
jsgigaxis there an easy terminal command in lubuntu to flip desktop 180 degrees?  Just have a monitor that only easy way to hook up is upside down.04:28
jsgigaxthe place to do it in gui is grayed out04:29
guivercjsgigax, you haven't said what release, in 18.04 I'd likely use xrandr (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution) but I've not used it with any LXQt based newer release04:34
jsgigaxit's latest fully updated so he says04:36
jsgigaxkinda just middle man here honestly04:36
guivercjsgigax, 19.10 still relies on X so it'd likely still work; but I've not used it in years (maybe not since 16.04), it's all I know and thus what I'd try first if I needed it for my box04:38
jsgigaxI'm pretty sure he's tried that, however, I just showed up right before he's basically given up04:40
guivercthe only other option mentioned in aforementioned wiki page is modifying xorg.conf; you'll have to wait & see if others are more suggestions as I'm out sorry04:42
lynorianjsgigax is this a vga monitor?04:43
lynorianI think rotation of flipping did not work over vga based on how the analog signal is sent over the wire04:43
jsgigaxyes it is04:44
jsgigaxshould it work with DVI?04:48
lubot<Rudra Saraswat> I think it should06:19
lubot<Rudra Saraswat> But you still should verify06:19
lubot<Rudra Saraswat> I might be wrong, you see06:19
lubot<lynorian> I think that is why that option is grayed out06:20
lubot<Rutvikm> Hello14:30
lubot<Rutvikm> Does Lubuntu have opensauce in 20.0414:30
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
lubot<Rutvikm> Sry, I mean openbox15:15
lubot<Rutvikm> Window Manager😅15:16
lubot<kc2bez> Yes. it is still openbox15:19
lubot<Rutvikm> @kc2bez [Yes. it is still openbox], Nice, will try it15:20
lubot<Rutvikm> And will help report bugs (if there are any still left) before actual release15:21
lubot<Rutvikm> I'm sure there will be none15:21
=== felix__ is now known as Felix264

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