
_bradkhow do you change the file/app handler in ubuntu (ie. to open telnet://<links> from firefox/chrome in terminal)00:39
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slingamnis it possible to get a daily build of the 20.04 server edition?02:04
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | slingamn02:09
ubottuslingamn: Focal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+102:09
_mnathaniwhy is it so hard to install mcrypt php on an Ubuntu 18.04 system?02:22
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xsk3l3t0rxhello all, new here, does anyone know if there's a separate room for help with raspberry pi/IoT questions?03:05
lotuspsychje!arm | xsk3l3t0rx03:05
ubottuxsk3l3t0rx: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.03:05
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prestocasohey all04:35
prestocasoanyone here have any experience with a optimus setup04:36
prestocasoi recent came into possesion of a t42004:36
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prestocasoand I have questions about best practices in regards to that and tlp04:42
prestocasoIs there something i am not doing to get a response or?04:57
prestocasoIve tried this a couple time and never get any feedback?04:58
_mnathanicovid-19 man04:58
Bashing-omprestocaso: Ask a specific question; await one who has the knowledge to respond :D04:59
xmetalmaybe searching the forums would help05:04
prestocasoSo specifically should I use the bbswitch and bumblebee kernel module to allow discrete switching or just stick with the mate optimus switcher to turn optimus off and on?05:05
Bashing-omprestocaso: Well, BumbleBee is depreciated in favor of nvidi-prime - mate does some hocus pocus with optimus that I am unware of.05:10
prestocasook thats what i have installed then good05:11
prestocasoI know enough to be dangerous, and i felt like everything i was seeing on the bumblebee was from a couple years ago05:12
prestocasoare bumblebee and bbswitch related?05:13
Bashing-omprestocaso: ubuntu is a fast moving target - pays to stay up-2-date.05:14
prestocasothats why i thought id get some feedback 1st05:15
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/05:16
Bashing-omprestocaso: This channel is direct support - "feedback" belongs in the #ununtu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic channels.05:16
prestocasowould they be more inclined to offer thoughts on things of this sort05:18
Bashing-omprestocaso: Yup :D05:19
Bashing-om!who | prestocaso05:19
ubottuprestocaso: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:19
Bashing-om!tab | prestocaso05:20
ubottuprestocaso: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:20
prestocasoBashing-om, i suppose i thought of support because I wanted to get feedback of a authoritative nature05:21
prestocasoBashing-om, but thanks for the assistance and crash course in etiquette05:21
Bashing-omprestocaso: All A process in learning .. we want that you learn and stick around :P05:22
mkquistits What separates us from the animals05:23
goldmund_Hi all06:35
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eliyahuTBRmorning folks. Due to the corona virus, i've been sent home w/ my ubuntu laptop to work from home. At work, I always connext using wireless. At home I plugged in a network cable, but i'm not succesfful in connecting via the cable to the router. Where do I start?08:43
lotuspsychjeeliyahuTBR: check if your network card has its driver loaded: sudo lshw -C network08:44
eliyahuTBR@lotuspsychje https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qtdTzChfk7/08:46
eliyahuTBRof course, if I turn off wireless, I won't be able to use IRC...08:46
lotuspsychjeeliyahuTBR: ok, realtek chipset can be real picky on kernel versions, whats yours please? uname -a ?08:47
eliyahuTBRLinux eliyahus-ubuntu-machine 5.0.0-1040-oem-osp1 #45-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 20 08:06:08 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:48
lotuspsychjeeliyahuTBR: was there a reason in the first place you had to install the oem kernel?08:49
eliyahuTBRthis is how it came out of the box08:49
lotuspsychjeeliyahuTBR: whats your ubuntu version please?08:49
eliyahuTBRplus whatever auto upgrades it has been through08:49
eliyahuTBRLinux eliyahus-ubuntu-machine 5.0.0-1040-oem-osp1 #45-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 20 08:06:08 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:51
eliyahuTBRUbuntu 18.04.4 LTS is what i meant to paste08:51
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-oem-osp1 bionic08:51
ubottulinux-image-oem-osp1 (source: linux-meta-oem-osp1): OEM OSP1 Linux kernel image. In component universe, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 10 kB (Only available for amd64)08:51
lotuspsychjeok seems good, but perhaps you could try the HWE kernel08:52
lotuspsychjeeliyahuTBR: but maybe before we do that, try a: journalctl -f and plug out/back in your eth cable and pastebin the errors to see08:52
lotuspsychjeeliyahuTBR: seems like its going Up right? kernel: r8169 0000:01:00.0 enp1s0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control off08:57
lotuspsychjeeliyahuTBR: maybe its a dhcp issue?08:58
eliyahuTBRok. thats just weird08:58
lotuspsychjeeliyahuTBR: dhcp4 (enp1s0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 1943008:58
eliyahuTBRi wonder if unplugging and replugging it fixed the issue08:58
eliyahuTBRcause now it works08:58
lotuspsychjegood job eliyahuTBR08:58
eliyahuTBRthanks for your assitance08:59
lotuspsychjeno sweat08:59
lotuspsychjehave a nice safe day at home08:59
madm1kefirst day of home office and my setup is almost complete - just my compose key refuses to work with shift characters.. does anyone have an idea?09:04
madm1kealso, gnome display does not list full resolution and starts up with 1600x900 - I have to set it with xrandr/arandr. Wtf?!09:21
seslelewhat pkg does the "connect" command belong to09:22
sesleleahhh lol nvm09:25
w1nd0wl1ck3rhas anyone else had an issue with being able to access the settings for individual extensions in 20.04?09:39
lotuspsychjew1nd0wl1ck3r: come join at #ubuntu+1 plz09:42
mamaloshi, I have an Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.4-LTS installed on a proxmox VM, I have configured two NICs on it, but from within Network management menu (either the one on the top bar or the Network settings menu) I'm unable to have both of them enabled/connected simulatenously.10:23
mamaloswhenever I enable one of them the other one gets automatically disabled10:23
mamalosam I missing something?10:23
mamalos(no messages in dmesg about it)10:24
mamalos(nor in journalctl -r)10:24
mamalosI have some messages when running systemctl network-manager status that basically describe the state change once I'm activating one of my interfaces.10:27
mamaloswhere I can see that once an interface is enabled the other one gets disabled10:28
_bradkall good, i ended up just using firefox10:32
_bradkseems chrome is less trivial at modifying app/file types10:32
mamalos...hmmm...this was weird, I deleted both connection profiles (one for each network interface) and once I added a new one for each NIC (with a different identity), everything worked.10:38
mamalosThe strange things is that once I added the second NIC (before I fixed things), the network profile was automatically generated and had the same ID as the one of my first NIC. Whichever profile I was changing, the changes would be applied on the other NICs profile as well...this is most probably some bug.10:40
bcxHi, i got stuck a initramfs "cryptsetup (crypto-swap): lvm is not available", is there any way to run without swap with a linux kernel cmd ?10:55
lotuspsychjebcx: wich ubuntu version is that please10:57
lotuspsychjenote sure bcx maybe this can help meanwhile: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201910:59
bcxit seems that my encrypted swap partition has changed UUID when I moved the ssd to another computer11:02
BluesKajHi folks11:05
madm1kebcx: can you modify /etc/fstab and reboot?11:15
bcxmadm1ke: it would require importing my zfs pool + mounting everything needed + chrooting11:16
bcxand of course updating initramfs11:16
madm1kebcx: your initramfs should contain everything to do that11:17
madm1keI suspect systemd is dropping you in emergency shell, because an entry in /etc/fstab could not be mounted and did not have the nofail option (your swap)11:18
bcxmadm1ke:  actually im in iniramfs busybox shell11:18
madm1kezpool import -a does not work?11:19
bcxmadm1ke: i successfully imported the pool but then temporary mounting root dataset to /root did not resumed the initramfs11:20
madm1kebut you can modify your fstab and reboot, right?11:20
bcxstill requirinf crypto-swap device11:20
AmijaiI need help with configuring ubuto gnome shell to start on Xorg screen 1.111:31
AmijaiI added a second GPU and the nvidia driver insists adding screen 1 for the monitors connected to it.  the monitors turn on, black background and only the X pointer shows on them11:35
wawrekhi there,11:42
lotuspsychjewelcome wawrek11:43
wawrekhow to instal grammar, spell checkers in LibreOffice (on ubuntu)? Are there any packages that are just better than others? I found scribens.11:43
wawreklotuspsychje: thanks :)11:43
lotuspsychjewawrek: you could try #libreoffice or #ubuntu-discuss for that11:43
wawrekI thought ubuntu may not be the right place for this type of question11:45
lotuspsychjewawrek: its ok, we usually advice to divide ubuntu specific issues vs other questions11:48
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ai_lionWhat's the difference between "apt-get source linux-image-unsigned-$(uname -r)" and "apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)">12:53
ai_lion"apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)" results in a weird dir which contains "debian  download-signed  download-unsigned  generate-depends  update-version"12:54
ai_lionI don't know how to use these files.12:55
KasperskikovanovHarlou, how can I save my nvidia-settings? using nvidia 435.21, ubuntu 19  (server vendor number 11.0, xorg foundation, vendor version 1.20.4, nv-control version 1.29).    I pick 1440p and 144hz but after every reboot its back at 60hz and it is frustrating to change it everytime12:56
pragmaticenigmaKasperskikovanov: There is an option in the nvidia settings tool to save an xorg.conf file. nvidia settings must be run with sudo, but that will generate the file needed13:03
zetaI just ran sudo apt upgrade and after rebooting the kernel can't load zfs... zfs: Unknown symbol rwsem_tryupgrade (err 0)13:08
zeta$ dkms status13:11
zetaspl, 0.7.5, 4.15.0-76-generic, x86_64: installed13:11
zetaspl, 0.7.5, 4.15.0-88-generic, x86_64: installed13:11
zetatrying sudo apt install zfs-dkms ...13:13
zetaThat seem to have fixed the issue13:24
zetaI installed ZFS on that server years ago13:25
zetaUbuntu 18.04.4 LTS13:38
lotuspsychjezeta: can we help you?13:38
zetalotuspsychje, the rubber duck already helped me14:12
oerheksis there any help question in that, zeta ??14:12
zetarubber duck refers to a method where one speaks to himself (or a rubber duck) in order to solve a problem14:14
zetasee my monologue above14:15
oerheksstop that monologue, thanks. this is just the technical support channel.14:15
zetasorry, I was just trying to be helpful14:18
pragmaticenigmazeta: I'm sure it is appreciated for the update. In the future, just try to keep it to the problem, and a follow up if you fixed it. It helps make it easier for others to find your solution if and when they might search for it14:20
zetapragmaticenigma, I did. I ran apt upgrade, system failed to boot. I found the solution before someone answered in chat. So I posted the solution. And why I think why the upgrade failed, and my version.14:26
zetaI reboot after each apt upgrade, so that I do not get any nasty surprise. It has happened before that after waking up after a power failure, the system failed to load14:28
zetaRunning apt upgrade when you have ZoL is super scary14:29
zetaZoL = ZFS on Linux14:29
lotuspsychjehow can we help you chris6414:33
=== Sohom_Datta is now known as soda_away
rapidwaveHow do I set ALT+Tab to switch between ALL applications? RIght now it only goes between the two most recent15:00
oerheksi think it is limited to 1 screen.15:01
oerheksshift + super + up/down/left/right will switch monitors15:02
pragmaticenigmarapidwave: Please see https://askubuntu.com/a/99641015:04
rapidwaveI don't mean screens, I mean switch between applicaitons15:04
pragmaticenigmarapidwave: In current editions of Gnome-Shell, Alt+Tab is set to "Switch Applications" ... You will want to set the keybaord shortcut to "Switch Windows"15:05
rapidwaveHmm. Maybe it's that I'm using LXQT desktop15:06
oerheksoh, we answer standard to gnome, unless you state your..15:07
tinyhippois it a known issue that, on Wayland, you can't screen share with things like Google Hangouts etc?15:10
tinyhippoyet it works fine with X.org15:10
oerheksknown issue, tinyhippo, vnc/xrdp does not work (yet)15:11
tinyhippooerheks: thanks! same issue in focal, too?15:13
pragmaticenigmatinyhippo: It's an issue with Wayland15:13
oerheksi am looking at Fedora + wayland + rdp ..15:14
tinyhippocool, thanks15:14
oerheksthose guys are way ahead of debian/ubuntu15:14
pragmaticenigmatinyhippo: meaning it isn't tied to a version of Ubuntu. Wayland has the issue. It is why Wayland is not enabled by default in Ubuntu yet15:14
pragmaticenigmaoerheks: The issue for vnc/rdp is that the hooks haven't been developed yet... it's really low on the priority lists15:15
oerhekspragmaticenigma, i understand, i see only this browser solutions15:15
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kedenIs there a way to allow read/write to all users on an external drive without using a group or 777?15:54
lotuspsychjekeden: the admin of the system needs to decide who gets rights and who not15:58
gulzarHi. I did do-release-upgrade on ubuntu14 and it wen to ubuntu16 but getting this error now http://paste.debian.net/1135153/16:05
gulzarHOw to solve it16:05
CQ2slightly OT: any freedroid experts here? ; )16:05
kedenlotuspsychje: I'm the admin of the system. I'm only wondering if there is a way I can make sure that all current and futures files on an external drive will be accessible to all users.16:06
deadromwhen I unmount a thumb drive, it disappears from /proc/partitions. so if I want to check and reformat it, that's not a good way. how I can I rescan for the drive without physically replugging it?16:07
gulzaranyone please16:10
ioriagulzar, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1067814/upgrade-solve-dependency-on-previous-release-package16:11
pragmaticenigma!ot | CQ2: If you know something is offtopic, why did you think it was okay to post here?16:16
ubottuCQ2: If you know something is offtopic, why did you think it was okay to post here?: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:16
gulzarioria: weird, I try adding that ppa earlier and nothing happened . Worked for now. Thank You16:19
ioriagulzar, ok16:19
Xeteento create a one-liner custom command, I'm considering an alias vs. an executable file in ~/bin. Is there any advantage of one over the other?16:39
pragmaticenigmaXeteen: For recommendations and programming help, please ask your question in #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel focuses on troubleshooting and support of Ubuntu and the software supplied through official Ubuntu software repositories.16:59
Xeteenpragmaticenigma: oops sorry, thanks!17:02
mofyi having trouble playing quake windows gives 140 fps while linux after 15 min drops to 14 fps on amdgpu driver17:07
mofydo i need any pre requisit ?17:07
pragmaticenigmamofy: This is not the channel for supporting that.17:08
mofywich one is it ?17:08
pragmaticenigma!alis | mofy17:09
ubottumofy: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"17:09
mofyescuse me them17:09
Sladeto add someones  ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----  to your authorized_keys file, you need to run it through ssh-keygen right?  ssh-keygen -i -f (file) >> authorized_keys ?17:20
jmcgnhSlade:-->  That doesn't sound right,17:23
pragmaticenigmaSlade: no, you don't use keygen to add keys17:23
jmcgnhSlade:-->  I'd expect you could just add the public key to the list, but if you don't already have something in authorized_keys, it may be hard to figure out exactly what to add.17:24
ChaiTRexIs there a way to have telnet automatically send text when connecting and still allow keyboard input afterwards?17:24
jmcgnhChaiTRex:-->  I'd probably use something like 'expect' to do that.17:25
pragmaticenigmaChaiTRex: Telnet is not supported here... it is a highly insecure protocol and should not be used17:25
Sladeshould i just concat it to the end of the authorized_keys?17:27
Sladeits in a different format17:27
ChaiTRexjmcgnh: Thanks.17:28
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pragmaticenigmaSlade: typically you would... however... it requires a specific format. It sounds like the source of your key was generated by Putty or some other non OpenSSH application. If it was Putty KeyGen, Putty KeyGen does generate the openssh string needed to be added to the ssh server's authorized keys17:28
Sladepragmaticenigma, i thought ssh-keygen -i will do the conversion as well17:29
pragmaticenigmaSlade: It might... haven't personally tried it17:29
ChaiTRexpragmaticenigma: Looked at the channel guidelines, and it seems it's not marked as unsupported here. You might want to use your powers to add it to the guidelines.17:32
ChaiTRexpragmaticenigma: Though I'd recommend adding netcat as well, since it can also be used insecurely.17:32
Sladeyea looks like its a rfc471617:32
lotuspsychjeChaiTRex: we focus on ubuntu support questions here17:33
pragmaticenigmaChaiTRex: Telnet is an unencrypted and therefore insecure protocol. The volunteers of this channel commonly agree that supporting or helping users with intentionally reducing the security of their system is bad and therefore collectively, many volunteers have stated the same as myself.17:34
ioriathat's true, but there's also   and encryption supported version  afaik : telnetd-ssl17:39
ChaiTRexpragmaticenigma: How can you reduce the security of something that offers only telnet access? Break in and install SSH?17:41
ChaiTRexpragmaticenigma: What if it's an old router? Learn to hack its firmware and program SSH in?17:41
jmcgnhChaiTRex:-->  Hey, don't abuse the help! They've made their position clear. There are other places to ask questions about telnet which is hardly specific to Ubuntu or Linux.17:42
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ChaiTRexjmcgnh: May I suggest that you use your powers to add this forbidden topic to the channel guidelines?17:44
ChaiTRexjmcgnh: It's more than a bit annoying to come in, read the guidelines, ask a question about Ubuntu-supported and provided software, and to be told to find help somewhere else.17:45
ChaiTRexjmcgnh: And the rationale is that I'm too stupid to know when to use Telnet over SSH, which is very respectful, I might add.17:47
jmcgnhChaiTRex:-->  I have no powers here. Googling gets me answers from Stackwhatever about using Expect or Netcat, depending on exactly what you're trying to do. I learned Expect a long time ago and would probably reach for it again, but there'd be some considerable ramp-up before I could do something productive.17:51
andeni've noticed that when disabling pulseaudio and using alsa directly, i can achieve some lower latency in audio playback, at the cost of having no mixing. it works great for programs like LMMS that can be configured to use ALSA, but i would love to do this for games (at the cost of not having any background audio from other applications of course). i found pasuspender which seems to be the right program for t18:16
andenhis, but for most games that just causes the audio to mute completely, how i can force the game to use alsa directly?18:16
andeni'm guessing i could probably uninstall pulseaudio, but that seems a bit drastic since i may want to use it when i'm not gaming?18:16
sarnoldanden: check out ubuntu studio folks; I think thye've gone to some effort to try to make JACK more integrated into things18:18
andenthey have a channel where i should repost my question?18:20
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AlericHi. When a friend does 'lsusb' he gets: "Bus 003 Device 008: ID 28de:2102 Valve Software" while I only get "Bus 003 Device 008: ID 28de:2102" without the "Valve Software" part. Which package would I have to upgrade to get that translation?18:21
andenare you on different distros?18:22
pocmocanden, #ubuntustudio18:22
sarnoldanden: #ubuntustudio18:22
AlericI found it... sudo update-usbids18:23
Alericdid the trick18:23
andeni have another problem... i noticed that every time i do a fresh install of Lubuntu 18.04 the default terminal font in lxterminal gets changed to some weird one that is hard to read. this problem doesn't happen in the live environment prior to installing, but appears as soon as i boot up the system the first time on the new install18:24
andeni've had it happen on 3 or 4 computers now, and on one of them it just fixed itself over time, not sure what i did, i guess it must have been some update or some package that i installed18:25
andeni checked the terminal font settings on both the machine with the problem and the one that got it fixed over time, and they're identical18:26
AlericIt seems my USB 3 plugs don't work.. when I plug anything in them, it doesn't show up in lsusb. Is there a way to debug this?18:32
andendoes anything appear in dmesg?18:33
AlericAt boot time I get:18:48
Aleric[    2.549823] usb usb8: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=000218:49
Aleric[    2.550020] usb usb8: SerialNumber: 0000:01:00.218:49
Aleric[    2.550436] xhci_hcd 0000:01:00.2: Host supports USB 3.10 Enhanced SuperSpeed18:50
andre144khello all18:59
andre144ki have an usb-stick, where i want delete all partitions. so i say "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=10M count=10" - this should destroy all partition informations. but i get error: cat open /dev/sdc: read only file system19:00
andre144khow to fix this?19:01
Alericls -l /dev/sdc19:02
geniiPerhaps you are trying to overwrite a drive which are booted from19:03
genii( or inadvertently performing this operation a drive which is actually something like an optical drive)19:04
andre144k"cat /etc/mtab | grep -c sdc" will give 019:04
andre144kbrw-rw.... 1 root users 8, 32 /dev/sdc19:05
andre144kbrw-rw---- 1 root users 8, 32 /dev/sdc19:05
andre144kwhoami > root19:05
AlericI suppose it refuses because the device is mounted.19:09
adacHi there! my server seems to have rebooted suddenly but there is no cause of that in the /var/log/messages I only see the reboot messages Any ideas how I can debug this? here is the output at the time of the reboot https://pastebin.com/ARg4nj5n19:44
oerheksmaybe a power disruption?19:45
adacoerheks, hmm Need to ask my provider19:45
adacoerheks, thanks for the hint!19:45
Ntemishi i need some help please20:19
Ntemisi have in .Trash-1000/expunged 20gb of junk i cant remove20:20
Ntemiswhen i try to remove the folder rm -rf 584931307/20:20
Ntemisi get20:20
pragmaticenigma!enter | Ntemis20:21
ubottuNtemis: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.20:21
pragmaticenigma!paste | Ntemis20:21
ubottuNtemis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:21
Ntemisi cant get rid of those junk files20:22
sarnoldprobably hardware error20:22
sarnoldprobably it's best to plan on replacing that drive ASAP20:22
sarnoldmaybe it's just crappy cables or poor power supply or something20:23
sarnoldcheck dmesg to see if it has any details20:23
pragmaticenigmaNtemis: Is this on an external drive?20:24
Ntemisntfs usb ext20:24
oerheksis it mounted RO ?20:24
oerheks'mount' would tell20:24
pragmaticenigmaNtemis: Have you attempted to delete the files using a windows machine?20:25
Ntemis/dev/sda1 on /media/demetris/2655DDD9227A18C7 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096,uhelper=udisks2)20:25
Ntemislooks fine20:25
Ntemisno i didnt20:25
Ntemisbut it might be that?20:25
Ntemiscan i erase those on windows?20:26
oerheksused sudo?20:26
pragmaticenigmaNtemis: Is the drive 100% full?20:26
Ntemisit was yes20:26
Ntemisnow 23gb empty20:26
Ntemisis 4tb20:26
pragmaticenigmaNtemis: Try unmounting and remounting the drive ... It's possible that the FAT hasn't been refreshed.20:26
pragmaticenigmaNtemis: Another option is to try and write to the files with ":> filename.mkv"20:27
jboHey there - I'm trying to do a system update & update-initramfs is failing with "cp: cannot create regular file '/var/tmp/mkinitramfs_6lTvLm/usr/share/plymouth/themes/spinner/watermark.png': No such file or directory" Any ideas how to fix?20:28
pragmaticenigmaThe important part there Ntemis is it is a colon followed by a right chevron. That will truncate the file to zero bytes20:28
Ntemisvolume is busy and points to expunged20:28
Ntemisend proccess?20:28
Ntemisunmount anyway?20:28
pragmaticenigmaNtemis: If you just did a massive delete... it's possible the driver is locked... give it a moment, if you have nmon... check if the device is busy with read/writes20:28
Bashing-omjbo: There is a bug report on that - let me find it .. with a work-a-round,20:29
oerheksthis one, Bashing-om ?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/186691020:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866910 in The Ubuntu-power-systems project "[Ubu 20.04][5.4.0-12-generic] Observed Kernel OOPS while running LTP Test in Regression_Bucket" [High,Fix released]20:30
oerheksjbo is this 20.04 lts Beta?20:30
jbooerheks: yep20:31
jboBashing-om: thanks!20:31
pragmaticenigmajbo: Please head over to #ubuntu+1 for support of the yet to be released version of Ubuntu20:31
jbopragmaticenigma: ack20:32
Bashing-omjbo: oerheks: There are several reports - tho one I have in mind is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/186637720:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866377 in plymouth (Ubuntu Focal) "update-initramfs fails on plymouth hook due to missing target dir" [Critical,Fix released]20:33
jboBashing-om: I found https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/76510-Final-Focal-on-Kubuntu-20-04/page3 which looks like it's worked for me20:33
Ntemisnow i can delete them but they come back20:34
Ntemisno idea whats happening20:34
jboBashing-om: yep - patching that file has succeeded -- thanks for looking for me :)20:34
codecutterhow do i switch to java 11?20:35
pragmaticenigmaNtemis: With NTFS... sometimes these are best troubleshooted from a Windows machine. NTFS support works pretty well, but I know I've had issues in the past with deleting large numbers of large files20:35
Bashing-omjbo: :D20:35
Ntemisok will try over windows20:35
pragmaticenigmacodecutter: You cut off the text too soon, but I'm pretty sure there is a prompt at the bottom where you would type in the number 0 or 1. depending on which one you wanted20:36
codecutterwhich one do i pick 0 or 1?20:37
codecuttertheybboth appear to be the same version?20:37
pragmaticenigmacodecutter: I don't know what the difference between Manual mode and Auto is... but java 8 appears to be set for manual mode... perhaps that's the one you should pick? You are really the only one that can answer that question20:38
codecutteryour guess is as good as mine20:39
pragmaticenigmacodecutter: I'd but "1" ... and if that doesn't work try the other20:39
codecutterany suggestions https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60687035/json-smart-package-40320:46
codecutterseems to be working on my local machine (mac)20:47
codecutterbut when i try to build on the virtual server I get the 40320:47
pragmaticenigmacodecutter: This is not a channel for development help. Seek out a channel for java, or gradle for further assistance20:50
codecutterif I try to access from my local machine i get a 404 https://repo.spring.io/libs-staging-local/net/minidev/json-smart/maven-metadata.xml20:52
codecutterbut i'm getting 403 on my virtual server https://pastebin.com/kDPyN62p20:52
codecutterthere I made it abstract20:53
viktarhello. can anyone please tell me where i can find help for boot/partition issues? i've got a pastebin from boot-repair, but i don't know where to go for help21:30
pragmaticenigma!ask | viktar21:31
ubottuviktar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:31
viktarsorry, i didn't think i was asking to ask. my question is what can i do to fix the partition issues i appear to have wrt partition table? according to this  report http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WKRcSb6wG2/ there is a disagreement between partition table and boot sector and i can't mount my filesystem as a result. was working fine this morning before i21:34
viktarpowered down for a few hours21:34
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/21:34
TJ-viktar: it very much appears as if the device's partition table entry was subtly re-written with incorrect P1 end-sector and P" start-sector - both together seems VERY unusual though so can't attribute to simple corruption. What was going on at the time it powered down?21:49
viktarTJ- there was nothing running in the foreground. i simply told ubuntu to shutdown21:51
viktarTJ-: sorry, it's been years since i've used irc and i don't remember all the special syntax for notifications and such21:52
sarnoldviktar: users can configure their irc client to notify as they wish21:53
TJ-viktar: hmmm... the crux seems to be those two values changed to 145,407/145,408 when by the size of the file-system in P1 those would be expected to be 1050623/105062421:54
TJ-viktar: there's a sneaky way, using losetup, where we could experiment to see if those values might be correct without altering what is on disk21:57
user90Wow, actual people are chatting in here21:57
viktarTJ- ok, i'm game. recovering the data is most important, so if i can figure out a way to mount my rootfs i'm willing to reinstall the os on a backup drive if need be21:58
user90Have fun21:58
Sc0utonLinuxHello can anyone help me to get ubuntu to recognise my fake raid 5 Intel RST ? mdadm --detail is howing port0 and port! as "no device attached"21:59
jeremy31Sc0utonLinux: RST isn't supported as far as I know22:01
Sc0utonLinuxat all ?22:02
Sc0utonLinuxI got it to boot from it .. but then it cant find the root volume22:02
Sc0utonLinuxplus mdadm --detail-platform is actually giving me an output ...22:03
TJ-viktar: OK, what we are going to do is create a loop-device from the start of sda1 and make it the larger size that boot-info suggests it should be. Then we'll use fsck.vfat to see if it can be read without errors. Before we do that, can you do a "sudo fsck.vfat -n /dev/sda1" (this is a read-only operation) to see what errors are currently reported22:04
viktarTJ- /dev/sda1: 504 files, 811773/1952767 clusters22:05
oerheksSc0utonLinux, good luck with that, RST is not supported, even though intel made some assumptions22:07
oerhekshence your install will fail22:08
TJ-viktar: hmmm!22:08
Sc0utonLinuxI found forum posts .. where they managed apparently .. but I cant find out what im doing wrong.. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236297322:10
oerheksapparently not.22:11
Sc0utonLinuxi may be to stupid to understand the necessary steps .. .:) and was helping one of you might be able to point me in the right direction22:11
TJ-viktar: OK, change of plan. Let's see if we can create a valid sda2 loop-dev - if we can we prove where the start of sda2 *should be*22:11
viktarTJ- sounds reasonable to me22:12
oerheks'solved' in that forumpost means confirmation it does not work, use AHCI22:13
TJ-viktar: "sudo losetup --show --find --offset 1050624 --sizelimit 465M /dev/sda" - it'll report the /dev/loopX it has used. Then do "sudo file -s /dev/loopX" to find out what it (appears) to be. If you get usefyl file-system data show me and we'll dig further22:14
TJ-viktar: oops, typo, hang on22:14
TJ-viktar: "sudo losetup --show --find --offset 1050624 --sizelimit 465G /dev/sda"22:15
viktarTJ- ok, that returned with '/dev/loop1'22:15
TJ-viktar: now try "sudo file -s /dev/loop1" show me what it reports22:19
TJ-viktar: I'm hoping you installed plain file-systems and not LVM or zfs22:19
AlericI tried to compile kernel 5.5 myself. But it gives me a weird error when following the usual instructions :/22:20
oerheksAleric, if you *need* to test, use the mainline?22:21
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds22:21
viktarTJ- /dev/loop1: data22:22
TJ-viktar: OK, so that isn't the start. drop the loop: "sudo losetup -d /dev/loop1"22:25
TJ-viktar: hmmm... so the info from boot-info apparently isn't accurate22:25
AlericI'm just upgrading because my USB 3 doesn't work.22:26
AlericNo idea if that is fixed (probably not)22:26
TJ-viktar: actually... my brain's not working... the offset should be in bytes not sectors! lets try again :D22:26
viktarTJ- i dropped the loop already... do i need to do something to undo?22:27
TJ-viktar: "sudo losetup --show --find --offset 537919488 --sizelimit 465G /dev/sda"22:27
TJ-viktar: then try "sudo file -s /dev/loop1" (or whatever loopX is)22:27
mendihi guys i want to write a char device to copy a process memory, the process might have over 800MB at times, will i run into memory trouble?22:28
viktarTJ- returned /dev/sda     /dev/loop122:28
viktarTJ- /dev/loop1: data (again)22:29
Alericoerheks: Should I get 'generic' or 'lowlatency'?22:29
Alericlowlatency sounds nice, who doesn't want that?22:29
TJ-viktar: darn! drop it if you haven't already22:33
Sc0utonLinuxanother question could just leave out the RST and tell ubuntu to make it;s own raid ? software wise ?22:33
viktarTJ- i tried dropping it earlier. no feedback, but i'm not sure if there should be any22:33
TJ-Aleric: lowlatency is better for interactive systems (Desktops) whereas generic is preferred for servers22:33
TJ-viktar: no... no feedback is usually good :)22:34
TJ-viktar: I'm not sure what to suggest right now short of trying to determine if the partition table really is wrong. The easiest way to do that would be to discover where the start of the file-system in sda2 really is. You could use the data-recovery/forensic tool "testdisk" to do that22:35
viktarTJ- i appreciate the help thus far. i'll look into testdisk22:35
oerheksAleric, generic. lowlatency is limited use, just for stable audio video production.,22:36
user90What's a good chat room for general chat?22:36
user90And a good Android irc client22:37
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:37
oerhekswe are not the yellow pages :-P22:37
user90That's troublesome22:37
user90I should prob wait until I get a computer22:37
oerheksuser90, this is technical ubuntu support22:37
user90I see22:37
sarnolduser90: I've heard good things about https://thelounge.chat/ as a web front end thingy that ought to work well with mobile22:38
user90Is that free?22:40
user90It says try demo22:41
viktarTJ- testdisk is throwing up some notices about the number of heads per cylinder being 124 but the correct value may be 255. as i'm not using a spinning disk and have no heads or cylinders can i safely ignore these things, or do i need to do something special?22:41
TJ-viktar: ignore... those possibly come from the MBR partition table and/or FAT boot sector22:42
viktarTJ- i'm letting it search, but i'm going to have to call it quits for now to attend to parental duties. i really appreciate the advice thus far. i'll let you know if i find anything else22:47
TJ-viktar: good luck with it; be cautious before doing anything that writes to the disk22:51
=== Hobadee is now known as Covid-19
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=== Corona655 is now known as Hobadee
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=== Kaved-19 is now known as Roey
=== Roey is now known as Af_Echad_Lo_Mevi
=== Af_Echad_Lo_Mevi is now known as Roey
AlericHi again. How can I turn off booting into the graphical environment?  I just want to get a prompt so I can much faster test if USB works.23:11
abdulhakeemRunning Transmission on my headless Ubuntu server. What is the difference between the Completed folder and the Torrents folder?23:12
oerhekssystemctl set-default multi-user.target ## and roll back systemctl set-default graphical.target23:12
abdulhakeemI want to create a torrent to be able to share, I'm not sure which folder the actual data of the torrent should go in23:13
oerheksabdulhakeem, completed is self explaining, yes? so the other folder is a torrent in progress23:13
abdulhakeemwell there are 3 folders: completed, incomplete, and torrents23:14
abdulhakeemat least, following this article: https://online-it.nu/install-transmission-torrent-client-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver/23:14
abdulhakeemso I figured Incomplete was probably for in-progress downloads, but idk the difference between Completed and Torrents23:14
oerheksthere is a manual for that, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TransmissionHowTo#Transmission_Create23:16
oerheksto create, in /var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads/23:17
abdulhakeemoerheks: thanks!23:19
oerhekshave fun!23:19
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=== gooseduck is now known as Roey

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