
sigNeoncan anyone reccommend an app that will allow me to change individual icons to custom icons?01:19
sigNeonI'd like to change google-chrome icon to a custom one that I like better.01:21
IrcsomeBot<NewUser3671152667> Good day … I have a problem with the sound in kubuntu, I just don't hear anything. … I uninstall and reinstall pulse audio and the problem was not solved, the problem increased because the audio icon no longer appears in the system tray and the icon that appears in the middle of the screen when the sound is increased or lowered. … I wanted to install GLava but I could not because of unmet dependencies, I think nothing 02:03
IrcsomeBotinstalled and at that time I had no sound problems, I left the computer on a while, I came back and I didn't hear anything.. … Reviewing I think I have seen that the Nvidia HDA had no connection. … How can I solve these problems???02:03
=== rage is now known as rage_
=== rage_ is now known as rage__
rage__anyone here?02:35
=== wind is now known as Guest16805
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> @rage__, i m  h e r e02:38
=== saigel_ is now known as saigel
rage__oh hey bot03:13
deenoFor some reason I cannot connect, even when mysql> is in the background. What have I forgotten?04:08
deenoWorkbench won't even give me localhost connection from the textbox.04:09
deenoI,m wondering is there a root user in all linux distros.04:13
deenoIt's probably a Kubuntu problem.04:16
deenowrong channel sorry04:17
lordievaderGood morning07:31
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest63673
IrcsomeBot<NewUser3671152667> Good day … I have a problem with the sound in kubuntu, I just don't hear anything. … I uninstall and reinstall pulse audio and the problem was not solved, the problem increased because the audio icon no longer appears in the system tray and the icon that appears in the middle of the screen when the sound is increased or lowered. … I wanted to install GLava but I could not because of unmet dependencies, I think nothing 09:04
IrcsomeBotinstalled and at that time I had no sound problems, I left the computer on a while, I came back and I didn't hear anything.. … Reviewing I think I have seen that the Nvidia HDA had no connection. … How can I solve these problems???09:04
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest72240
=== marlin is now known as malix
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
jukebohiHi. A longer while ago all the notification sounds stopped playing. Where can I control them. I'd like an audible notification about e.g. when a browser window makes a notification (popup)12:05
BluesKajHowdy folks12:45
=== helium-3 is now known as helium-4
IrcsomeBot<NewUser3671152667> Good day … I have a problem with the sound in kubuntu, I just don't hear anything. … I uninstall and reinstall pulse audio and the problem was not solved, the problem increased because the audio icon no longer appears in the system tray and the icon that appears in the middle of the screen when the sound is increased or lowered. … I wanted to install GLava but I could not because of unmet dependencies, I think nothing 13:20
IrcsomeBotinstalled and at that time I had no sound problems, I left the computer on a while, I came back and I didn't hear anything.. … Reviewing I think I have seen that the Nvidia HDA had no connection. … How can I solve these problems???13:20
oerheksIrcsomeBot, open konsole, alsamixer; F6 select sound device13:24
BluesKajNewUser3671152667, or, cat /proc/asound/modules13:25
BluesKajNewUser3671152667, and make sure automute in alsamixer is disabled13:30
IrcsomeBot<qaexepivexaeby2317> (Photo, 1140x878) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/DzgBfweZ/file_25490.jpg 👉🙋‍♂️ https://t.me/ovimescreek_bot?start=75234086314:46
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> @qaexepivexaeby2317, How do i report this guy?14:49
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> or thing?14:52
oerheksthis is my objection about whatsapp/crap .. i filter IrcsomeBot from now on, god luck!15:02
oerheks IrcsomeBot!*@* added to ignore list.15:02
user|80740is there and exe version of kubuntu15:19
user|80740instalation help15:19
IrcsomeBotThabisani Phuthi was added by: Thabisani Phuthi15:22
IrcsomeBot<Thabisani Phuthi> Hi there, I am lost at connecting a 4g USB network dongle and am almost losing my mind. How do I state the scenario and question on the forum?15:23
IrcsomeBot<Niggolas> @darltrash, Right click —> report message15:29
jukebohiHi and thanks for the nice free OS and free support15:48
jukebohiTrying to install https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/installation-guides/linux/manual-installation-advanced/15:48
jukebohiTrying to install the 'fahcontrol' program it complains15:48
jukebohi"fahcontrol depends on python-support (>= 0.90.0)"15:49
jukebohiand it continues that15:49
jukebohi  Package python-support is not installed.15:50
jukebohi fahcontrol depends on python-gnome2; however:15:50
jukebohi  Package python-gnome2 is not installed.15:50
jukebohi'python --version' is Python 2.7.1715:51
jukebohiany help to get my GPU crackin at those protein folds to find drugs against Covid-19 would be appreciated. I have irccloud, will hang around15:51
jukebohireading up on the subject: python-support was removed from Ubuntu years ago16:02
jukebohinow people are suggesting downloading http://launchpadlibrarian.net/109052632/python-support_1.0.15_all.deb and manually installing it, but this version is probably too old16:03
jukebohiand I don't feel like installing any dodgy thing from any dodgy site16:04
randy^insHi, I got a question about the 20.04 release party. Do I need to register or something like that to attend?16:37
oerheksrandy^ins, no, just join #ubuntu-release-party16:42
oerheksyou are already registered with #freenode16:42
randy^insOh, right, I saw a password-box here: https://kubuntu.blindsidenetworks.net/kubuntu/16:42
oerheksoh, that is a different party, dunno16:44
randy^insAha, I followed the URL from here: https://kubuntu.org/event/kubuntu-20-04-release-party/16:45
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> try "welcome" as a password.16:51
randy^insHey, thanks! Now I'm all set.16:52
=== drvy_ is now known as drvy
personalHi ya all . I got problem , i switched to KDE and this wallet program is wrecking every thing19:11
personalI unistalled kwallet and the its gonbe from menu by not any where else19:13
personalI cant remove more of it because apt guts a huge chunk of the entire system19:14
personalI can program but i can not read programming documentation19:14
IrcsomeBot<NewUser3671152667> Change the drivers from nvidia to nouveau but when I restart, a black screen appears to log in. … How can I solve that19:16
personalSubject : KDE wallet19:18
user|39121Change the drivers from nvidia to nouveau but when I restart, a black screen appears to log in.19:19
user|39121How can I solve that19:19
personalWhys does personal information get dispalyed on IRQ kubuntu , is full cunt when comes to secuity but then hands you arse to the wolves like an evil prick19:20
personaldoes any body know any thing about this god awful KDE wallet shit of a thing or not ?19:21
personalWhat are yous doing loafing around here is yous know knothing ?19:23
personalKnoversation , secuity peice threat peice of shit19:23
zerixreinstall kdewallet and the kdewalletmanager then you can disable it in the system settings so it doenst bother you19:24
zerixhad similar problem19:24
personalWhat do have do pull out I.D pass and vomit you phone you phone number on any body and ebery body , you communst peices of shit19:26
=== personal is now known as personal_
personal_to many god dammed rules thats why i quit school , its time for a change change change, get the monny mother fucker20:03
personal_locate wallet20:06
personal_cat /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.kcontrol.kcmkwallet5.conf20:06
personal_for i in $(locate wallet) ; do echo "$i" ; done20:06
personal_for i in $(locate wallet) ; do echo "$i" ; cat "$i" | more ; done20:08
personal_This is the giant spaggeti monster20:10
personal_Its probly the number 1 problem on kubuntu is it . I really dotn the linux community gives a rat arse about GNU in the slightest20:14
personal_I dont programs slighesy fuck about linux and what linux any way . Its slavery , its the very thing it stole peoples money to fight against20:15
personal_With this KDE Wallet is pecie of junk , a full peice of 100 billion of charity money shit20:17
personal_Talk about holding back Jesues resurection what a peice of shit20:18
personal_Nice porno picture of linus , shit house assistance , https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/3w9tpe/how_do_i_get_kwallet_to_fuck_off_and_let_me_work/20:20
personal_How did linux get it to work ?20:20
personal_Arch linux help = shit . https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=19737620:22
personal_Reddit qustion : How do I get kwallet to fuck off ?20:24
personal_Reddit question : KWallet is the most fckn annoying thing on Plasma 520:24
personal_Reddit Question : KDE Wallet Manager is broken; Wi-Fi now won't autoconnect as the Wi-Fi password is controlled via KDE Wallet.20:26
personal_"You're using KWalletManager for the KDE 4 frameworks. You'll need to install kwalletmanager-git from the AUR to manage kwallet5. That's the reason KWalletManager is showing nothing!"20:27
personal_E: Unable to locate package kwalletmanager-git20:28
personal_apt search kwalletmanager-git20:29
personal_apt search kwalletmanager20:29
personal_apt install kwalletmanager20:30
personal_Command 'kwalletmanager' not found, did you mean: command 'kwalletmanager5' from deb kwalletmanager20:31
valoriepersonal_: you have been quieted because you are not following the guidelines of Ubuntu channels20:36
valorieour channels are family friendly20:36
valoriesudo apt install kwalletmanager5 should work for you20:37
randy^insI feel like I witnessed someones decent into madness, reading that history.21:16
=== helium-4 is now known as dilfridge
=== maximo is now known as Guest84683
ubottugianni: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:11
rafobrHi... sorry to bother you guys... I was trying to move the home partition to another hdd, but i got an error at login (failed to sync enviroment to dbus), i had previously copied all files to the new hdd and i set every apparently fine at /etc/fstab  . thanks if you have any hints :)22:51
IrcsomeBotDebbie Berge was added by: Debbie Berge23:35
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life

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