[m]: (I did wonder a bit if his solution was a bit of an x-y problem or not, and figured you guys would know where to send him :) [19:11] I told him that we don't support what he's trying to do, really. [19:12] bummer, sorry to send him your way just for you to be the bearer of bad news [19:27] sarnold: Yeah, it's all good. Just trying ot minimize the people that are sent there because I seem to be the only one in there answering questions and it's burning me out. I put out a call-to-action by the community with no response. [19:28] :( [19:28] Eickmeyer[m]: that's rough :(* [19:28] It is. [19:28] Everybody wants Ubuntu Studio, but nobody wants to help others. [19:28] I don't want Ubuntu Studio. [19:29] akem: Now you're just pushing my buttons. [19:29] The red button only. [19:29] :P [19:29] one push only [19:29] * daftykins hands Eickmeyer[m] the sharpened penguin [19:30] Eickmeyer[m]: Your article is picked up for UWN - maybe a bit of help there. [19:30] We'll see. A spanish-speaking website picked it up and went completely alarmist: "Ubuntu Studio is DYING!!!!11!!!" smdh [19:31] Granted, I made the article a bit click-baity. [19:32] Eickmeyer[m]: Any consolation; we too have been screamming for help for UWN ... meager responses :( [19:52] github buying javascript thingy npm .. https://github.blog/2020-03-16-npm-is-joining-github/ [20:05] UWN622 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue622 :D [20:05] yay [20:33] Wonder if the devs would be receptive to having the IRC clients in dev releases of Ubuntu preset to login into #ubuntu+1 instead of main [20:33] i think it was suggested long ago but isn't worth the work [23:05] and there would be issues with the channels being +r