
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
knomekrytarik, i wonder why that is; literally nothing in the code has changed.07:27
knomebluesabre, should we close submissions?07:31
knomelooking at the voting thingy07:36
Unit193I should vote.07:37
knomedon't, yet07:39
knomethere is a slight chance i need to reset votes07:39
knomeoh yay07:48
knomenow you can downvote07:48
knomebut votes are not visually shown before refresh07:48
knomeaaand now that should happen as well07:51
knomesent a note that all voting needs to be done again08:01
knomein case somebody has gone and voted08:01
knomebluesabre, in the contest voting results, i added a submission counter for each author, so we can see if people have submitted more than allowed08:21
knomei'm not saying we have to be literal and disqualify everybody who submitted more than 5, but there is one author who has submitted 14 entries and one author who submitted 12 entries08:22
jphilipsknome: hi. just another ping that i'm willing to get the changes in the google docs onto the website.09:26
knomejphilips, yes, i am aware and will get to them once i have the time for it09:28
jphilipsi'm saying that if i can get credentials to the site, i can make the changes, so you dont have to09:30
jphilipsor did i misunderstand your last message09:31
knomeas i'm not very active, i'll leave that decision to others :)09:34
jphilipsUnit193, bluesabre, ochosi: ^^^09:48
bluesabreknome, I think I closed them?09:50
Unit193bluesabre: In case you missed, ~4pm good?09:55
bluesabreUnit193: 5pm would work better, but I think I might be able to swing 409:56
Unit193Let's do 5.09:57
knomebluesabre, oh right you did. just didn't remove the link to submit ;)11:02
knomejphilips, pleia2 is the admin for the website team, you should primarily ask her :)11:03
jphilipsknome: strange as it mentions you being the website lead - https://wiki.xubuntu.org/contact11:42
jphilipsgonna start a poll tomorrow and have two poll questions to choose from. which do you guys think is better?11:44
jphilips1. When Xubuntu 20.04 releases next month, what do you plan to do?11:45
jphilips2. How excited are you for the release of Xubuntu 20.04?11:45
knomejphilips, that's outdated.11:48
knomecontact pgae updated11:53
pleia2I forgot I was the website lead17:35
pleia2knome probably gave it to me while I was delirious from baby-induced sleep deprivation17:35
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jphilipspleia2: :D18:03
pleia2jphilips: what's the document you're editing for proposed website changes?23:33
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