[01:10] sup [07:10] Good morning [08:53] suqajaebypobo1825 was added by: suqajaebypobo1825 === Mony_ is now known as Mony [10:52] Hello. I have "Dummy output" issue. My input devices disappeared as well. How can I update my drivers? [10:58] Hi all [10:59] Everytime I start kubuntu I have two windows that ask me to insert my password, one named kdewallet. [10:59] I selected auto login to not insert the password everytime. How to fix this? [11:08] Hi folks === MANIAC is now known as Guest42179 === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:06] hello I have to use a vpn on linux, how can I print the error while I press connect it gives me? [12:06] cause it only say 'connecting' and after that nothing happens and return to a normal state [12:10] Klinda: openvpn? [12:10] I am using the default one [12:10] l2tp vpn [12:10] in the connection manager [12:11] is the vpn server a paid or free service [12:11] free a smart working vpn [12:12] also I need to traslate this to ubuntu [12:12] 13:00] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PolicyAgent] [12:12] [13:00] "AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule"=dword:00000002 [12:12] recommend openvpn [12:12] how can I install it? [12:12] sudo apt install openvpn\ [12:13] without the \ [12:13] how can I run it? [12:13] I don't find it in the searching bar [12:14] openvpn is a different protocol than l2tp [12:14] so it will not work [12:14] I have the pre-shared key [12:14] depends on the server you're trying to connect to [12:15] how can I run this openvpn and insert the preshared key and the domain and all? [12:15] is l2tp a requirement, or do you have other vpon options? [12:15] only l2tp [12:15] l2tp/ipsec [12:16] I also have to put that register key that is windows only... [12:16] that's old technology and not very stable [12:16] that's not my problem btw my mom need to work ahah [12:17] I am just wondering if I have to use windows, or is possibile to use kubuntu and add that registery key [12:17] perhaps you could ask in ##networking chat [13:44] Sound works well with Kubuntu USB live. The cause of no sound being heard from speakers or headphones is because There is a problem with an error in the last update of the PPA with the Nvidia driver. They sent a filth as update and they have not solved it. [13:47] user|29381: if you've had a kernel upgrade since you added the ppa to your sources, chances are the ppa driver is no longer supported [13:49] go back to the default nvidia driver === {FilezBoy} is now known as hasta === hasta is now known as {^FilezBoy^} [14:18] There was a kernel update a week ago and then 3 days ago the Nvidia driver update came from the official ubuntu PPA. [14:18] I did a clean installation of Kubuntu in another partition, I installed the nvidia driver of the PPA again and the same sound still does not work in the new installation, I am reading ask ubuntu to several people with the same problem [14:21] user|29381: ppas aren't official , otherwise the source would be in the default repo [14:24] one thing, check alsamixer to make sure the automute setting is disabled [14:28] i write alsamixer in a terminal [14:28] yes [14:28] tes [14:28] but does not appear automute [14:28] yes [14:29] user|29381: you may have to navigate to the far right to find it [14:29] are there a italian people? [14:29] https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/suRzHSWERTXgp7igp8GQ?signature=6c7bad86dc23d33f40ebf207ab21c145201f5f6549545352b5f1b180685d1d2e&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2Mjk5MTN9 [14:29] !it | clara_ [14:29] clara_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [14:30] thanks [14:32] user|29381: F5 [14:33] BluesKaj I cant find automute [14:33] try F5 in alsamixer [14:34] Dont works with F5 [14:35] is this onboard or separate pci soundcard? [14:41] ok, nvidia gpu to hdmi [14:42] is a nvidia gpu [14:44] user|29381: run this in the terminal, lspci -k | grep -A 2 -E "(VGA|3D)" and paste the "Kernel driver in use:" [14:44] In the kubuntu installation where the problem first occurred I changed from Nvidia driver to Nouveau driver but now I cannot enter my operating system, I am stuck and only this appears to me https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/5Wvt79mFQaWTocsmGwxR?signature=d77655149ed383553cc4b89c8d09b47ec02697b899951acc27b84f0091301d2b&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2M [14:44] zA4MjJ9 [14:53] zA4MjJ9 ??? never heard of it [14:54] try nomodeset [14:54] zA4MjJ9was part of his last url [14:54] !nomodeset [14:54] Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there. [14:54] https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/5Wvt79mFQaWTocsmGwxR?signature=d77655149ed383553cc4b89c8d09b47ec02697b899951acc27b84f0091301d2b&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2MzA4MjJ9 [14:55] I asked for the kernel driver from the command I posted above [14:57] sorry appears me nothing https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/D778zJfrRBiZQDmAJ9cR?signature=c31149b5e38f0c651a14da364e0ef71edbf1ed6ba57bbaaaae409e6e1b6f81bf&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2MzE1NzR9 [14:58] I need reboot [14:58] Ill back [14:58] understandable, > lspci -k | grep -A 2 -E "(VGA|3D)" ## nothing behind that command [14:59] BluesKaj, a lot of people with iwlwifi 0000:3d:00.0: BIOS contains WGDS but no WRDS .. === MANIAC is now known as Guest17344 [15:03] Now switch from nvidia driver 440 to 435 and the problem continues [15:07] The command lspci -k | grep -A 2 -E "(VGA|30)" gives me [15:08] https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/ujqTWp61RQ8GdZj4ih8w?signature=b43a3560dbee45adc9e2be560f9bf131515e7f83061df0e5f174443311aac935&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2MzIyMTh9 [15:16] user|35621: cat /proc/asound/cards [15:18] I want to see what is loading [15:28] https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/kdmdAu9ThKylpyhIaAMG?signature=96917bf86326cd8546748ee1cc7983ff0c1ef885575323beeb04c8a333e12a8a&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2MzM0MzB9 [15:46] user|35621: open pavucontrol and make sure the output device is set to HDMI [15:48] Appears me HDA unplugged [15:49] https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/hvDFrg4ZR0KRGYaahBKv?signature=3f907dc3cd52f03e169a17d7beedeb968c69bfbffe34ce4dc253f6e2977459e0&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2MzQ2ODN9 [15:50] user|35621: check on the configuratiojn profile tab there [16:01] All the 9 profiles appears me unplugged unavailable [16:01] https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/vNf1FNtNQ9a11eQdG9td?signature=46a7aa85809d61ad8f41c3946dc1962f50f89dda501449ca4be91b3d653b2085&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2MzU0MTZ9 [16:01] greetings, how an I acces the grub config on he installation medium. I read somewhere that I should press 'e' when I'm on the page that you choose installation or live. But pressing 'e' only changes the langauge field. [16:06] isomari, no grub on the install media. [16:06] it is just 1 kernel, and boots in single user. [16:11] oerheks: I'm getting an error when trying to install. "ubuntu ubi-partman failed with exit code 141". I went to the follwing site "https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2391201" and the last option mentioned editing the installation grub. [16:15] oh, that is not editting grub, just a boot option, press F6 when you are at that point in the bootprocess. [16:15] oerheks: thanks [16:16] have fun and good luck! [16:18] oerheks: F6 does nothing. [16:24] oerheks: found the answer here: "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions" [16:24] thanks [18:13] should there be a selector on the login screen to change to wayland? [18:15] If the login screen itself is running X and offers Wayland, then there would have to be some way of it to restart itself with Wayland then [18:16] ( and vice-versa) [18:17] Because the DE will use whatever it's using [18:17] i just remember it being there on Neon and figured the login screen was the same on kubuntu [18:19] maybe sudo apt install plasma-workspace-wayland [18:23] Change the Nvidia driver to Nouveau because the Nvidia driver causes me not to hear any sound, but when I changethe driver and choose Nouveau this appears on the screen https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/7xdYJ889RNqQN6J2ITka?signature=f9f8bedc72e42a69081d76a39433758213ff2a011a793221f8ceac3ae6c99342&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2NDM5ODB9 [18:24] How can I correct it to log in? === Roey is now known as CoffeeVillain [18:37] The latest PPA update of the nvidia driver is giving problems to many people [18:37] Hey, i have a problem with installing zoom on my kubunto 19.04. Who can help? [18:40] 19.04? I recommend upgrading to 19.10 as support for 19.04 expired. [18:41] I installed zoom yesterday by running the deb file from their website... go here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/204206269-Installing-Zoom-on-Linux#h_75e1dc24-8db1-4b89-8db9-eb049f9b7987 [18:51] Rubens was added by: Rubens [18:52] thank you === ankurgupta is now known as ankurgupta__ === ankurgupta__ is now known as ankurgupta === ankurgupta is now known as ankurgupta_ [19:25] Hi [19:26] Can anyone help me here? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1218427/auto-login-problem-on-kubuntu [19:29] would like to get hellp too === CoffeeVillain is now known as Roey [20:11] Is possible to change the driver by command line or by configuring some file? [20:11] I cannot enter graphic mode in my Kubuntu installation https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/AFBV2KSlS4WM7LYjKjrs?signature=bd7fa3d8ca3dfaa7a374078ba5d49d3e38f355b53228095c4457e99889254e11&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2NTA0NTV9 [20:12] I want to change from nouveau to nvidia driver. [20:26] user|69723: You might want to try: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-440 [20:30] Ok I will try it thank you genii [20:41] Hello there! … I just ran my standard "Update and Upgrade"-script with the commands … sudo apt autoremove … sudo apt update … sudo apt full-upgrade … sudo apt autoremove. … Now, my network managers seems not to work anymore. … I can't even start it and connect to my wifi. … It can't be a hardware problem, because my Wifi Card is listed under "lspci". [20:44] The command … "cat /etc/network/interfaces" … gives the output … " … # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8) … auto lo … iface lo inet loopback" … if this information might help you. [20:45] Hi Genni I try with command sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-440 but xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-440 is already in its most recent version and I cannot enter graphic mode https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/5jLCVFxrSqqzTR1swhKg?signature=e3c425fe1f8548e4e1db5d1e13d99557c6e27b6e4534559df62a1d062f1a16e3&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2NTIzODN9 [20:47] I have audio problems. Dummy Output in the devices. alsa-restore process works fine. Also I created alsa-base.conf and wrote this … ```options snd-hda-intel model=generic … ```Now I have HDMI-DISPLAY PORT ... instead of Dummy Output. There are 0 input devices. Please help me restore the sound. [20:48] What command or configuration should I execute to enter graphic mode? [20:50] ctrl alt F3? or ctrl alt F6 ? [20:50] you are in tty1 now [20:50] Hey IrcsomeBot this works for me https://askubuntu.com/questions/1218041/ubuntu-18-04-audio-disappeared-after-update/1218063#1218063 [20:58] user|38158: You could try sudo systemctl restart sddm.service ...and see what errors it gives. [20:59] Ok [20:59] If it was going to start X it would have already, so there's not really going to be a command to "execute to enter graphic mode" as such [21:00] But by trying to start the login screen it may say something useful [21:06] systemctl set-default graphical.target # something like that, genii ?? [21:08] oerheks: Not sure [21:09] * to boot automatic in the 'gui' [21:10] It looks like they're booting the same machine to talk with us on one OS then rebooting to their broken 18.04, trying things, returning here, etc [21:11] oerheks: Luckily I haven't had to delve too deeply into that stuff before because my machine "just works" [21:14] reverse is multi-user.target [21:15] If they did a standard install it should already be trying to boot into GUI [21:17] indeed, this problem is pretty unique [21:19] They didn't report a black screen, but it still might be prudent to do nomodeset === dilfridge is now known as CaptainProton === CaptainProton is now known as dilfridge [21:31] Hi again genni. With sudo systemctl restart sddm.service... doesn't give me any error https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/iUTx5IIiRYKlbk7tLtec?signature=00e43d9840411499affc2c8c2a7debd395db8077874626a6536b730bd12babfa&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2NTUyNDZ9 [21:32] May someone help me with my Network Manager Problem 😢 ? … I tried to find a solution online, but it's a bit hard through the smartphone ... [21:32] These are the installed drivers but I still can't go into graphic mode https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/gEGZoELoQWaZrU98rebM?signature=c64e0cd0c3c2e4a96d9e22dc4c3139b77a3ece329d713190e9c3c7e74999bc89&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2NTUzMDl9 [21:38] @MaximusLibertas42, Well, it is very weeird [21:38] Some update may have broken your setup, i never had that problem iml [21:39] @darltrash … Thank god that you react at least <3 [21:39] So, network managers doesnt work? Only them [21:39] It's very ugly trying to find a solution through a small Smartphone [21:40] can you paste from that machine, i stopped looking at those pictures. [21:40] Have you restarted your pc since you updated? [21:40] paste.ubuntu.com please [21:41] Yes, several times. … It shouldn't be a hardware problem because my Wifi Card is listed after "lspci" [21:41] Hmm, VERY weird [21:42] Sorry, i cant help you, i have NEVER had that problem :( [21:44] The command … "sudo systemctl status NetworkManager" … lists some Information and one bold line with Something Like … " [1584653295.4167] Error: failed to open /run/network/ifstate" [21:48] Hi again genii. With sudo systemctl restart sddm.service... doesn't give me any error https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/iUTx5IIiRYKlbk7tLtec?signature=00e43d9840411499affc2c8c2a7debd395... [21:50] useless url .. [21:50] @MaximusLibertas42, Weeeeird but useful [21:51] https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/no-network-after-upgrade-failed-to-open-statefile-4175492864/ [21:59] I already found that post. … I don't have the "ifconfig", but the command … "iwconfig -a" … gives … "No such device" [21:59] Uhhhh [22:00] @MaximusLibertas42, ☝️ [22:01] Very frustating situation [22:09] Ajifebrianto was added by: Ajifebrianto === Klindaa is now known as Klinda [23:00] Hi genii [23:02] user|10388: Hi, making any progress? [23:06] nop [23:07] I'm still stuck to the black terminal interface https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/iKB0E6qUT66szeMtoXm4?signature=a9147a95b546e66fd2f020967c176416c84be03f66ccbda4eec7a612029a81d2&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1ODQ2NjEwMDJ9 [23:08] I have tried updating initramfs and nothing [23:09] !nomodeset } user|10388 [23:09] genii: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:09] @ubottu, Hi! [23:09] !nomodeset | user|10388 [23:09] user|10388: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there. [23:09] I read about moving the .Xauthority file from home [23:09] user|10388: This is the next thing to try [23:10] ( nomodeset) [23:12] and what parameter I need to add? [23:13] nomodeset? [23:15] Add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= [23:21] Hi nomodeset parameter dont works [23:24] user|88215: How did you install your Kubuntu? [23:27] ( for instance, from a liveusb/dvd, upgraded from a previous kubuntu, installed it into a VM under another OS, issued apt install kubuntu-desktop from another flavour, etc) [23:27] I only had Kubuntu installed on my machine, no other operating system, everything worked very well until the new kernel update arrived and the Nvidia driver ran out of audio. [23:27] I knew it was a Nvidia problem and I changed to the nouveau driver and that's where the problem of not being able to enter started [23:28] I did a clean install from a usb [23:29] Can you boot successfully by selecting a previous kernel from the grub menu? [23:30] I tried it with the grub options but I couldn't get in [23:32] user|88215: Do you have a second machine you can use to be on IRC so you can try things on the broken install without rebooting every time into a different OS to report back? [23:35] Now I only have one machine, I installed in another partition kubuntu then I installed the nvidia driver and again I ran out of sound until they gave me the solution and in that new installation of kubuntu I am now [23:39] I can use my mobil [23:42] user|88215: That's probably the best solution available for the moment. I will soon be leaving, but if you do not resolve your issue, I am generally online 09:00 to 18:00-19:00 EST [23:44] nomodeset solution? [23:46] I will continue investigating, it is a lot of work and time to configure kubuntu, install programs and configure them [23:49] 227/5000 [23:49] I am very upset about the faulty update of the kernel that they sent and the nvidia drivers, everything was fine until that moment. [23:50] reminds me of the famous "F you, Nvidia" [23:50] Many people had problems with this and had to reinstall their entire operating system as well [23:54] nvidia is a bummer