
jphilipshi all, come someone assist me with registering #ubuntu-testers22:52
Unit193jphilips: Perhaps first take a look at #ubuntu-quality?22:54
jphilipsUnit193: its blank22:55
jphilipsit added the question mark when i joined it :D22:57
valorie use /j #ubuntu-quality22:58
Unit193That used to be channel 27 on my other connection, I don't remember why it no longer is.22:58
valoriejphilips: I think Unit193 is suggesting that you use the channel we already have22:59
* valorie didn't know about that chan22:59
Unit193There used to be both #ubuntu-testing and #ubuntu-quality, but the former got folded into the latter.22:59
jphilipsvalorie: yes i had joined it after i saw the mistake with the '?' added to the end of the channel23:00
valoriethat's already all set up with logging, etc.23:00
jphilipsokay great, we already have a suitable channel, so i'll go with that :D23:00
jphilipsthanks Unit19323:00
valoriebridging does not need to be done to an indentically named chan/room/etc.23:01
valoriesheesh, too much typing today23:01
Unit193jphilips: Happy to help.23:01
jphilipsvalorie: definitely doesnt have to, just assumed there wasnt one :D23:02
jphilipsthough the channel i was setting up was just for ISO testing23:02
Unit193That's what -testing was, but found out they didn't need two channels because there wasn't the traffic for it.23:03
valorieI assume that quality chan will be happy with iso testing23:03
valorieall hands on deck esp. for an LTS23:03
valoriejphilips: you might find some willing people in #ubuntu+123:04
Unit193Generally a decent channel to hang out in, that's the -next support channel.23:05
jphilipsvalorie: will add it to the google doc, please add any others you can think of there23:06
jphilipshave a good night everyone23:06
valorieok, but quite busy with gsoc right now23:06

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