[16:52] Oof... I think hexter might be dead upstream. [17:09] not dead... just not well maintained [17:11] I think the ladspa part is probably ok... not sure about the GUI [17:12] works in 18.04 though [17:16] on the other hand, I think we do ship dexed [17:18] Carla doesn't seem to realize I have any dssi plugins anyway [17:22] qtractor says we have fluidSynth (we have that anyway), Hexter, Whysynth, and Xsynth [17:22] The last two are the same so far as I know (forks of each other) [17:23] The GUI is toast on Fedora. I might have to retire it from Fedora (I just became the maintainer there). I'm thinking replacing hexter with dexed might be in order. [17:24] I'm filing a "life check" issue with hexter on github. [17:24] No commits for two years to the day tomorrow. [17:25] Carla might just needed to be pointed to the right path. [17:25] *need to be [17:26] My native language doesn't work before I've completed my second cup of coffee. [17:27] We don't ship dexed. There is no package, not even in Debian. [17:28] Would definitely be worth packaging though. [17:28] * OvenWerk1 wonders how come he has it then [17:31] Unless you compiled it yourself... [17:31] Ah, I seem to have downloaded it from somewhere [17:31] I just did a package search, and we don't have it. [17:31] Maybe Filipe has it in his repos? [17:31] no need, LV2s don't really need a package [17:32] (well they do to include in a distro) [17:33] but because they should not system libs and the xorg lib API is static they should run on any system [17:33] Yeah, he doesn't have it. Just checked. [17:33] Well, I guess I'll get to work on that. [17:33] I honestly doubt I'll hear back from smbolton (hexter). [17:33] he has asnwered email in the past [17:34] but he has generally said he no longer wishes to work on it. [17:34] Looks like he is local to me. [17:36] Well, if he doesn't wish to work on it, then I guess I'll retire it in Fedora and we'll remove it from the seed starting next cycle, replacing it with dexed. [17:37] It's suffering from some severe bitrot with the GUI not functioning. [17:37] dssi is dead basically. Ardour doesn't load them though qtractor does. But out of the four plugins only the two work [17:37] qtractor does load lv2s [17:38] Yep. Might be worth removing dssi plugins from the seed altogether going forward then. [17:38] Bitrot is a thing. [17:40] That may mean removing q-synth [17:42] hmm maybe not [17:42] It seems fluidsynth-dssi is a dssi wrapper around fluidsynth it self [17:44] Interesting. [17:45] BTW I am not sure how up to date dexed is either [17:46] Last commit = Feb 6, 2020. [17:46] So, at least it's active. [17:46] good [17:47] Last release was 2 years ago tomorrow. hehe [17:48] However, it's VST and actively developed. [17:50] do we have dragonfly? [17:51] https://github.com/michaelwillis/dragonfly-reverb/ [17:51] Doesn't look like it. [17:51] I know that one is actively developed [17:52] Yeah, it is. It's not in Debian, Ubuntu, or Fedora. Arch and Manjaro have it. [17:54] Looks easy enough to package. [18:02] we should export an LV2 path [18:04] default LV2_PATH is $HOME/.lv2:/usr/local/lib/lv2:/usr/lib/lv2 [18:08] but it should also include: /usr/lib/ardour5/LV2, and the /opt/*/lib/LV2 [18:10] Agreed. We need something in default-settings with our paths. [18:10] I don't know if * works in a path :) [18:11] but we could create a file at boot that did that [18:11] ^ That's what I mean, that or at login. [18:11] right [18:11] The .session file could handle it. [18:13] wouldn't that be in /etc/skel though? [18:13] maybe something in /etc/X11/ [18:15] I think if we added afile to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ that would work [18:16] unless we wanted to add a plugin path setting to -controls... [18:20] I personally don't think we should do that though [18:24] I think the place for it might be /etc/X11/Xsession.d/56ubuntustudio-session because we already add that [18:25] We could even do it outside the "if" statement [18:26] except I guess we don't install that file except with xfce [18:26] so it would not work for studio on top of flavour [18:28] best to just call it 50set-lv2-path [18:46] Nah, /etc/skel is dead. [18:47] What I was thinking was using 56ubuntustudio-session for that. [18:47] Except it won't work for studio over flavour [18:48] Well, if we want to make it DE-agnostic, then we should do something like 50set-audio-plugin-paths since there's more paths to be set than LV2. [18:48] sure [18:49] Would that be appropriate to add to -controls? [18:49] no [18:49] not in my opinion [18:50] Didn't think so. Probably -performance-tweaks then (subpackage of -default-settings). [18:50] Probably needs a rename though. [18:51] What I want to cover are packages like Mixbus that include plugins the user paid for and may want to use with something other than just Mixbus [18:51] So they should just show up in carla or Ardour or qtractor [18:52] * OvenWerk1 is off to the bank [18:52] Yep.