
mborzeckizyga: hey, have you tried #8272 with #8089?06:51
mupPR #8272: data/selinux, tests/main/selinux: cleanup tmpfs operations in the policy, updates <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8272>06:51
mupPR #8089: features: enable robust mount ns updates <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8089>06:51
zygagood morning07:00
zygamborzecki: I did07:00
zygamborzecki: I ran a local test and it passed07:01
zygaI pushed the update to GH07:01
zygahaven't looked since07:01
zygaman, my dog decided to do a marathon this morning07:01
zygawe woke up at 6:3007:01
zygaand I took him for a walk because Iza was sleepy07:01
zygaand I just got back07:01
zygaI left my coffee in the office and now it's cold :)07:02
zygaon the up side it is lovely outside07:02
mborzeckichance to get another one ;)07:02
zygaI need to charge my mouse, it ran out07:02
zygatime for that coffee I guess07:02
zygamborzecki: yeah, it is green07:02
zygamborzecki: please review 8089 :)07:03
zygaor just leave a comment07:03
zygaI think we should get it for 2.4407:03
zygathough I see it's marked for 2.4507:03
zygabut I think only because it was red07:03
zygaI'll talk to mvo07:03
zygamborzecki: btw, did you read about the new x13, t14, t14s and t15?07:04
zygamborzecki: lenovo's new lineup of thinkpads07:04
mborzeckinew thinkpads?07:04
zygabased on both 10th gen intel and ... 4th gen mobile ryzen :)07:04
zygayou won't believe this :)07:04
zygathe ryzen parts have longer battery life07:04
zyga17.5h vs 17h intel07:04
zygahow the world has changed07:04
mborzeckihopefully they work better than the previous mobile lineup07:04
zygax13 touts 8 core, 16 thread 32GB monster07:05
mborzeckipeople complained about the drivers and overall stability07:05
zygaand it has rather superb GPU for a x13-like box07:05
zygatime will tell07:05
zygaI wonder what they will do with naming though07:05
zygawill next year model be called just x11307:05
zygaand then x21307:05
zygaok, mouse is charged now07:07
zygaoh, it seems there's also x13s07:07
zygaI will probably skip it as 16" is just superb and I rarely think about the thikpad now07:08
zygabut perhaps the next year refresh will go to the update of the linux-running laptop07:08
zygaI kind of want the x13 with +1 gen mobile ryzen07:08
zygathat has ray tracing acceleration07:08
zygaas I bet that the other life of that machine will be minecraft RT07:09
zygaok, let's look at PRs07:09
zygamborzecki: do you think https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8265 should be merged07:11
mupPR #8265: tests: add regression test for MAAS refresh bug <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8265>07:11
zygaor skipped07:11
mborzeckihm still drivers are key, hopefully they have resource to make linux support great07:11
zygait's probably a "heavy" test07:11
zygamborzecki: yeah, it's a big mystery as to how this works on linux07:11
mborzeckilast mobile apu lineup ha bad support even on windows07:11
zygamborzecki: I was briefly considering not putting linux on it as well07:11
zygamborzecki: and tie this with WSL2 release in 200407:11
zyga(2004 as in windows 10 version)07:11
mborzeckiidk if i want to trade one broken system for another ;)07:12
zygaare you sure?07:12
zygahave you seen it07:12
zygait's pretty remarkable07:12
zygasay what you want but the chance that suspend and wifi works ok on windows is pretty much close to 100%07:13
zygaI think it will be the next battleground, what works best in WSL207:13
zygaI really think snapd should be a prime contender there07:13
mborzeckihm occasionally play witcher 3 on windows, kinda works, but there's tiny little details that could be improved07:14
mborzeckifor one, getting my bt headphones connected is way easier with bluez & pa than on windows xD07:15
mborzeckior prehaps sony makes crap headphones that only work great with smartphones07:16
zygamborzecki: I think you have to think wider07:17
zyganot use windows for witcher :)07:17
zygamborzecki: use it for the witcher _and_ for work07:17
zygafor snapd07:17
zygafor hangouts07:17
zygaand see how that behaves07:17
zygawhat's the experience of ubuntu on windows07:17
zygaI also think desktop vs laptop is key07:17
mborzeckihaha no i'm too far gone07:17
zygalaptops are the majority of sold devices and, historically, those that struggle more on linux07:17
zygaare you sure, you might just like it :)07:17
zygamy point is, keep an open head07:18
zygapeople will use WSL207:18
zygait will explode07:18
zygait will have more users than all non-virtual linux combined07:18
zygaand many times over07:18
zygawe should provide a great experience there07:18
zygahard to know unless we try07:18
zygamborzecki: and I'm not saying we should all switch to it entirely07:20
zygajust add it to the pool of thins we consider07:20
zygamvo: hey07:25
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8279 is LGTM07:25
zygaI marked it as 2.4407:25
mupPR #8279: snap: do not hardlink on overlayfs <Bug> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8279>07:25
zygaI think we haven't released it yet, right?07:25
mborzeckimvo: hey, 8272 is also marked for 2.44, be great to include it07:27
mvozyga, mborzecki good morning07:28
mvothanks guys, looking over the 2.44 stuff now07:28
zygamvo: oh, one more thing07:29
zygamvo: can we please reconsider https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8089 as 2.4407:29
mupPR #8089: features: enable robust mount ns updates <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8089>07:29
zygait's flipping the robust ns switch07:29
zygaand it should just go out already07:29
mvozyga: let's talk with samuele, a bit worried that it makes it very late into 2.44 so we won't spot regression that easily (and then it's on the 20.04 cd)07:30
mupPR snapd#8279 closed: snap: do not hardlink on overlayfs <Bug> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8279>07:31
mupPR snapd#8281 opened: snap: tweak comment in Install() for overlayfs detection <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8281>07:34
mvomborzecki: did you push the 1.10 formating changes to whitelist-lzo on purpose?07:44
mborzeckimvo: yues07:45
mvomborzecki: some unhappy static test there or what's the reason?07:45
mvomborzecki: aha, I see now07:48
mvomborzecki: it looks like the static test failure is a red-herring, there is a real unit test issue it seems that I overlooked07:49
mvomborzecki: in TestPackPacksASnapWithCompressionUnhappy07:49
mborzeckiheh, missed that07:52
mvomborzecki: no worries07:52
mvomborzecki: I fixed and force pushed07:53
mvomborzecki: I often wondered why the go test output we have is so unreadable :(07:53
mborzeckimvo: ta07:53
mvomborzecki: but never had enough energy to look07:53
mvomborzecki: like, when a unit test in the middle fails it's really hard to spot07:53
mborzeckimvo: yeah, it's a wall of text07:54
mborzeckipstolowski: morning, may i entertain you with a review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/827208:07
mupPR #8272: data/selinux, tests/main/selinux: cleanup tmpfs operations in the policy, updates <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8272>08:07
mborzeckiit's green and ripe for landing ;)08:07
pstolowskimborzecki: looking08:10
zygamvo: we could test without -verbose08:14
zygahey pawel :)08:14
mborzeckipstolowski: thanks!08:15
mvozyga: interessting, yeah, I think that helps a bit08:22
mupPR snapd#8282 opened: run-tests: disable -v for go test to avoid spaming the logs <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8282>08:27
mupPR snapd#8273 closed: interfaces/greengrass-support: add new 1.9 access <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8273>08:29
mupPR snapd#8274 closed: interfaces/greengrass-support: add new 1.9 access (2.44) <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8274>08:29
mupPR snapd#8272 closed: data/selinux, tests/main/selinux: cleanup tmpfs operations in the policy, updates <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8272>08:30
mborzeckimvo:  can you cherry pick the patches from 8272 to 2.44?08:31
mvomborzecki: yes, just did that, thank you!08:34
mborzeckimvo: thanks!08:34
mvomborzecki: once you see samuele, we need a review for 8275, I would love to include that too08:34
mborzeckimvo:  i want to add a unit test there too08:36
mupPR snapd#8217 closed: o/devicestate: delay the creation of mark-seeded task until asserts are loaded <Bug> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8217>08:41
mupPR snapd#8246 closed: client, daemon, overlord/devicestate: structures and stubs for systems API <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8246>08:47
mupPR snapd#8283 opened: overlord,timings,daemon: separate timings from overlord/state <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8283>08:48
mborzeckiwow, our daemon tests setup is complicated09:08
cjwatsonnottrobin: thanks!09:14
pstolowskipedronis: #8280 +1, thank you!09:29
mupPR #8280: many: introduce snapdenv.Preseeding instead of release.PreseedMode <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8280>09:29
* zyga is not feeling very good today and will focus on reviews 09:32
zygaat least for a while09:32
mvopedronis: if you have a chance, could you please check https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8275 ?09:35
mupPR #8275: daemon: do a forceful server shutdown if we hit a deadline <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8275>09:35
pedronismvo: yes, it was one of the first things I wanted to look at today09:36
mupPR snapd#8280 closed: many: introduce snapdenv.Preseeding instead of release.PreseedMode <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8280>09:38
pedronispstolowski: thx for the review, I also made this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8283 bit annoying09:40
mupPR #8283: overlord,timings,daemon: separate timings from overlord/state <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8283>09:40
pstolowskipedronis: yes, i'll review it soon09:41
ackkzyga, hi, I just got this error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pv3MQwTGTk/ with robust namespaces on. not sure if it's the same issue as before09:45
zygait is a different issue09:46
zyganot device or resource busy (removing a mount point)09:46
ackkzyga, trying again (the snap is still there) I get: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nTZvF7s6mq/09:46
zygado you have instructions to reproduce09:47
zygathe mount system is not perfect, there are known limitations that end up with things like that09:47
ackkzyga, well, I just had a maas snap installed via "snap try" and tried to remove it09:47
zygaackk: can you try (as in wipe and try again) to see if it happens09:47
ackkzyga, you mean reproduce from a clean state?09:47
zygayes please09:48
zygaif it is reproducible that's awesome09:48
ackkzyga, I'll try09:48
ackkzyga, how do I get out of this situation though? I'd need to remove the maas snap09:48
ackkshoulld I just reboot?09:48
zygadiscard the ns09:48
ackkah yeah that worked thanks09:49
ackkzyga, clean bionic container: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PBVtYywcJF/09:57
zygathanks, I'll jump into it after today reviews09:57
ackkzyga, you want me to file a bug or are you ok with just the paste?09:58
zygaa bug is best09:58
zygathose regression/lp- things are great way to organize things like that09:58
pedronismborzecki: hi, +1 on 8275 with some suggestions10:06
mborzeckipedronis: thanks!10:06
mupPR snapcraft#2976 closed: cli: formalize developer debug as hidden build option <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2976>10:25
mupPR snapcraft#2981 closed: colcon plugin: rewrite poco absolute library paths <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2981>10:25
ackkzyga, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/186775210:26
mupBug #1867752: Unable to remove snap with content interface (with robust namespace on) <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1867752>10:26
zygasnapd in focal fails to build with unit test error10:41
ackkzyga, sparkiegeek added some extra info to that bug, FTR10:41
sparkiegeekright, specifically output with SNAPD_DEBUG=110:42
sparkiegeekbut that was after attempting the initial removal (install, remove, set debugging, reload snapd, remove again)10:42
zygafiled https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1867755 if someone wants to dig10:42
mupBug #1867755: snapd fails to build in focal, unit test clientSuite.TestClientFindFromPathErrIsWrapped fails <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1867755>10:42
zygathanks, ackk, sparkiegeek: I will look at that soon10:43
sparkiegeekzyga: thanks!10:43
ackkzyga, ty10:43
* zyga has some annoying back pain all morning :/ 10:57
zygapleas forgive me if I'm somehow grumpy10:57
pedronismborzecki: when you have a moment can you do a first pass #8159 as well11:23
mupPR #8159: snap-bootstrap: remove created partitions on reinstall <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8159>11:23
mborzeckipedronis: sure, will do11:23
mupPR snapd#8281 closed: snap: tweak comment in Install() for overlayfs detection <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8281>11:40
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8275/files is really interesting (the test)12:02
mupPR #8275: daemon: do a forceful server shutdown if we hit a deadline <Squash-merge> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8275>12:02
zygaabeato: reviewed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8271#pullrequestreview-37597338912:22
mupPR #8271: interfaces: add hugepages-control <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8271>12:22
abeatozyga, cool, thanks12:23
mupPR snapd#8276 closed: snap: whitelist lzo as support compression for snap pack <Simple 😃> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8276>12:40
pstolowskimvo: #8251 has a conflict12:55
mupPR #8251: overlord: remove unneeded overlord.MockPruneInterval() mocks <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8251>12:55
mvopstolowski: thanks, will fix12:58
* zyga did some stretching and feels less pain :)12:59
mupPR snapd#8268 closed: snap-seccomp: robustness improvements <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8268>13:01
mupPR snapd#8282 closed: run-tests: disable -v for go test to avoid spaming the logs <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8282>13:01
ijohnsonhi folks13:09
zygahey ian13:21
ijohnsonhey zyga13:21
* zyga installs debian on metal13:21
mupPR snapcraft#2974 closed: project_loader: use -isystem instead of -I for system include paths <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2974>13:23
zygaackk: hey, can you tell my why maas puts a layout on /root ?13:36
ackkzyga, so ssh can find authorized_keys13:40
zygadoes maas bundle ssh?13:40
ackkzyga, yes (the client)13:40
zygaI mean13:40
zygathat ssh goes into maas13:41
zyganot into the host, right?13:41
mupPR snapcraft#2978 closed: tests: add microk8s spread test <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2978>13:41
mupPR snapcraft#2979 closed: tests: add multipass adhoc spread backend <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2979>13:41
mupPR snapcraft#2980 closed: vcs: add direnv files to .gitignore <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2980>13:41
ackkzyga, maas uses ssh to connect to remote virsh13:41
zygaI see13:41
zygaand there's no way to say, hey, ssh, pick those keys?13:41
zygaI mean13:41
zygalayout over /root feels a bit too powerful13:42
zyganot that it buys you anything13:42
zygabut it's a bit weird too13:42
ackkzyga, no, ~/.ssh is hardcoded13:42
ackk(I would think for security purposes)13:42
zygacan you put a layout over /root/.ssh13:42
zygawould be cleaner IMO13:42
ackkzyga, why powerful? it's not exposing the host /root, it's putting a dir over /root13:42
ackkthe snap container one13:43
zygapowerful in the sense that is has broad effect for the app13:43
zygait's not a security issue13:43
ackkzyga, sure, but that's kinda intended13:43
ackkzyga, is this causing issues with snapd?13:43
ackkzyga, I mean, would it be different if we changed the overlay?13:44
zygabut that's a real bug I will fix anyway13:44
zygait just happens to happen that this causes a bug :)13:44
zygaI will have details soon13:44
zygaand a fix13:44
zygaI was mostly curious about /root,13:44
ackkzyga, cool13:46
zygaackk: in addition I would suggest using $SNAP_COMMON13:47
zygaotherwise each revision has lots of mount changes for that13:47
zygabut it's not cancelling that two other layouts so perhaps not that important13:47
zygaas you wish13:47
ackkzyga, ah I see13:47
Lukewhbah to you too14:04
zygaackk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1867752/comments/614:04
mupBug #1867752: Unable to remove snap with content interface (with robust namespace update) <snapd:In Progress by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1867752>14:04
zygawe should really run *all* tests in lxd14:05
ackkzyga, thanks. great that you found the source of the issue14:05
ackkzyga, why does LXD make a difference in this case?14:05
zygaackk: as I indicated, because the filesystem type for snaps is no longer squashfs but fuse14:06
ackkoh, I missed that detail, I see14:07
zygathank you for this bug report14:07
zygait's a great find14:07
zygaI think this never worked correctly14:07
zygato the extent that all the squashfs checks were moot14:07
ackkit'd be great if lxd could passthrough kernel modules to containers, so that they could use proper squashfs14:09
zygaackk: it's not that14:12
zygaackk: containers cannot mount things because that's really the kernel mounting things14:12
zygaackk: so containers could attack all FS code14:12
zygaand that's considered unsafe14:12
ackkI see14:12
zygaI would love if lxd had some magic where it could identify squashfs that is signed and trusted (fs_verity maybe) and allow mounting that14:13
zygastgraber: ^ maybe crazy idea14:13
stgraberthe problem is that if the user has access to the underlying file, they can still mess with it while the kernel has it mounted14:16
stgraberso us doing any kind of hashing would just be a TOCTOU race14:16
stgraberand dm-verity on loop would similarly only really be trustable if there was no way for root in the container to modify the file that's assigned to the loop14:17
zygastgraber: indeed, that's true14:19
* zyga breaks for lunch15:10
=== adrian- is now known as alvesadrian
alvesadrianhello guys15:22
alvesadriansince snap15:22
alvesadrianis an squashfs15:22
alvesadrianmeans read only15:22
alvesadrianhow u can write data on it?15:22
alvesadrianI hafe a case where i need to write data afer install in conf files of the snap15:23
alvesadrianuser data15:23
alvesadrianhow this can be orted if snap is an squashfs?15:23
alvesadrianthere is a way to sort this out???15:24
ijohnsonhey cachio, have you had a chance to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8169 ?15:25
mupPR #8169: tests/many: don't use StartLimitInterval anymore, unify snapd-failover variants, build snapd snap for UC16 tests <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8169>15:25
alvesadrianmaxiberta ping15:26
cachioijohnson, I'l do it now15:28
ijohnsonthanks cachio15:28
ograalvesadrian, snaps have two dirs they can always write to ... these are defined in the SNAP_DATA (root/services) and SNAP_USER_DATA (enduser) environment variables15:34
zygaalvesadrian: you have $SNAP_DATA and $SNAP_USER_DATA15:34
zygaalvesadrian: and $SNAP which is what you ship in the package15:35
alvesadrianthe problem is15:35
ograalvesadrian, just make sure your snap writes to the respective dir15:35
zygaalvesadrian: the data things are not immutable15:35
alvesadrianthe app is a java app15:35
alvesadrianand sometimes need to write war files jar files15:35
ograthere are many snapped java apps15:35
zygaalvesadrian: you can write those to $SNAP_DATA15:35
zygaalvesadrian: I explained this last week, you cannot modify the $SNAP in any way apart from shipping an update of the pacakge15:36
ograwell, then write them to a writable dir and make sure to also read them from there15:36
zygaalvesadrian: so either disable the self-update and use snapd to update15:36
zygaalvesadrian: or use $SNAP_DATA as a writable space for the things you download15:36
zygamvo: we fail to build for s390x: Failed to fetch stage packages: Error downloading packages for part 'mokutil': The package 'libefivar-dev' was not found..15:37
zygasorry, this was for ppcel6415:37
xnoxzyga:  well, mkutil only makes sense on arm64 & amd6415:38
xnoxzyga:  as neither s390x nor ppc64el use UEFI with Shim and MokManager15:38
ograonly i you use secureboot anyway, no ?15:38
xnoxogra:  unrelated to secureboot, people can use mokmanager without secureboot15:38
ograto manage what ?15:39
ogramodules ?15:39
xnoxogra:  and we do have secureboot on s390x and ppc64el without uefi15:39
xnoxogra:  to manage keys15:39
ograah, k15:39
xnoxogra:  MokManager => machine owner key15:39
ogra(i thought it only signs unsigned modules)15:39
xnoxogra:  it doesn't even do that15:39
xnoxogra:  it only manages a keyring of keys that shim may use to validate stuff.15:39
xnoxin an UEFI environment.15:40
ogra<-- full of ignorance when it comes to secureboot on non-armhf systems :)15:40
xnoxprivate key should be stored/handled externally15:40
mvozyga: do you have a url for me?15:40
mvozyga: I don't remember us adding these dependencies15:40
diddledanU. E. F. I. ting tang walla walla bing bang.15:40
diddledanU. E. F. I. ting tang walla bing bang!15:41
zygayeah AH15:41
zygamvo: sorry that's a test snap15:41
zygaalvesadrian: does what we say make sense to you?15:42
ijohnsonmvo: #8169 is merged now, shall I open an equivalent PR to 2.44, even if just for a possible 2.44.1 ?15:57
mupPR #8169: tests/many: don't use StartLimitInterval anymore, unify snapd-failover variants, build snapd snap for UC16 tests <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8169>15:57
mupPR snapd#8169 closed: tests/many: don't use StartLimitInterval anymore, unify snapd-failover variants, build snapd snap for UC16 tests <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8169>15:57
zygaackk: I tentatively fixed it now16:01
ackkzyga, awesome16:02
mvoijohnson: for a possible 2.41 and it would be nice to see if it also fixes sergios 2.44 issue16:02
mvoijohnson: possible 2.44.116:02
mvoijohnson: there will be one16:02
ijohnsonsure I will open the PR now then16:02
mvoijohnson: for the search v2 api16:02
mvoijohnson: \o/16:02
=== adrian- is now known as alvesadrian
mvozyga:  google:ubuntu-20.04-64:tests/main/snap-confine-undesired-mode-group :  fails, is that something you might know about? full log in https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/663438502/log.txt16:09
alvesadrianzyga PM16:09
zygamvo: looking16:10
zygamvo: ah, interesting16:11
zygaso spawning a user session and leaving it behind is a bad idea16:11
zygamvo: this just tells us that there's a user logged16:12
zygaspecifically test16:12
zygaand that it has lingering stuff16:12
zygamvo: is that failing reliably or is that some leftover from a prior test16:12
* zyga looks what ran before16:12
mvozyga: only saw it now for the first time16:13
zygamvo: ok16:13
zygamvo: what I learned while working on session-tool16:13
zygamvo: is that session cleanup is async16:13
zygamvo: so none of our tests synchronize against that (except for the test for session-tool)16:13
zygamvo: I guess restore-each should do something like this:16:13
zygamvo: we can later drop that once we transition everything over from su - ... test16:14
zygato session-tool16:14
zyga*and* have a restore section much like this one in said tests16:14
mvozyga: ok, this sounds like I can merge this pr desite the test failure?16:14
zygaI would also say that kill-user is not enough16:15
zygabecause that will just kill the proceses16:15
zygacgroup cleanup is another async step after that16:15
zygait's a sad sad sad thing but reality16:15
zygathis is in scope for my work on session-tool and fixes for the pending tracking branch16:15
zygaI will write this down to fix16:15
mvozyga: ta16:18
mvomborzecki: I will squash merge 8275, any specific commit message you want there?16:19
* ijohnson should have squash-merged 8169 :-(16:19
zygaI need to run an errand16:21
mupPR snapd#8275 closed: daemon: do a forceful server shutdown if we hit a deadline <Squash-merge> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8275>16:34
* cachio lunch16:40
* ijohnson -> lunch16:45
mvopedronis: I created a snapd-ssl-certs update with the snap revert test we talked about and as predicted it hits the "on-revert-we-don't-run-configure-hook" bug. do you have some ideas about how the fix could look like? mostly wondering, I can dig myself, just finished the test16:58
pedronismvo: interesting, I thought we run configure hook, it probably doesn't do the correct thing?17:02
pedronismvo: can you confirm if we don't run it? or we run it but is not doing something sensible?17:03
pedronisanyway I would need to look at the code a bit to make a suggestion17:03
ogradiddledan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1863904 ...17:03
mupBug #1863904: Gimp 2.10 snap doesn't start, and you can't even reinstall it. <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1863904>17:03
diddledanthanks ogra, I'll take a look17:05
mupPR snapd#8284 opened: config: add system.certs.[a-zA-Z0-9] support <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8284>17:07
mvopedronis: no worries, I can poke at it a bit17:07
mvopedronis: maybe the revert is indeed just doing something silly in the cert case, I dig a bit17:09
mvopedronis: I think the issue is that on a revert there are no changes, my code is too naive and only looks at changes right now but it really needs to also sync disk<->conf17:13
mvopedronis: i.e. the transaction.Chnages is empty (just to clarify what I mean with the above)17:14
pedronismvo: yes, we need to think a bit in which cases that is true and what it means17:14
pedronismvo: in the case of a revert, we would have to empty disk and copy out all the values from the conf17:15
pedronisbut I don't know if that is what we should do for all cases where Changes is empty17:15
pedronisand also whether there are corner cases17:15
mvopedronis: yeah, I think we need to think a bit, I updated the PR to improve the XXX and will see what I can do tomorrow17:17
pedronismvo: also because our own code might do tr.Set at some point which would change Changes17:18
pedronisso empty Changes needs to be checked earlier17:18
pedronisor we need to flag Transaction by purpose early on17:18
mvopedronis: yeah, there are some options, I think I sketch something tomorrow that syncs the on-disk state with the config state. this should also fix the case that something tries to bypass our snapd configuration mechanism17:20
* mvo takes a break first17:21
diddledanis anyone tracking problems from classic-confinement snaps when launching an HTTP(s) URL via xdg-open where firefox pops a dialog saying it can't find your profile?17:42
diddledane.g. I just installed slack and can't login to any workspaces because of this17:42
RingtailedFoxhow would i go about compiling a .spec file into an RPM for my distro? i want to try to port snapd/snapcraft to mageia Linux17:42
diddledan... at least I presume it's via xdg-open. I need to double check that. it might be spawning firefox directly?17:44
diddledanok. it is spawning firefox inside the slack cgroup. possibly slack is trying to launch firefox directly?17:51
* zyga delivered some food to his parents17:57
diddledanwell done :-)17:57
diddledangood deed for the day :-)17:57
zygaRingtailedFox: snapcraft is distributed as a snap17:57
zygaRingtailedFox: snapd is already available in mageia, no?17:58
zygaok, time to focus on work :)17:58
RingtailedFoxzyga, i want to port snapd17:58
zygaRingtailedFox: could you look at snapd in fedora17:58
zygait is well maintained there17:58
RingtailedFoxyes, i was doing so.  a user here said they got the fedora spec file to work on mageia17:58
RingtailedFoxmageia is just a reincarnation of the old Mandrake/Mandriva linux17:58
zygaRingtailedFox: good luck, I need to focus on a test I was writing18:00
RingtailedFoxgood luck with your test :D18:00
zygaRingtailedFox: if you are serious about mageia support it really requires cooperation with snapd team18:00
zygaRingtailedFox: as we develop changes rapidly and heavily rely on CI18:01
zygaRingtailedFox: and our CI is invoked against different real distributions18:01
RingtailedFoxmageia's a real distribution... it's not a re-labelling like kubuntu18:02
zygaRingtailedFox: continuous integration, we run thousands of integration tests on specific real distributions for each patch18:03
zygaRingtailedFox: packaging snapd is just a step towards proper long-term support18:03
RingtailedFoxso it'll be more work than just some guy in canada can provide :P18:03
zygaRingtailedFox: all help is welcome18:03
zygaRingtailedFox: not all help can be supported at all times, we also have our priorities and commitments18:04
RingtailedFoxof course18:04
RingtailedFoxi can provide bug reports and testing at least18:04
zygastarting with a package available for testing is great18:04
zygagetting around of feedback18:04
zygatrying snaps18:05
zygachecking what works and what doesn't18:05
zygathere's the forum so if you want I would recommend you to post about your experiences and progress there18:05
zygaas others may find it and join the cause18:05
mupPR snapd#8252 closed: tests: update test to make snapd snap fixed twice <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8252>18:06
diddledanthis is slack trying to open firefox: http://cloud.bowlhat.net/index.php/s/A6wjmRp3tqm9wby18:21
mupPR snapd#8285 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: ignore EROFS from rmdir/unlink <Bug> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8285>18:30
zygakenvandine: ^18:30
zygaackk: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/828518:31
mupPR #8285: cmd/snap-update-ns: ignore EROFS from rmdir/unlink <Bug> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8285>18:31
zygasparkiegeek: ^18:31
zygais the maintenance window now? LP is throwing errors left and right18:32
sparkiegeekzyga: nice, thanks18:35
zygaI guess it only makes sense18:35
zyganow from the perspective of knowing about it18:36
sparkiegeekzyga: AIUI maintenance window not until tomorrow (00:30 - 01:30 UTC)18:36
zygaI'll try again in a moment18:36
zygaI got timeouts on anything I do18:36
mupPR snapcraft#2982 opened: specifications: experimental snap compression <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2982>18:38
sparkiegeekif username == zyga: time.sleep(20)18:38
zyga*knew it*18:39
* zyga shakes fist18:39
sergiusenszyga: fwiw I pointed RingtailedFox to Neil G.18:41
sergiusenszyga: have you ever seen someting like this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/3DKvfQRcfV/ ?18:45
zygaI don't think so18:46
diddledanwhat are you breaking now, sergiusens?!18:46
sergiusensdiddledan: installing lxd I just built in a multipass adhoc spread backend and trying to remove it right after install18:51
sergiusenswell LXD is a special snowflake18:52
diddledanjust like me, then ;-)18:52
sergiusensand installing with --dangerous might not get me all my required connections18:52
diddledanthat's an interesting thought18:53
diddledanit'ld be handy if there was an easy way to install a local package (--dangerous) but use the connections that the store would normally mandate18:54
diddledanmaybe --really-really-dangerous mode?18:54
mvocachio: I'm preparing 2.44 now (-final) - anything you need in there that e.g. fails with tests or something?19:51
diddledanmvo, 2.44-final-final-really_final-latest-v2?20:02
mvodiddledan: exactly 2.44-really-really-really-i-mean-it-this-time-final :)20:02
diddledanimmediately followed by 2.44-really-really-really-i-mean-it-this-time-final-dammit-popey!20:03
mvodiddledan: lol20:04
pedroniswe do plan a 2.44.120:09
sdhd-saschahey, i'm still here. If you need help, then just say ;-)20:12
mvohey sdhd-sascha ! nice to see you. I'm good right now but appreciate the offer! hope you are doing well?20:20
sdhd-saschaNice to hear :-) My wife and I are okay. Thank you20:24
mupPR snapd#8286 opened: tests: cleanup various uc20 boot tests from previous PR <Test Robustness> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8286>20:25
mupPR snapcraft#2982 closed: specifications: experimental snap compression <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2982>20:27
mupPR snapd#8287 opened: tests, many: don't use StartLimitInterval anymore, unify snapd-failover variants, build snapd snap for UC16 tests (2.44) <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8287>20:27
ijohnsonmvo: I unfortunately didn't remember to squash merge 8169, so I spent too much time trying to port the changes to 2.44, and ended up just squash merging that branch on top of master locally, then cherry picking that squash merge onto a branch off release/2.44 and submitting that as the above PR ^20:28
ijohnsonit was rather complicated to port all the commits to release/2.44, because the PR was opened before 2.44 branched, and had merges from master both before and after release/2.44 was branched :-/20:28
sdhd-saschamvo: last week, i just send  some application to canonical  ;-)20:29
mvoijohnson: thanks, this will make merging 2.44 back into master a bit painful :/20:33
ijohnsonah hmm hadn't thought about that20:33
mvosdhd-sascha: oh! you need to tell me some details tomorrow, good luck with that20:33
sdhd-saschathank you :-)20:33
ijohnsonmvo: yeah I just tried locally and there were conflicts with it20:33
mvoijohnson: you can try to merge that back into master and see how bad the conflicts are, if it's not too much it's fine, otherweise we should probably chat tomorrow, maybe we can do something minimal20:34
mvoijohnson: some conflicts are fine20:34
mvoijohnson: happens all the time, if it's a gazillion that is annoying :)20:34
ijohnsonlet me see how bad that is20:34
ijohnsonmvo: the conflicts aren't too bad, the big thing was actually just the changelog, the rest of the conflicts are trivial to resolve it seems20:35
ijohnsonmvo: see https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kSMKG5nGcf/20:36
mvoijohnson: aha, nice20:36
mvoijohnson: yeah, that sounds fine20:36
ijohnsonokay, cool20:36
mvoijohnson: thank you!20:36
ijohnsonsorry about that I know either I or someone else mentioned to mark that original PR as squash-merge and I forgot to tag it as such and then forgot to merge it as such /o\20:37
mvoijohnson: no worries20:40
mupPR snapd#8288 opened: release: 2.44 <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8288>20:43
mvocachio: core 2.44 should be in beta in ~1-2h, unfortunately the snapd snap is not ready tonight, LP is hanging on code import it seems20:44
cachiomvo, awesome20:45
cachioI'll start as soon I have resutls20:45
mvocachio: looks like snapd snap will also build tonight, LP finally imported the updated code. should also be ready in ~1h20:53
cachiotests should start automatically once the snap is published20:54
mvovery cool20:59
mupPR snapcraft#2977 closed: cli: merge build options into provider options <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2977>21:15
mupPR snapcraft#2983 opened: tests: add LXD spread test <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2983>21:18
mupPR snapcraft#2983 closed: tests: add LXD spread test <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2983>21:30
sdhd-saschahello, ijohnson: didn't look much about the PR. Thank you, for your advice. Really much thank's :-) If there is something i didn't see, then i like critism ....21:35
ijohnsonsdhd-sascha: we're always open to contributions like yours, just in that specific case I think it doesn't add very much utility to our current workflow21:43
* ijohnson -> EOD21:43

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