
lotuspsychjegood morning03:43
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lotuspsychjeTJ-: got your 20.04 server issue fixed?11:15
TJ-lotuspsychje: no, we're working on it now. Fetched the lxd snap source and currently trying to figure it out11:33
lotuspsychjethink i filed like 15 bugs on -desktop this time11:34
TJ-the lxd snap ships with dnsmasq included in it. It isn't being started. This is a basic "sudo snap install lxd; sudo lxd init" with default options, then "lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 u1" - container never gets IPv4 since host LXD isn't starting dnsmasq ("lxc list" shows no IPs and monitoring the lxdbr0 bridge shows the container requesting a lease and nothing responding)11:53
lotuspsychjeyou get this bug on bionic too?11:55
TJ-not tried it on 18.04, only on 19.10 where it doesn't occur12:45
TJ-it must be the lxd snap since it includes dnsmasq 12:46
lotuspsychjei see12:46
TJ-this is what happens when they abandon .deb packaging and isolate things. makes it incredibly difficult to diagnose12:46
lotuspsychjefor production, the last thing the admin needs, is hours of digging12:47
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lotuspsychjeconfirmed & updated bug #1868273 feel free to also test an easy115:06
ubottubug 1868273 in geary (Ubuntu) "geary don't start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186827315:06
sveinseI have a Lenovo P51 laptop with hybrid graphics that I'm struggeling to get to work with multiple screens. This works fine in 18.04, but not in 19.10 and 20.04. xrandr reports no additional screens. I'm running hybrid graphics and nvidias latest 440 driver. How can I approach debugging this?17:17
sveinseLet's begin in the xrandr end: How is the number of screens listed in xrandr controlled? Where is this coming from?17:23
sveinseI'm starting to get concerned that 20.04 will be released and that it won't work on the P51 laptop (which I purchased from Canonicals advice as "approved for Ubuntu"). And I have no clue how to debug xorg and gnome for this :(18:05
rfmAfter trying both the server and live-server images, it appears that the experimental ZFS root install is only in the desktop versions, amirite?18:10
rfm(I realize I am probably insane to even consider installing a server with an experimental feature of a pre-released OS)18:11
rfm 18:14
longstrideIs anybody else having any issues with configuring gnome extensions in 20.04?  I can install extensions just fine, but the settings button to configure the extension is entirely unresponsive18:23
lotuspsychjeyeah longstride its a known bug18:24
lotuspsychjelemme pass you the bug ID holdon18:24
sveinselongstride: I noticed it today too18:24
lotuspsychjelongstride sveinse bug #186744518:24
ubottubug 1867445 in gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock (Ubuntu) "Workspaces to dock extension does not launch anymore" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186744518:24
lotuspsychjethis one is tested with workspaces to dick extension, ive seen other people having this bug with other extensions aswell18:25
lotuspsychjedock sorry18:25
lotuspsychjelongstride: its since the extensions app joined, things got stuck for me18:26
longstrideI'm having this issue with both built-in and manually installed extensions.  In fact, my manually installed extensions don't even show up in the new extensions app18:26
lotuspsychjelongstride: yeah, same here, in gnome-tweaks they still show18:27
longstridelotuspsychje, yes that's right18:27
lotuspsychjelongstride: as im unsure wich package is really faulty, i bugged against the extension itself18:28
lotuspsychjei assume, its the new extension app blocking things, but i didnt find its packagename yet18:29
longstrideIs the bug 1867445 specific to that one extension, or is it meant to encompass the general gnome extensions issue?18:31
ubottubug 1867445 in gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock (Ubuntu) "Workspaces to dock extension does not launch anymore" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186744518:31
lotuspsychjelongstride: this one is mine, filed specificly to workspaces to dock extension, cause thats the one not working for me18:32
lotuspsychjelongstride: wich extension does not work at your side?18:32
sveinseYeeeeaahhhhh! Finally some breakthrough! nouveau works and is able to detect multiple screens, including thunderbolt over USB3. I finally have my external 4k screen up and running!18:32
sveinseIt surprises me that nvidias own driver can't thou18:32
longstridewell the extensions all seem to be working...it's just the buttons to configure their settings are non-responsive18:33
lotuspsychjelongstride: yeah, the little gear next the extension right?18:33
longstridefor example, I installed Minimize to Tray, it's enabled and everything, but I can't drill down to it's settings to specify which applications it should be applied to18:34
longstridelotuspsychje: yes that's right18:34
longstrideor even the wrench and screwdriver button on the extensions website18:34
lotuspsychjelongstride: its also possible they are still working on it18:34
lotuspsychjeso, i havent found yet what conflicts exactly, hence i filed against my 1 extension18:35
longstrideOk I see18:36
longstrideWell at least I know it's not just on my end18:36
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell-extension-prefs18:36
ubottuPackage gnome-shell-extension-prefs does not exist in focal18:36
lotuspsychjethink its something built-in, rather then a package18:37
longstrideI have to say though, other than these few issues, I'm really happy with 20.0418:38
lotuspsychjeyeah it starts to shape allright, but i think i filed about 15 bugs now18:39
sveinseis it likely that COVID-19 will affect the release schedule for focal?18:39
UssatI would assume, its effecting everything18:39
longstrideanybody using fractional scaling?18:42
longstrideI had it enabled with no issues, until I tried to open some steam games and everything just went nuts.  I think it has something to do with me using multiple monitors, but all my screens were flashing, app windows were moving from one screen to another, random resolution changes18:45
sveinserunning nouveau (man, I trip over that spelling every time) apparently have no gfx acceleration due to considerable tearing. Is it running all rending in software?19:16
takov751I just found interesting in ubuntu 20.04  when i updated hplip . https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/TnZBjFHZRb/19:17
takov751I know its just few syntax warning . Is this just remaining python2 syntax which was left in the code? 19:18
takov751Nevermind i found the information . Its just a advisory message for devs to change code for later release https://docs.python.org/3.8/whatsnew/3.8.html#changes-in-python-behavior19:22
takov751This means this will be a regular message to see :D19:22
FurretUberHi, I understand casper purpose on Ubuntu is basically for the installer, but I'm making a live system that boots from squashfs (based on 20.04) for a... special computer. The problem I'm having is that it does not create the live user.23:35
FurretUberResulting in a live system that has no user. What configuration/packages should I see to make the live user be created?23:36

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