
stan_man_canoerheks how long does dd normally take?00:21
stan_man_cansource is 240GB, target is 120GB, partitions on source only add up to 81GB00:21
stan_man_canboth drives are SSD's00:21
TJ-stan_man_can: without the option "bs=50M" it is transferring data 512 bytes at a time00:27
TJ-stan_man_can: usually we add "bs=50M" (blocksize=50 Megabytes) because that is how much it'll read in one operation so is much faster than reading just 512 bytes at a time00:28
stan_man_canjust finished anyays00:28
stan_man_canbut didn't work00:28
stan_man_cani got an error that it ran out of disk space, in gparted the destination drive shows it all as unallocated00:28
stan_man_canwith a (!)00:28
stan_man_canTJ- any clue how I can make this work?00:29
TJ-stan_man_can: show us "pastebinit <( sudo gdisk -l ; lsblk )"00:30
ericderacesay I want to have multiple IP addresses for the same ethernet adapter (eth0), all configured with DHCP - what is the ip command do I need to use ? ip link add ...?00:30
stan_man_canTJ- "Problem opening -l for reading"00:32
TJ-hehehe oops lets try again00:33
stan_man_canstill output that but00:33
TJ-stan_man_can: show us "pastebinit <( sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda; sudo gdisk -l /dev/sdb; lsblk )"00:34
TJ-stan_man_can: is this the target (destination)? " sdb      8:16   0 111.8G  0 disk  "00:35
stan_man_canTJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jTNWxH2dXH/00:35
stan_man_canTJ- yeah, source is sda, target is sdb00:35
TJ-stan_man_can: ok, lets create partitions on sdb to take the partitions from sda00:36
TJ-stan_man_can: show me "pastebinit <( sudo sgdisk --info 1 --info 2 /dev/sda )"00:38
stan_man_canTJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GhnpWpDNdq/00:39
TJ-stan_man_can: OK, we'll replicate the same partitions on sdb with "sudo sgdisk --new=1:0:+1048576 --new=2:0:+167772160 /dev/sdb" then tell the OS about the new partitions with "sudo partprobe /dev/sdb" -- check p1 and p2 have appeared with "grep sdb /proc/partitions"00:43
stan_man_canTJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hPqTCvYK8Z/00:45
TJ-stan_man_can: good... now lets copy! "for n in 1 2; do sudo dd if=/dev/sda$n of=/dev/sdb$n bs=500M status=progress conv=fdatasync,fsync ; done"00:47
stan_man_canbs=500M or 50M?00:47
TJ-stan_man_can: 500M --- bigger is better and faster00:48
TJ-stan_man_can: especially with SSDs00:48
stan_man_canit's chugging away at about 400MB/s :)00:49
stan_man_canway faster than the 42 minutes the last one took00:49
stan_man_canTJ- once this is done, apparently i have to do somethign to fix grub?00:50
TJ-stan_man_can: I came in late but I presume you'll have to create a chroot and install grub again to sdb00:51
stan_man_canyou lost me at chroot00:51
TJ-stan_man_can: Can I presume that partition 1 contains /boot/ ?00:51
stan_man_cani think so? how do I check00:52
TJ-stan_man_can: well its only 512M so that'd make sense, it won't be the 80GiB partition!00:52
stan_man_canyeah when i check in disk utility it has boot,esp flags00:52
TJ-ahh so NOT /boot/ but the EFI-SP good job you told me that!00:53
TJ-stan_man_can: are you going to remove sda before trying to boot this with sdb ?00:53
fd2how do correct removing preinstalled libreoffice from ubuntu 18.04 ?00:53
fd2i want to install new version00:54
stan_man_canTJ- in gparted I right clicked on tthat first partition and said "manag eflags" and checked off boot and esp and it applied them, not sure if that's good or bad, i thought i could click "cancel" but it applied them right away00:56
fd2just go to 'ubuntu software', make search 'libreoffice' and uninstall all installed in any order ?00:56
TJ-fd2: or in a shell do:  " sudo apt remove $( apt list libreoffice* --installed  2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | sed 's,/.*,,' ) "00:58
TJ-stan_man_can: that is fine00:58
TJ-stan_man_can: you'll need to tell the PC's firmware to boot from sdb now using efibootmgr00:58
TJ-stan_man_can: check what the PC currently has with "pastebinit <( efibootmgr -v )"01:00
stan_man_canTJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bmgZQ2mdpH/01:01
TJ-stan_man_can: so 87 and 89 are the current boot entries for Ubuntu it looks like01:02
TJ-stan_man_can: oh, and 0000 has the Secure Boot entry01:03
fd2TJ-, thx01:04
TJ-stan_man_can: I'm presuming those are on sda based on the GUIDs from earlier01:04
TJ-stan_man_can: are you going to remove sda from the system, or wipe the existing file-systems from it?01:04
stan_man_cani'll disconnect it first and if everything is working i'll be wiping it and moving it to a different computer01:04
TJ-stan_man_can: we have to be careful here since you've got a clone it'll have the same GUIDs as the original which will confuse the system and OS01:05
TJ-stan_man_can: disconnection is good - then only the 'new' drive will have the GUIDs01:05
TJ-stan_man_can: so you need to 'install' the new instance via grub-install01:06
TJ-stan_man_can: has the cloning ending?01:06
stan_man_candd is done yeah01:06
TJ-stan_man_can: in which case we need to create a chroot (change root) to do the install01:06
TJ-stan_man_can: OK: "sudo mkdir /target && sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /target && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /target/boot/efi && for n in proc sys dev; do sudo mount --rbind /$n /target/$n; done && sudo chroot /target mount -a && sudo chroot /target grub-install /dev/sdb && sudo chroot /target update-grub && sudo umount --lazy --recursive /target{proc,sys,dev,boot/efi,} "01:10
stan_man_canTJ- haha01:10
stan_man_canthat's one hell of a string01:11
stan_man_canTJ- https://kopy.io/kDuxY01:12
stan_man_cangot an error01:12
TJ-stan_man_can: ah! you've an entry in the /etc/fstab for a mount at /tv that the system cannot find01:13
TJ-stan_man_can: I'll revise the command from where it stopped01:14
stan_man_canTJ- that might make sense, i manually added i think two entries to fstab01:14
stan_man_can /tv and /movies01:14
TJ-stan_man_can: here we go: " sudo chroot /target grub-install /dev/sdb && sudo chroot /target update-grub && sudo umount --lazy --recursive /target{proc,sys,dev,boot/efi,} "01:15
TJ-stan_man_can: you might also need to delete those boot entries we saw (0000, 0087, 0089) but we should check what is there first with "pastebinit <( efibootmgr -v )"01:19
stan_man_canTJ- uh, everything broke now01:19
TJ-stan_man_can: uhoh01:19
stan_man_canand windows are all crashing so i couldn't even share the output of the command01:19
stan_man_cani think something a bout proc syss dev boot not found or something01:19
stan_man_canTJ- i can't open terminal or firefox01:21
TJ-stan_man_can: actually that is weird, since I typo-ed and it would have failed01:21
stan_man_canmaybe the failure caused unintentional behaviour01:21
stan_man_cannot sure what to do since I can't even open up terminal, i guess I have to reboot and hope it comes back okay?01:22
stan_man_canreboot to the live usb again*01:22
TJ-stan_man_can: how are you using IRC?01:22
stan_man_candifferent computer01:22
TJ-stan_man_can: oh! are you connected to the other PC via ssh then?01:22
stan_man_cani've been swiveling back and forward the whole time01:22
TJ-stan_man_can: I thought you were copy/pasting my commands!01:23
stan_man_cani was01:23
TJ-stan_man_can: OK phew!01:23
stan_man_cancopied into a pastebin01:23
stan_man_canswivel, visit the url, copy it and paste into terminal01:23
stan_man_canand then repeat the process to share the output with you :P01:23
TJ-stan_man_can: right, on the 'broken' PC press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to tty2 and login01:23
TJ-stan_man_can: If you're using the liveISO the username will be "ubuntu" with empty password01:24
stan_man_canTJ- all i get now is a blinking underscore cursor top left01:24
stan_man_canno login prompt or anything01:24
TJ-stan_man_can: tap a key01:24
stan_man_cani tried01:24
TJ-stan_man_can: ok, try Alt+F101:24
stan_man_canback to desktop01:24
TJ-stan_man_can: hmmm, it's supposed to start spare ttys01:25
stan_man_canyeah i have a feeling something is seriously borked right now01:25
TJ-stan_man_can: try Alt+F2 to get the command-run dialog01:25
stan_man_cany eah got that01:26
TJ-stan_man_can: ok, lets see if we can restart the desktop! "systemctl restart display-manager" -- this may fail or you may get a password prompt01:26
stan_man_cannothing happened01:27
TJ-stan_man_can: are you using the regular "Ubuntu" liveISO ? we could also try relaunching "gnome-terminal" from that dialog01:27
stan_man_canyeah just the regular download01:27
TJ-ok, try "gnome-terminal" then01:27
stan_man_canjust gnome-terminal or systemctl restart?01:27
TJ-just "gnome-terminal"01:28
TJ-stan_man_can: if this works you might have the terminal again01:28
stan_man_canno change01:28
TJ-stan_man_can: ok... best to reboot the LiveISO then so we regain stability01:28
TJ-stan_man_can: although... at this point I suspect /dev/sdb WOULD boot if you remove sda01:29
TJ-stan_man_can: the error was in the unmount so won't affect the install01:29
stan_man_canTJ- tried to shutdown and have a bunch of errors01:29
stan_man_canlast one is [ ***   ] (2 of 3) A start job is running for Wait until snapd is fully seeeed (23s / nolimit)01:30
stan_man_canthe other ones are talking about ACPI BIOS Error01:30
stan_man_canTJ- should i just hard restart it?01:31
TJ-stan_man_can: press Ctrl+Alt+F2 again ... then press and hold down Alt+SysRq, release SysRq, then press and release in turn R E I S U B01:31
TJ-usually its on the PrtScrn key01:32
TJ-or close to it... in the dark here can't see it :D01:32
sarnoldthis "waiting for seed" thing was an issue in snapd ~nine days ago -- when did you download this image?01:33
TJ-sarnold: PRNG ?01:33
stan_man_cansarnold i downloaded it like 3 hours ago01:33
sarnoldTJ-: no, not /dev/random stuff; from the discussion a while ago, "the seed is what preinstalls snaps"01:34
TJ-sarnold: and is breaking on live env?01:35
sarnoldstan_man_can: if you don't make much progress, you could try #snappy as well and ask if they have fixed images yet01:35
stan_man_canTJ- alright01:35
TJ-stan_man_can: at this stage a hard reboot is in order01:35
stan_man_canit's back up again01:35
stan_man_canthe REISUB thing worked01:35
TJ-stan_man_can: yay01:35
TJ-stan_man_can: did you boot to the LiveISO or into sdb ?01:36
stan_man_cansda and sdb are still both plugged in01:36
TJ-stan_man_can: you should remove that 'sda' and see if you can boot it to the 'sdb'01:36
stan_man_canTJ- so just shut down, remove sda, and boot back up?01:36
TJ-stan_man_can: in theory it should be able to, but we can check just before you try if you want01:36
stan_man_cando I need to do anything in bios?01:36
TJ-stan_man_can: "pastebinit <( efibootmgr -v )"01:36
TJ-stan_man_can: the 'new' sdb install should now be the default *if* the earlier grub-install /de/sdb worked01:37
TJ-/dev/sdb even01:37
stan_man_canTJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MqMTjF7kFN/01:38
TJ-stan_man_can: try removing sda and a reboot without the USB LiveISO connected01:39
stan_man_canTJ- looks like it's working!01:43
stan_man_canthank you SO much for the help!01:43
TJ-stan_man_can: you're welcome01:43
stan_man_can+rep TJ-01:44
stan_man_candang, worth a try01:44
oerheks!cookie | TJ-01:54
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:54
* genii tries not to eat TJ-'s cookie01:56
oerheks!coffee | genii01:58
TJ-plenty to go around for all :)01:59
* TJ- needs to head off to bed - almost 02:00 here01:59
oerheksyay, 03:0001:59
geniioerheks: :D01:59
=== abq1 is now known as abq
AlericI'm trying to build kernel 4.11.12 (from git) with: fakeroot debian/rules binary02:44
AlericIs that not correct?02:44
AlericIt gives me a compile error :/02:45
Alericusbip_common.c:220:21: error: '%d' directive writing between 1 and 3 bytes into a region of size between 0 and 31 [-Werror=format-overflow=]02:45
Aleric  sprintf(busid, "%s:%d.%d", udev->busid, udev->bConfigurationValue, i);02:45
oerheksgrab the old 2017 kernel here? https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.11.12/02:46
oerheksreally, i would not suggest to do that, you must have a reason02:47
AlericI rather compile it myself because I think I'll need to make changes.02:47
oerheks4.11 is not a supported kernel for Ubuntu; it does not get patched by Canonical , !hwe gives 4.1502:48
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oerheksgood luck!02:48
AlericI bought hardware that arrives tomorrow and THEY only support that hardware up till 4.1102:48
AlericSo, if I want to get support from the hardware vendor I have to run 4.11.02:49
AlericOnce I get it to work with that kernel, I can look at if it works at newer kernels.02:49
Alericoerheks: anyway, if you look at the url you just pasted; it is what I am using. At the top it says which git to use and which tag, and then three patches that need to be applied.02:51
AlericSo, I did all that - but I can't find anywhere how to build the kernel.02:52
AlericPretend I'm asking this for 4.15.02:52
AlericExactly the same.02:53
AlericSame git, different tag, a few patches. And then?02:53
IcemanV9or grab old ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) that have 4.10 kernel from archive to install?02:59
tripelbMy wireless doesnt function. I tried to replace drivers. Search reveals problems. Does anyone have a good way to replace the drivers. THanks. (18.04 HP Probook RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter)03:02
tripelbwill look in later and reask.03:05
geniiAleric: You could do as IcemanV9 suggests, then pin the kernel packages to 4.11, then upgrade to 17.10, then to 18.04. But since both 17.04 and 17.10 are long EOL already you have to mess with sources.list to point to old-releases repository03:08
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto03:09
AlericFor now I just installed the .deb's is there any reason to think that won't work?03:14
AlericThe main reason I want to be able to compile it myself is so I can start hacking the driver.03:14
nt0ought to work just fine.03:15
nt0provided that your userspace doesn't rely on anything that has changed.  i doubt it has03:15
geniiAleric: The debs from the mainline repository should work fine to install an older kernel03:16
AlericIf the hardware (PEXUSB3S44V) works under 4.11 (and if it doesn't I'll get support from Startech) and not under 5.5.9 - then I could do a binary search for the commit(s) that cause that... IF I can compile the kernel myself :/03:16
Alerica git bisect thus03:17
AlericI presume my compiler is too new hence it gives this error...03:17
AlericI bet the kernel is normally build in some chroot - but that isn't documented anywhere grr :/03:18
nt0Aleric: could always try a distro build around compiling whatever you need if you really have to customize the system to fit your hardware.  don't mean to pry so feel free to ignore: what sorta hardware did you pick up that requires 4.11 in order for support?03:32
geniint0: They stated PEXUSB3S44V which seems to be a 4 port USB3 PCIe card03:34
nt0hory shet.  that seems like commodity hw that ought to work well enough on anything with some tweaking.  i figured it'd be something like a complete system tailor-made for a use case and only supported by the vendor.03:37
nt0i'm pretty ignorant.  how often do kernel changes cause support regressions on hardware that isn't 20+ years old?03:39
geniiThat card debuted in 2017 when 4.11 was latest kernel. Later ones probably have no issue, I'd suspect they just haven't updated the sales page for it.03:40
nt0Aleric: ^^^03:41
nt0maybe it's a symptom of having played around with operating systems for over a decade but i never even look at what is "supported" unless i have trouble.  if there's trouble i don't look to the manuf's website unless they are known for their *nix customer support03:43
Peppi^how secure is the default build of ubuntu 18? Is there anything a noob needs to know or do if he is going to expose his box to the internet?03:44
=== Peppi^ is now known as Peppi
MordocPeppi^, there are some really good guides that can be Googl'd. At a minimum, I read up on UFW and unattended updates03:45
Bashing-om!virus | Peppi03:45
ubottuPeppi: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:45
PeppiBashing-om, who said anything about a virus?03:46
nt0Peppi: don't use port 22 for ssh if you plan to use ssh.  plenty more but that'll save you some disk space03:46
Peppint0: I have my router exposed on port 22 so this box will not have 22 open03:47
nt0Peppi: why router exposed on 22?03:47
Peppint0: I plan on having maybe a minecraft server and nextcloud installed on the box. So a few ports will be open but not 2203:48
Peppint0, uhmm good question, in my life I found moving it off 22 was more trouble then it was worth03:48
Peppiif someone is going to attack you they will scan all your ports03:49
nt0for the general audience: i was young and naive and forwarded port 22 to a VM so that i could ssh via a dynamic DNS thing.  turns out that bots aplenty target 22 without scanning03:49
MordocPeppi, consider things like public keys and fail2ban then at least...03:49
PeppiMordoc, yes it uses public keys03:49
PeppiMordoc, fail2ban... I'm not sure... I'll have to check that03:50
MordocPeppi, sounds like you got this in hand then. Happy Minecrafting!03:50
PeppiMordoc, no no not at all03:50
nt0simply forwarding 22 to a VM generated more than 5gb of logfiles for failed ssh login attempts03:50
PeppiMordoc, I have ssh covered on my router. I'm an noob on ubuntu03:50
MordocPeppi, the docs on fail2ban are somewhat cryptic but there are some good howtos. It's a service that block repeated failed attempts to connect to your SSH port.03:51
nt0re: 5gb logs.. it took only a day or two.  there are scripts out there attempting ssh login on that port across the entire net.  lots of them.  i noticed the diskspace taken up by the logs and was shocked at how many bots were active.03:52
PeppiMordoc, I'm using an Odroid HC2 for my minecraft and nextcloud server. The HC2 is using some "custom" ubuntu 18.x version03:52
MordocPeppi, as long as it has apt for package management, you should be fine.03:52
PeppiMordoc, it does03:52
PeppiMordoc, but I've only gotten as far as installing ubuntu. Everything is default including the username and password03:53
PeppiMordoc, I'm just wondering out of the box how secure is ubuntu?03:53
geniint0: That card seems to be going for about $160, I think I'd send it back and get a Vantec UGT-PCE430-4C  which has exact same features, works on all 4 and 5 series kernels so far with full UASP and 5Gbps for half that amount03:53
nt0Aleric: ^^03:53
Peppidoes anyone know what vulnerabilities a minecraft server has? Should I be worried is it safe to expose to the net?03:55
Peppihow about nextcloud?03:55
bkurt78Hello, would this be the appropriate forum to ask a question about a snap package?03:56
MordocPeppi, an update to date box is *fairly* secure. I'd always enable UFW, unattended updates, and use public keys for ssh you'd be better than a far number of servers on the net.03:56
MordocPeppi, sorry meant to say an up to date box...03:57
grievreHi, I'm using 18.04 recently upgraded from 16.04. In 16.04 if I had two wifi adapters it was really easy to configure them separately but in 18.04 I'm finding it difficult. They both want to connect to the same AP and I want one of them to not connect to anything, but there's no option to disable one adapter, only to disable wifi in general03:59
Peppiok are there any know vulnerabilities for a nexctloud server? The box will not have port 22 open just whatever minecraft and nextcloud uses.03:59
grievreand there's also no "disconnect but stay enabled" option03:59
nt0Peppi: security?  https://www.archive.ece.cmu.edu/~ganger/712.fall02/papers/p761-thompson.pdf04:00
nt0Peppi: a rebuttal: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2006/01/countering_trus.html04:00
nt0interesting read for anybody who likes computing for its own sake.04:01
lotuspsychjePeppi: nt0 maybe you could move this discussion to #ubuntu-discuss lets keep the channel free for our ubuntu support users04:01
nt0lotuspsychje: aye, agreed.  sorry.  hopefully the security stuff helps some real-world cases that happen to hop in.  unlikely but nonzero!04:02
Bashing-ombkurt78: Sure, you can ask here about snap packages.04:03
Peppilotuspsychje, wait my question is ubuntu support no?04:03
lotuspsychjePeppi: ubuntu questions are fine, but please for yourself keep a line between support vs discussion04:04
bkurt78I'm currently using the Makemkv snap package and the program is hitting a fatal error when ripping a certain disc.  Some research online indicates that it is probably due to the fact that its using an old version of java to handle some playlist obfuscation.  However, I can't find a way to allow the Makemkv application use a different version of04:04
bkurt78java that is installed.  I'm assuming its a confinement issue, but maybe I'm wrong.04:04
Peppilotuspsychje, understood04:04
bkurt78Bashing-om:  Thanks!04:05
CarlenWhiteI'm over on Xubuntu, but my issue seems focused on the layer Xubuntu is on. I'm having full-on freezes without an exact reason and checking journalctl after such a crash doesn't lead to a conclusion. For example, the last thing that has happened last boot was Anacron finishing, second to last was a login from myself.04:08
lotuspsychjebkurt78: report your bug at the maintainer: contact:   https://github.com/diddlesnaps/makemkv/issues04:09
Bashing-ombkurt78: Over my head also - but hang loose here - perhaps others here have the greater experience.04:09
bkurt78Will do.04:10
CarlenWhitePlus the crashes tend to be random. Last time it just happened when I looked away a moment to do something on my phone, other times when unattended so I'm stumped.04:10
CarlenWhitekern.log comes up with nothing. Just my logitec stuff being recognized.04:27
canurabushi all. I am trying to install ubuntu to an encrypted root partition (/boot is separate unencrypted, / is encrypted with cryptsetup luks). I managed to install ubuntu to the encrypted partition but I'm having trouble setting up a password prompt to decrypt on boot. I have tried adding an entry to /etc/crypttab and running update-initramfs but I get a couple of errors:04:38
canurabus"cryptsetup: WARNING: Invalid source device UUID={uuid copy-pasted from /etc/fstab}" and "Warning: couldn't identify filesystem type for fsck hook, ignoring"04:38
canurabusI couldn't find what could cause these errors so I'm a little lost on house to proceed04:39
CarlenWhiteI've done something similar to this before, and I know I've done this because I've reused a LUKS protected LVM.04:40
CarlenWhiteBut I'm having issues remembering the exact incantation.04:40
canurabusI didn't use LVM... (maybe its not relevant). The UUID I used is the one associated with the actual partition (/dev/sda5 -> /dev/mapper/cryptroot), so I used the uuid from /dev/sda5 output by blkid. Does that sound right?04:42
CarlenWhiteI haven't put a filesystem directly behind encryption but I'd imagine it be similar. I'm checking a wiki article at the moment.04:45
CarlenWhiteThis is how my laptop is configured if you are curious: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5v5v7WdcCY/04:46
CarlenWhiteWait, are you able to boot into the install or is it always coming up with that error whenever you try?04:48
CarlenWhiteJust for clarity.04:48
canurabusI haven't completed the setup yet. I booted with a live usb, opened up terminal and setup the encrypted partition and mounted it using cryptsetup. Then I installed ubuntu and haven't restarted yet, I am trying to configure /etc/crypttab so i get a password prompt04:49
canurabusotherwise ubuntu doesnt know about the encrypted partition so booting it wouldnt work04:49
CarlenWhitePeek at this while I check something on my laptop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019#Post-Installation_Steps04:50
canurabuswill take a look04:51
sparrI'm having trouble with unexpectedly poor performance in 3d games on a dell xps 13 with intel integrated graphics. I can't find much in the way of wiki or forum information about this sort of situation newer than 4-5 years old. Are there specific resources I should be looking for/at about this?04:53
CarlenWhiteAh okay your configuration is different than mine. My /boot partition was left encrypted which explains why it's easier for me.04:59
canurabusmy boot partition is also unencrypted (im assuming from what you posted only root/swap/home/development are encrypted)05:01
CarlenWhiteYeah root/swap/home/development are only encrypted. You can pick your own partitioning scheme: it's your system. Mine happens to be allocating space as needed and spinning up partitions for one-offs or purpose-built reasons.05:04
CarlenWhiteBut I'm looking through the guide to spark something in my mind.05:04
sparrintel-gpu-overlay says 0% render load even when a 3d game like autonauts or skyrim is running and very slow05:06
revtI keep getting logged out of my ssh session with the message: packet_write_wait: Connection to UNKNOWN port 0: broken pipe, Shared connection to <host> closed. Any idea what is happening? I have to log back in and then all my TMUX sessions are killed so it is an annoyance.05:15
CarlenWhitecanurabus, Still with us? Spooled up a VM so I can experiment since I'm puzzled.05:28
fd2how to make all .py files executable in the folder? 'sudo chmod -R -a+x folder/*.py' ?05:32
yoasifhi all05:41
=== z4kst4r1 is now known as z4kst4r
fd2how to make all .py files executable in the folder? 'sudo chmod -R -a+x folder/*.py' ?06:47
CarlenWhitefd2, I don't think you'd need sudo if the files are own by you. And I assume you have good reason to, but yeah, generally that'll be the command.06:49
CarlenWhiteAlternatively you can just use `python /path/to/script.py`06:51
fd2CarlenWhite, thanks!07:18
cixxlotuspsychje: i couldn't find man page for switcheroo but there is option to choose card on right click context menu.. thank you07:22
fd2CarlenWhite, i executed script, but for sub folder it didn't work. then i 'cd folder' and 'chmod -R -a+x *.py'. files in that folder became exec. but in subfolder - none. why? i used '-R'07:26
fd2'chmod -R -a+x *.py' the '-' before 'a' - error. i executed command without it07:29
vegombreiHi, I need some advice, so i bought a M.2 drive and plugged it in but didnt work on ubuntu, had to install windows to recognise that drive and get it to work now that drive is ntfs and i wanna install windows side by side ubuntu .. can i install this on a ntfs partition?? will it work fine or will i have trouble later??07:33
fd2i am going to sleep. don't answer. good time07:33
lotuspsychjecixx: ok great, but did you solve your crashes and such?07:36
Peppistupid question but when you run a command in the CLI do you use an & at the end to run applications in the background? Or how do you run applications in the background using the CLI?07:40
Peppifor example would I type jave foobar.jar & or something to make it so I can continue to use the CLI?07:41
cixxlotuspsychje: solved some errors with https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/For-AMD-users-having-issues-with-non-OpenGL-games07:42
cixxbut there are acpi errors already07:43
lotuspsychjecixx: try to update your bios as latest possible too07:43
lotuspsychjecixx: was your cpu ryzen too?07:44
cixxlotuspsychje: nope. it is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7600U CPU @ 2.80GHz07:47
cixxthere are firmware updates on hp site but it seems like they are prepared to run on windows07:49
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | cixx07:50
ubottucixx: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate07:50
cixxlotuspsychje: thank you. it was so easy. :) notebook setup screen has online bios update menu. it is downloading new bios firmware right now08:01
lotuspsychje!yay | cixx08:02
ubottucixx: Glad you made it! :-)08:02
=== bipul is now known as reckless
ibr2guys, im unable to launch the Terminal08:06
ibr2I tried many suggestions found both in Google and StackExchange08:07
lotuspsychjeibr2: ubuntu version? kernel version? journalctl -f and launch terminal to see errors plz08:07
oerhekswhat happens if you try? click the icon, or ctrl alt t08:08
cixxlotuspsychje: some errors are gone but there are 5 acpi errors already08:10
ibr2lotuspsychje, 18.04, Linux version 5.2.0-kali2-amd64 (devel@kali.org) (gcc version 8.3.0 (Debian 8.3.0-19)) #1 SMP Debian 5.2.9-2kali1 (2019-08-22)08:10
lotuspsychjeibr2: we can only support ubuntu here08:11
ibr2oerheks, nothing comes up, i tried many different ways08:11
oerheksoh no, kali is not ubuntu ibr208:11
ibr2guys, this is ubuntu08:11
cixxlotuspsychje: https://pasteboard.co/IZMMt5h.png08:11
ibr2I don't know why it's showing Kali even myself08:11
oerheksibr2, no, it is not.08:11
oerheksgood luck in the kali channels08:11
lotuspsychjeibr2: you waked up, and suddenly kali was installed on your computer?08:12
ibr2oerheks, my friend I am working with Ubuntu08:12
ibr2nah this my ubuntu guys08:12
ibr2it's just when I ran "uname -a"08:12
ibr2it shows kali08:12
ibr2through the Xterm08:12
lotuspsychjebye ibr208:12
ibr2I am not joking??08:13
FingerlessGlovescat /etc/os-release08:13
lotuspsychjecixx: pastebin your new dmesg after the bios updates plz?08:13
oerheksFingerlessGloves, it is clear he/she is using a debian + kali kernel.08:13
oerheksdon't give support in here, thanks.08:14
FingerlessGlovesoerheks sounds that way08:14
ibr2FingerlessGloves, (NAME="Ubuntu"08:14
ibr2VERSION="18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"08:14
ibr2PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS"08:14
FingerlessGlovesout of date too lol08:14
cixxlotuspsychje: https://justpaste.it/38xdi08:15
lotuspsychjecixx:  0.000000] DMI: HP HP EliteBook 850 G4/828C, BIOS P78 Ver. 01.32 01/05/2020 nice!08:16
ibr2lotuspsychje, FingerlessGloves oerheks https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ctKmJ6dCnJ/08:16
ibr2here's the content of my OS-Release file08:17
ibr2I never installed Kali in My PC, it was Windows, then I installed Ubuntu over the disk08:17
cixxlotuspsychje: :)08:17
oerheksmounter ro read only > [ 6.778080] EXT4-fs (sda2): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro08:18
ibr2oerheks, what is this?08:18
oerheksibr2, please leave, you will not get support, thanks.08:18
ibr2oerheks, why?08:18
ibr2I told you, not lying !!!!08:19
lotuspsychjecixx: seems like you are not alone, bug #180567008:19
ubottubug 1805670 in linux (Ubuntu) "18.04 LTS - ACPI parsing errors in ZBook G5 Mobile Workstation: issues ex. suspend, touchpad" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180567008:19
ibr2guys i need help08:20
lotuspsychje!acpi | cixx play around with these08:21
ubottucixx play around with these: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI08:21
oerhekscheck sda2 for errors.. fsck.ext4 -p /dev/sda2  (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting)08:22
ibr2FingerlessGloves, thanks for all your help, and appreciate your honesty and respect man! i'll do your recommendation08:24
cixxlotuspsychje, ubottu: https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Operating-System-and-Recovery/acpi-error-with-linux/td-p/6021489/page/208:24
cixxit seems like there are patches on kernel 5.408:24
cixxhow can i update my kernel to latest stable kernel version 5.5 on ubuntu 18.0408:25
lotuspsychje!mainline | cixx08:25
ubottucixx: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:25
lotuspsychjesee also oerheks advice cixx08:26
zap0anyone recommend some ui-widget to show some system stats in real time?   like Cpu-usage, memory usage?08:29
lotuspsychje!info conky | zap008:29
ubottuzap0: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.8-1build2 (eoan), package size 3 kB, installed size 27 kB08:29
oerhekseoan 19.10 gives 5.3 too?08:30
oerheksfocal 20.04 beta gives 5.4.0-18.2208:32
lotuspsychjecixx: this might be your troublemaker too: [ 7.169624] hp_wmi: query 0x4 returned error 0x508:34
zap0lotuspsychje thanks, i installed it, how do i config it?08:40
oerheks2347 pages with conky examples https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=234708:41
cixxlotuspsychje: installed latest kernel 5.6-rc5 but nothing changed :)08:42
oerhekslongest threat on ubuntu forum08:42
lotuspsychjecixx: what i presume, is all those HP models/series might suffer a few acpi bugs, you might wanna fiddle around with that hp_wmi & the !acpi bootlines08:44
lotuspsychjecixx: try to work systematic, test all your laptops functions, like brightness, suspend,... and see what works and what not08:45
cixxlotuspsychje: lotuspsychje thank you.. i don't have much more time to research about these errors. but it seems like everything works for now08:55
cixxso i need to ignore those errors for a while08:56
lotuspsychjethats great cixx08:56
cixxthank you :)08:56
lotuspsychjeevery system has a few acpi warnings in dmesg, so no big deal08:56
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
zap0can i get some help with this conky thing.  how do i change its settings?09:04
oerheksif you have installed conky-all, type 'conky' in terminal09:06
zap0it appears under the icons, i can even read 1/2 of it09:07
oerheksthere are, however, gnome-shell-extentions with a lot of tools, cpu use info and more09:07
oerheksdid you see the ubuntu-forum post?09:07
zap02347 pages of stuff that's far too advanced for where i'm at.  not useful.09:08
ducassezap0: also check out gkrellm, a bit simpler than conky09:10
zap0how do i move it out from under the icons?09:12
lotuspsychjezap0: https://linuxconfig.org/system-monitoring-on-ubuntu-18-04-linux-with-conky09:25
zap0wow, that page looks very useful.  thank you.09:27
zap0fixed.  thanks.09:29
=== mnemonic is now known as Guest42470
brendantccWhat's the minimum amount of space my friend would need in a partition to install and run Ubuntu?10:33
brendantccLet's assume he's installing 18.04 btw10:33
oerheksminimal number without updates, any program, any driver?10:34
lotuspsychjethink ubuntu now asks 8gb+10:34
oerheksi keep it @ 20 gb. less is not really usefull10:34
lotuspsychjetested bionic on a 8gb ssd once, and it didnt want to proceed10:34
lotuspsychjedidnt test netinstall or minimal iso's for bionic myself10:38
guivercbrendantcc, too little and you may have issues with upgrading if you don't do it regularly (ie. let them pile up), cannot release-upgrade... ie. mainenance costs can be higher as you have less disk space...10:59
BluesKajHi folks11:08
killallwhy does copy paste suck so much? Like when i copy it pastes old stuff?11:09
Sc0utonLinuxHello my CPU is stuck on it's min frequency and I can't figure out why, can anyone offer any guidance?11:14
ducassekillall: there are two clipboards, the x11 selection buffer and the clipboard. install something like clipit to sync them11:24
killallok thanks11:24
akemSc0utonLinux, It should adapt automaticly, but you can try: sudo apt install cpufreqd cpufrequtils; then: sudo cpufreq-set -r -g performance11:24
Sc0utonLinuxakem do you mean cpupower frequencey-set ? - cpufreq-set doesn't seem to be available. Also no matter the load the frequency stays at lowest frequency11:26
akemSc0utonLinux, Hm no it should be cpufreq-set AFAIK? Are you using Ubuntu 18.04?11:28
HamiltonI needed a theme and icon packs so I installed 2 PPAs...I tried to be neat and installed VLC, youtube-dl through snap..but clementine is not there so I have to yet again install a PPA...Is this the way things are? I have to find a current PPA ?11:28
akemMaybe it has changed? But it's still cpufreq-set on my system which is Ubuntu 18.04.11:28
lotuspsychjeHamilton: we dont support external ppa's here11:30
lotuspsychjeHamilton: we strongly advice to use packages from the repos/snaps11:30
Hamiltonlotuspsychje, But what if its not availabe. My way for GUI apps is snap > apt > PPA. For11:31
Sc0utonLinuxakem I installed it via cpufrequtils -- I've been messing about trying to get this to work so I may have removed it .. eithercase setting it to performance has left the frequency unchanged11:31
HamiltonBut I have trouble sticking to this since most of the time I see myself adding PPAs because the apps are not available or outdated11:31
Sc0utonLinuxmeaning lowest frequency11:32
akemScotty_Trees, What CPU is it?11:32
lotuspsychjeHamilton: when problems with one of your ppa's==>contact the maintainer11:32
akemI mean Sc0utonLinux *11:32
Hamiltonlotuspsychje, There is no problem. I'm saying my apt is getting messy adding external PPAs11:33
akemI have one machine that don't want to adjust with cpufreq too. AMD A4 IIRC.11:33
HamiltonI'm wondering if its the way or I'm doing something wrong11:33
lotuspsychjeHamilton: remove your ppa's11:33
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Hamilton11:33
ubottuHamilton: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html11:33
Hamiltonlotuspsychje, Then what happens to the apps which need them to update?11:34
Sc0utonLinuxakem i7 6700k11:34
lotuspsychje!latest | Hamilton11:34
ubottuHamilton: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:34
Hamiltonlotuspsychje, So it is the way ...If I wanted edge I should have gone with a rolling release like Arch...11:35
HamiltonBut now I have to manage random external PPAs11:35
Sc0utonLinuxakem frequency-info confirms limits from 800 to 3.90 mhz - all 4 cpus stuck at 800mhz .. temperature of 25c and often reaching 100% load11:35
lotuspsychjeHamilton: why do you need always the latest apps exactly?11:36
akemSc0utonLinux, That's weird.11:37
Hamiltonlotuspsychje, not latest. There are things which do not exist on any Ubuntu repo11:37
HamiltonLike themes, icon packs, 3rd party apps11:37
lotuspsychjeHamilton: its your system, you can add what you want, but we cant support it, hope you understand11:38
akemSc0utonLinux, Well i don't know you can try to have a look in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor for example...See if it's on performance or something else.11:38
akemSc0utonLinux, Check /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq too. Not sure how you monitor frequency.11:38
akemFor current frequency.11:39
cousteauHi everyone!  How's everything going?  Everything OK?11:40
killallcousteau, yes :) closed in home due to covid-1911:40
cousteauSame, but still technically at work11:41
killallcousteau, same here. Being a sysadmin is easy.11:41
killallTo work home i mean.11:42
cousteauI am trying to add a widget to the Ubuntu 16.04 panel to monitor when the disk is about to get full, but I'm not even sure where to look for.  Is it called an "indicator" or a "widget" or what?11:42
lotuspsychjecousteau: apt-cache search indicator11:43
cousteauAlso, is any of these installed by default?  I was used to being able to right click on a panel and just add stuff11:43
lotuspsychjecousteau: the system indicators are default, if you need more, they are optional11:44
cousteauOK but I mean, the only default ones are the ones I see (network, layout, Bluetooth, battery, volume, time, power/config), there isn't any menu to enable/disable more of them, right?11:49
cousteauI've noticed there are quite few config options installed by default11:50
lotuspsychjecousteau: thats on ubuntu-desktop, unity you are right?11:50
lotuspsychjecousteau: no then, additional indicators are yet to install optional11:51
cousteau(I've considered installing XFCE and be done with it, but since it's the company laptop I try to avoid installing unnecessary stuff)11:52
cousteauOK will look for indicators, thanks!11:52
lotuspsychjecousteau: indicator-multiload for example monitors all kinds of things, you can add a HD value too11:53
Sc0utonLinuxakem i'm still a bit of a noob .. i can't figure out how to look into those is it with a cat command or grep or something ? I am currently using conky and also the command : /var/log$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz11:53
lotuspsychje!info indicator-multiload | cousteau11:53
ubottucousteau: indicator-multiload (source: indicator-multiload): Graphical system load indicator for CPU, ram, etc.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4-0ubuntu5 (eoan), package size 137 kB, installed size 901 kB11:53
Sc0utonLinuxall CPUs constantly at 800 mhz11:53
Sc0utonLinuxakem did you get my messages ?11:55
akemSc0utonLinux, No.11:55
Sc0utonLinuxakem i'm still a bit of a noob .. i can't figure out how to look into those is it with a cat command or grep or something ? I am currently using conky and also the command : /var/log$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz11:55
Sc0utonLinuxall CPUs constantly at 800 mhz11:56
KristofDHi all, I have just installed ubuntu 18.04LTS and am experiencing an issue with the file manager. Copy-pasting using either the right-click menu or the keyboard shortcuts doesn't work (in right-click, 'paste' stays greyed-out). I am able to copy files using the command line. I have also installed another file manager 'nemo', but this has the exact11:56
KristofDsame behavior. Any hints about what be the issue?11:56
akemSc0utonLinux, Yes with "cat".11:56
lotuspsychjeSc0utonLinux: plz dont repeat too fast11:56
akemSc0utonLinux, Are you using 18.04?11:56
Sc0utonLinuxakem Zorin 15.211:57
akemSc0utonLinux, Zorin 15.2 ? I would suggest you update your system to a fresh Ubuntu first.11:57
lotuspsychjeSc0utonLinux: we only support ubuntu & their flavours here11:58
cousteaulotuspsychje: cheers!11:58
Sc0utonLinuxakem Performance and 80003311:59
akemScotty_Trees, Yeah that's 800 Mhz.11:59
akemSc0utonLinux, Install Ubuntu 18.04 or newer, or at least try the live USB and check with it.11:59
lotuspsychjeSc0utonLinux: /join #zorinos11:59
akemYeah or that too. :P12:00
Sc0utonLinuxthere is 7 people in that chat :(12:00
lotuspsychjeSc0utonLinux: we can only support ubuntu here, sorry12:00
Sc0utonLinuxLinux kernel (Linux 5.3) courtesy of Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS12:01
lotuspsychjeSc0utonLinux: only official ubuntu allowed12:01
lotuspsychjeno derivatives12:01
Sc0utonLinuxthere is no difference really ..:'(12:01
lotuspsychjeyes there is12:01
Sc0utonLinuxIf I boot up live Ubuntu and issue persists can you assist ?12:02
Sc0utonLinuxok deal :D12:02
Sc0utonLinuxthank you :)  ! I'll be back .. well hopefully not .. i mean if it works that would be great12:02
cousteaulotuspsychje: oh, but that only shows disk I/O, not amount of disk space used12:03
cousteauAlso CPU usage, which could come in handy12:03
lotuspsychjecousteau: been a while since i used it, did you check settings the items you can add?12:04
cousteauYes, "disk" only has "read" and "write"12:05
lotuspsychjecousteau: not sure if the repos hold on for space then12:05
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
cousteauI'll keep searching, thanks!12:07
lotuspsychjecousteau: think there are some, but ppa's wich we dont support12:13
cousteauI don't think any of the indicator-* packages in Ubuntu 16.04 official repos have what I want :( I need either a PPA, a different DE, or maybe a newer Ubuntu12:13
lotuspsychjenewer ubuntu also doesnt have hd indicators12:14
cousteauI don't feel like installing a PPA on the laptop at work unless it is justified12:14
lotuspsychjecousteau: conky could be a solution perhaps, but then its gonna be widget style12:14
cousteauWell yeah but newer Ubuntu uses Gnome so maybe that was more compatible than unity12:15
lotuspsychjecousteau: there might be gnome extensions out there, indeed12:15
cousteauOh I remember Conky from ages ago!  Good times12:15
lotuspsychjecousteau: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1447/disk-space-usage/12:16
akemConky is still around, it's great.12:17
cousteauAlternatively, can I modify the threshold at which Ubuntu warns me about low disk space?  The message I usually get is "You're running low on disk space.  Current space is 0 bytes."  And I'm like "thanks for warning >:("12:18
lotuspsychjecousteau: just found a dconf value for it, but im on a different ubuntu release12:21
lotuspsychjecousteau: try, sudo apt install dconf-editor12:21
cousteauOn it12:22
cousteauHm, what is indicator-display?12:22
lotuspsychje!info indicator-display xenial12:23
ubottuindicator-display (source: indicator-display): Collection of small indicators. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1+16.04.20160324.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 62 kB, installed size 313 kB12:23
lotuspsychjenever tested that one12:23
cousteaubtw I'm keeping dconf-editor to see if I can solve an unrelated problem12:24
lotuspsychjecousteau: yeah, thats pretty handy, alot of tweaking in there12:24
cousteauOK, what was the key I may need to modify?12:24
lotuspsychjecousteau: on my ubuntu version: /org/freedesktop/tracker/miner/files/low-disk-space-limit12:25
cousteauBtw can I dump the whole dconf to a text format?12:27
cousteauSo that I can diff it with a working config to see if I find the source of this other problem12:28
lotuspsychjecousteau: didnt try that one, the dconf-editor for 18.04 and higher got a handy search function now12:29
cousteauah, that sounds better12:29
cousteauDescription of the other problem:  something weird is going on with the window manager.  I cannot Ctrl-Alt-arrows, I cannot drag a window to snap it to half the screen, and new windows open on the top left corner and are partially covered  by the left panel12:29
cousteauAll this works fine on a different account.12:30
lotuspsychjehey ioria ; )12:35
iorialotuspsychje, hello lotus12:35
cousteaure: disk space, I didn't find that key :(12:36
cousteauorg.freedesktop only has a color-helper subcategory12:36
lotuspsychjecousteau: yeah, im not sure its the same on unity, ive tested on 20.04 here12:37
Scotty_Treesakem, get you shit together brother :P lol jk12:37
lotuspsychjecousteau: what about: org gnome settings-deamon plugins housekeeping12:38
cousteaufree-percent-notify = 0.0512:39
cousteauis that 5% or 0.05%?12:39
lotuspsychjethe latter probably12:39
lotuspsychjejust switch off and set to 0?12:39
cousteauType: Double [0.0..1.0]12:39
cousteausounds like the former12:40
lotuspsychjeor 0.01 :p12:40
cousteaufree-size-gb-no-notify is set to 1 (GB), so I guess this is inhibiting any useful messages12:41
lotuspsychjecousteau: or you can start cleaning your hd:p12:42
lotuspsychjebleachbit to the rescue12:42
* cousteau sets it to 2012:43
cousteauyeah I know quite well what's in my HD12:43
cousteauit's like a ton of GB of a Vivado install, and some programs and projects from some of my coworkers12:43
cousteaubaobab is cool for this12:44
cousteauthe main issue is that the disk is like 128 GB12:44
cousteauok thanks, you helped me a lot!12:45
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
InteloHow to install redmine via snap?13:04
leftyfbIntelo: it's not available in the snap store, so you can't13:12
lorenxhello, i have a Ryzen 3200G and i'm trying to install linux (Ubuntu 19.04 in this case) but i end up having a super pixelated quality, any suggestion? Radeon driver issue? thank you: https://imgur.com/a/8OIG45D13:54
pragmaticenigmalorenx: have you verified that the full resolution of the monitor is being detected?13:55
pragmaticenigmaand that it is displaying at the full resolution13:55
akemThe resolution is not adapted to the screen, try to change it in the setting to the maximum resolution available.13:56
lorenxthe resolutuon is ok: 1920x108013:56
lorenxit's just that the quality and colors are so poor13:56
pragmaticenigmalorenx: That isn't what we are asking..13:56
lorenxit's like i'm seeing a 256color mode13:57
pragmaticenigmalorenx: what is the make and model of your monitor?13:57
lorenxit's a samsung P2470HD13:57
lorenxbut i never had issue with linux (with other hardware)13:58
lorenxi actually tried more than one distro and all gave me the same problem13:59
lorenxit seems it's ryzen-related though, or something like that13:59
akemlorenx, Your resolution should be 1920 x 1280 or 1680 x 1050, try to change it to this.14:01
akemHm wait not sure it's the very same model i see there.14:02
pragmaticenigmaakem: I just realized what monitor this is14:02
pragmaticenigmalorenx: Is this one of Samsungs models with the TV tuner built in?14:02
lorenxmy resolution is 1920x1080 and it's correctly recognized by the system14:02
lorenxyes, pragma14:02
pragmaticenigmalorenx: What port on the monitor are you using to connect with the computer?14:03
lorenxthe pic i shared shows that the system correctly recognize my 1920x1080 resolution14:03
pragmaticenigmalorenx: Change the input name of the port to "PC"14:03
lorenxthe pc source redirects me to vga14:03
lorenxbut i don't have any vga on my motherboard14:04
pragmaticenigmalorenx: No... don't change the source... in the menu there is a way to name the inputs14:04
pragmaticenigmaSo intead of seeing HDMI, you can apply a more friendly name so you know what is attached to the input14:04
lorenxand just changing the name would make any difference?14:05
pragmaticenigmalorenx: I have the exact same model14:05
lorenxoh, wow lol14:05
pragmaticenigmarather my folks have it, and it drove me nuts too.14:05
lorenxi found the way to edit the output name but i don't think it will fix my issue14:07
lorenxare you sure it's not a driver-related problem?14:08
pragmaticenigmaWhat is happening is the monitor is compensating for what it thinks is overscan... that's why the characters looked compressed... changing the sources label disables it14:08
pragmaticenigmalorenx: It can't hurt to try it14:08
lorenxmy hdmi cable should be fine anyway, cause i can see my bios perfectly (not pixelated)14:08
pragmaticenigmait's not a cable issue, and it's not a computer issue14:08
lorenxwhat kind of issue is it then? lol14:09
JimBuntuThe BIOS is probably being sent at 640x480 or a similar mode14:09
Sc0utonlinuxHello I'm back my CPU is stuck at 800 mhz min frequency and won't change no matter what14:09
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu: no... it's an undocumented "feature" of those monitors14:09
lorenxi tried to set a lower resolution but it's still pixelated and less-colors range14:10
JimBuntupragmaticenigma: My comment is not about your comment, only why BIOS may look fine14:10
lorenxhave you seen the pic i sent?14:10
akemSc0utonlinux, You're on Ubuntu live?14:11
Sc0utonlinuxI am indeed14:12
akemSc0utonlinux, You tried cpufreqd?14:12
JimBuntulorenx: I have seen the picture and I agree with what pragmaticenigma said and am standing by to hear that changing the label resolves the issue. Seen something similar on many devices with tuners.14:12
lorenxakem: yes14:12
lorenxsorry, wrong reply14:12
pragmaticenigmalorenx: Troubleshooting 101... always try the easiest option first... We're all standing by to see what happens when you change the source label in the monitor setup to "PC"14:12
lorenxjimbuntu: ok, let's try then14:12
lorenxi already have the vga port names to pc14:13
lorenxwill it conflict?14:13
pragmaticenigmaI would make sure only the HDMI port is named PC... but otherwise you might need to do a power cycle of the monitor14:14
lorenxso i should rename the vga port from pc to something like pc2 first?14:15
Sc0utonlinuxakem, what's that ? I set to performance again like you asked before14:15
pragmaticenigmalorenx: Buried deep on Samsungs website, applies to all their devices: Important : If you label an input "PC" , your TV will scale the image differently to improve the picture quality from a PC.: https://www.samsung.com/in/support/tv-audio-video/how-to-label-the-inputs-on-your-samsung-f-series-tv/14:15
Sc0utonlinuxsudo cpufreq-set -r -g performance14:16
akemSc0utonlinux, Ok no output? try: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor14:17
lorenxi tried this way: https://imgur.com/a/Fxcg1gl14:18
lorenxi should power off on back on my monitor i guess...14:18
pragmaticenigmathat looks correct lorenx ... and what I see through the translucent ... it appears it already might have improved14:20
akemSc0utonlinux, And: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq to check current frequency.14:20
lorenxthat's another pc lol14:20
Sc0utonlinuxcat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor14:20
Sc0utonlinuxcat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq14:21
lorenxpragmaticenigma: it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:22
akemScotty_Trees, Still 800 Mhz, now check this: https://winaero.com/blog/how-to-create-100-cpu-load-in-linux/ to stress test the CPU, and check if the freqauency change at the same time.14:22
lorenxfudge, i spent 2 days over that14:22
pragmaticenigmalorenx: yay!!!!!14:22
JimBuntu!cookie pragmaticenigma14:23
Scotty_Treesakem, wrong guy14:23
lorenxi still see a slow redraw when i move a window fast, you know... like a visible redraw...14:23
akemScotty_Trees, Yeah again :)14:23
lorenxmaybe it's because i'm on a live usb... or maybe that's the driver14:24
akemSc0utonlinux, Check my previous link.14:24
pragmaticenigmalorenx: very likely... the live USB is very resource limited14:24
lorenxok, thanks, i will try with a normal installation first14:25
lorenxthank you very much!14:25
Sc0utonlinuxakem, sorry im confused which one ?14:26
akemSc0utonlinux, Still 800 Mhz, now check this: https://winaero.com/blog/how-to-create-100-cpu-load-in-linux/ to stress test the CPU, and check if the freqauency change at the same time.14:26
Sc0utonlinuxthanks ok14:26
akemSc0utonlinux, If it's still stuck @ 800 Mhz then i don't know. I got 1 machine that i cannot control either with cpufreq, i don't know why :/14:27
doctormonI have a password reset situation where holding down shift doesn't work. Holding down escape does work, but pops into the grub boot shell.14:28
doctormonIs there a way to boot the root shell from the grub shell?14:28
Sc0utonlinuxakem, all CPUS at 100% freq stays 800mhz14:30
Sc0utonlinuxDoes anyone else have any ideas or input on how I could resolve the issue ?14:39
akemSc0utonlinux, There is maybe something wrong with your CPU then, i don't know what else to test with Ubuntu.14:40
Sc0utonlinuxakem, could it be bios settings?14:40
akemMaybe trying a Windows could help to see if it's stuck too.14:41
Sc0utonlinuxakem, anyway we can like see if we can manually step it up and see what is causing the issue ?14:41
Sc0utonlinuxakem, if it's not stuck in Windows that would definitly mean a kernal fault in Linux right ?14:41
pragmaticenigmaSc0utonlinux: I wouldn't call it a kernal fault... but it would help narrow down what might be causing the issue14:42
akemSc0utonlinux, Try: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies Then you can try something like: sudo cpufreq-set -f 2000Mhz with one of the frequencies.14:43
akemIt's a common processor.14:44
Sc0utonlinuxcat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq14:44
akemSo it's probably not Ubuntu/Linux fault.14:45
Sc0utonlinux sudo cpufreq-set -f 2000Mhz14:45
Sc0utonlinuxError setting new values. Common errors:14:45
Sc0utonlinuxakem, how do you mean ? do you think my CPU is defective ?14:45
akemSc0utonlinux, Try 4200Mhz instead. But you have only 1 frequency which is strange.14:46
akemHa nah, that's the max frequency you pasted.14:47
Sc0utonlinuxakem, it's cause "available_frequencies" was not available so i tried "scaling_max_freq"14:47
akemSc0utonlinux, Ha ok.14:47
Sc0utonlinuxsorry should have said14:47
Sc0utonlinuxsame error14:47
Sc0utonlinuxcan i somehow replace the governor ?14:48
akemSc0utonlinux, Check base_frequency if you have it?14:48
Sc0utonlinuxand try a different one ? would that be an option ?14:48
Sc0utonlinuxakem, i have min freq, is that what you mean ?14:48
akemNo, you should have "base_frequency" too.14:49
akemI guess min freq is 800Mhz.14:49
akemAnd you're running at minimal frequency all the time.14:49
Sc0utonlinuxah i do have it sorry wan't under scaling base frequency is 350000014:50
oerheksWhat processor is this?14:50
Sc0utonlinuxi7 6700k14:50
oerheksGraphics Base Frequency 350 MHz makes that plausible14:52
akemNo it's 3500Mhz CPU base frequency min is 800Mhz and max is 4200Mhz.14:54
Sc0utonlinuxi just set the max frequency to 4.2 in the bios in an effort to see if it might help ..the default value is  lower14:54
akem3.5 Ghz14:54
ufkhi! i'm trying to create soft raid0 for 4 hard drives. i did "mdadm -C /dev/md0 -l raid0 -n 4 /dev/sd[c-f]1" and when I try to run "mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=stripe --raid-devices=4 /dev/sd[c-f]1" I get mdadm: cannot open /dev/sdc1: Device or resource busy. any ideas ?14:55
geniiIt's probably mounted14:56
ufkmount doesn't show me that it's mounted14:56
ufki just used cfdisk and create linux raid partition for the 4 hard drives, i didn't mount anything.14:56
Sc0utonlinuxufk, I've recently come off a raid install i can highly recommend using ubuntu 12 alternate the installer does everything for you14:58
geniiufk: Might try: sudo partprobe /dev/sdc15:00
Sc0utonlinuxufk, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID15:00
Sc0utonlinuxI guess I'll try the one who shall not be named ... "Windows" .....puke15:01
akemSc0utonlinux, I would try Windows and offical HW drivers and all just to be sure the HW is not faulty.15:02
lordcirth_ufk, are you quite sure you want a raid0?15:02
Sc0utonlinuxakem, ok :) I will be back ! to report .. i'm sure your intersted to know how it goes :P15:03
Sc0utonlinuxlordcirth_, what do you have against raid0 ?15:06
lordcirth_Sc0utonlinux, usually people use RAIDs to store data they care about. Raid0 is dangerous.15:07
Sc0utonlinuxahh :) personally I use it for the speed :D of the apps / games :D and important data on a other drive15:08
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MapManHi! I'm running 18.04 and today my sound is completely gone on X1 Carbon 7th gen. Sound was working just fine before. All I have right now is dummy output and no sound on both speakers or headphones. Any ideas?15:43
lotuspsychjeMapMan: at the moment, we are getting several bugs in about kernel 5.3 and alsa/sound issues, did you try booting other kernel versions yet?15:52
lotuspsychjeMapMan: wich kernel are you currently running?15:53
MapManlotuspsychje: no, I did not try booting other kernel versions. Should I?15:53
lotuspsychjeMapMan: ok, yes please see if you can boot an earlier version then -42 and see if you can reproduce this15:55
MapManok, will try that15:55
lotuspsychjeMapMan: here's one of the bugs that came in: bug #186780315:56
ubottubug 1867803 in linux (Ubuntu) "ALSA: No soundcards found after updating kernel to" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186780315:56
ufkdang.. i tried to create raid0 from 4 hard drives..  i'm lost! i did this "mdadm -C /dev/md0 -l raid0 -n 4 /dev/sd[c-f]1" and after i tried doing this: "mdmadm --create /dev/md0 --level=stripe --raid-devices=4 /dev/sd[c-f]1" I get "mdadm: cannot open /dev/sdc1: Device or resource busy". i tried rebooting but the results are the same..15:56
ufknow i have /dev/md127 and /dev/md127 no ideas why and no idea how to continue15:56
ufk126 and 12715:57
MapManlotuspsychje: thanks a lot, on kernel -40 sound is working again, so that surely is the regression you're talking about15:58
MapMani thought I had kernel updates disabled btw...15:59
lotuspsychjeMapMan: i havent found the main bug about it yet15:59
lotuspsychjeMapMan: here's another one for 18.04 bug #186808516:00
ubottubug 1868085 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Bug related to the new kernel version 5.3.0-42-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186808516:00
MapMansome people report it's fixed on -4316:00
lotuspsychjeMapMan: yeah the one on -proposed, but be carefull enabling that16:01
ufkahh never mind.. it works :)16:05
CoolerXdoes ubuntu not trust addtrust external ca ?16:11
CoolerXI am getting an error saying that this is an invalid certificate https://bpaste.net/raw/4U2A16:12
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: It won't be trusted very soon... do you have the wrong date set on your machine?16:18
CoolerXpragmaticenigma, no16:19
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: What are you trying to do that requires that?16:19
CoolerXwhat do you mean won't be trusted very soon?16:19
CoolerXI am trying to use forticlient to connect to a ssl vpn16:19
CoolerXI checked out the url for the vpn on here https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html16:20
CoolerXit passed all tests16:20
CoolerXpragmaticenigma, the certificate is valid right?16:20
CoolerXthis one https://bpaste.net/raw/4U2A16:20
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: The certificate is valid until May 30, 2020 (a little more than 2 months)16:22
pragmaticenigmaHowever that doesn't mean that the CA hasn't already marked the cert as invalid with a revoke16:23
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: This is sounding like you need to take the support to the VPN provider16:25
CoolerXpragmaticenigma, has it been revoked?16:26
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: Only the provider can tell you that16:27
CoolerXpragmaticenigma, isn't it public info?16:27
CoolerXwe are talking about a root certificate16:27
CoolerXdid addtrust revoke it?16:28
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: The issue you are having is with the service provider, it is not an Ubuntu issue and is not something I or any volunteer here can support. If the client software was crashing, then we'd have something. But it appears everything on your system is working fine, therefore it is a service provider issue.16:28
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: You will have to contact their support group to resolve the certificate issue.16:29
CoolerXok thanks16:33
pgndToday's 18.04LTS as-usual pkg updates included grub*.  post-inst for grub is failing -- as it overwrites /etc/default/grub, incorrectly16:40
pgndhere's what I see: https://pastebin.com/raw/4eK1Q8EJ16:40
pgndiiuc, /etc/default/grub *is* for 'our' config params ... and shouldn't be installer-touched16:41
pgndne1 else seeing same?  new grub bug, installer bug, or config?16:41
pragmaticenigmapgnd: just updated... no issues16:42
hggdhpgnd: /etc/default/grub: line 53: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'16:43
pgndpragmaticenigma: hm.  i'm seeing that^ on every box ... do you explicitly define/use GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= in your config?16:43
pgndhggdh: right. that's the point.16:44
pgndthe config is incorrectly overwritten.16:44
pgndincluding that errant `"'16:44
pragmaticenigmatrying it now with a different box that I haven't updated since Sunday pgnd16:44
pragmaticenigmapgnd: The box that I just updated with grub being one of the proposed updates, completed without incident16:45
pgndserver, or desktop?16:45
hggdhpgnd: ah, I see it now16:46
pragmaticenigmathat doesn't matter16:46
hggdhpgnd: a bug is certainly warranted. Now where did all the parameters in line 53 come from? They were not in the original default grub16:48
pgndyes they were ... in _my_ original /etc/default/grub. again, that's the point -- they get duplicated and added by the post-install ...16:49
pgndalready working on the bug rpt16:49
hggdhpgnd: darn, I am slow today... yep16:50
hggdhpgnd: make sure to add in the bug which packages were updated16:51
hggdhpgnd: (I know grub-pc was updated, but there might be other packages updated16:52
Sc0utonLinuxHello Im back16:59
Sc0utonLinuxakem, was it you i was talking to ?16:59
akemSc0utonLinux, Yeah. You tried on Windows?16:59
Sc0utonLinuxim on Windows now .. still need to run a test ... Buuuuut .... I found out my motherboard has a switch called "slow mode" .... long story short .. *face palm*  I feel very dumb17:01
Sc0utonLinuxi dont have to elaborate what slow mode does .. i suppose ..17:01
akemSc0utonLinux, I see. Yeah it could be just that OFC :)17:02
marz_d`ghostmanIn an Ubuntu server setup as an l2tp/ipsec vpn server, where can I see user's credentials?17:02
hggdhpgnd: easily reproducible. Just get a default install, and split the GRUB_COMMAND_LINE_DEFAULT="quiet splash" in two lines17:03
Sc0utonLinuxakem, slow mode reads from the manual : "if slow mode is on, the processor runs at lowest frequency"17:03
hggdhpgnd: please give me the bug number when you are done opening it17:03
akemSc0utonLinux, Probably why it was stuck @ 800Mhz.17:04
Sc0utonLinuxakem, my thoughts exactly haha ... oh man ..17:04
pgndhggdh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/186813817:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1868138 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "18.04LTS upgrade of grub-common:amd64 FAILs in post-install; incorrectly REWRITES user's /etc/default/grub" [Undecided,New]17:04
pragmaticenigmamarz_d`ghostman: what version of Ubuntu?17:06
cixxhow can i make my dmesg output colorful on centos like ubuntu?17:07
cixxwhat is difference between centos and ubuntu consoles?17:07
marz_d`ghostmanpragmaticenigma: Ah, I just figured it out, I need to have a user acount on the server itself.17:08
marz_d`ghostmanpragmaticenigma: thanks though17:08
pragmaticenigmacixx: Support here is only available for Ubuntu... Volunteers rely on the documentation from Canonical in order to help provide support. go to #centos for assistnace with CentOS17:08
oerhekscixx must be the system theme, tango dark in ubuntu17:10
pgndhggdh: would you like me to cc/subscribe u to the bug?17:12
pgndah ... 'bug supervisor'.  figure that's not necessary!17:14
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hay207Hi guys, i installed thiswarofmine via epic in lutris but can't seem to be able to run, anyone succesfully ran it?17:22
hggdhpgnd: already marked it as triaged and added repro steps17:22
Sc0utonLinuxakem, do you know a good benchmark program im having trouble finding one17:22
hggdhpgnd: at least it is not destructive...17:23
pgndhggdh: thx!17:23
akemSc0utonLinux, Not really, i only know 3Dmark on Windows.17:24
pgndhggdh: I'm not entirely sure ... yet ... if it's horked the existing/in-place initrd, or broken boot in some way.17:24
pgndexploring that ... gingerly17:24
pragmaticenigmahay207: Support here is limited to Official Ubuntu flavors and the software provided through official Ubuntu repositories. For help with other programs you can try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic or seek out a support forum that is associated with your gaming platform.17:28
hay207Ok, thanks17:28
pgndhggdh: re: "it will only impact users with continuation lines." ... noted. but fwiw, here anyway, our internal prio's a bit higher.  100+ ubu servers with continuation lines in their grub cfg ...17:29
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hggdhpgnd: I understand. Please add a comment your impact. Initial comments is the last change on install was for 2.02-2ubuntu8.1317:38
hggdhpgnd: your servers, have they been there for a while (specifically, were they configured this way *before* grub 2.02-2ubuntu8.13?17:41
pgndhggdh: yes, they've all been in place for years ... upgrading across multiple LTS releases etc.  and, YES -- *all* my grub configs, not just these Ubu servers, use continuation lines.17:43
hggdhpgnd: what was the installed GRUB version before the upgrade?17:44
oerhekspgnd, what mirror??17:45
oerhekshggdh, could be 1 mirror with a bad disk, no?17:45
hggdhoerheks: thought of that, but reproduced it in Azure, and on my local laptop (they use different mirrors)17:46
oerhekswould be unique, bad file and bad checksum match ...17:46
hggdhah yes17:47
pgndhggdh: hm  . is history.log* the right place for what-was-in-there-right-b4-last-upgrade?17:47
pgndoerheks: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu17:48
pgndhggdh: looks like it's 2.02-2ubuntu8.13 .... ~ mid-Dec '1917:50
ioriapgnd, well,  your bug report tells -14    (Upgrade: grub-common:amd64 (2.02-2ubuntu8.14, 2.02-2ubuntu8.15)) and you already had a '1 not fully installed'  before the  upgarde ....17:52
oerhekswhat would be his test, clean lists and cache, and change mirror to 'main'?17:53
petemchi, im using 18.04 but need to use a specific vpn for work which requires very recent version of network-manager-openconnect , im guessing if i just grab the deb from somewhere it will failed due to dependencies, can any suggest a workaround?17:55
pgndioria: right.  it's after several tries, and it was noticed.  NOT on a test/troubleshoot instance.  in any case, hggdh has already reproduced ...17:56
oerhekspetemc, i think all current version have the same, with patches https://launchpad.net/network-manager-openconnect/+packages17:57
oerheksexcept xenial 16.0417:57
petemcoerheks: i see, thanks, ill check if im doing something wrong18:00
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MaxLanarHello, Im using ubuntu mate 19.10. I mapped (via the GUI settings of ubuntu) the keybindings windows-e and windows-t to two commands, wich are executed fine when I hit those keys, but the issue is ubuntu think it's still appropriate to - also - launch a file explorer for the first keybinding and a terminal for the last one. :)18:05
MaxLanarHow/where should I change those keybindings ?18:06
Sc0utonLinuxakem, just to conclude i rebooted into Ubuntu live and ran the same tests again - CPU frequency now at 3.7 :D18:10
stpierehave ubuntu 18.04 on dell laptop ... the wireless adapter seem not to be enabled (the mechanical switch and bios settings are ok, because on windows it works fine) ... how can i explicitely enable the adapter ? on windows I can do that easily via control panel18:11
Sc0utonLinuxakem, gave up on trying to find a decent benchmark program on windows lol18:11
stpierei can see the adapter via lshw -C network ... is there some other command to enable/disable it ?18:11
MaxLanarHo, I see there's a ubuntu-mate room, I will ask there.18:12
stpiereanyone ?18:16
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akem_Sc0utonLinux, Good you got it working, congrats ;)18:18
Sc0utonLinuxakem_, thanks for your patience :)18:23
isomarigreetings, I'm getting an error when trying to install 19.10. "ubuntu ubi-partman failed with exit code 141". Any suggestions?18:29
oerheksisomari, no luck with pci=noaer or pci=nomsi ??18:32
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oerheksfrom https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239120118:32
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ph88how can i use firefox with openvpn ?18:46
pragmaticenigmaph88: OpenVPN works at the system network level, all traffic on your computer will use the VPN (assuming that is how it is configured)... You cannot explicately setup Firefox to use OpenVPN, there is no "setting" or "configuration" to define that18:49
isomarioerheks: no luck yeet.18:50
Intelosudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576   bs= size of swap file?18:51
pgndph88: take a look at https://help.getfoxyproxy.org/index.php/knowledge-base/setup-for-ubuntu-openvpn/18:51
pgndother options include , e.g., PIA extension -- which 'uses' openvpn for connections.18:51
Sven_vBtrying to install murmur on bionic, I seem to be missing APT support for ppa: URLs. how can I get that? "E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/ppa could not be found.¶ W: Failed to fetch ppa://mumble/release/dists/bionic/InRelease:" however on one of my xenial machines it works even though /usr/lib/apt/methods/ppa does not exist.18:54
gamacheI found a bug with my newish Thinkpad and the -42 kernel delivered in the latest 19.10 update. Where's the right place to file that?18:55
pragmaticenigma!bug | gamache18:56
ubottugamache: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:56
gamachepragmaticenigma: what is the package though? that's what is confusing me18:57
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TJ-gamache: file against the "linux" source18:57
gamacheTJ-: OK will do, thank you!18:57
firewire1394can i use ubuntu desktop as server to run 24/7?18:59
gamachefirewire1394: definitely18:59
TJ-IEEE1394: sure18:59
firewire1394gamache: i'm scared of gnome memory leaks18:59
gamachefirewire1394: then don't use Gnome18:59
firewire1394ok i gonna try but maybe i should set it to restart every day19:00
Sven_vBfirewire1394, I'd switch to openbox, then uninstall the gnome shell.19:00
firewire1394Sven_vB: i like gnome :)19:00
Sven_vBfirewire1394, oh ok in that case maybe RAM monitoring might be a good idea.19:00
firewire1394Sven_vB: i saw ubuntu server has that manager to install things, don't know if i can get it on desktop too19:01
isomarioerheks: /var/log/syslog reports: "no matching physical volumes found". Yet I can escape to the terminal and maually mount the destination drive partitions.19:02
Sven_vBfirewire1394, you could just try, or ask #ubuntu-server19:02
firewire1394Sven_vB: thanks :) i think for home usage it is totally okey19:02
pgndhggdh: afaict here, in no case does that^ grub upgrade fail act destructively -- other than to overwrite /etc/default/grub.  /boot/* remains untouched ... which is ok, until you need it to be.19:04
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ph88when i try to connect to the vpn my ip address does not change. Both with network manager as well as when i try to connect through the terminal. What to do ?19:06
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noahmg123How do I get the live Wayland gestures for switching workspaces?19:21
noahmg123I switched from Debian to Ubuntu19:21
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noahmg123On Debian, with Wayland, I could use a 4-finger swipe to switch workspaces and the windows would move with my fingers.19:21
noahmg123This doesn't happen in Ubuntu19:22
peepsalotwhere can I find a description of the package status prefixes at beggining of each line returned from "apt search" ?19:30
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pragmaticenigmapeepsalot: it might help to know the exact command you are using so the volunteers know what you are seeing19:32
ajeremiashi.. im sharing my internet connection using cable.. and the network manager.. but it does not work with a mobile broad band? only if i share a wifi connected network? :(19:45
matsamansoftware/configuration issue19:46
jrubuntuhey guys19:48
jrubuntudoes Ubuntu have issues with x570 mobos?19:48
jrubuntuI can't shutdown and I can't boot beyond a purple screen19:49
pragmaticenigmajrubuntu: There are some known issues with the latest Ryzen Motherboards and CPUs... What version of Ubuntu are you currently running?19:49
jrubuntuI tried 19.10 and subsequently tried 20.0419:51
jrubuntuI'm going to try downloading the image again and reinstalling 19.1019:51
pragmaticenigmajrubuntu: 20.04 is not supported yet, you might have better luck in the 18.04 LTS release. Also, it might be a good idea to use the mini.iso installer instead, which will capture the latest packages as they're installed19:54
jrubuntuoh cool, didn't know about the mini iso19:55
pragmaticenigmajrubuntu: Was also looking at something else... though the article didn't really give advisement how to get the system up and running in the first place19:57
jrubuntuIts gotta just be my install, if it flat out didn't work on Ryzen 3000 there would be a riot19:58
pragmaticenigmajrubuntu: It would appear you're better off starting with 18.04 LTS19:59
tripelbMy wireless doesnt function. I tried to replace drivers. Search reveals problems. Does anyone have a good way to replace the drivers. THanks. (18.04-LTS. HP Probook. Realtek-RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter)19:59
pragmaticenigmatrying to sort of the kernel recommendation, and how is it that Ubuntu will boot on 18.04 despite having an older kernal than 19.04 and 19.1019:59
pragmaticenigmatripelb: Linux and Ubuntu are not like windows... you don't just replace the drivers if you're having an issue.20:01
tripelb(Guess, not totally backwards compatable. Not being a thoroughly vetted LTS version) pragmaticenigma20:01
pragmaticenigmatripelb: I do not understand the context of your comment20:02
akem_tripelb, I have the same Wifi.20:02
tripelbpragmaticenigma, many people have posted about the problem and posted ways to do it. Another example might be different drivers for Nvidia cards on Ubuntu.20:02
akem_You need a newer kernel in fact.20:03
pragmaticenigmatripelb: Many people "think" they found a solution, but in fact tried a billion things they weren't tracking and suddenly it worked, so they try to half bake an article about it20:03
akem_I'm not sure the current kernel available on 18.04 fixes the problem with RTL8723BE, i built my own kernel.20:04
tripelbakem hi. I had the low range contrast between windows and ubuntu. After a failed (maybe my fault) reinstall I have no wifi. Now I have home-internet so I am ethernet-connected but the bluetooth capability is in the wifi. So I am very interested.20:04
pragmaticenigmatripelb: Opinions aside... you don't just swap drivers... kernels are what support hardware, and often times a kernel update is missing that resolves the issue20:04
tripelbakem_, I am not that advanced. Luckily, before I forgot my win10 password I carved the entire drive into partitions so I can install 19.10 in another partition to check if it solves the problem. (I am afraid to upgrade to 18,10 then 19.04 then 19.10 because of an OOPS)20:06
tripelbakem_, my comment starting with akem hi. meant I reinstalled the drivers (not the OS)20:07
akem_tripelb, I don't use bluetooth, but the Wifi is now working perfectly from kernel 5.4, maybe even a bit before, i run 5.5.9 right now. With 18.04 you'd need a DKMS and even with that there was some bad memory leaking going on.20:07
tripelbakem_, save me from looking up which Ubuntu has 5.4 ?20:07
akem_tripelb, 19.10 may solve the problem.20:08
akem_tripelb, No i mean kernel version 5.X. I would try Ubuntu 19.10.20:08
tripelbI looked it up anyway and:: Ubuntu 19.10 uses the latest Linux kernel 5.320:09
akem_Good, it will work fine.20:09
ph88how can it be that when i  sudo openvpn --config i don't get a new ip address, but when i load the same config in ubuntu network manager the vpn works ??20:10
tripelbakem_, can I just coput my /home into the 19.10 partition?20:10
akem_tripelb, Try the live USB and you'll be fixed.20:10
tripelbwell I dont want to be tied running from a flash drive.20:10
akem_tripelb, I think you can do that yes.20:10
tripelbgoed zo20:11
tripelbOh what if I am using a tiling window manager in my new partition akem_  /20:11
akem_tripelb, What? You need to reinstall the packages you want OFC. Then copy back your home folder it should keep all your config.20:13
tripelbWell I have a bit of careful-work cut out for me then.  (I am so happy that I carved my HD into 30G partiions.20:13
akem_ph88, It will work either ways.20:13
tripelbakem_, thanks.20:14
* tripelb tips her hat.20:14
akem_ph88, Double check your config and login/password.20:14
akem_tripelb, np.20:14
tripelbobservation 18.04: when I change my taskbar (lists open windows) panel to the left, all the open windows listings vanish. they reappear when changed back to top or bottom.20:28
tripelbI dont want Unity but I would like the open windows to be listed on the left, or right.20:29
jrubuntuBug: Ubuntu won't boot with valve index plugged into Nvidia display port20:37
shibboleththat will certainly be annoying come monday :)20:43
jrubuntuHaha yeap20:44
jrubuntuI think Ubuntu thinks it's a primary display so the purple screen is just secondary output20:44
shibboleththey shipped bionic with a known bug: no display output on docked thinkpad20:45
shibbolethso i wouldn't hold my breath with re to a fix by 20.04 release :)20:46
cryocaustikhey all - when using password protected ssl certs with apache, is it possible to give that password to the unattened-upgrades service in the case it does need to reload/restart the apache service?20:48
=== thelearned is now known as thebope
tripelbbest ubuntu app for simple line drawing. I want to make diagrams. Bonus if I can make a circle automagically. Double bonus if it has layers. (I dont need no fancy stuff.) Thanks.20:52
tripelbTriple if it has layers and graphs. Where else can I ask this question? Where on reddit maybe?20:53
oerheksdia, libre-drw can do it too..20:53
oerheksany vector graphics app can do that, i guess20:54
oerheksinkscape ..20:54
tripelbwhat is the name of one that is less heavy please oerheks20:54
tripelbcool. thanks.20:54
JadedJHi I have an internal WIFI card that connects to the AP fine, but there is no connectivity21:14
JadedJIt's a Broadcom card21:14
ikoniahow is there no connectivity if it connects just fine21:14
jrubuntuDo you have an IP?21:14
jrubuntuIs dhclient running21:14
jrubuntuType IP link in terminal21:15
JadedJSorry, it's associated and has an IP address, but I can't ping anywhere21:15
ikoniaping is not a network test21:15
ikoniado you have a known working resource on the same network, or is this a service which provides internet access21:15
fooI have a ubuntu system with a portable drive that acts as a samba mount (and another drive backing up the other drive). I want to encrypt this so if it's plugged into another box it can't easily be accessed. I semi-thought this drive could also be plugged directly into OS X / mac laptop, but that seems more trouble than it's worth. So, I think ext4 + encryption is the answer. Can anyone speak to what's21:15
fooinvolved here?21:16
JadedJYes I have another resource on the same network21:16
ikoniaJadedJ: how do you interact with that resoure normally21:16
akem_foo, There is the option of veracrypt containers which are crossplatforms.21:17
fooakem_: hmm, /me googles21:17
jrubuntuTry ip route21:17
jrubuntuWhat does it say?21:17
JadedJdefault via dev wlp2s0b121:18
jrubuntuNow try ping 192.16821:19
ikoniaping is not a network test21:19
JadedJI can't ping the default gateway21:19
fooakem_: have you used this?21:19
akem_foo, Yes i use that on my external hard drives.21:19
jrubuntuProbably because your router doesn't respond to ICMP21:20
fooakem_: looks like it's free? Can I use it on an external drive that's used for a samba mount on ubuntu 18.04?21:20
jrubuntuWhat's your output for IP address21:21
JadedJThe PC I have the issue with is a netbook running ubuntu 1821:21
akem_foo, Yes it's free and open source AFAIK, i mount my veracrypt volumes that i used as Samba shares too.21:21
jrubuntuLove the ip command btw21:21
JadedJI can ping the gateway fine from my Windows laptop21:22
akem_foo, Just try it, and see if you like it. It can use keyfiles which is pretty cool too.21:22
jrubuntuYeah but do you have an IP?21:22
jrubuntuIf you do it should just work..21:22
fooakem_: I mean, are there many other options? eg. zfs encryption probably an option.21:22
akem_There is Android support too, but the free app version has few limitations like no keyfiles.21:22
jrubuntuBecause it means DHCP is communicating properly21:23
=== MrLemur4 is now known as MrLemur
JadedJDHCP is working fine21:23
fooakem_: interesting. So, you have an encrypt mount on portable drive that you use between os x / linux it sounds like ?21:24
akem_foo, It's strong encryption you can choose different algorithms, parameters and FS...Try on small containers first, see if it fits your needs.21:24
akem_foo, Windows Linux and Android.21:24
jrubuntuSo you have an IP?21:24
akem_foo, But i think it also works on OSX.21:25
JadedJI think it's an issue with the wifi driver21:25
ikoniaJadedJ: it's impossible to help you if you don't answer the questions21:25
ikoniayou've been asked 3 times if you have an IP and you've not responde21:26
jrubuntuTry iwconfig what's the output?21:26
JadedJYes I have an IP21:26
ikoniawhat is the IP21:26
ikoniadoes this router provide access to the internet ?21:27
ikoniacan you open the routers admin page in a browser21:27
cryocaustik(reposting due to been almost an hour): when using password protected ssl certs with apache, is it possible to give that password to the unattened-upgrades service in the case it does need to reload/restart the apache service?21:28
ikoniaJadedJ: what are you putting in the browser to validate this21:28
jrubuntuCan you ping
ikoniaping is not a network test21:28
ikoniacan we stop using it please21:28
ikoniaactually, carry on, good luck21:29
JadedJok, what do you suggest instead then ikonia21:29
=== akem_ is now known as akem
akemTry pong.21:29
cryocaustik> zsh: command not found: pong21:30
ph88akem, i tried it a few times ..21:30
akemIt's an old game now, you may need to go back in time to install it :)21:31
jrubuntuTry tracepath
jrubuntuAside from that I'm not sure what the problem could be because you said you have an IP and have not done much to paste your console output so I've got nothing21:32
jrubuntuHave you tried rebooting your computer?21:33
JadedJthere's the output of tracepath21:35
jrubuntuWhat's the output of resolvectl status21:35
JadedJresolvectl command not found21:36
fooakem: thank you21:36
jrubuntuWhat version of Ubuntu are you using?21:37
JadedJubuntu 1821:38
akemfoo, np.21:38
akemJadedJ, Can you try to connect on your smartphone Wifi in AP mode to see if you have the same issue?21:38
jrubuntuOh okay try systemd-resolved status21:38
jrubuntuSystemd-resolve --status21:40
jrubuntuThat's the right format afaik21:40
jrubuntuResolvectl isn't in 18.04 afaik21:41
jrubuntuAlso show us the output of that and iwconfig21:42
JadedJI've worked out what the problem is21:47
JadedJOn the wifi card the connected bit rate occasionaly goes down to 1Mbit, when that happens, even though it's associated with the AP, there is no network connectivity21:48
JadedJAt the moment it's 39Mb/s21:49
JadedJand I have internet connectivity21:49
JadedJI did upgrade from ubuntu 16 to 1821:50
JadedJI might do a fresh install21:50
JadedJThe weird thing is, after the upgrade, my tp-link wifi card worked fine21:50
JadedJBut this integrated wifi card, seems to be a real issue on linux21:50
jrubuntuOdd, you could try a fresh install21:50
jrubuntuSome of them do yeah21:51
jrubuntuYou could always replace it with an Intel wifi card21:51
jrubuntuShould just be a little wifi card with a screw21:52
JadedJYeah I think I'll get a new wifi card21:52
jrubuntuThat's what I did to get bluetooth21:52
JadedJIt's an Acer Aspire One AOD270 netbook21:53
JadedJI use it as a server, because the power usage is so good21:53
JadedJIt has 4GB of RAM, but the CPU only has support for 2.44GB21:55
Klindahello I am installing vbox and I have these types of problems, http://dpaste.com/3ZT15TD can someone help me?22:14
oerheks1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 152 not upgraded.22:20
r416How do I fix this error "The following packages have unmet dependencies:22:20
r416 linux-image-4.15.0-70-generic : Depends: linux-modules-4.15.0-70-generic but it is not going to be installed22:20
r416E: Broken packages22:20
oerheksklinda do a proper update run; apt update && apt dist-upgrade # and reboot22:21
oerheksr416, something tells me there is a apt install -f to correct these problem in that error22:21
r416"Errors were encountered while processing:22:22
r416 linux-image-4.15.0-70-generic22:22
r416E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:22
Klindahttp://dpaste.com/3NBBX2K there are serious problem with my distro..22:22
Klindaidk what happened22:22
ubottuUbuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html22:25
oerheksdead, eol22:25
oerhekstime to upgrade to 19.1022:25
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:25
jrubuntucant wait until 20.0422:25
kaleidotheyre never releasing 20.0422:26
kaleidotheyre just messing with us22:26
r416here is the full error https://pastebin.com/iCn5gPiV22:28
akemKlinda, try: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade22:28
oerheksr416, same for you;  do a proper update run; apt update && apt dist-upgrade # and reboot22:30
oerheksalways upgrade, before installing stuff22:30
Klindait's downloading the entrie world22:31
r416same haha22:31
PeGaSuShello folks. stupid question of the day: Ubuntu 18.04 has as latest OpenSSL version `1.1.1  11 Sep 2018`. is it possible to install the latest version via `apt`? if so, what are the commands I should run? thanks in advance22:32
PeGaSuSI mean to install `1.1.1e` via `apt`. cheers22:33
oerheksPeGaSuS, 1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.5 *is* the latest, backported for 18.0422:34
oerhekshence '1ubuntu2.1' added22:34
oerheksFocal has the d-2ubuntu6 added, same as 1.1.1e22:35
PeGaSuSI see. I thought I was too outdated. thanks22:37
oerheksPeGaSuS, if we keep the debian notation, things get messy22:42
AlericIs there a good local screen rectangle capture program for ubuntu?  Aka, allowing me to select a rectangle on the screen and then write that to disk?22:46
oerheksgnome screenshot can do that, select an area22:47
oerheksstandard installed22:47
oerheksalso with a timer22:48
AlericI'm running KDE - how would I start it?22:48
oerhekskde has a screenshot app with that function too?22:48
AlericI don't know how to start it :/22:48
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Press Logo + Shift + PrtScr22:49
oerheksinteresting, it should be in the app menu22:49
Alericpragmaticenigma: doesn't do anything22:49
pragmaticenigmalet me see if I had to enable something in the settings22:50
pragmaticenigmaAleric: It appears that I manually set those shortcuts in Settings => Shortcuts => Global Shortcuts => KDE Daemon22:52
pragmaticenigmaAleric: The "Take Active Window Screenshot", "Take Full Screen Shot", "Take Rectangular Region Screenshot"22:53
Klindahttp://dpaste.com/0BP4W73 it is the same :/22:54
pragmaticenigmaIt would appear they aren't enabled by default... I set mine to use the Logo or Meta key to prevent conflicts with other applications22:54
oerheksKlinda,  you are still on disco, dead, EOL.22:55
oerheksread the manual.22:55
ubottuUbuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html22:56
AlericHmm, why doesn't Google have some COVID19 thing in their banner?22:56
Klindawhat version of ubuntu I am on?22:57
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Please understand this channel is for Ubuntu Support, if you'd like to chat about non-Ubuntu related items, please feel free to join us in #ubuntu-offtopic22:58
oerheksKlinda,  i typed it out, gave the !eol manual.. now you are on your own23:00
Klindaye ye I am doing it23:01
Alericpragmaticenigma: I don't have a 'Take Rectangular Region Screenshot' there.23:01
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Do you have "Spectacle" installed?23:04
Alericyes - I suppose I can add a short cut using that and passing --region.  Do you also pass --dbus? Or what is running when you take a rect screenshot?23:06
KlindaI am download 19.1023:07
pragmaticenigmaAleric: I'm trying to piece back together what I did to get the feature working23:07
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Go to: Settings => Shortcuts => Custom Shortcuts ... Do you see an entry in there for "Screenshots" /23:10
Alericbit only contains three entries, none is rect.23:11
pragmaticenigmaAleric: You have "Start Screenshot Tool", "Take Full Screen Screenshot", and "Take Active Window Screenshot" ?23:12
AlericI tried the first, but it doesn't pass --region - so it starts with making a fullscreen shot.23:12
pragmaticenigmajust hold a moment Aleric23:12
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Right click on "Screenshots" and go to: New => Global Shortcut => Send Keyboard Input23:14
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Then give it the name "Take Rectangular Region Screenshot"23:14
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Then under the Trigger tab, give it the desired keyboard shortcut, preferably "Meta + Shift + Print""23:15
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Under the Action tab: Remote application: org.kde.Spectacle , Remote object: / , Function: RectangularRegion , Arguments: true ... You can then test that things are setup correctly by pressing the "Call" button23:17
Alericpragmaticenigma: I don't have that though... I can't get further than this: https://gyazo.com/9f1783f0c29fbba336b7b9f0e124573823:19
AlericOh.. I need 'D-bus command'23:20
pragmaticenigmaAleric: yeah... sorry about that... you're correct 'D-bus command' was what was needed23:20
Alericpragmaticenigma: Clicking 'Call' does nothing :/23:29
canurabushi all. Reposting an issue I had yesterday I am trying to install ubuntu to an encrypted root partition (/boot is separate unencrypted, / is encrypted with cryptsetup luks). I managed to install ubuntu to the encrypted partition but I'm having trouble setting up a password prompt to decrypt on boot. I have tried adding an entry to /etc/crypttab and running update-initramfs but I get a couple of errors:23:29
AlericAnd I somehow ended up with two 'Take Rectangular Region Screenshot' entries in Global Shortcuts' now :/23:29
canurabus"cryptsetup: WARNING: Invalid source device UUID={uuid copy-pasted from /etc/fstab}" and "Warning: couldn't identify filesystem type for fsck hook, ignoring"23:29
Alericpragmaticenigma: https://gyazo.com/2a4f556dd70c5a1028e4c93b4512a27e23:30
canurabusI suspect maybe I haven't put the right entries into /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab but ive tried a few different things and all give me the same error23:30
pragmaticenigmaAleric: Did you delete the one that wasn't correct from the other screen?23:36
AlericSeems a bug that it wasn't deleted in Global*23:38
pragmaticenigmapossibly... I don't think there's any harm in it being there23:39
pragmaticenigmait won't trigger23:39
AlericThis is totally over my head23:39
Alericwtf adding shortcuts - who came UP with this???23:39
AlericUsing '--region' as arguments is not correct I suppose?23:40
pragmaticenigmaAleric: the values are not correct23:40
AlericWhich is not correct?23:41
pragmaticenigmaFunction: RectangularRegion23:41
pragmaticenigmaArguments: true23:41
AlericCool that seems to work :). However, after I selected a region... how can I save it?23:43
AlericIt allows me now to select a recangular region - and then well.. nothing.23:43
pragmaticenigmaPress enter when you have the region you want... then, in the upper right hand corner (default position) you will see a dialog appear momentarily23:44
pragmaticenigmaif you don't take action on it... the picture automatically saves to Pictures23:44
AlericAwesome, it works. Thanks!23:45
pragmaticenigmaAleric: You're welcome! glad I could help23:46
sonicx I have ? can I use an old desktop environment on a new version of ubuntu23:54
sonicxand if so how?23:54
kk4ewtmore info23:55
sonicxok like the the old gui on ubuntu 12.0423:56
sonicxbut use it on ubuntu 18.0423:56
kk4ewtwell unity is dead so you can run the gnome23:56
kk4ewtcurrent gnome23:57
pragmaticenigmakk4ewt: Ubuntu 12.04 didn't run Unity, it was Gnome 2.x23:57
kk4ewtso gnome 2 the closest thing will be MATE23:57
akemThere is gnome classic too i think.23:58
kk4ewtakem gnome2 and gnome3 are worlds apart23:58
sonicxjust trying to see if I can use the old gui on the new system23:59
pragmaticenigmasonicx: To get the older feel of Ubuntu, you can use "sudo apt ubuntu-mate-desktop" which will install the needed software to present you with a GUI that is familiar to the older Gnome interface23:59
kk4ewtsonicx; so take a look at MATE spin and see what you think23:59
Bashing-om!unity | sonicx23:59
ubottusonicx: Unity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu used it by default from 11.04 to 17.04. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity23:59

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