
Odd_Blokepowersj: A couple of small (not at all urgent) PRs of mine that you could take a look at once you're around: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/257 https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/26314:56
powersjOdd_Bloke, ok will review post-standup14:57
=== tds0 is now known as tds
powersjOdd_Bloke, leave the merging to you15:47
Odd_Blokepowersj: Thanks!16:01
cloaked1So if `write_files` is used in `/etc/maas/preseeds/*some*userdata` and then let's say a machine is instantiated using cloud_init which calls `write_files` will both `write_files` properly function? I'm thinking that one (user_data) will supercede that of `curtin` it seems. Can someone confirm or deny that observation?19:28
powersjcloaked1, hey thanks for the link - I think the best person to answer that isn't around this week unfortunately19:35
cloaked1ah man!19:35
cloaked1that sucks.19:35
cloaked1I kinda need to know...19:35
cloaked1ok, I'll figure something out. Thanks @powersj19:36
cloaked1powersj: do you happen to know if there's a recommended way to add lines to /etc/fstab?19:37
powersjcloaked1, if you are using cloud-config there is a mounts key19:39
cloaked1thank you!19:39
cloaked1so does that have a curtin equal?19:40
cloaked1that's what I'm trying to figure out...sorry, I misspoke in my questin.19:40
powersjI believe modifying /etc/fstab is what curthooks are for in curtin19:41
powersjbut rharper or smoser know much better than me :)19:41
cloaked1powers: thank you19:48
cloaked1er powersj:)19:48
smosercloaked1: are you snafuxnj ?19:50
smoserit doesnt sem likely to me that user-data and curtin_userdata_custom would conflict.19:50
cloaked1I am19:51
smoserone would be applied in install time frame19:51
smoserand one would be installed during first boot19:51
cloaked1hmm. OK. for some reason I seem to be observing that they conflict, but I could be wrong. I'll some code to the discourse question. Maybe someone can validate what we're doing. I may have something wrong in my write_files object.19:52
smoserfor the most part , curtin is done after install19:53
smoserso , anything it was going to do (write_files) is done19:53
smoseruser-data is like ec2 user data.19:54
smoserin that it goes to the system on first boot19:54
smoserthe one overlap that i'm aware of in curtin and cloud-init is the networking bit.19:55
smosercurtin just passes the network config that it is given through to the system rather than rendering it itself.19:55
smoserthen  cloud-init will render on first boot19:55
cloaked1ok cool. I'm running some testing right now with the mount: option you provided. If that works then I'm not gonna press the write_files issue I'm observing for now.20:07
cloaked1otherwise, I'll need to press it because it will likely be the only way to achieve what I'm trying to achieve.20:07

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