
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
Eighth_Doctorwould someone be able to process this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pagure/+bug/186777502:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867775 in pagure (Ubuntu) "Sync pagure 5.8.1+dfsg-3 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Undecided,New]02:35
Eighth_Doctorit's a sync request for a package in focal from debian sid that only contains packaging fixes02:35
Eighth_Doctorthere's basically zero risk to the ubuntu archive02:36
RAOFConan Kudo: Hm. What is that actually fixing? You say “basically no risk”, but the second changelog entry suggests that the first one broke the package 😜03:42
ivoksrafaeldtinoco why not just take over ubuntu-ha? it has more members, ppas, history...?06:04
alkisgHi, what's the last date when we can sync bug-fixing-releases from debian without FFEs? FinalFreeze on April 16th? (there's a security issue I'm trying to find the best way to resolve)06:42
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LocutusOfBorghello tjaalton, did you have chance to test it?09:35
Laneyddstreet: Just noticed that all(?) systemd-upstream CIs are borked ...09:36
Laneythey seem to randomly terminate with no useful output09:36
tjaaltonLocutusOfBorg: yes, didn't help :/09:38
tjaaltonLocutusOfBorg: filed it upstream as https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/19109:38
tjaaltonfedora doesn't seem to enable polly, which is why they haven't hit this09:38
LocutusOfBorgtjaalton, do you have a log?09:51
tjaaltonLocutusOfBorg: looks the same09:51
LocutusOfBorgmmm strange, the bug and patches looked good to me09:52
tjaaltonsomething broke the url handler in terminator..10:27
ginggshasta la vista url handler10:29
sil2100Aw crap, the langpack gpg key expired11:06
sil2100seb128: hey! Do you remember the procedure of getting new gpg keys for Ubuntu Langpack Uploader ?11:07
sil2100The current key expired 2020-02-1011:07
Eighth_DoctorRAOF: well, I mean, the package is kind of broken right now, when I meant no risk, nothing important in ubuntu would break :P11:11
Eighth_Doctoras of right now, the missing dependency and the broken maint scripts means this thing doesn't work at all11:12
sil2100Oh, and I need to wait for the translation stats to publish, the first focal ones should appear soonish11:55
sil2100So I'll kick the updates then11:55
ddstreetLaney it seems like some are currently running ok, did you fix it?11:57
Laneythey will probably fail out11:57
Laneyor you mean you can see successful results?11:57
ddstreetno i was jjust looking at currently running ones - i'm pulling the last 40 finished runs now to look at11:58
seb128sil2100, no idea, I don't think the key ever expired since pitti left12:30
xnoxdoko:  have you been working on removal of unversioned python build-deps? or not at the moment? I think I see a few more, but not too sure if they are in progress or not.13:11
dokoxnox: I had the hope I catched them all. what are you seeing?13:18
xnoxdoko:  things like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cinfony/+bug/186825913:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1868259 in cinfony (Ubuntu) "RM: build-dep python; cannot be built anymore; removed from testing" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:19
xnoxdoko:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WbcnxrPn8v/13:21
xnoxdoko:  lots of Build-Depends-Indep: python (>= 2.*)13:21
ddstreetLaney yeah it seems like the testbed is hanging while installing the newly built systemd pkgs to test :-/13:21
xnoxand Build-Depends: python (>= 2.*) too13:22
ddstreeti'll run some tests manually to see if it hangs for me also13:22
dokohmm, wondering why I didn't catch those13:22
Laneyddstreet: :(13:22
Laneyhopefully it does and then you get get into the instance to debug13:22
xnoxdoko:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JnbqWMD9xh/ is the pkg list imho13:22
xnoxdoko:  but some might be like fixed in -proposed =( i don't have a good way to catch that13:23
dokocrap, some more work :-(13:24
xnoxdoko:  do you want to do them? or me?13:24
xnoxdoko:  i don't have powers to like RM packages like cinfony above13:24
xnox(cannot be built anymore, removed from testing)13:24
dokoI'll walk through that list13:25
xnoxthank you, hopefully most of it, is just RM removed from debian13:25
xnoxsome we still need for sure, like libaccounts-glib13:26
xnoxbut not sure13:26
dokoxnox: edgy-community-wallpapers, naked people?13:30
xnoxdoko:  let's see13:31
xnoxdoko:  naked people were calendar wallpapers, no?!13:31
xnoxdoko:  that one is just a plant13:31
xnoxdoko:  which for a static file has setup.py and setup.cfg13:32
xnoxah to translate <_name>Dawn Of Ubuntu</_name>13:32
xnoxdoko:  i'll make that one python313:32
xnoxdoko:  continue with something else13:32
cjwatsonthe dubious wallpapers were edgy in nature but not in timing :)13:33
xnoxuploaded port to python313:40
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EickmeyerHi all! I've got some very pressing issues in ubiquity that need to be taken care of. At first I had bug 1851346 back in December, but now bug 1868191 has popped up and they're both related to the manual package selection for Ubuntu Studio.15:21
ubottubug 1851346 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Focal) "Ubuntu Studio 19.10 Installer Causes Wanted Programs to be Removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185134615:21
ubottubug 1868191 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Unchecking all optional media apps, install fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186819115:21
EickmeyerI see two solutions for this: 1) we fix the problem (preferable) or 2) we disable the package selection altogether.15:22
EickmeyerEither way, I don't want these bugs landing in an LTS, and I don't have the know-how to fix them15:22
Eickmeyerbdmurray: ^15:22
bdmurrayEickmeyer: bug 1851346 is on our list of things to fix15:24
ubottubug 1851346 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Focal) "Ubuntu Studio 19.10 Installer Causes Wanted Programs to be Removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185134615:24
Eickmeyerbdmurray: I hope so. Looks like 1868191 might be a duplicate? I'm not sure, but it seems to be the same problem.15:26
bdmurrayEickmeyer: I'll add it to our list to look at as a team15:38
Eickmeyerbdmurray: I'd appreciate it. :)15:38
bdmurrayvorlon: Is there any duplicate searching to be done for bug 1867431 or did you do that already?16:14
ubottubug 1867431 in glibc (Ubuntu) "ERROR got an error from dpkg for pkg: 'libc6'" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186743116:14
=== Serge is now known as hallyn
vorlonbdmurray: I had not looked for duplicates of LP: #186743116:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867431 in glibc (Ubuntu) "ERROR got an error from dpkg for pkg: 'libc6'" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186743116:53
vorloncoreycb: I was on PTO yesterday; did you get what you needed wrt python-decorator? (did you talk to #ubuntu-release?)16:54
rbasakbryce: I filed a fairly minor MP with definitely-needed commits that are finished from my branch, to reduce the size of the upcoming one. No rush to review, though it should be trivial.17:25

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