
=== tds0 is now known as tds
ongyHi, quick question (Assuming runcmd: thingy in lxd config uses cloud-init): do the runcmds get executed on each boot/container start, or only once in some init phase during firstboot?05:45
ongyhm, looking into the FAQ there's some boot-done filemark, so I guess the init-phase05:46
Odd_Blokeongy: runcmd runs once per instance (i.e. first boot), yeah.  If you want to run a script every boot, you can put it in /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/ (and ensure it's executable).14:07
Odd_Bloke(And you could do that with write_files: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#write-files)14:08
ongyok, thanks14:33
ongyahh, the per-boot might help as well at some point14:33
ongyMy main issue was the pulse lxd profile not working if I attach afterwards, because the sed that patches the config didn't trigger14:33
=== waxfire8 is now known as waxfire
blackboxswOdd_Bloke: one question for you before I can wrap up ec2 multi-nic/ip support https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/114#discussion_r39392193320:01
blackboxswthink I'll have the rest of the review comments addressed20:02
blackboxswand will push once we resolve the above20:02
blackboxswThanks again for the review Odd_Bloke I've addressed all comments and force pushed https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/114. Just ran networking tests on upgrade path, dual nic and single nic configs to show route-metric is only presented on multi-nic VMs. It's ready for review tomorrow22:21

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