[00:15] Oh hey I need to look at that don't I? [00:16] Yeep! I just voted on all of 'em, whether it'll stick is another question though. >_> [00:24] Wanna vote for meeeeeā€½ [00:24] GridCube: Don't forget to vote! [00:24] ? [00:25] do i qualify? [00:25] (I don't think so anymore, though.) [00:26] :P [00:26] https://contest.xubuntu.org/wallpaper_contest/xubuntu-20-04-community-wallpaper-contest/?action=view but you can view! [01:16] almost all are good === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [06:03] bluesabre: Tuesday or Thursday work for you? [06:04] Keeping in mind one is a bit of a holiday. [09:23] Unit193: that's a good point. Thursday will work for me. [09:23] \o/ [12:22] anyone have a contact for someone in the ubuntu studio and lubuntu teams [15:27] jphilips: I'm the Ubuntu Studio lead. What's up? === jphilips is now known as jphilips_afk [17:00] -BottyMcBotFace:#xubuntu-devel- Reminder: Next meeting chair is Unit193 === jphilips_afk is now known as jphilips [19:59] Unit193, bluesabre: has a time on thursday been decided? [20:07] jphilips: I'm thinking 4 or 8 local time. [20:07] what time UTC [20:07] i'm UTC+4 [20:13] I'm -0400, aka `TZ=America/New_York date` [20:14] same as toronto, so UTC-4, so if its 4pm local time, thats 12am my time [20:18] (Aka, 15 seconds after you just pinged me.) [22:04] yep that time :D [22:04] though it was 13 seconds according to my irc client