
Chipacamoin moin08:26
ChipacaI'm working today, after all08:27
Chipacabut, the dell engineer will be here shortly to rip the guts out of my main laptop08:27
Chipacaif it takes more than an hour i'll use my secondary08:27
Chipacaotherwise, if i'm not on irc, telegram or signal work08:27
niemeyerChipaca: Morning, and good luck :)09:20
Chipacabehold the majesty of all my megahertz09:20
niemeyerChipaca: Do you know what time the guy/girl is supposed to show up?10:30
niemeyerMaybe already there? :)10:45
Chipacaniemeyer: all sorted now :)10:49
niemeyerChipaca: Cool, no worries then.. I was going to suggest moving the standup earlier in case there was a chance of overlap10:55
niemeyerChipaca: Btw, can we please rename it to "Charmcraft standup"?10:55
* Chipaca renames it to "stand up and dance around"10:56
Chipacabrb, update needs a reboot11:05
Chipacaniemeyer: any progress on reviewing the testing harness?11:11
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, I was hoping to cover that today in the standup, but I now realize Jam is out today11:12
niemeyerChipaca: The most elegant approach seems to be supporting both ends of it11:12
niemeyerChipaca: We might have a couple of options.. one of them is having per method flags, and the other is a more global enable/disable events11:13
niemeyerGlobal is probably better.. not sure about what the default should be11:14
niemeyerMaybe emitting?11:14
niemeyerAlso, it should likely be named emit instead of trigger, as that's what we already use everywhere11:14
niemeyerAlso shorter, but that's just a bonus of consistency11:15
niemeyerNot exactly the reply I expected11:20
Chipacaniemeyer: sorry, i read it as a status dump, didn't think you were actually asking me there11:21
Chipacaniemeyer: I think john was slightly in favour of not emitting by default, but i might have misunderstood. I do think there is value in both approaches, and if we can support both that is the right approach11:22
niemeyerYeah, it seems easy to support both, and indeed it's the best of both worlds11:23
Chipacawrt which to do by default, i don't know which would be more surprising11:23
niemeyerThe problem with emitting always is that it becomes harder to create specific sequences of events11:23
Chipacathe 'set things up, now be alive, now test' seems to flow naturally11:23
Chipacawith the other approach being just to ask it to be alive before setting things up11:23
Chipacaconversely, 'refrain from emitting, set things up, start emitting, test' seems more awkward11:24
Chipacaniemeyer: so the emit-by-default only makes sense if we're sure that's what people will be using most of the time11:25
niemeyerIt's a bit unfortunate that we don't have a chance of getting it wrong and then fixing it11:25
FacuMuy buenos días a todos!11:26
Chipacawell, we kinda do11:26
ChipacaFacu: salut!11:27
niemeyerFacu: Hey, good morning11:27
Facuhola Chipaca, niemeyer, happy friday!11:27
ChipacaFacu: likewise!11:27
FacuChipaca, I'm curious on what evil had the laptop11:27
Chipacani ideq11:29
Chipacathey changed the motherboard and it works again11:29
FacuChipaca, ah, ok11:30
Facuit was the motherboard, then! jeje11:30
Chipacaor the cpu (soldered on)11:31
Chipacaor the thermal paste11:31
Chipacawho knows11:32
FacuChipaca, at least they changed something, it's not that they used a magic wand or a sonic screwdriver and that was all11:33
Chipacaniemeyer: i seem to remember you mentioning that there was a document about the next-gen charm tool, particularly around verbs12:07
Chipacawith maybe some workflows worked out?12:07
Chipacaniemeyer: if so, i can haz?12:07
Chipacaif not, booooooooo i coulda used that :)12:08
niemeyerChipaca: Let me find it12:16
niemeyerChipaca: The focus was juju and snap themselves, so I'm not entirely sure about the quality of the charmcraft details12:16
Chipacaah, ok12:17
niemeyerChipaca: This is one:12:17
niemeyerIf only copy and paste worked..12:18
niemeyerThis is another one:12:18
* Facu bookmarks13:00
Facuah, yes, I was involved in the second13:00
Facu(with other hat in my head, though)13:00
=== Facu is now known as facubatista
facubatistaone "idea" or "concept" is WHAT from one place to other? "transported"? "carried"?13:22
Chipacafacubatista: infected :-)16:53
facubatistaniemeyer, how can I edit these pages? https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/charm-writing/1260 (or suggest changes?) I already found two types17:44
niemeyerfacubatista: Commenting on the topic, or having indeed having access to edit it18:35
facubatistaIt looks I don't have access, indeed18:36
facubatistathought about commenting, but these topics don't have any reply18:37
niemeyerThey should.. if you raise something and nobody responds, that's something we ought to fix18:39
facubatistaI just replied both entries, let's see how it goes18:51
facubatistaaghh, "New in version 3.7.", wanted to use that! :p20:19
* facubatista eods, and eows! see you all on Wednesday!!21:07

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